JDK 11 jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod - Hotspot Agent Module

JDK 11 jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module.

JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod.

JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.

JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\src.zip\jdk.hotspot.agent.

You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.

✍: FYIcenter


 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package sun.jvm.hotspot;

import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.*;

public class DebugServer {
  private void usage() {
    System.out.println("usage: java " + getClass().getName() + " <pid> [server id]");
    System.out.println("   or: java " + getClass().getName() + " <executable> <core> [server id]");
    System.out.println("\"pid\" must be the process ID of a HotSpot process.");
    System.out.println("If reading a core file, \"executable\" must (currently) be the");
    System.out.println("full path name to the precise java executable which generated");
    System.out.println("the core file (not, on Solaris, the \"java\" wrapper script in");
    System.out.println("the \"bin\" subdirectory of the JDK.)");
    System.out.println("The \"server id\" is a unique name for a specific remote debuggee.");

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    new DebugServer().run(args);

  private void run(String[] args) {
    if ((args.length < 1) || (args.length > 3)) {

    // Attempt to handle "-h" or "-help"
    if (args[0].startsWith("-")) {

    int pid = 0;
    boolean usePid = false;
    String coreFileName = null;
    // FIXME: would be nice to pick this up from the core file
    // somehow, but that doesn't look possible. Should at least figure
    // it out from a path to the JDK.
    String javaExecutableName = null;
    String serverID = null;

    switch (args.length) {
       case 1:
         try {
           pid = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
           usePid = true;
         } catch (NumberFormatException e) {

       case 2:
         // either we have pid and server id or exec file and core file
         try {
           pid = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
           usePid = true;
           serverID = args[1];
         } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
           pid = -1;
           usePid = false;
           javaExecutableName = args[0];
           coreFileName = args[1];

       case 3:
         javaExecutableName = args[0];
         coreFileName = args[1];
         serverID = args[2];

         // should not happend, taken care already.

    final HotSpotAgent agent = new HotSpotAgent();
    try {
      if (usePid) {
        System.err.println("Attaching to process ID " + pid + " and starting RMI services, please wait...");
        agent.startServer(pid, serverID);
      } else {
        System.err.println("Attaching to core " + coreFileName +
                           " from executable " + javaExecutableName + " and starting RMI services, please wait...");
        agent.startServer(javaExecutableName, coreFileName, serverID);
    catch (DebuggerException e) {
      if (usePid) {
        System.err.print("Error attaching to process or starting server: ");
      } else {
        System.err.print("Error attaching to core file or starting server: ");

    // shutdown hook to clean-up the server in case of forced exit.
    Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new java.lang.Thread(
                          new Runnable() {
                             public void run() {
    System.err.println("Debugger attached and RMI services started.");



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jdk.hotspot.agent-11.0.1-src.zip
File size: 1243786 bytes
Release date: 2018-11-04


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