JRE 8 rt.jar - com.* Package Source Code

JRE 8 rt.jar is the JAR file for JRE 8 RT (Runtime) libraries. JRE (Java Runtime) 8 is the runtime environment included in JDK 8. JRE 8 rt.jar libraries are divided into 6 packages:

com.* - Internal Oracle and Sun Microsystems libraries
java.* - Standard Java API libraries.
javax.* - Extended Java API libraries.
jdk.* -  JDK supporting libraries.
org.* - Third party libraries.
sun.* - Old libraries developed by Sun Microsystems.

JAR File Information:

Directory of C:\fyicenter\jdk-1.8.0_191\jre\lib
      63,596,151 rt.jar

Here is the list of Java classes of the com.* package in JRE 1.8.0_191 rt.jar. Java source codes are also provided.

✍: FYIcenter


 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package com.sun.corba.se.impl.interceptors;

import org.omg.IOP.Codec;
import org.omg.IOP.CodecFactory;
import org.omg.IOP.CodecFactoryPackage.UnknownEncoding;
import org.omg.IOP.Encoding;

import com.sun.corba.se.spi.logging.CORBALogDomains;

import com.sun.corba.se.impl.logging.ORBUtilSystemException;

import org.omg.CORBA.ORB;
import org.omg.CORBA.LocalObject;

 * CodecFactoryImpl is the implementation of the Codec Factory, as described
 * in orbos/99-12-02.
public final class CodecFactoryImpl
    extends org.omg.CORBA.LocalObject
    implements CodecFactory
    // The ORB that created this Codec Factory
    private ORB orb;
    private ORBUtilSystemException wrapper ;

    // The maximum minor version of GIOP supported by this codec factory.
    // Currently, this is 1.2.
    private static final int MAX_MINOR_VERSION_SUPPORTED = 2;

    // The pre-created minor versions of Codec version 1.0, 1.1, ...,
    private Codec codecs[] = new Codec[MAX_MINOR_VERSION_SUPPORTED + 1];

     * Creates a new CodecFactory implementation.  Stores the ORB that
     * created this factory, for later use by the Codec.
    public CodecFactoryImpl( ORB orb ) {
        this.orb = orb;
        wrapper = ORBUtilSystemException.get(
            CORBALogDomains.RPC_PROTOCOL ) ;

        // Precreate a codec for version 1.0 through
        // 1.(MAX_MINOR_VERSION_SUPPORTED).  This can be
        // done since Codecs are immutable in their current implementation.
        // This is an optimization that eliminates the overhead of creating
        // a new Codec each time create_codec is called.
        for( int minor = 0; minor <= MAX_MINOR_VERSION_SUPPORTED; minor++ ) {
            codecs[minor] = new CDREncapsCodec( orb, 1, minor );

     * Creates a codec of the given encoding.  The only format recognized
     * by this factory is ENCODING_CDR_ENCAPS, versions 1.0 through
     * @exception UnknownEncoding Thrown if this factory cannot create a
     *   Codec of the given encoding.
    public Codec create_codec ( Encoding enc )
        throws UnknownEncoding
        if( enc == null ) nullParam();

        Codec result = null;

        // This is the only format we can currently create codecs for:
        if( (enc.format == ENCODING_CDR_ENCAPS.value) &&
            (enc.major_version == 1) )
            if( (enc.minor_version >= 0) &&
                (enc.minor_version <= MAX_MINOR_VERSION_SUPPORTED) )
                result = codecs[enc.minor_version];

        if( result == null ) {
            throw new UnknownEncoding();

        return result;

     * Called when an invalid null parameter was passed.  Throws a
     * BAD_PARAM with a minor code of 1
    private void nullParam()
        throw wrapper.nullParam() ;



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jre-rt-com-1.8.0_191-src.zip
File size: 8099783 bytes
Release date: 2018-10-28


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