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JDK 11 jdk.compiler.jmod - Compiler Tool
JDK 11 jdk.compiler.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Compiler tool, which can be invoked by the "javac" command.
JDK 11 Compiler tool compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\jdk.compiler.jmod.
JDK 11 Compiler tool compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.
JDK 11 Compiler source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\\jdk.compiler.
You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.
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⏎ com/sun/tools/javac/resources/
package; public final class compiler extends java.util.ListResourceBundle { protected final Object[][] getContents() { return new Object[][] { { "", "abstract {0} {1} in {2} cannot be accessed directly" }, { "", "{0} is abstract; cannot be instantiated" }, { "compiler.err.abstract.meth.cant.have.body", "abstract methods cannot have a body" }, { "compiler.err.add.exports.with.release", "exporting a package from system module {0} is not allowed with --release" }, { "compiler.err.add.reads.with.release", "adding read edges for system module {0} is not allowed with --release" }, { "compiler.err.addmods.all.module.path.invalid", "--add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH can only be used when compiling the unnamed module" }, { "compiler.err.already.annotated", "{0} {1} has already been annotated" }, { "compiler.err.already.defined", "{0} {1} is already defined in {2} {3}" }, { "", "{0} {1} is already defined in {2} of {3} {4}" }, { "compiler.err.already.defined.single.import", "a type with the same simple name is already defined by the single-type-import of {0}" }, { "compiler.err.already.defined.static.single.import", "a type with the same simple name is already defined by the static single-type-import of {0}" }, { "compiler.err.already.defined.this.unit", "{0} is already defined in this compilation unit" }, { "", "annotation type declaration not allowed here" }, { "compiler.err.annotation.missing.default.value", "annotation @{0} is missing a default value for the element ''{1}''" }, { "compiler.err.annotation.missing.default.value.1", "annotation @{0} is missing default values for elements {1}" }, { "compiler.err.annotation.not.valid.for.type", "annotation not valid for an element of type {0}" }, { "compiler.err.annotation.type.not.applicable", "annotation type not applicable to this kind of declaration" }, { "", "annotation @{0} not applicable in this type context" }, { "", "annotation value must be an annotation" }, { "", "annotation value must be a class literal" }, { "", "annotation values must be of the form ''name=value''" }, { "compiler.err.annotation.value.not.allowable.type", "annotation value not of an allowable type" }, { "", "anonymous class implements interface; cannot have arguments" }, { "", "anonymous class implements interface; cannot have qualifier for new" }, { "", "anonymous class implements interface; cannot have type arguments" }, { "compiler.err.anonymous.diamond.method.does.not.override.superclass", "method does not override or implement a method from a supertype\n{0}" }, { "compiler.err.array.and.receiver", "legacy array notation not allowed on receiver parameter" }, { "compiler.err.array.and.varargs", "cannot declare both {0} and {1} in {2}" }, { "compiler.err.array.dimension.missing", "array dimension missing" }, { "compiler.err.array.req.but.found", "array required, but {0} found" }, { "", "as of release 1.4, ''assert'' is a keyword, and may not be used as an identifier" }, { "", "element value must be a constant expression" }, { "compiler.err.bad.functional.intf.anno", "Unexpected @FunctionalInterface annotation" }, { "compiler.err.bad.functional.intf.anno.1", "Unexpected @FunctionalInterface annotation\n{0}" }, { "compiler.err.bad.initializer", "bad initializer for {0}" }, { "", "bad name in value for {0} option: ''{1}''" }, { "", "polymorphic signature calls are not supported in -target {0}\n(use -target {1} or higher to enable polymorphic signature calls)" }, { "compiler.err.bad.value.for.option", "bad value for {0} option: ''{1}''" }, { "compiler.err.break.outside.switch.loop", "break outside switch or loop" }, { "", "call to {0} must be first statement in constructor" }, { "", "call to super not allowed in enum constructor" }, { "compiler.err.cannot.create.array.with.diamond", "cannot create array with ''<>''" }, { "compiler.err.cannot.create.array.with.type.arguments", "cannot create array with type arguments" }, { "compiler.err.cannot.generate.class", "error while generating class {0}\n({1})" }, { "compiler.err.cant.access", "cannot access {0}\n{1}" }, { "compiler.err.cant.apply.diamond", "cannot infer type arguments for {0}" }, { "compiler.err.cant.apply.diamond.1", "cannot infer type arguments for {0}\nreason: {1}" }, { "compiler.err.cant.apply.symbol", "{0} {1} in {4} {5} cannot be applied to given types;\nrequired: {2}\nfound: {3}\nreason: {6}" }, { "compiler.err.cant.apply.symbols", "no suitable {0} found for {1}({2})" }, { "", "cannot assign a value to final variable {0}" }, { "", "cannot assign to ''this''" }, { "compiler.err.cant.deref", "{0} cannot be dereferenced" }, { "compiler.err.cant.extend.intf.annotation", "''extends'' not allowed for @interfaces" }, { "compiler.err.cant.infer.local.var.type", "cannot infer type for local variable {0}\n({1})" }, { "compiler.err.cant.inherit.diff.arg", "{0} cannot be inherited with different arguments: <{1}> and <{2}>" }, { "compiler.err.cant.inherit.from.anon", "cannot inherit from anonymous class" }, { "", "cannot inherit from final {0}" }, { "", "cannot read: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.cant.ref.before.ctor.called", "cannot reference {0} before supertype constructor has been called" }, { "", "local variables referenced from {1} must be final or effectively final" }, { "compiler.err.cant.resolve", "cannot find symbol\nsymbol: {0} {1}" }, { "compiler.err.cant.resolve.args", "cannot find symbol\nsymbol: {0} {1}({3})" }, { "compiler.err.cant.resolve.args.params", "cannot find symbol\nsymbol: {0} <{2}>{1}({3})" }, { "compiler.err.cant.resolve.location", "cannot find symbol\nsymbol: {0} {1}\nlocation: {4}" }, { "compiler.err.cant.resolve.location.args", "cannot find symbol\nsymbol: {0} {1}({3})\nlocation: {4}" }, { "compiler.err.cant.resolve.location.args.params", "cannot find symbol\nsymbol: {0} <{2}>{1}({3})\nlocation: {4}" }, { "", "cannot select a static class from a parameterized type" }, { "compiler.err.cant.type.annotate.scoping", "scoping construct cannot be annotated with type-use annotations: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.cant.type.annotate.scoping.1", "scoping construct cannot be annotated with type-use annotation: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.catch.without.try", "''catch'' without ''try''" }, { "", "{0} {1} clashes with package of same name" }, { "compiler.err.class.cant.write", "error while writing {0}: {1}" }, { "compiler.err.class.not.allowed", "class, interface or enum declaration not allowed here" }, { "", "{0} {1} is public, should be declared in a file named {1}.java" }, { "compiler.err.concrete.inheritance.conflict", "methods {0} from {1} and {2} from {3} are inherited with the same signature" }, { "compiler.err.conflicting.exports", "duplicate or conflicting exports: {0}" }, { "", "duplicate or conflicting exports to module: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.conflicting.opens", "duplicate or conflicting opens: {0}" }, { "", "duplicate or conflicting opens to module: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.const.expr.req", "constant expression required" }, { "compiler.err.cont.outside.loop", "continue outside of loop" }, { "compiler.err.cyclic.annotation.element", "type of element {0} is cyclic" }, { "compiler.err.cyclic.inheritance", "cyclic inheritance involving {0}" }, { "compiler.err.cyclic.requires", "cyclic dependence involving {0}" }, { "compiler.err.dc.bad.entity", "bad HTML entity" }, { "", "bad use of ''>''" }, { "compiler.err.dc.bad.inline.tag", "incorrect use of inline tag" }, { "", "''>'' expected" }, { "compiler.err.dc.identifier.expected", "identifier expected" }, { "compiler.err.dc.malformed.html", "malformed HTML" }, { "compiler.err.dc.missing.semicolon", "semicolon missing" }, { "", "no content" }, { "", "no tag name after '@'" }, { "compiler.err.dc.ref.bad.parens", "'')'' missing in reference" }, { "compiler.err.dc.ref.syntax.error", "syntax error in reference" }, { "compiler.err.dc.ref.unexpected.input", "unexpected text" }, { "compiler.err.dc.unexpected.content", "unexpected content" }, { "compiler.err.dc.unterminated.inline.tag", "unterminated inline tag" }, { "compiler.err.dc.unterminated.signature", "unterminated signature" }, { "compiler.err.dc.unterminated.string", "unterminated string" }, { "", "default value only allowed in an annotation type declaration" }, { "compiler.err.default.overrides.object.member", "default method {0} in {1} {2} overrides a member of java.lang.Object" }, { "compiler.err.does.not.override.abstract", "{0} is not abstract and does not override abstract method {1} in {2}" }, { "compiler.err.doesnt.exist", "package {0} does not exist" }, { "", "''.class'' expected" }, { "compiler.err.duplicate.annotation.invalid.repeated", "annotation {0} is not a valid repeatable annotation" }, { "compiler.err.duplicate.annotation.member.value", "duplicate element ''{0}'' in annotation @{1}." }, { "compiler.err.duplicate.annotation.missing.container", "{0} is not a repeatable annotation type" }, { "", "duplicate case label" }, { "compiler.err.duplicate.class", "duplicate class: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.duplicate.default.label", "duplicate default label" }, { "compiler.err.duplicate.module", "duplicate module: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.duplicate.module.on.path", "duplicate module on {0}\nmodule in {1}" }, { "compiler.err.duplicate.provides", "duplicate provides: service {0}, implementation {1}" }, { "compiler.err.duplicate.requires", "duplicate requires: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.duplicate.uses", "duplicate uses: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.else.without.if", "''else'' without ''if''" }, { "compiler.err.empty.A.argument", "-A requires an argument; use ''-Akey'' or ''-Akey=value''" }, { "compiler.err.empty.char.lit", "empty character literal" }, { "compiler.err.encl.class.required", "an enclosing instance that contains {0} is required" }, { "", "an enum annotation value must be an enum constant" }, { "", "as of release 5, ''enum'' is a keyword, and may not be used as an identifier" }, { "", "enum types may not be instantiated" }, { "", "an enum switch case label must be the unqualified name of an enumeration constant" }, { "", "enums cannot have finalize methods" }, { "", "classes cannot directly extend java.lang.Enum" }, { "compiler.err.enum.types.not.extensible", "enum types are not extensible" }, { "", "enum declarations allowed only in static contexts" }, { "compiler.err.error", "error: " }, { "compiler.err.error.reading.file", "error reading {0}; {1}" }, { "compiler.err.error.writing.file", "error writing {0}; {1}" }, { "compiler.err.except.already.caught", "exception {0} has already been caught" }, { "", "exception {0} is never thrown in body of corresponding try statement" }, { "compiler.err.expected", "{0} expected" }, { "compiler.err.expected.module", "expected ''module''" }, { "", "''module'' or ''open'' expected" }, { "compiler.err.expected.str", "{0} expected" }, { "compiler.err.expected2", "{0} or {1} expected" }, { "compiler.err.expected3", "{0}, {1}, or {2} expected" }, { "", "expression not allowed as annotation value" }, { "", "{0} is not supported in -source {1}\n(use -source {2} or higher to enable {0})" }, { "", "{0} are not supported in -source {1}\n(use -source {2} or higher to enable {0})" }, { "", "not a directory: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.file.not.file", "not a file: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.file.not.found", "file not found: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.file.patched.and.msp", "file accessible from both --patch-module and --module-source-path, but belongs to a different module on each path: {0}, {1}" }, { "", "file should be on source path, or on patch path for module" }, { "", "final parameter {0} may not be assigned" }, { "compiler.err.finally.without.try", "''finally'' without ''try''" }, { "", "for-each not applicable to expression type\nrequired: {1}\nfound: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.fp.number.too.large", "floating point number too large" }, { "compiler.err.fp.number.too.small", "floating point number too small" }, { "compiler.err.generic.array.creation", "generic array creation" }, { "compiler.err.generic.throwable", "a generic class may not extend java.lang.Throwable" }, { "compiler.err.icls.cant.have.static.decl", "Illegal static declaration in inner class {0}\nmodifier ''static'' is only allowed in constant variable declarations" }, { "compiler.err.illegal.argument.for.option", "illegal argument for {0}: {1}" }, { "compiler.err.illegal.array.creation.both.dimension.and.initialization", "array creation with both dimension expression and initialization is illegal" }, { "compiler.err.illegal.char", "illegal character: ''{0}''" }, { "compiler.err.illegal.char.for.encoding", "unmappable character (0x{0}) for encoding {1}" }, { "compiler.err.illegal.combination.of.modifiers", "illegal combination of modifiers: {0} and {1}" }, { "", "bad type qualifier {0} in default super call\n{1}" }, { "", "illegal ''.''" }, { "compiler.err.illegal.enum.static.ref", "illegal reference to static field from initializer" }, { "compiler.err.illegal.esc.char", "illegal escape character" }, { "compiler.err.illegal.forward.ref", "illegal forward reference" }, { "compiler.err.illegal.generic.type.for.instof", "illegal generic type for instanceof" }, { "compiler.err.illegal.initializer.for.type", "illegal initializer for {0}" }, { "", "illegal line end in character literal" }, { "compiler.err.illegal.nonascii.digit", "illegal non-ASCII digit" }, { "compiler.err.illegal.parenthesized.expression", "illegal parenthesized expression" }, { "compiler.err.illegal.qual.not.icls", "illegal qualifier; {0} is not an inner class" }, { "", "illegal reference to restricted type ''var''" }, { "compiler.err.illegal.self.ref", "self-reference in initializer" }, { "compiler.err.illegal.start.of.expr", "illegal start of expression" }, { "compiler.err.illegal.start.of.stmt", "illegal start of statement" }, { "compiler.err.illegal.start.of.type", "illegal start of type" }, { "", "illegal static interface method call\nthe receiver expression should be replaced with the type qualifier ''{0}''" }, { "compiler.err.illegal.underscore", "illegal underscore" }, { "compiler.err.illegal.unicode.esc", "illegal unicode escape" }, { "compiler.err.import.requires.canonical", "import requires canonical name for {0}" }, { "compiler.err.improperly.formed.type.inner.raw.param", "improperly formed type, type arguments given on a raw type" }, { "compiler.err.improperly.formed.type.param.missing", "improperly formed type, some parameters are missing" }, { "compiler.err.incomparable.types", "incomparable types: {0} and {1}" }, { "", "incompatible thrown types {0} in functional expression" }, { "", "the receiver name does not match the enclosing outer class type\nrequired: {0}\nfound: {1}" }, { "compiler.err.incorrect.constructor.receiver.type", "the receiver type does not match the enclosing outer class type\nrequired: {0}\nfound: {1}" }, { "", "the receiver name does not match the enclosing class type\nrequired: {0}\nfound: {1}" }, { "compiler.err.incorrect.receiver.type", "the receiver type does not match the enclosing class type\nrequired: {0}\nfound: {1}" }, { "", "initializer must be able to complete normally" }, { "compiler.err.initializer.not.allowed", "initializers not allowed in interfaces" }, { "", "integer number too large" }, { "compiler.err.intf.annotation.cant.have.type.params", "annotation type {0} cannot be generic" }, { "compiler.err.intf.annotation.member.clash", "annotation type {1} declares an element with the same name as method {0}" }, { "compiler.err.intf.annotation.members.cant.have.params", "elements in annotation type declarations cannot declare formal parameters" }, { "compiler.err.intf.annotation.members.cant.have.type.params", "elements in annotation type declarations cannot be generic methods" }, { "", "interface expected here" }, { "compiler.err.intf.meth.cant.have.body", "interface abstract methods cannot have body" }, { "", "interface not allowed here" }, { "compiler.err.invalid.A.key", "key in annotation processor option ''{0}'' is not a dot-separated sequence of identifiers" }, { "compiler.err.invalid.annotation.member.type", "invalid type for annotation type element" }, { "compiler.err.invalid.binary.number", "binary numbers must contain at least one binary digit" }, { "compiler.err.invalid.flag", "invalid flag: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.invalid.hex.number", "hexadecimal numbers must contain at least one hexadecimal digit" }, { "compiler.err.invalid.lambda.parameter.declaration", "invalid lambda parameter declaration\n({0})" }, { "compiler.err.invalid.meth.decl.ret.type.req", "invalid method declaration; return type required" }, { "compiler.err.invalid.module.directive", "module directive keyword or ''}'' expected" }, { "compiler.err.invalid.module.specifier", "module specifier not allowed: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.invalid.mref", "invalid {0} reference\n{1}" }, { "compiler.err.invalid.profile", "invalid profile: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.invalid.repeatable.annotation", "duplicate annotation: {0} is annotated with an invalid @Repeatable annotation" }, { "compiler.err.invalid.repeatable.annotation.elem.nondefault", "containing annotation type ({0}) does not have a default value for element {1}" }, { "", "containing annotation type ({0}) is applicable to more targets than repeatable annotation type ({1})" }, { "compiler.err.invalid.repeatable.annotation.invalid.value", "{0} is not a valid @Repeatable: invalid value element" }, { "compiler.err.invalid.repeatable.annotation.multiple.values", "{0} is not a valid @Repeatable, {1} element methods named ''value'' declared" }, { "", "{0} is not a valid @Repeatable, no value element method declared" }, { "compiler.err.invalid.repeatable.annotation.not.applicable", "container {0} is not applicable to element {1}" }, { "", "container {0} is not applicable in this type context" }, { "compiler.err.invalid.repeatable.annotation.not.documented", "repeatable annotation type ({1}) is @Documented while containing annotation type ({0}) is not" }, { "compiler.err.invalid.repeatable.annotation.not.inherited", "repeatable annotation type ({1}) is @Inherited while containing annotation type ({0}) is not" }, { "compiler.err.invalid.repeatable.annotation.repeated.and.container.present", "container {0} must not be present at the same time as the element it contains" }, { "compiler.err.invalid.repeatable.annotation.retention", "retention of containing annotation type ({0}) is shorter than the retention of repeatable annotation type ({2})" }, { "compiler.err.invalid.repeatable.annotation.value.return", "containing annotation type ({0}) must declare an element named ''value'' of type {2}" }, { "compiler.err.invalid.source", "invalid source release: {0}" }, { "", "invalid target release: {0}" }, { "", "error reading source file: {0}" }, { "", "label {0} already in use" }, { "compiler.err.lambda.body.neither.value.nor.void.compatible", "lambda body is neither value nor void compatible" }, { "compiler.err.limit.code", "code too large" }, { "compiler.err.limit.code.too.large.for.try.stmt", "code too large for try statement" }, { "compiler.err.limit.dimensions", "array type has too many dimensions" }, { "compiler.err.limit.locals", "too many local variables" }, { "compiler.err.limit.parameters", "too many parameters" }, { "compiler.err.limit.pool", "too many constants" }, { "", "too many constants in class {0}" }, { "compiler.err.limit.stack", "code requires too much stack" }, { "compiler.err.limit.string", "constant string too long" }, { "compiler.err.limit.string.overflow", "UTF8 representation for string \"{0}...\" is too long for the constant pool" }, { "compiler.err.local.enum", "enum types must not be local" }, { "", "local variable {0} is accessed from within inner class; needs to be declared final" }, { "compiler.err.locn.bad.module-info", "problem reading module-info.class in {0}" }, { "", "cannot determine module name for {0}" }, { "", "cannot read directory {0}" }, { "", "cannot read file {0}" }, { "compiler.err.locn.invalid.arg.for.xpatch", "invalid argument for --patch-module option: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.locn.module-info.not.allowed.on.patch.path", "module-info.class not allowed on patch path: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.malformed.fp.lit", "malformed floating point literal" }, { "compiler.err.method.does.not.override.superclass", "method does not override or implement a method from a supertype" }, { "compiler.err.missing.meth.body.or.decl.abstract", "missing method body, or declare abstract" }, { "compiler.err.missing.ret.stmt", "missing return statement" }, { "", "modifier {0} not allowed here" }, { "", "modifier {0} not allowed here" }, { "", "module declarations should be in a file named" }, { "", "module name {0} does not match expected name {1}" }, { "", "open module {0} has non-zero opens_count" }, { "compiler.err.module.not.found", "module not found: {0}" }, { "", "module {0} not found in module source path" }, { "compiler.err.module.not.found.on.module.source.path", "module not found on module source path" }, { "", "module source path must be specified if -m option is used" }, { "", "in multi-module mode, the output directory cannot be an exploded module: {0}" }, { "", "multi-catch parameter {0} may not be assigned" }, { "", "Alternatives in a multi-catch statement cannot be related by subclassing\nAlternative {0} is a subclass of alternative {1}" }, { "", "name clash: {0} and {1} have the same erasure" }, { "", "name clash: {0} in {1} and {2} in {3} have the same erasure, yet neither hides the other" }, { "", "name clash: {0}({1}) in {2} and {3}({4}) in {5} have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other" }, { "", "name clash: {0} {1} has two methods with the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other\nfirst method: {2}({3}) in {4}\nsecond method: {5}({6}) in {7}" }, { "", "{0} is reserved for internal use" }, { "compiler.err.native.meth.cant.have.body", "native methods cannot have a body" }, { "compiler.err.neither.conditional.subtype", "incompatible types for ?: neither is a subtype of the other\nsecond operand: {0}\nthird operand : {1}" }, { "", "''new'' not allowed in an annotation" }, { "", "no annotation member {0} in {1}" }, { "", "no annotations are allowed in the type of a class literal" }, { "", "no enclosing instance of type {0} is in scope" }, { "", "no interface expected here" }, { "", "{0} has no match in entry in {1}; required {2}" }, { "", "''opens'' only allowed in strong modules" }, { "", "no class output directory specified" }, { "", "package declarations not allowed in file" }, { "", "no source files" }, { "", "no source files or class names" }, { "", "{0} has no superclass." }, { "", "no value for {0} option" }, { "", "No file system provider is available to handle this file: {0}" }, { "", "non-static {0} {1} cannot be referenced from a static context" }, { "compiler.err.not.annotation.type", "{0} is not an annotation type" }, { "compiler.err.not.def.access.class.intf.cant.access", "{1}.{0} is defined in an inaccessible class or interface" }, { "compiler.err.not.def.access.class.intf.cant.access.reason", "{1}.{0} in package {2} is not accessible\n({3})" }, { "compiler.err.not.def.access.package.cant.access", "{0} is not visible\n({2})" }, { "compiler.err.not.def.public", "{0} is not public in {1}" }, { "compiler.err.not.def.public.cant.access", "{0} is not public in {1}; cannot be accessed from outside package" }, { "compiler.err.not.encl.class", "not an enclosing class: {0}" }, { "", "not in a module on the module source path" }, { "", "{0} is not available in profile ''{1}''" }, { "compiler.err.not.loop.label", "not a loop label: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.not.stmt", "not a statement" }, { "compiler.err.not.within.bounds", "type argument {0} is not within bounds of type-variable {1}" }, { "", "bad operand type {1} for unary operator ''{0}''" }, { "", "bad operand types for binary operator ''{0}''\nfirst type: {1}\nsecond type: {2}" }, { "", "option {0} not allowed with target {1}" }, { "compiler.err.option.removed.source", "Source option {0} is no longer supported. Use {1} or later." }, { "", "Target option {0} is no longer supported. Use {1} or later." }, { "compiler.err.option.too.many", "option {0} can only be specified once" }, { "compiler.err.orphaned", "orphaned {0}" }, { "", "class output directory must be specified if -m option is used" }, { "compiler.err.override.incompatible.ret", "{0}\nreturn type {1} is not compatible with {2}" }, { "compiler.err.override.meth", "{0}\noverridden method is {1}" }, { "compiler.err.override.meth.doesnt.throw", "{0}\noverridden method does not throw {1}" }, { "compiler.err.override.static", "{0}\noverriding method is static" }, { "compiler.err.override.weaker.access", "{0}\nattempting to assign weaker access privileges; was {1}" }, { "compiler.err.package.clash.from.requires", "module {0} reads package {1} from both {2} and {3}" }, { "", "the unnamed module reads package {0} from both {1} and {2}" }, { "compiler.err.package.empty.or.not.found", "package is empty or does not exist: {0}" }, { "", "package exists in another module: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.package.not.visible", "package {0} is not visible\n({1})" }, { "", "package annotations should be in file" }, { "", "package {0} clashes with class of same name" }, { "compiler.err.plugin.not.found", "plug-in not found: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.premature.eof", "reached end of file while parsing" }, { "compiler.err.preview.feature.disabled", "{0} is a preview feature and is disabled by default.\n(use --enable-preview to enable {0})" }, { "compiler.err.preview.feature.disabled.classfile", "classfile for {0} uses preview features of Java SE {1}.\n(use --enable-preview to allow loading of classfiles which contain preview features)" }, { "compiler.err.preview.feature.disabled.plural", "{0} are a preview feature and are disabled by default.\n(use --enable-preview to enable {0})" }, { "compiler.err.preview.not.latest", "invalid source release {0} with --enable-preview\n(preview language features are only supported for release {1})" }, { "compiler.err.preview.without.source.or.release", "--enable-preview must be used with either -source or --release" }, { "compiler.err.prob.found.req", "incompatible types: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.proc.bad.config.file", "Bad service configuration file, or exception thrown while constructing Processor object: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.proc.cant.access", "cannot access {0}\n{1}\nConsult the following stack trace for details.\n{2}" }, { "compiler.err.proc.cant.access.1", "cannot access {0}\n{1}" }, { "compiler.err.proc.cant.create.loader", "Could not create class loader for annotation processors: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.proc.cant.find.class", "Could not find class file for ''{0}''." }, { "compiler.err.proc.messager", "{0}" }, { "", "Class names, ''{0}'', are only accepted if annotation processing is explicitly requested" }, { "", "A ServiceLoader was not usable and is required for annotation processing." }, { "", "Bad option name ''{0}'' provided by processor ''{1}''" }, { "compiler.err.proc.processor.cant.instantiate", "Could not instantiate an instance of processor ''{0}''" }, { "compiler.err.proc.processor.not.found", "Annotation processor ''{0}'' not found" }, { "compiler.err.proc.processor.wrong.type", "Annotation processor ''{0}'' does not implement javax.annotation.processing.Processor" }, { "compiler.err.proc.service.problem", "Error creating a service loader to load Processors." }, { "", "illegal combination of -processorpath and --processor-module-path" }, { "compiler.err.profile.bootclasspath.conflict", "profile and bootclasspath options cannot be used together" }, { "", "qualified new of static class" }, { "compiler.err.receiver.parameter.not.applicable.constructor.toplevel.class", "receiver parameter not applicable for constructor of top-level class" }, { "compiler.err.recursive.ctor.invocation", "recursive constructor invocation" }, { "compiler.err.ref.ambiguous", "reference to {0} is ambiguous\nboth {1} {2} in {3} and {4} {5} in {6} match" }, { "compiler.err.release.bootclasspath.conflict", "option {0} cannot be used together with --release" }, { "", "repeated annotation target" }, { "compiler.err.repeated.interface", "repeated interface" }, { "compiler.err.repeated.modifier", "repeated modifier" }, { "compiler.err.repeated.provides.for.service", "multiple ''provides'' for service {0}" }, { "compiler.err.repeated.value.for.patch.module", "--patch-module specified more than once for {0}" }, { "", "{0} has {1} access in {2}" }, { "compiler.err.req.arg", "{0} requires an argument" }, { "compiler.err.ret.outside.meth", "return outside method" }, { "", "classes: {0} and {1} have the same binary name" }, { "", "the service definition is an enum: {0}" }, { "", "the service implementation does not have a default constructor: {0}" }, { "", "the service implementation is an abstract class: {0}" }, { "", "the service implementation is an inner class: {0}" }, { "", "the service implementation type must be a subtype of the service interface type, or have a public static no-args method named \"provider\" returning the service implementation" }, { "", "the no arguments constructor of the service implementation is not public: {0}" }, { "", "service implementation must be defined in the same module as the provides directive" }, { "", "the \"provider\" method return type must be a subtype of the service interface type" }, { "compiler.err.signature.doesnt.match.intf", "signature does not match {0}; incompatible interfaces" }, { "compiler.err.signature.doesnt.match.supertype", "signature does not match {0}; incompatible supertype" }, { "compiler.err.source.cant.overwrite.input.file", "error writing source; cannot overwrite input file {0}" }, { "compiler.err.sourcepath.modulesourcepath.conflict", "cannot specify both --source-path and --module-source-path" }, { "compiler.err.stack.sim.error", "Internal error: stack sim error on {0}" }, { "compiler.err.static.imp.only.classes.and.interfaces", "static import only from classes and interfaces" }, { "", "static methods cannot be annotated with @Override" }, { "compiler.err.string.const.req", "constant string expression required" }, { "", "as of release 8, ''this'' is allowed as the parameter name for the receiver type only\nwhich has to be the first parameter, and cannot be a lambda parameter" }, { "", "throws clause not allowed in @interface members" }, { "compiler.err.too.many.modules", "too many module declarations found" }, { "compiler.err.too.many.patched.modules", "too many patched modules ({0}), use --module-source-path" }, { "", "auto-closeable resource {0} may not be assigned" }, { "", "variable {0} used as a try-with-resources resource neither final nor effectively final" }, { "compiler.err.try.with.resources.expr.needs.var", "the try-with-resources resource must either be a variable declaration or an expression denoting a reference to a final or effectively final variable" }, { "compiler.err.try.without.catch.finally.or.resource.decls", "''try'' without ''catch'', ''finally'' or resource declarations" }, { "compiler.err.try.without.catch.or.finally", "''try'' without ''catch'' or ''finally''" }, { "compiler.err.two.class.loaders.1", "javac is split between multiple class loaders: check your configuration" }, { "compiler.err.two.class.loaders.2", "javac is split between multiple class loaders:\none class comes from file: {0}\nwhile javac comes from {1}" }, { "compiler.err.type.doesnt.take.params", "type {0} does not take parameters" }, { "compiler.err.type.found.req", "unexpected type\nrequired: {1}\nfound: {0}" }, { "", "cannot select from a type variable" }, { "", "a type variable may not be followed by other bounds" }, { "compiler.err.type.var.more.than.once", "type variable {0} occurs more than once in result type of {1}; cannot be left uninstantiated" }, { "", "type variable {0} occurs more than once in type of {1}; cannot be left uninstantiated" }, { "compiler.err.types.incompatible", "types {0} and {1} are incompatible;\n{2}" }, { "compiler.err.unclosed.char.lit", "unclosed character literal" }, { "compiler.err.unclosed.comment", "unclosed comment" }, { "compiler.err.unclosed.str.lit", "unclosed string literal" }, { "compiler.err.undef.label", "undefined label: {0}" }, { "", "as of release 9, ''_'' is a keyword, and may not be used as an identifier" }, { "", "''_'' used as an identifier\n(use of ''_'' as an identifier is forbidden for lambda parameters)" }, { "compiler.err.unexpected.lambda", "lambda expression not expected here" }, { "compiler.err.unexpected.mref", "method reference not expected here" }, { "compiler.err.unexpected.type", "unexpected type\nrequired: {0}\nfound: {1}" }, { "compiler.err.unmatched.quote", "unmatched quote in environment variable {0}" }, { "compiler.err.unnamed.pkg.not.allowed.named.modules", "unnamed package is not allowed in named modules" }, { "compiler.err.unreachable.stmt", "unreachable statement" }, { "compiler.err.unreported.exception.default.constructor", "unreported exception {0} in default constructor" }, { "compiler.err.unreported.exception.implicit.close", "unreported exception {0}; must be caught or declared to be thrown\nexception thrown from implicit call to close() on resource variable ''{1}''" }, { "", "unreported exception {0}; must be caught or declared to be thrown" }, { "compiler.err.unsupported.cross.fp.lit", "hexadecimal floating-point literals are not supported on this VM" }, { "compiler.err.unsupported.encoding", "unsupported encoding: {0}" }, { "compiler.err.unsupported.release.version", "release version {0} not supported" }, { "", "variable {0} might already have been assigned" }, { "", "variable {0} might be assigned in loop" }, { "compiler.err.var.might.not.have.been.initialized", "variable {0} might not have been initialized" }, { "compiler.err.var.not.allowed", "''var'' not allowed here\nas of release 10, ''var'' is a restricted local variable type and cannot be used for type declarations" }, { "compiler.err.var.not.allowed.array", "''var'' is not allowed as an element type of an array" }, { "compiler.err.var.not.allowed.compound", "''var'' is not allowed in a compound declaration" }, { "", "''var'' is not allowed here" }, { "", "variable {0} not initialized in the default constructor" }, { "compiler.err.varargs.and.old.array.syntax", "legacy array notation not allowed on variable-arity parameter" }, { "compiler.err.varargs.and.receiver", "varargs notation not allowed on receiver parameter" }, { "compiler.err.varargs.invalid.trustme.anno", "Invalid {0} annotation. {1}" }, { "", "varargs parameter must be the last parameter" }, { "compiler.err.variable.not.allowed", "variable declaration not allowed here" }, { "", "''void'' type not allowed here" }, { "compiler.err.warnings.and.werror", "warnings found and -Werror specified" }, { "compiler.err.wrong.number.type.args", "wrong number of type arguments; required {0}" }, { "compiler.err.wrong.receiver", "wrong receiver parameter name" }, { "", "module declaration found in version {0}.{1} classfile" }, { "compiler.misc.anonymous.class", "<anonymous {0}>" }, { "compiler.misc.applicable.method.found", "#{0} applicable method found: {1}" }, { "compiler.misc.applicable.method.found.1", "#{0} applicable method found: {1}\n({2})" }, { "compiler.misc.arg.length.mismatch", "actual and formal argument lists differ in length" }, { "compiler.misc.bad.class.file", "class file is invalid for class {0}" }, { "compiler.misc.bad.class.file.header", "bad class file: {0}\n{1}\nPlease remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath." }, { "compiler.misc.bad.class.signature", "bad class signature: {0}" }, { "compiler.misc.bad.const.pool.entry", "bad constant pool entry in {0}\nexpected {1} at index {2}" }, { "compiler.misc.bad.const.pool.tag", "bad constant pool tag: {0}" }, { "", "bad constant pool tag: {0} at {1}" }, { "compiler.misc.bad.constant.range", "constant value ''{0}'' for {1} is outside the expected range for {2}" }, { "compiler.misc.bad.constant.value", "bad constant value ''{0}'' for {1}, expected {2}" }, { "compiler.misc.bad.enclosing.class", "bad enclosing class for {0}: {1}" }, { "compiler.misc.bad.enclosing.method", "bad enclosing method attribute for class {0}" }, { "", "unexpected instance {0} {1} found in unbound lookup" }, { "", "bad intersection type target for lambda or method reference\n{0}" }, { "", "bad class name" }, { "compiler.misc.bad.requires.flag", "bad requires flag: {0}" }, { "compiler.misc.bad.runtime.invisible.param.annotations", "bad RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations attribute: {0}" }, { "compiler.misc.bad.signature", "bad signature: {0}" }, { "compiler.misc.bad.source.file.header", "bad source file: {0}\n{1}\nPlease remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the sourcepath." }, { "", "unexpected static {0} {1} found in bound lookup" }, { "", "unexpected static {0} {1} found in unbound lookup" }, { "compiler.misc.bad.type.annotation.value", "bad type annotation target type value: {0}" }, { "compiler.misc.base.membership", "all your base class are belong to us" }, { "compiler.misc.cant.access.inner.cls.constr", "cannot access constructor {0}({1})\nan enclosing instance of type {2} is not in scope" }, { "compiler.misc.cant.apply.diamond.1", "cannot infer type arguments for {0}\nreason: {1}" }, { "compiler.misc.cant.apply.symbol", "{0} {1} in {4} {5} cannot be applied to given types\nrequired: {2}\nfound: {3}\nreason: {6}" }, { "compiler.misc.cant.apply.symbols", "no suitable {0} found for {1}({2})" }, { "compiler.misc.cant.hide", "{0} in {1} cannot hide {2} in {3}" }, { "compiler.misc.cant.implement", "{0} in {1} cannot implement {2} in {3}" }, { "compiler.misc.cant.override", "{0} in {1} cannot override {2} in {3}" }, { "compiler.misc.cant.resolve.args", "cannot find symbol\nsymbol: {0} {1}({3})" }, { "compiler.misc.cant.resolve.location.args", "cannot find symbol\nsymbol: {0} {1}({3})\nlocation: {4}" }, { "compiler.misc.cant.resolve.location.args.params", "cannot find symbol\nsymbol: {0} <{2}>{1}({3})\nlocation: {4}" }, { "compiler.misc.cant.resolve.modules", "cannot resolve modules" }, { "compiler.misc.captured.type", "CAP#{0}" }, { "compiler.misc.clashes.with", "{0} in {1} clashes with {2} in {3}" }, { "compiler.misc.class.file.not.found", "class file for {0} not found" }, { "compiler.misc.class.file.wrong.class", "class file contains wrong class: {0}" }, { "", "target-type for conditional expression cannot be void" }, { "compiler.misc.count.error", "{0} error" }, { "compiler.misc.count.error.plural", "{0} errors" }, { "compiler.misc.count.warn", "{0} warning" }, { "compiler.misc.count.warn.plural", "{0} warnings" }, { "compiler.misc.descriptor", "descriptor: {2} {0}({1})" }, { "compiler.misc.descriptor.throws", "descriptor: {2} {0}({1}) throws {3}" }, { "compiler.misc.diamond", "{0}<>" }, { "compiler.misc.diamond.and.explicit.params", "cannot use ''<>'' with explicit type parameters for constructor" }, { "compiler.misc.diamond.anonymous.methods.implicitly.override", "(due to <>, every non-private method declared in this anonymous class must override or implement a method from a supertype)" }, { "compiler.misc.diamond.invalid.arg", "type argument {0} inferred for {1} is not allowed in this context\ninferred argument is not expressible in the Signature attribute" }, { "compiler.misc.diamond.invalid.args", "type arguments {0} inferred for {1} are not allowed in this context\ninferred arguments are not expressible in the Signature attribute" }, { "compiler.misc.diamond.non.generic", "cannot use ''<>'' with non-generic class {0}" }, { "compiler.misc.eq.bounds", "equality constraints: {0}" }, { "compiler.misc.exception.message", "{0}" }, { "", "explicit type argument {0} does not conform to declared bound(s) {1}" }, { "compiler.misc.fatal.err.cant.close", "Fatal Error: Cannot close compiler resources" }, { "compiler.misc.fatal.err.cant.locate.ctor", "Fatal Error: Unable to find constructor for {0}" }, { "compiler.misc.fatal.err.cant.locate.field", "Fatal Error: Unable to find field {0}" }, { "compiler.misc.fatal.err.cant.locate.meth", "Fatal Error: Unable to find method {0}" }, { "", "Fatal Error: Unable to find package java.lang in classpath or bootclasspath" }, { "compiler.misc.feature.annotations.after.type.params", "annotations after method type parameters" }, { "compiler.misc.feature.binary.lit", "binary literals" }, { "compiler.misc.feature.default.methods", "default methods" }, { "compiler.misc.feature.diamond", "diamond operator" }, { "compiler.misc.feature.diamond.and.anon.class", "''<>'' with anonymous inner classes" }, { "", "intersection types" }, { "compiler.misc.feature.lambda", "lambda expressions" }, { "compiler.misc.feature.method.references", "method references" }, { "compiler.misc.feature.modules", "modules" }, { "compiler.misc.feature.multicatch", "multi-catch statements" }, { "", "{0} is not supported in -source {1}\n(use -source {2} or higher to enable {0})" }, { "", "{0} are not supported in -source {1}\n(use -source {2} or higher to enable {0})" }, { "compiler.misc.feature.private.intf.methods", "private interface methods" }, { "compiler.misc.feature.repeatable.annotations", "repeated annotations" }, { "compiler.misc.feature.static.intf.method.invoke", "static interface method invocations" }, { "compiler.misc.feature.static.intf.methods", "static interface methods" }, { "compiler.misc.feature.string.switch", "strings in switch" }, { "compiler.misc.feature.try.with.resources", "try-with-resources" }, { "compiler.misc.feature.type.annotations", "type annotations" }, { "compiler.misc.feature.underscore.lit", "underscores in literals" }, { "", "variables in try-with-resources" }, { "compiler.misc.file.does.not.contain.module", "file does not contain module declaration" }, { "compiler.misc.file.does.not.contain.package", "file does not contain package {0}" }, { "compiler.misc.file.doesnt.contain.class", "file does not contain class {0}" }, { "compiler.misc.illegal.signature", "illegal signature attribute for type {1}" }, { "compiler.misc.illegal.start.of.class.file", "illegal start of class file" }, { "compiler.misc.implicit.and.explicit.not.allowed", "cannot mix implicitly-typed and explicitly-typed parameters" }, { "compiler.misc.inaccessible.varargs.type", "formal varargs element type {0} is not accessible from {1} {2}" }, { "compiler.misc.inapplicable.method", "{0} {1}.{2} is not applicable\n({3})" }, { "compiler.misc.incompatible.abstract.default", "{0} {1} inherits abstract and default for {2}({3}) from types {4} and {5}" }, { "compiler.misc.incompatible.abstracts", "multiple non-overriding abstract methods found in {0} {1}" }, { "", "incompatible parameter types in lambda expression" }, { "", "incompatible parameter types in method reference" }, { "compiler.misc.incompatible.bounds", "inference variable {0} has incompatible bounds\n{1}\n{2}" }, { "", "incompatible function descriptors found in {0} {1}" }, { "compiler.misc.incompatible.diff.ret", "both define {0}({1}), but with unrelated return types" }, { "compiler.misc.incompatible.eq.bounds", "inference variable {0} has incompatible equality constraints {1}" }, { "", "bad return type in lambda expression\n{0}" }, { "", "bad return type in method reference\n{0}" }, { "", "bad type in conditional expression\n{0}" }, { "compiler.misc.incompatible.unrelated.defaults", "{0} {1} inherits unrelated defaults for {2}({3}) from types {4} and {5}" }, { "compiler.misc.incompatible.upper.bounds", "inference variable {0} has incompatible upper bounds {1}" }, { "compiler.misc.inconvertible.types", "{0} cannot be converted to {1}" }, { "compiler.misc.infer.arg.length.mismatch", "cannot infer type-variable(s) {0}\n(actual and formal argument lists differ in length)" }, { "", "cannot infer type-variable(s) {0}\n(argument mismatch; {1})" }, { "", "no instance(s) of type variable(s) {0} exist so that {1} conforms to {2}" }, { "compiler.misc.infer.varargs.argument.mismatch", "cannot infer type-variable(s) {0}\n(varargs mismatch; {1})" }, { "", "inferred type does not conform to equality constraint(s)\ninferred: {0}\nequality constraints(s): {1}" }, { "", "inferred type does not conform to lower bound(s)\ninferred: {0}\nlower bound(s): {1}" }, { "", "inferred type does not conform to upper bound(s)\ninferred: {0}\nupper bound(s): {1}" }, { "compiler.misc.inner.cls", "an inner class" }, { "compiler.misc.intersection.type", "INT#{0}" }, { "compiler.misc.invalid.default.interface", "default method found in version {0}.{1} classfile" }, { "", "invalid functional descriptor for lambda expression\nmethod {0} in {1} {2} is generic" }, { "compiler.misc.invalid.mref", "invalid {0} reference\n{1}" }, { "compiler.misc.invalid.static.interface", "static method found in version {0}.{1} classfile" }, { "compiler.misc.kindname.annotation", "@interface" }, { "compiler.misc.kindname.class", "class" }, { "compiler.misc.kindname.constructor", "constructor" }, { "compiler.misc.kindname.enum", "enum" }, { "compiler.misc.kindname.instance.init", "instance initializer" }, { "compiler.misc.kindname.interface", "interface" }, { "compiler.misc.kindname.method", "method" }, { "compiler.misc.kindname.module", "module" }, { "compiler.misc.kindname.package", "package" }, { "compiler.misc.kindname.static", "static" }, { "compiler.misc.kindname.static.init", "static initializer" }, { "compiler.misc.kindname.type.variable", "type variable" }, { "compiler.misc.kindname.type.variable.bound", "bound of type variable" }, { "compiler.misc.kindname.value", "value" }, { "compiler.misc.kindname.variable", "variable" }, { "compiler.misc.lambda", "a lambda expression" }, { "", "array initializer needs an explicit target-type" }, { "compiler.misc.local.cant.infer.null", "variable initializer is ''null''" }, { "compiler.misc.local.cant.infer.void", "variable initializer is ''void''" }, { "", "lambda expression needs an explicit target-type" }, { "compiler.misc.local.missing.init", "cannot use ''var'' on variable without initializer" }, { "", "method reference needs an explicit target-type" }, { "compiler.misc.local.self.ref", "cannot use ''var'' on self-referencing variable" }, { "compiler.misc.location", "{0} {1}" }, { "compiler.misc.location.1", "{0} {1} of type {2}" }, { "compiler.misc.locn.module_path", "application module path" }, { "compiler.misc.locn.module_source_path", "module source path" }, { "compiler.misc.locn.system_modules", "system modules" }, { "compiler.misc.locn.upgrade_module_path", "upgrade module path" }, { "compiler.misc.lower.bounds", "lower bounds: {0}" }, { "compiler.misc.malformed.vararg.method", "class file contains malformed variable arity method: {0}" }, { "compiler.misc.missing.ret.val", "missing return value" }, { "", "module-info with invalid super class" }, { "", "module name {0} does not match expected name {1}" }, { "", "open module {0} has non-zero opens_count" }, { "compiler.misc.mref.infer.and.explicit.params", "cannot use raw constructor reference with explicit type parameters for constructor" }, { "", "no abstract method found in {0} {1}" }, { "", "no arguments" }, { "", "argument mismatch; {0}" }, { "", "cannot infer functional interface descriptor for {0}" }, { "", "no unique maximal instance exists for type variable {0} with upper bounds {1}" }, { "", "no unique minimal instance exists for type variable {0} with lower bounds {1}" }, { "compiler.misc.not.a.functional.intf", "{0} is not a functional interface" }, { "compiler.misc.not.a.functional.intf.1", "{0} is not a functional interface\n{1}" }, { "", "component type {0} is not an interface" }, { "compiler.misc.not.applicable.method.found", "#{0} not applicable method found: {1}\n({2})" }, { "compiler.misc.not.def.access.class.intf.cant.access", "{1}.{0} is defined in an inaccessible class or interface" }, { "compiler.misc.not.def.access.class.intf.cant.access.reason", "{1}.{0} in package {2} is not accessible\n({3})" }, { "", "package {1} is declared in module {2}, but module {0} does not read it" }, { "", "package {0} is declared in module {1}, which is not in the module graph" }, { "", "package {0} is declared in the unnamed module, but module {0} does not read it" }, { "compiler.misc.not.def.access.not.exported", "package {0} is declared in module {1}, which does not export it" }, { "compiler.misc.not.def.access.not.exported.from.unnamed", "package {0} is declared in module {1}, which does not export it" }, { "", "package {0} is declared in module {1}, which does not export it to module {2}" }, { "", "package {0} is declared in module {1}, which does not export it to the unnamed module" }, { "compiler.misc.not.def.access.package.cant.access", "{0} is not visible\n({2})" }, { "compiler.misc.not.def.public.cant.access", "{0} is not public in {1}; cannot be accessed from outside package" }, { "compiler.misc.overridden.default", "method {0} is overridden in {1}" }, { "compiler.misc.package.not.visible", "package {0} is not visible\n({1})" }, { "compiler.misc.partial.inst.sig", "partially instantiated to: {0}" }, { "compiler.misc.possible.loss.of.precision", "possible lossy conversion from {0} to {1}" }, { "compiler.misc.prob.found.req", "incompatible types: {0}" }, { "compiler.misc.redundant.supertype", "redundant interface {0} is extended by {1}" }, { "compiler.misc.ref.ambiguous", "reference to {0} is ambiguous\nboth {1} {2} in {3} and {4} {5} in {6} match" }, { "", "{0} has {1} access in {2}" }, { "compiler.misc.resume.abort", "R)esume, A)bort>" }, { "compiler.misc.source.unavailable", "(source unavailable)" }, { "compiler.misc.stat.expr.expected", "lambda body is not compatible with a void functional interface\n(consider using a block lambda body, or use a statement expression instead)" }, { "compiler.misc.static.mref.with.targs", "parameterized qualifier on static method reference" }, { "", "the symbol {0} conflicts with a compiler-synthesized symbol in {1}" }, { "compiler.misc.token.bad-symbol", "<bad symbol>" }, { "compiler.misc.token.character", "<character>" }, { "compiler.misc.token.double", "<double>" }, { "compiler.misc.token.end-of-input", "<end of input>" }, { "compiler.misc.token.float", "<float>" }, { "compiler.misc.token.identifier", "<identifier>" }, { "compiler.misc.token.integer", "<integer>" }, { "compiler.misc.token.long-integer", "<long integer>" }, { "compiler.misc.token.string", "<string>" }, { "", "try-with-resources not applicable to variable type\n({0})" }, { "compiler.misc.type.captureof", "capture#{0} of {1}" }, { "compiler.misc.type.captureof.1", "capture#{0}" }, { "compiler.misc.type.none", "<none>" }, { "compiler.misc.type.null", "<null>" }, { "compiler.misc.type.parameter", "type parameter {0}" }, { "compiler.misc.type.req.array.or.iterable", "array or java.lang.Iterable" }, { "compiler.misc.type.req.class", "class" }, { "compiler.misc.type.req.class.array", "class or array" }, { "compiler.misc.type.req.exact", "class or interface without bounds" }, { "compiler.misc.type.req.ref", "reference" }, { "compiler.misc.type.var", "{0}#{1}" }, { "", "unable to access file: {0}" }, { "compiler.misc.unchecked.assign", "unchecked conversion" }, { "", "unchecked cast" }, { "compiler.misc.unchecked.clash.with", "{0} in {1} overrides {2} in {3}" }, { "compiler.misc.unchecked.implement", "{0} in {1} implements {2} in {3}" }, { "compiler.misc.unchecked.override", "{0} in {1} overrides {2} in {3}" }, { "compiler.misc.undecl.type.var", "undeclared type variable: {0}" }, { "compiler.misc.unexpected.ret.val", "unexpected return value" }, { "compiler.misc.unicode.str.not.supported", "unicode string in class file not supported" }, { "compiler.misc.unnamed.module", "unnamed module" }, { "compiler.misc.unnamed.package", "unnamed package" }, { "compiler.misc.upper.bounds", "lower bounds: {0}" }, { "compiler.misc.user.selected.completion.failure", "user-selected completion failure by class name" }, { "compiler.misc.var.and.explicit.not.allowed", "cannot mix ''var'' and explicitly-typed parameters" }, { "compiler.misc.var.and.implicit.not.allowed", "cannot mix ''var'' and implicitly-typed parameters" }, { "compiler.misc.varargs.argument.mismatch", "varargs mismatch; {0}" }, { "compiler.misc.varargs.clash.with", "{0} in {1} overrides {2} in {3}" }, { "compiler.misc.varargs.implement", "{0} in {1} implements {2} in {3}" }, { "compiler.misc.varargs.override", "{0} in {1} overrides {2} in {3}" }, { "compiler.misc.varargs.trustme.on.non.varargs.meth", "Method {0} is not a varargs method." }, { "compiler.misc.varargs.trustme.on.reifiable.varargs", "Varargs element type {0} is reifiable." }, { "compiler.misc.varargs.trustme.on.virtual.varargs", "Instance method {0} is neither final nor private." }, { "", "Instance method {0} is not final." }, { "compiler.misc.verbose.checking.attribution", "[checking {0}]" }, { "compiler.misc.verbose.classpath", "[search path for class files: {0}]" }, { "compiler.misc.verbose.loading", "[loading {0}]" }, { "compiler.misc.verbose.parsing.done", "[parsing completed {0}ms]" }, { "compiler.misc.verbose.parsing.started", "[parsing started {0}]" }, { "compiler.misc.verbose.sourcepath", "[search path for source files: {0}]" }, { "", "[total {0}ms]" }, { "compiler.misc.verbose.wrote.file", "[wrote {0}]" }, { "compiler.misc.version.not.available", "(version info not available)" }, { "compiler.misc.where.captured", "{0} extends {1} super: {2} from capture of {3}" }, { "compiler.misc.where.captured.1", "{0} extends {1} from capture of {3}" }, { "compiler.misc.where.description.captured", "where {0} is a fresh type-variable:" }, { "compiler.misc.where.description.captured.1", "where {0} are fresh type-variables:" }, { "compiler.misc.where.description.intersection", "where {0} is an intersection type:" }, { "compiler.misc.where.description.intersection.1", "where {0} are intersection types:" }, { "compiler.misc.where.description.typevar", "where {0} is a type-variable:" }, { "compiler.misc.where.description.typevar.1", "where {0} are type-variables:" }, { "compiler.misc.where.fresh.typevar", "{0} extends {1}" }, { "compiler.misc.where.intersection", "{0} extends {1}" }, { "compiler.misc.where.typevar", "{0} extends {1} declared in {2} {3}" }, { "compiler.misc.where.typevar.1", "{0} declared in {2} {3}" }, { "compiler.misc.wrong.number.type.args", "wrong number of type arguments; required {0}" }, { "compiler.misc.wrong.version", "class file has wrong version {0}.{1}, should be {2}.{3}" }, { "", "Processor {0} matches {1} and returns {2}." }, { "compiler.misc.x.print.rounds", "Round {0}:\n\tinput files: {1}\n\tannotations: {2}\n\tlast round: {3}" }, { "compiler.note.compressed.diags", "Some messages have been simplified; recompile with -Xdiags:verbose to get full output" }, { "compiler.note.deferred.method.inst", "Deferred instantiation of method {0}\ninstantiated signature: {1}\ntarget-type: {2}" }, { "compiler.note.deprecated.filename", "{0} uses or overrides a deprecated API." }, { "compiler.note.deprecated.filename.additional", "{0} has additional uses or overrides of a deprecated API." }, { "compiler.note.deprecated.plural", "Some input files use or override a deprecated API." }, { "compiler.note.deprecated.plural.additional", "Some input files additionally use or override a deprecated API." }, { "compiler.note.deprecated.recompile", "Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details." }, { "compiler.note.lambda.stat", "Translating lambda expression\nalternate metafactory = {0}\nsynthetic method = {1}" }, { "compiler.note.mref.stat", "Translating method reference\nalternate metafactory = {0}\n" }, { "compiler.note.mref.stat.1", "Translating method reference\nalternate metafactory = {0}\nbridge method = {1}" }, { "compiler.note.multiple.elements", "Multiple elements named ''{1}'' in modules ''{2}'' were found by javax.lang.model.util.Elements.{0}." }, { "compiler.note.note", "Note: " }, { "compiler.note.preview.filename", "{0} uses preview language features." }, { "compiler.note.preview.filename.additional", "{0} has additional uses of preview language features." }, { "compiler.note.preview.plural", "Some input files use preview language features." }, { "compiler.note.preview.plural.additional", "Some input files additionally use preview language features." }, { "compiler.note.preview.recompile", "Recompile with -Xlint:preview for details." }, { "compiler.note.proc.messager", "{0}" }, { "compiler.note.removal.filename", "{0} uses or overrides a deprecated API that is marked for removal." }, { "compiler.note.removal.filename.additional", "{0} has additional uses or overrides of a deprecated API that is marked for removal." }, { "compiler.note.removal.plural", "Some input files use or override a deprecated API that is marked for removal." }, { "compiler.note.removal.plural.additional", "Some input files additionally use or override a deprecated API that is marked for removal." }, { "compiler.note.removal.recompile", "Recompile with -Xlint:removal for details." }, { "compiler.note.unchecked.filename", "{0} uses unchecked or unsafe operations." }, { "compiler.note.unchecked.filename.additional", "{0} has additional unchecked or unsafe operations." }, { "compiler.note.unchecked.plural", "Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations." }, { "compiler.note.unchecked.plural.additional", "Some input files additionally use unchecked or unsafe operations." }, { "compiler.note.unchecked.recompile", "Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details." }, { "compiler.note.verbose.l2m.deduplicate", "deduplicating lambda implementation method {0}" }, { "compiler.note.verbose.resolve.multi", "resolving method {0} in type {1} to candidate {2}\nphase: {3}\nwith actuals: {4}\nwith type-args: {5}\ncandidates:" }, { "compiler.note.verbose.resolve.multi.1", "erroneous resolution for method {0} in type {1}\nphase: {3}\nwith actuals: {4}\nwith type-args: {5}\ncandidates:" }, { "", "access to member {0} from serializable element can be publicly accessible to untrusted code" }, { "", "access to member {0} from serializable lambda can be publicly accessible to untrusted code" }, { "compiler.warn.addopens.ignored", "--add-opens has no effect at compile time" }, { "compiler.warn.annotation.method.not.found", "Cannot find annotation method ''{1}()'' in type ''{0}''" }, { "compiler.warn.annotation.method.not.found.reason", "Cannot find annotation method ''{1}()'' in type ''{0}'': {2}" }, { "compiler.warn.auxiliary.class.accessed.from.outside.of.its.source.file", "auxiliary class {0} in {1} should not be accessed from outside its own source file" }, { "", "bad name in value for {0} option: ''{1}''" }, { "compiler.warn.big.major.version", "{0}: major version {1} is newer than {2}, the highest major version supported by this compiler.\nIt is recommended that the compiler be upgraded." }, { "compiler.warn.constant.SVUID", "serialVersionUID must be constant in class {0}" }, { "", "@Deprecated annotation has no effect on this {0} declaration" }, { "compiler.warn.diamond.redundant.args", "Redundant type arguments in new expression (use diamond operator instead)." }, { "", "bad path element \"{0}\": not a directory" }, { "compiler.warn.dir.path.element.not.found", "bad path element \"{0}\": no such directory" }, { "", "division by zero" }, { "compiler.warn.empty.if", "empty statement after if" }, { "compiler.warn.file.from.future", "Modification date is in the future for file {0}" }, { "compiler.warn.finally.cannot.complete", "finally clause cannot complete normally" }, { "compiler.warn.forward.ref", "reference to variable ''{0}'' before it has been initialized" }, { "compiler.warn.future.attr", "{0} attribute introduced in version {1}.{2} class files is ignored in version {3}.{4} class files" }, { "compiler.warn.has.been.deprecated", "{0} in {1} has been deprecated" }, { "compiler.warn.has.been.deprecated.for.removal", "{0} in {1} has been deprecated and marked for removal" }, { "compiler.warn.has.been.deprecated.for.removal.module", "module {0} has been deprecated and marked for removal" }, { "compiler.warn.has.been.deprecated.module", "module {0} has been deprecated" }, { "compiler.warn.illegal.char.for.encoding", "unmappable character for encoding {0}" }, { "compiler.warn.improper.SVUID", "serialVersionUID must be declared static final in class {0}" }, { "compiler.warn.incubating.modules", "using incubating module(s): {0}" }, { "", "non-varargs call of varargs method with inexact argument type for last parameter;\ncast to {0} for a varargs call\ncast to {1} for a non-varargs call and to suppress this warning" }, { "compiler.warn.invalid.archive.file", "Unexpected file on path: {0}" }, { "compiler.warn.invalid.path", "Invalid filename: {0}" }, { "compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible", "{0} {1} in module {2} is not accessible to clients that require this module" }, { "compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible.not.required.transitive", "{0} {1} in module {2} is not indirectly exported using 'requires transitive'" }, { "compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible.unexported", "{0} {1} in module {2} is not exported" }, { "compiler.warn.leaks.not.accessible.unexported.qualified", "{0} {1} in module {2} may not be visible to all clients that require this module" }, { "compiler.warn.lintOption", "[{0}] " }, { "compiler.warn.local.redundant.type", "Redundant type for local variable (replace explicit type with ''var'')." }, { "compiler.warn.locn.unknown.file.on.module.path", "unknown file on module path: {0}" }, { "compiler.warn.long.SVUID", "serialVersionUID must be of type long in class {0}" }, { "compiler.warn.method.redundant.typeargs", "Redundant type arguments in method call." }, { "compiler.warn.missing.SVUID", "serializable class {0} has no definition of serialVersionUID" }, { "compiler.warn.missing.deprecated.annotation", "deprecated item is not annotated with @Deprecated" }, { "compiler.warn.module.for.option.not.found", "module name in {0} option not found: {1}" }, { "compiler.warn.module.not.found", "module not found: {0}" }, { "compiler.warn.option.obsolete.source", "source value {0} is obsolete and will be removed in a future release" }, { "compiler.warn.option.obsolete.suppression", "To suppress warnings about obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options." }, { "", "target value {0} is obsolete and will be removed in a future release" }, { "compiler.warn.option.parameters.unsupported", "-parameters is not supported for target value {0}. Use {1} or later." }, { "", "the output directory is within an exploded module: {0}" }, { "compiler.warn.override.bridge", "{0}; overridden method is a bridge method" }, { "compiler.warn.override.equals.but.not.hashcode", "Class {0} overrides equals, but neither it nor any superclass overrides hashCode method" }, { "compiler.warn.override.unchecked.ret", "{0}\nreturn type requires unchecked conversion from {1} to {2}" }, { "compiler.warn.override.unchecked.thrown", "{0}\noverridden method does not throw {1}" }, { "compiler.warn.override.varargs.extra", "{0}; overriding method is missing ''...''" }, { "compiler.warn.override.varargs.missing", "{0}; overridden method has no ''...''" }, { "compiler.warn.package.empty.or.not.found", "package is empty or does not exist: {0}" }, { "compiler.warn.path.element.not.found", "bad path element \"{0}\": no such file or directory" }, { "compiler.warn.pkg-info.already.seen", "a file has already been seen for package {0}" }, { "", "module name component {0} should avoid terminal digits" }, { "compiler.warn.position.overflow", "Position encoding overflows at line {0}" }, { "", "possible fall-through into case" }, { "compiler.warn.potential.lambda.found", "This anonymous inner class creation can be turned into a lambda expression." }, { "compiler.warn.potentially.ambiguous.overload", "{0} in {1} is potentially ambiguous with {2} in {3}" }, { "compiler.warn.preview.feature.use", "{0} is a preview feature and may be removed in a future release." }, { "compiler.warn.preview.feature.use.classfile", "classfile for {0} uses preview features of Java SE {1}." }, { "compiler.warn.preview.feature.use.plural", "{0} are a preview feature and may be removed in a future release." }, { "compiler.warn.prob.found.req", "{0}\nrequired: {2}\nfound: {1}" }, { "compiler.warn.proc.annotations.without.processors", "No processor claimed any of these annotations: {0}" }, { "compiler.warn.proc.file.create.last.round", "File for type ''{0}'' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing." }, { "compiler.warn.proc.file.reopening", "Attempt to create a file for ''{0}'' multiple times" }, { "", "Cannot create file for illegal name ''{0}''." }, { "compiler.warn.proc.malformed.supported.string", "Malformed string ''{0}'' for a supported annotation type returned by processor ''{1}''" }, { "compiler.warn.proc.messager", "{0}" }, { "compiler.warn.proc.package.does.not.exist", "package {0} does not exist" }, { "", "Annotation processing without compilation requested but no processors were found." }, { "compiler.warn.proc.processor.incompatible.source.version", "Supported source version ''{0}'' from annotation processor ''{1}'' less than -source ''{2}''" }, { "", "Creating file for a type whose name ends in {1}: ''{0}''" }, { "compiler.warn.proc.type.already.exists", "A file for type ''{0}'' already exists on the sourcepath or classpath" }, { "compiler.warn.proc.type.recreate", "Attempt to create a file for type ''{0}'' multiple times" }, { "compiler.warn.proc.unclosed.type.files", "Unclosed files for the types ''{0}''; these types will not undergo annotation processing" }, { "compiler.warn.proc.unmatched.processor.options", "The following options were not recognized by any processor: ''{0}''" }, { "compiler.warn.proc.use.implicit", "Implicitly compiled files were not subject to annotation processing.\nUse -implicit to specify a policy for implicit compilation." }, { "compiler.warn.proc.use.proc.or.implicit", "Implicitly compiled files were not subject to annotation processing.\nUse -proc:none to disable annotation processing or -implicit to specify a policy for implicit compilation." }, { "", "profile {0} is not valid for target release {1}" }, { "compiler.warn.raw.class.use", "found raw type: {0}\nmissing type arguments for generic class {1}" }, { "compiler.warn.redundant.cast", "redundant cast to {0}" }, { "compiler.warn.requires.automatic", "requires directive for an automatic module" }, { "compiler.warn.requires.transitive.automatic", "requires transitive directive for an automatic module" }, { "compiler.warn.self.ref", "self-reference in initializer of variable ''{0}''" }, { "compiler.warn.service.provided.but.not.exported.or.used", "service interface provided but not exported or used" }, { "", "bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source {0}" }, { "", "source release {0} requires target release {1}" }, { "", "static {0} should be qualified by type name, {1}, instead of by an expression" }, { "compiler.warn.sun.proprietary", "{0} is internal proprietary API and may be removed in a future release" }, { "", "target release {0} conflicts with default source release {1}" }, { "", "explicit call to close() on an auto-closeable resource" }, { "compiler.warn.try.resource.not.referenced", "auto-closeable resource {0} is never referenced in body of corresponding try statement" }, { "compiler.warn.try.resource.throws.interrupted.exc", "auto-closeable resource {0} has a member method close() that could throw InterruptedException" }, { "compiler.warn.unchecked.assign", "unchecked assignment: {0} to {1}" }, { "", "unchecked assignment to variable {0} as member of raw type {1}" }, { "", "unchecked call to {0} as a member of the raw type {1}" }, { "", "unchecked cast to type {0}" }, { "compiler.warn.unchecked.generic.array.creation", "unchecked generic array creation for varargs parameter of type {0}" }, { "compiler.warn.unchecked.meth.invocation.applied", "unchecked method invocation: {0} {1} in {4} {5} is applied to given types\nrequired: {2}\nfound: {3}" }, { "compiler.warn.unchecked.varargs.non.reifiable.type", "Possible heap pollution from parameterized vararg type {0}" }, { "", "as of release 9, ''_'' is a keyword, and may not be used as an identifier" }, { "compiler.warn.unexpected.archive.file", "Unexpected extension for archive file: {0}" }, { "compiler.warn.unknown.enum.constant", "unknown enum constant {1}.{2}" }, { "compiler.warn.unknown.enum.constant.reason", "unknown enum constant {1}.{2}\nreason: {3}" }, { "compiler.warn.unreachable.catch", "unreachable catch clause\nthrown type {0} has already been caught" }, { "compiler.warn.unreachable.catch.1", "unreachable catch clause\nthrown types {0} have already been caught" }, { "compiler.warn.var.not.allowed", "as of release 10, ''var'' is a restricted local variable type and cannot be used for type declarations or as the element type of an array" }, { "compiler.warn.varargs.redundant.trustme.anno", "Redundant {0} annotation. {1}" }, { "compiler.warn.varargs.unsafe.use.varargs.param", "Varargs method could cause heap pollution from non-reifiable varargs parameter {0}" }, { "compiler.warn.warning", "warning: " }, }; } }
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⇒ JDK 11 jdk.crypto.cryptoki.jmod - Crypto KI Module
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