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JDK 1.1 Source Code Directory
JDK 1.1 source code directory contains Java source code for JDK 1.1 core classes:
Here is the list of Java classes of the JDK 1.1 source code:
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⏎ java/rmi/
/* * @(#) 1.14 01/12/10 * * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package java.rmi; import; import; import; import; import java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader; /** * This class defines a default security policy for RMI applications (not * applets). For code loaded from a class loader, the security manager * disables all functions except class definition and access. This class * may be subclassed to implement a different policy. To set a * RMISecurityManager, add the following to an application's main() * method: <br> * * System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager()); If no security * manager has been set, RMI will only load classes from local system * files as defined by CLASSPATH.<p> * * @version 1.14, 12/10/01 * @author Roger Riggs */ public class RMISecurityManager extends SecurityManager { /** * Construct and initialize. */ public RMISecurityManager() { // XXX: DO NOT REMOVE THIS IN 1.1.X. This call indirectly // initializes, which cannot be done // while a security manager is installed and a classloader is // on the stack.; } /** * True if called indirectly from a loaded class. */ private boolean inLoadedClass() { return inClassLoader(); } /** * Returns the security context (e.g., a URL). */ public Object getSecurityContext() { return RMIClassLoader.getSecurityContext(currentClassLoader()); } /** * Loaded classes are not allowed to create class loaders, or even * execute any of ClassLoader's methods. */ public synchronized void checkCreateClassLoader() { if (inLoadedClass()) { throw new RMISecurityException("classloader"); } } /** * Loaded classes are not allowed to manipulate threads. */ public synchronized void checkAccess(Thread t) { if (inLoadedClass() && classLoaderDepth() == 3) { throw new RMISecurityException("thread"); } } /** * Loaded classes are not allowed to manipulate thread groups. */ public synchronized void checkAccess(ThreadGroup g) { if (inLoadedClass() && classLoaderDepth() == 4) { throw new RMISecurityException("threadgroup"); } } /** * Loaded classes are not allowed to exit the VM. */ public synchronized void checkExit(int status) { if (inLoadedClass()) { throw new RMISecurityException("exit", String.valueOf(status)); } } /** * Loaded classes are not allowed to fork processes. */ public synchronized void checkExec(String cmd){ if (inLoadedClass()) { throw new RMISecurityException("exec", cmd); } } /** * Loaded classes are not allowed to link dynamic libraries. */ public synchronized void checkLink(String lib){ switch (classLoaderDepth()) { case 2: // Runtime.load case 3: // System.loadLibrary throw new RMISecurityException("link", lib); default: break; } } /** * Loaded classes are not allowed to access the system properties list. */ public synchronized void checkPropertiesAccess() { if (classLoaderDepth() == 2) { throw new RMISecurityException("properties"); } } /** * Loaded classes can access the system property named by <i>key</i> * only if its twin <i>key.rmi</i> property is set to true. * For example, the property <code>java.home</code> can be read by * loaded classes only if <code>java.home.rmi</code> is <code>true</code>. */ public synchronized void checkPropertyAccess(String key) { if (classLoaderDepth() == 2) { if (!"true".equalsIgnoreCase(System.getProperty(key + ".rmi"))) { throw new RMISecurityException("properties"); } } } /** * Check if a loaded class can read a particular file. */ public synchronized void checkRead(String file) { if (inLoadedClass()) throw new RMISecurityException("", file); } /** * No file reads are valid from a loaded class. * @exception RMISecurityException If called from a loaded class. */ public void checkRead(String file, Object context) { if (inLoadedClass()) throw new RMISecurityException("", file); } /** * Check if a loaded class can write a particular file. * @exception RMISecurityException If called from a loaded class. */ public synchronized void checkWrite(String file) { if (inLoadedClass()) { throw new RMISecurityException("file.write", file); } } /** * Check if a file with the specified system dependent * file name can be deleted. * @param file the system dependent file name * @exception RMISecurityException If the file is not found. */ public void checkDelete(String file) { if (inLoadedClass()) { throw new RMISecurityException("file.delete", file); } } /** * Loaded classes are not allowed to open descriptors for reading unless * it is done through a socket, in which case other access * restrictions still apply. */ public synchronized void checkRead(FileDescriptor fd) { if ((inLoadedClass() && !inClass("")) || (!fd.valid()) ) { throw new RMISecurityException(""); } } /** * Loaded classes are not allowed to open descriptors for writing unless * it is done through a socket, in which case other access * restrictions still apply. */ public synchronized void checkWrite(FileDescriptor fd) { if ( (inLoadedClass() && !inClass("")) || (!fd.valid()) ) { throw new RMISecurityException("fd.write"); } } /** * For now loaded classes can't listen on any port. */ public synchronized void checkListen(int port) { if (inLoadedClass() && port != 0 && (port < 1024 || port > 65535)) { throw new RMISecurityException("socket.listen", String.valueOf(port)); } } /** * For now loaded classes can't accept connections on any port. */ public synchronized void checkAccept(String host, int port) { if (inLoadedClass()) { throw new RMISecurityException("socket.accept", host + ":" + String.valueOf(port)); } } /** * Checks to see if current execution context is allowed to use * (join/leave/send/receive) IP multicast (disallowed from loaded classes). */ public void checkMulticast(InetAddress maddr) { if (inLoadedClass()) { throw new RMISecurityException("checkmulticast"); } } /** * Checks to see if current execution context is allowed to use * (join/leave/send/receive) IP multicast (disallowed from loaded classes). */ public void checkMulticast(InetAddress maddr, byte ttl) { if (inLoadedClass()) { throw new RMISecurityException("checkmulticast"); } } /** * Loaded classes can make connections if called through the RMI transport. */ public synchronized void checkConnect(String host, int port) { if (!inLoadedClass()) { return; } // REMIND: This is only appropriate for our transport // implementation. int depth = classDepth("sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel"); if (depth > 1) { // Called through our RMI transport return; } else { Object url = getSecurityContext(); if (url != null && url instanceof { checkConnect(((URL)url).getHost(), host); } else { throw new RMISecurityException("checkConnect", "To " + host + ":" + port); } } } private synchronized void checkConnect(String fromHost, String toHost) { try { inCheck = true; InetAddress toHostAddr, fromHostAddr; if (!fromHost.equals(toHost)) { try { // the only time we allow non-matching strings // is when IPs and the IPs match. toHostAddr = InetAddress.getByName(toHost); fromHostAddr = InetAddress.getByName(fromHost); if (fromHostAddr.equals(toHostAddr)) { return; } else { throw new RMISecurityException("checkConnect", "To " + toHost); } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new RMISecurityException("checkConnect", "To " + toHost); } } else { try { toHostAddr = InetAddress.getByName(toHost); // strings match: if we have IP, we're homefree, return; } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new RMISecurityException("checkConnect", "To " + toHost); } } } finally { inCheck = false; } } /** * Loaded classes can make connections if * called through the RMI transport. */ public void checkConnect(String host, int port, Object context) { checkConnect(host, port); if (context != null) { if (context instanceof URL) { checkConnect(((URL)context).getHost(), host); } else { throw new RMISecurityException("checkConnect (unknown context)", "To " + host); } } } /** * Allow caller to create top-level windows. * Allow loaded classes to create windows with warnings. */ public synchronized boolean checkTopLevelWindow(Object window) { if (inLoadedClass()) return false; return true; } /** * Check if a loaded class can access a package. */ public synchronized void checkPackageAccess(String pkg) { if (!inLoadedClass()) return; int i = pkg.indexOf('.'); while (i > 0) { String subpkg = pkg.substring(0, i); if (Boolean.getBoolean("package.restrict.access." + subpkg)) { throw new RMISecurityException("checkpackageaccess", pkg); } i = pkg.indexOf('.', i + 1); } } /** * Check if a loaded class can define classes in a package. */ public synchronized void checkPackageDefinition(String pkg) { if (!inLoadedClass()) return; int i = pkg.indexOf('.'); while (i > 0) { String subpkg = pkg.substring(0, i); if (Boolean.getBoolean("package.restrict.definition." + subpkg)) { throw new RMISecurityException("checkpackagedefinition", pkg); } i = pkg.indexOf('.', i + 1); } } /** * Check if a loaded class can set a networking-related object factory. */ public synchronized void checkSetFactory() { if (inLoadedClass()) { throw new RMISecurityException("cannotsetfactory"); } } /** * Disallow printing from loaded classes. */ public void checkPrintJobAccess() { if (inLoadedClass()) { throw new RMISecurityException("getPrintJob"); } } /** * Checks to see if an client can get access to the System Clipboard * (disallowed from loaded classes). */ public void checkSystemClipboardAccess() { if (inLoadedClass()) { throw new RMISecurityException("checksystemclipboardaccess"); } } /** * Checks to see if an client can get access to the AWT event queue * (disallowed from loaded classes). */ public void checkAwtEventQueueAccess() { if (inLoadedClass()) { throw new RMISecurityException("checkawteventqueueaccess"); } } /** * Check if client is allowed reflective access to a member or a set * of members for the specified class. Once initial access is granted, * the reflected members can be queried for identifying information, but * can only be <strong>used</strong> (via get, set, invoke, or * newInstance) with standard Java language access control. * * <p>The policy is to dent <em>untrusted</em> clients access to * <em>declared</em> members of classes other than those loaded via * the same class loader. All other accesses are granted. */ public void checkMemberAccess(Class clazz, int which) { if (which != java.lang.reflect.Member.PUBLIC) { ClassLoader currentLoader = currentClassLoader(); if (currentLoader != null) { if (currentLoader != clazz.getClassLoader()) { throw new RMISecurityException("checkmemberaccess"); } } } } /** * Loaded classes cannot perform security provider operations. */ public void checkSecurityAccess(String provider) { if (inLoadedClass()) { throw new RMISecurityException("checksecurityaccess", provider); } } }
⏎ java/rmi/
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