JDK 1.1 Source Code Directory

JDK 1.1 source code directory contains Java source code for JDK 1.1 core classes: "C:\fyicenter\jdk-1.1.8\src".

Here is the list of Java classes of the JDK 1.1 source code:

✍: FYIcenter


 * @(#)VetoableChangeSupport.java	1.15 01/12/10
 * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package java.beans;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;

 * This is a utility class that can be used by beans that support constrained
 * properties.  You can use an instance of this class as a member field
 * of your bean and delegate various work to it.

public class VetoableChangeSupport implements java.io.Serializable {

     * @sourceBean  The bean to be given as the source for any events.

    public VetoableChangeSupport(Object sourceBean) {
	source = sourceBean;

     * Add a VetoableListener to the listener list.
     * @param listener  The VetoableChangeListener to be added

    public synchronized void addVetoableChangeListener(
					VetoableChangeListener listener) {
	if (listeners == null) {
	    listeners = new java.util.Vector();

     * Remove a VetoableChangeListener from the listener list.
     * @param listener  The VetoableChangeListener to be removed
    public synchronized void removeVetoableChangeListener(
					VetoableChangeListener listener) {
	if (listeners == null) {

     * Report a vetoable property update to any registered listeners.  If
     * anyone vetos the change, then fire a new event reverting everyone to 
     * the old value and then rethrow the PropertyVetoException.
     * <p>
     * No event is fired if old and new are equal and non-null.
     * @param propertyName  The programmatic name of the property
     *		that was changed.
     * @param oldValue  The old value of the property.
     * @param newValue  The new value of the property.
     * @exception PropertyVetoException if the recipient wishes the property
     *              change to be rolled back.
    public void fireVetoableChange(String propertyName, 
					Object oldValue, Object newValue)
					throws PropertyVetoException {

	if (oldValue != null && oldValue.equals(newValue)) {

	java.util.Vector targets;
	synchronized (this) {
	    if (listeners == null) {
	    targets = (java.util.Vector) listeners.clone();
        PropertyChangeEvent evt = new PropertyChangeEvent(source,
					    propertyName, oldValue, newValue);

	try {
	    for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) {
	        VetoableChangeListener target = 
	} catch (PropertyVetoException veto) {
	    // Create an event to revert everyone to the old value.
       	    evt = new PropertyChangeEvent(source, propertyName, newValue, oldValue);
	    for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) {
		try {
	            VetoableChangeListener target =
		} catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {
		     // We just ignore exceptions that occur during reversions.
	    // And now rethrow the PropertyVetoException.
	    throw veto;

    private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException {

	java.util.Vector v = null;
	synchronized (this) {
	    if (listeners != null) {
	        v = (java.util.Vector) listeners.clone();

	if (v != null) {
	    for(int i = 0; i < listeners.size(); i++) {
	        VetoableChangeListener l = (VetoableChangeListener)v.elementAt(i);
	        if (l instanceof Serializable) {

    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
        Object listenerOrNull;
        while(null != (listenerOrNull = s.readObject())) {

    transient private java.util.Vector listeners;
    private Object source;
    private int vetoableChangeSupportSerializedDataVersion = 1;



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jdk-1.1.8-src.zip
File size: 1574187 bytes
Release date: 2018-11-16


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