JDK 11 jdk.rmic.jmod - RMI Compiler Tool

JDK 11 jdk.rmic.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 RMI (Remote Method Invocation) Compiler Tool tool, which can be invoked by the "rmic" command.

JDK 11 RMI Compiler Tool tool compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\jdk.rmic.jmod.

JDK 11 RMI Compiler Tool tool compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.

JDK 11 RMI Compiler Tool tool source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\src.zip\jdk.rmic.

You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.

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 * Copyright (c) 1994, 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package sun.tools.tree;

import sun.tools.java.*;
import sun.tools.asm.Assembler;
import sun.tools.asm.LocalVariable;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.Hashtable;

 * WARNING: The contents of this source file are not part of any
 * supported API.  Code that depends on them does so at its own risk:
 * they are subject to change or removal without notice.
class VarDeclarationStatement extends Statement {
    LocalMember field;
    Expression expr;

     * Constructor
    public VarDeclarationStatement(long where, Expression expr) {
        super(VARDECLARATION, where);
        this.expr = expr;
    public VarDeclarationStatement(long where, LocalMember field, Expression expr) {
        super(VARDECLARATION, where);
        this.field = field;
        this.expr = expr;

     * Check statement
    Vset checkDeclaration(Environment env, Context ctx, Vset vset, int mod, Type t, Hashtable<Object, Object> exp) {
        if (labels != null) {
            env.error(where, "declaration.with.label", labels[0]);
        if (field != null) {
            if (ctx.getLocalClass(field.getName()) != null
                && field.isInnerClass()) {
                env.error(where, "local.class.redefined", field.getName());

            ctx.declare(env, field);
            if (field.isInnerClass()) {
                ClassDefinition body = field.getInnerClass();
                try {
                    vset = body.checkLocalClass(env, ctx, vset,
                                                null, null, null);
                } catch (ClassNotFound ee) {
                    env.error(where, "class.not.found", ee.name, opNames[op]);
                return vset;
            return (expr != null) ? expr.checkValue(env, ctx, vset, exp) : vset;

        // Argument 'expr' is either an IdentifierExpression for a declaration of
        // the form 'type x' or an AssignmentExpression for a declaration of the
        // form 'type x = initvalue'.  Note that these expressions are treated
        // specially in this context, and don't have much connection to their ordinary
        // meaning.

        Expression e = expr;

        if (e.op == ASSIGN) {
            expr = ((AssignExpression)e).right;
            e = ((AssignExpression)e).left;
        } else {
            expr = null;

        boolean declError = t.isType(TC_ERROR);
        while (e.op == ARRAYACCESS) {
            ArrayAccessExpression array = (ArrayAccessExpression)e;
            if (array.index != null) {
                env.error(array.index.where, "array.dim.in.type");
                declError = true;
            e = array.right;
            t = Type.tArray(t);
        if (e.op == IDENT) {
            Identifier id = ((IdentifierExpression)e).id;
            if (ctx.getLocalField(id) != null) {
                env.error(where, "local.redefined", id);

            field = new LocalMember(e.where, ctx.field.getClassDefinition(), mod, t, id);
            ctx.declare(env, field);

            if (expr != null) {
                vset = expr.checkInitializer(env, ctx, vset, t, exp);
                expr = convert(env, ctx, t, expr);
                field.setValue(expr); // for the sake of non-blank finals
                if (field.isConstant()) {
                    // Keep in mind that isConstant() only means expressions
                    // that are constant according to the JLS.  They might
                    // not be either constants or evaluable (eg. 1/0).
            } else if (declError) {
            } else {
            return vset;
        env.error(e.where, "invalid.decl");
        return vset;

     * Inline
    public Statement inline(Environment env, Context ctx) {
        if (field.isInnerClass()) {
            ClassDefinition body = field.getInnerClass();
            return null;

        // Don't generate code for variable if unused and
        // optimization is on, whether or not debugging is on
        if (env.opt() && !field.isUsed()) {
            return new ExpressionStatement(where, expr).inline(env, ctx);

        ctx.declare(env, field);

        if (expr != null) {
            expr = expr.inlineValue(env, ctx);
            field.setValue(expr); // for the sake of non-blank finals
            if (env.opt() && (field.writecount == 0)) {
                if (expr.op == IDENT) {

                    // This code looks like it tests whether a final variable
                    // is being initialized by an identifier expression.
                    // Then if the identifier is a local of the same method
                    // it makes the final variable eligible to be inlined.
                    // BUT: why isn't the local also checked to make sure
                    // it is itself final?  Unknown.

                    IdentifierExpression e = (IdentifierExpression)expr;
                    if (e.field.isLocal() && ((ctx = ctx.getInlineContext()) != null) &&
                        (((LocalMember)e.field).number < ctx.varNumber)) {
                        //System.out.println("FINAL IDENT = " + field + " in " + ctx.field);

                        // The two lines below used to elide the declaration
                        // of inlineable variables, on the theory that there
                        // wouldn't be any references.  But this breaks the
                        // translation of nested classes, which might refer to
                        // the variable.

                        //expr = null;
                        //return null;
                if (expr.isConstant() || (expr.op == THIS) || (expr.op == SUPER)) {
                    //System.out.println("FINAL = " + field + " in " + ctx.field);

                    // The two lines below used to elide the declaration
                    // of inlineable variables, on the theory that there
                    // wouldn't be any references.  But this breaks the
                    // translation of nested classes, which might refer to
                    // the variable.  Fix for 4073244.

                    //expr = null;
                    //return null;
        return this;

     * Create a copy of the statement for method inlining
    public Statement copyInline(Context ctx, boolean valNeeded) {
        VarDeclarationStatement s = (VarDeclarationStatement)clone();
        if (expr != null) {
            s.expr = expr.copyInline(ctx);
        return s;

     * The cost of inlining this statement
    public int costInline(int thresh, Environment env, Context ctx) {
        if (field != null && field.isInnerClass()) {
            return thresh;      // don't copy classes...
        return (expr != null) ? expr.costInline(thresh, env, ctx) : 0;

     * Code
    public void code(Environment env, Context ctx, Assembler asm) {
        if (expr != null && !expr.type.isType(TC_VOID)) {
            // The two lines of code directly following this comment used
            // to be in the opposite order.  They were switched so that
            // lines like the following:
            //     int j = (j = 4);
            // will compile correctly.  (Constructions like the above are
            // legal.  JLS 14.3.2 says that the scope of a local variable
            // includes its own initializer.)  It is important that we
            // declare `field' before we code `expr', because otherwise
            // situations can arise where `field' thinks it is assigned
            // a local variable slot that is, in actuality, assigned to
            // an entirely different variable.  (Bug id 4076729)
            ctx.declare(env, field);
            expr.codeValue(env, ctx, asm);

            asm.add(where, opc_istore + field.getType().getTypeCodeOffset(),
                    new LocalVariable(field, field.number));
        } else {
            ctx.declare(env, field);
            if (expr != null) {
                // an initial side effect, rather than an initial value
                expr.code(env, ctx, asm);

     * Print
    public void print(PrintStream out, int indent) {
        out.print("local ");
        if (field != null) {
            out.print(field + "#" + field.hashCode());
            if (expr != null) {
                out.print(" = ");
        } else {



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jdk.rmic-11.0.1-src.zip
File size: 418901 bytes
Release date: 2018-11-04


JDK 11 jdk.scripting.nashorn.jmod - Scripting Nashorn Module

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