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JDK 11 java.base.jmod - Base Module
JDK 11 java.base.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Base module.
JDK 11 Base module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\java.base.jmod.
JDK 11 Base module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.
JDK 11 Base module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\\java.base.
You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.
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/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package java.lang.invoke; import; import; import sun.invoke.util.Wrapper; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Helper class to assist the GenerateJLIClassesPlugin to get access to * generate classes ahead of time. */ class GenerateJLIClassesHelper { static byte[] generateBasicFormsClassBytes(String className) { ArrayList<LambdaForm> forms = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); HashSet<String> dedupSet = new HashSet<>(); for (LambdaForm.BasicType type : LambdaForm.BasicType.values()) { LambdaForm zero = LambdaForm.zeroForm(type); String name = zero.kind.defaultLambdaName + "_" + zero.returnType().basicTypeChar(); if (dedupSet.add(name)) { names.add(name); forms.add(zero); } LambdaForm identity = LambdaForm.identityForm(type); name = identity.kind.defaultLambdaName + "_" + identity.returnType().basicTypeChar(); if (dedupSet.add(name)) { names.add(name); forms.add(identity); } } return generateCodeBytesForLFs(className, names.toArray(new String[0]), forms.toArray(new LambdaForm[0])); } static byte[] generateDirectMethodHandleHolderClassBytes(String className, MethodType[] methodTypes, int[] types) { ArrayList<LambdaForm> forms = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < methodTypes.length; i++) { LambdaForm form = DirectMethodHandle .makePreparedLambdaForm(methodTypes[i], types[i]); forms.add(form); names.add(form.kind.defaultLambdaName); } for (Wrapper wrapper : Wrapper.values()) { if (wrapper == Wrapper.VOID) { continue; } for (byte b = DirectMethodHandle.AF_GETFIELD; b < DirectMethodHandle.AF_LIMIT; b++) { int ftype = DirectMethodHandle.ftypeKind(wrapper.primitiveType()); LambdaForm form = DirectMethodHandle .makePreparedFieldLambdaForm(b, /*isVolatile*/false, ftype); if (form.kind != LambdaForm.Kind.GENERIC) { forms.add(form); names.add(form.kind.defaultLambdaName); } // volatile form = DirectMethodHandle .makePreparedFieldLambdaForm(b, /*isVolatile*/true, ftype); if (form.kind != LambdaForm.Kind.GENERIC) { forms.add(form); names.add(form.kind.defaultLambdaName); } } } return generateCodeBytesForLFs(className, names.toArray(new String[0]), forms.toArray(new LambdaForm[0])); } static byte[] generateDelegatingMethodHandleHolderClassBytes(String className, MethodType[] methodTypes) { HashSet<MethodType> dedupSet = new HashSet<>(); ArrayList<LambdaForm> forms = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < methodTypes.length; i++) { // generate methods representing the DelegatingMethodHandle if (dedupSet.add(methodTypes[i])) { // reinvokers are variant with the associated SpeciesData // and shape of the target LF, but we can easily pregenerate // the basic reinvokers associated with Species_L. Ultimately we // may want to consider pregenerating more of these, which will // require an even more complex naming scheme LambdaForm reinvoker = makeReinvokerFor(methodTypes[i]); forms.add(reinvoker); String speciesSig = BoundMethodHandle.speciesDataFor(reinvoker).key(); assert(speciesSig.equals("L")); names.add(reinvoker.kind.defaultLambdaName + "_" + speciesSig); LambdaForm delegate = makeDelegateFor(methodTypes[i]); forms.add(delegate); names.add(delegate.kind.defaultLambdaName); } } return generateCodeBytesForLFs(className, names.toArray(new String[0]), forms.toArray(new LambdaForm[0])); } static byte[] generateInvokersHolderClassBytes(String className, MethodType[] invokerMethodTypes, MethodType[] callSiteMethodTypes) { HashSet<MethodType> dedupSet = new HashSet<>(); ArrayList<LambdaForm> forms = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); int[] types = { MethodTypeForm.LF_EX_LINKER, MethodTypeForm.LF_EX_INVOKER, MethodTypeForm.LF_GEN_LINKER, MethodTypeForm.LF_GEN_INVOKER }; for (int i = 0; i < invokerMethodTypes.length; i++) { // generate methods representing invokers of the specified type if (dedupSet.add(invokerMethodTypes[i])) { for (int type : types) { LambdaForm invokerForm = Invokers.invokeHandleForm(invokerMethodTypes[i], /*customized*/false, type); forms.add(invokerForm); names.add(invokerForm.kind.defaultLambdaName); } } } dedupSet = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < callSiteMethodTypes.length; i++) { // generate methods representing invokers of the specified type if (dedupSet.add(callSiteMethodTypes[i])) { LambdaForm callSiteForm = Invokers.callSiteForm(callSiteMethodTypes[i], true); forms.add(callSiteForm); names.add(callSiteForm.kind.defaultLambdaName); LambdaForm methodHandleForm = Invokers.callSiteForm(callSiteMethodTypes[i], false); forms.add(methodHandleForm); names.add(methodHandleForm.kind.defaultLambdaName); } } return generateCodeBytesForLFs(className, names.toArray(new String[0]), forms.toArray(new LambdaForm[0])); } /* * Generate customized code for a set of LambdaForms of specified types into * a class with a specified name. */ private static byte[] generateCodeBytesForLFs(String className, String[] names, LambdaForm[] forms) { ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS + ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES); cw.visit(Opcodes.V1_8, Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE + Opcodes.ACC_FINAL + Opcodes.ACC_SUPER, className, null, InvokerBytecodeGenerator.INVOKER_SUPER_NAME, null); cw.visitSource(className.substring(className.lastIndexOf('/') + 1), null); for (int i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) { addMethod(className, names[i], forms[i], forms[i].methodType(), cw); } return cw.toByteArray(); } private static void addMethod(String className, String methodName, LambdaForm form, MethodType type, ClassWriter cw) { InvokerBytecodeGenerator g = new InvokerBytecodeGenerator(className, methodName, form, type); g.setClassWriter(cw); g.addMethod(); } private static LambdaForm makeReinvokerFor(MethodType type) { MethodHandle emptyHandle = MethodHandles.empty(type); return DelegatingMethodHandle.makeReinvokerForm(emptyHandle, MethodTypeForm.LF_REBIND, BoundMethodHandle.speciesData_L(), BoundMethodHandle.speciesData_L().getterFunction(0)); } private static LambdaForm makeDelegateFor(MethodType type) { MethodHandle handle = MethodHandles.empty(type); return DelegatingMethodHandle.makeReinvokerForm( handle, MethodTypeForm.LF_DELEGATE, DelegatingMethodHandle.class, DelegatingMethodHandle.NF_getTarget); } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) static Map.Entry<String, byte[]> generateConcreteBMHClassBytes(final String types) { for (char c : types.toCharArray()) { if ("LIJFD".indexOf(c) < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("All characters must " + "correspond to a basic field type: LIJFD"); } } final BoundMethodHandle.SpeciesData species = BoundMethodHandle.SPECIALIZER.findSpecies(types); final String className = species.speciesCode().getName(); final ClassSpecializer.Factory factory = BoundMethodHandle.SPECIALIZER.factory(); final byte[] code = factory.generateConcreteSpeciesCodeFile(className, species); return Map.entry(className.replace('.', '/'), code); } }
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