JRE 8 rt.jar - javax.* Package Source Code

JRE 8 rt.jar is the JAR file for JRE 8 RT (Runtime) libraries. JRE (Java Runtime) 8 is the runtime environment included in JDK 8. JRE 8 rt.jar libraries are divided into 6 packages:

com.* - Internal Oracle and Sun Microsystems libraries
java.* - Standard Java API libraries.
javax.* - Extended Java API libraries.
jdk.* -  JDK supporting libraries.
org.* - Third party libraries.
sun.* - Old libraries developed by Sun Microsystems.

JAR File Information:

Directory of C:\fyicenter\jdk-1.8.0_191\jre\lib
      63,596,151 rt.jar

Here is the list of Java classes of the javax.* package in JRE 1.8.0_191 rt.jar. Java source codes are also provided.

✍: FYIcenter


 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
package javax.print.attribute.standard;

import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
import javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax;
import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute;
import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute;
import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute;

 * Class Finishings is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that
 * identifies whether the printer applies a finishing operation of some kind
 * of binding to each copy of each printed document in the job. For multidoc
 * print jobs (jobs with multiple documents), the
 * {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
 * MultipleDocumentHandling} attribute determines what constitutes a "copy"
 * for purposes of finishing.
 * <P>
 * Standard Finishings values are:
 * <TR>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:10%">
 * &nbsp;
 * </TD>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
 * {@link #NONE NONE}
 * </TD>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
 * {@link #STAPLE STAPLE}
 * </TD>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:36%">
 * </TD>
 * </TR>
 * <TR>
 * <TD>
 * &nbsp;
 * </TD>
 * <TD>
 * {@link #BIND BIND}
 * </TD>
 * <TD>
 * </TD>
 * <TD>
 * {@link #COVER COVER}
 * </TD>
 * <TD>
 * &nbsp;
 * </TD>
 * </TR>
 * </TABLE>
 * <P>
 * The following Finishings values are more specific; they indicate a
 * corner or an edge as if the document were a portrait document:
 * <TR>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:10%">
 * &nbsp;
 * </TD>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
 * </TD>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
 * </TD>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
 * </TD>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:9%">
 * &nbsp;
 * </TD>
 * </TR>
 * <TR>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:10%">
 * &nbsp;
 * </TD>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
 * </TD>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
 * </TD>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
 * </TD>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:9%">
 * &nbsp;
 * </TD>
 * </TR>
 * <TR>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:10%">
 * &nbsp;
 * </TD>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
 * </TD>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
 * </TD>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
 * </TD>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:9%">
 * &nbsp;
 * </TD>
 * </TR>
 * <TR>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:10%">
 * &nbsp;
 * </TD>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
 * </TD>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
 * </TD>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:27%">
 * </TD>
 * <TD STYLE="WIDTH:9%">
 * &nbsp;
 * </TD>
 * </TR>
 * </TABLE>
 * <P>
 * The STAPLE_<I>XXX</I> values are specified with respect to the
 * document as if the document were a portrait document. If the document is
 * actually a landscape or a reverse-landscape document, the client supplies the
 * appropriate transformed value. For example, to position a staple in the upper
 * left hand corner of a landscape document when held for reading, the client
 * supplies the STAPLE_BOTTOM_LEFT value (since landscape is
 * defined as a +90 degree rotation from portrait, i.e., anti-clockwise). On the
 * other hand, to position a staple in the upper left hand corner of a
 * reverse-landscape document when held for reading, the client supplies the
 * STAPLE_TOP_RIGHT value (since reverse-landscape is defined as a
 * -90 degree rotation from portrait, i.e., clockwise).
 * <P>
 * The angle (vertical, horizontal, angled) of each staple with respect to the
 * document depends on the implementation which may in turn depend on the value
 * of the attribute.
 * <P>
 * The effect of a Finishings attribute on a multidoc print job (a job
 * with multiple documents) depends on whether all the docs have the same
 * binding specified or whether different docs have different bindings
 * specified, and on the (perhaps defaulted) value of the {@link
 * MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} attribute.
 * <UL>
 * <LI>
 * If all the docs have the same binding specified, then any value of {@link
 * MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} makes sense, and the
 * printer's processing depends on the {@link MultipleDocumentHandling
 * MultipleDocumentHandling} value:
 * <UL>
 * <LI>
 * SINGLE_DOCUMENT -- All the input docs will be bound together as one output
 * document with the specified binding.
 * <P>
 * <LI>
 * SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET -- All the input docs will be bound together as one
 * output document with the specified binding, and the first impression of each
 * input doc will always start on a new media sheet.
 * <P>
 * <LI>
 * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES -- Each input doc will be bound
 * separately with the specified binding.
 * <P>
 * <LI>
 * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES -- Each input doc will be bound separately
 * with the specified binding.
 * </UL>
 * <P>
 * <LI>
 * If different docs have different bindings specified, then only two values of
 * {@link MultipleDocumentHandling MultipleDocumentHandling} make sense, and the
 * printer reports an error when the job is submitted if any other value is
 * specified:
 * <UL>
 * <LI>
 * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES -- Each input doc will be bound
 * separately with its own specified binding.
 * <P>
 * <LI>
 * SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES -- Each input doc will be bound separately
 * with its own specified binding.
 * </UL>
 * </UL>
 * <P>
 * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> Class Finishings encapsulates some of the
 * IPP enum values that can be included in an IPP "finishings" attribute, which
 * is a set of enums. The category name returned by
 * <CODE>getName()</CODE> is the IPP attribute name.  The enumeration's
 * integer value is the IPP enum value.  The <code>toString()</code> method
 * returns the IPP string representation of the attribute value.
 * In IPP Finishings is a multi-value attribute, this API currently allows
 * only one binding to be specified.
 * @author  Alan Kaminsky
public class Finishings extends EnumSyntax
    implements DocAttribute, PrintRequestAttribute, PrintJobAttribute {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -627840419548391754L;

     * Perform no binding.
    public static final Finishings NONE = new Finishings(3);

     * Bind the document(s) with one or more staples. The exact number and
     * placement of the staples is site-defined.
    public static final Finishings STAPLE = new Finishings(4);

     * This value is specified when it is desired to select a non-printed (or
     * pre-printed) cover for the document. This does not supplant the
     * specification of a printed cover (on cover stock medium) by the
     * document  itself.
    public static final Finishings COVER = new Finishings(6);

     * This value indicates that a binding is to be applied to the document;
     * the type and placement of the binding is site-defined.
    public static final Finishings BIND = new Finishings(7);

     * Bind the document(s) with one or more staples (wire stitches) along the
     * middle fold. The exact number and placement of the staples and the
     * middle fold is implementation- and/or site-defined.
    public static final Finishings SADDLE_STITCH =
        new Finishings(8);

     * Bind the document(s) with one or more staples (wire stitches) along one
     * edge. The exact number and placement of the staples is implementation-
     * and/or site- defined.
    public static final Finishings EDGE_STITCH =
        new Finishings(9);

     * Bind the document(s) with one or more staples in the top left corner.
    public static final Finishings STAPLE_TOP_LEFT =
        new Finishings(20);

     * Bind the document(s) with one or more staples in the bottom left
     * corner.
    public static final Finishings STAPLE_BOTTOM_LEFT =
        new Finishings(21);

     * Bind the document(s) with one or more staples in the top right corner.
    public static final Finishings STAPLE_TOP_RIGHT =
        new Finishings(22);

     * Bind the document(s) with one or more staples in the bottom right
     * corner.
    public static final Finishings STAPLE_BOTTOM_RIGHT =
        new Finishings(23);

     * Bind the document(s) with one or more staples (wire stitches) along the
     * left edge. The exact number and placement of the staples is
     * implementation- and/or site-defined.
    public static final Finishings EDGE_STITCH_LEFT =
        new Finishings(24);

     * Bind the document(s) with one or more staples (wire stitches) along the
     * top edge. The exact number and placement of the staples is
     * implementation- and/or site-defined.
    public static final Finishings EDGE_STITCH_TOP =
        new Finishings(25);

     * Bind the document(s) with one or more staples (wire stitches) along the
     * right edge. The exact number and placement of the staples is
     * implementation- and/or site-defined.
    public static final Finishings EDGE_STITCH_RIGHT =
        new Finishings(26);

     * Bind the document(s) with one or more staples (wire stitches) along the
     * bottom edge. The exact number and placement of the staples is
     * implementation- and/or site-defined.
    public static final Finishings EDGE_STITCH_BOTTOM =
        new Finishings(27);

     * Bind the document(s) with two staples (wire stitches) along the left
     * edge assuming a portrait document (see above).
    public static final Finishings STAPLE_DUAL_LEFT =
        new Finishings(28);

     * Bind the document(s) with two staples (wire stitches) along the top
     * edge assuming a portrait document (see above).
    public static final Finishings STAPLE_DUAL_TOP =
        new Finishings(29);

     * Bind the document(s) with two staples (wire stitches) along the right
     * edge assuming a portrait document (see above).
    public static final Finishings STAPLE_DUAL_RIGHT =
        new Finishings(30);

     * Bind the document(s) with two staples (wire stitches) along the bottom
     * edge assuming a portrait document (see above).
    public static final Finishings STAPLE_DUAL_BOTTOM =
        new Finishings(31);

     * Construct a new finishings binding enumeration value with the given
     * integer value.
     * @param  value  Integer value.
    protected Finishings(int value) {

    private static final String[] myStringTable =
                 null, // The next ten enum values are reserved.

    private static final Finishings[] myEnumValueTable =
                 null, // The next ten enum values are reserved.

     * Returns the string table for class Finishings.
    protected String[] getStringTable() {
        return (String[])myStringTable.clone();

     * Returns the enumeration value table for class Finishings.
    protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
        return (EnumSyntax[])myEnumValueTable.clone();

     * Returns the lowest integer value used by class Finishings.
    protected int getOffset() {
        return 3;

     * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
     * for this printing attribute value.
     * <P>
     * For class Finishings and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
     * category is class Finishings itself.
     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
    public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
        return Finishings.class;

     * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
     * instance.
     * <P>
     * For class Finishings and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
     * category name is <CODE>"finishings"</CODE>.
     * @return  Attribute category name.
    public final String getName() {
        return "finishings";




Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jre-rt-javax-1.8.0_191-src.zip
File size: 5381005 bytes
Release date: 2018-10-28


JRE 8 rt.jar - org.* Package Source Code

JRE 8 rt.jar - java.* Package Source Code

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