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JDK 1.1 Source Code Directory
JDK 1.1 source code directory contains Java source code for JDK 1.1 core classes:
Here is the list of Java classes of the JDK 1.1 source code:
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⏎ java/sql/
/* * @(#) 1.7 01/12/10 * * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package java.sql; /** * <P>The DriverManager provides a basic service for managing a set of * JDBC drivers. * * <P>As part of its initialization, the DriverManager class will * attempt to load the driver classes referenced in the "jdbc.drivers" * system property. This allows a user to customize the JDBC Drivers * used by their applications. For example in your * ~/.hotjava/properties file you might specify: * <CODE>jdbc.drivers=foo.bah.Driver:wombat.sql.Driver:bad.taste.ourDriver</CODE> * * A program can also explicitly load JDBC drivers at any time. For * example, the my.sql.Driver is loaded with the following statement: * <CODE>Class.forName("my.sql.Driver");</CODE> * * <P>When getConnection is called the DriverManager will attempt to * locate a suitable driver from amongst those loaded at * initialization and those loaded explicitly using the same classloader * as the current applet or application. * * @see Driver * @see Connection */ public class DriverManager { /** * Attempt to establish a connection to the given database URL. * The DriverManager attempts to select an appropriate driver from * the set of registered JDBC drivers. * * @param url a database url of the form jdbc:<em>subprotocol</em>:<em>subname</em> * @param info a list of arbitrary string tag/value pairs as * connection arguments; normally at least a "user" and * "password" property should be included * @return a Connection to the URL * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ public static synchronized Connection getConnection(String url, java.util.Properties info) throws SQLException { if(url == null) { throw new SQLException("The url cannot be null", "08001"); } println("DriverManager.getConnection(\"" + url + "\")"); if (!initialized) { initialize(); } // Figure out the current security context. Object currentSecurityContext = getSecurityContext(); // Walk through the loaded drivers attempting to make a connection. // Remember the first exception that gets raised so we can reraise it. SQLException reason = null; for (int i = 0; i < drivers.size(); i++) { DriverInfo di = (DriverInfo)drivers.elementAt(i); // if the driver isn't part of the base system and doesn't come // from the same security context as the current caller, skip it. if (di.securityContext != null && di.securityContext != currentSecurityContext) { println(" skipping: " + di); continue; } try { println(" trying " + di); Connection result = di.driver.connect(url, info); if (result != null) { // Success! println("getConnection returning " + di); return (result); } } catch (SQLException ex) { if (reason == null) { reason = ex; } } } // if we got here nobody could connect. if (reason != null) { println("getConnection failed: " + reason); throw reason; } println("getConnection: no suitable driver"); throw new SQLException("No suitable driver", "08001"); } /** * Attempt to establish a connection to the given database URL. * The DriverManager attempts to select an appropriate driver from * the set of registered JDBC drivers. * * @param url a database url of the form jdbc:<em>subprotocol</em>:<em>subname</em> * @param user the database user on whose behalf the Connection is being made * @param password the user's password * @return a Connection to the URL * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ public static synchronized Connection getConnection(String url, String user, String password) throws SQLException { java.util.Properties info = new java.util.Properties(); if (user != null) { info.put("user", user); } if (password != null) { info.put("password", password); } return (getConnection(url, info)); } /** * Attempt to establish a connection to the given database URL. * The DriverManager attempts to select an appropriate driver from * the set of registered JDBC drivers. * * @param url a database url of the form jdbc:<em>subprotocol</em>:<em>subname</em> * @return a Connection to the URL * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ public static synchronized Connection getConnection(String url) throws SQLException { java.util.Properties info = new java.util.Properties(); return (getConnection(url, info)); } /** * Attempt to locate a driver that understands the given URL. * The DriverManager attempts to select an appropriate driver from * the set of registered JDBC drivers. * * @param url a database url of the form jdbc:<em>subprotocol</em>:<em>subname</em> * @return a Driver that can connect to the URL * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ public static Driver getDriver(String url) throws SQLException { println("DriverManager.getDriver(\"" + url + "\")"); if (!initialized) { initialize(); } // Figure out the current security context. Object currentSecurityContext = getSecurityContext(); // Walk through the loaded drivers attempting to locate someone // who understands the given URL. for (int i = 0; i < drivers.size(); i++) { DriverInfo di = (DriverInfo)drivers.elementAt(i); // If the driver isn't part of the base system and doesn't come // from the same security context as the current caller, skip it. if (di.securityContext != null && di.securityContext != currentSecurityContext) { println(" skipping: " + di); continue; } try { println(" trying " + di); if (di.driver.acceptsURL(url)) { // Success! println("getDriver returning " + di); return (di.driver); } } catch (SQLException ex) { // Drop through and try the next driver. } } println("getDriver: no suitable driver"); throw new SQLException("No suitable driver", "08001"); } /** * A newly loaded driver class should call registerDriver to make itself * known to the DriverManager. * * @param driver the new JDBC Driver * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ public static synchronized void registerDriver(java.sql.Driver driver) throws SQLException { if (!initialized) { initialize(); } DriverInfo di = new DriverInfo(); di.driver = driver; di.className = driver.getClass().getName(); // Note our current securityContext. di.securityContext = getSecurityContext(); drivers.addElement(di); println("registerDriver: " + di); } /** * Drop a Driver from the DriverManager's list. Applets can only * deregister Drivers from their own classloader. * * @param driver the JDBC Driver to drop * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ public static void deregisterDriver(Driver driver) throws SQLException { // Figure out the current security context. Object currentSecurityContext = getSecurityContext(); println("DriverManager.deregisterDriver: " + driver); // Walk through the loaded drivers. int i; DriverInfo di = null; for (i = 0; i < drivers.size(); i++) { di = (DriverInfo)drivers.elementAt(i); if (di.driver == driver) { break; } } // If we can't find the driver just return. if (i >= drivers.size()) { println(" couldn't find driver to unload"); return; } // If an applet is trying to free a driver from somewhere else // throw a security exception. if (currentSecurityContext != null && di.securityContext != currentSecurityContext) { throw new SecurityException(); } // Remove the driver. Other entries in drivers get shuffled down. drivers.removeElementAt(i); } /** * Return an Enumeration of all the currently loaded JDBC drivers * which the current caller has access to. * * <P><B>Note:</B> The classname of a driver can be found using * <CODE>d.getClass().getName()</CODE> * * @return the list of JDBC Drivers loaded by the caller's class loader */ public static java.util.Enumeration getDrivers() { java.util.Vector result = new java.util.Vector(); if (!initialized) { initialize(); } // Figure out the current security context. Object currentSecurityContext = getSecurityContext(); // Walk through the loaded drivers. for (int i = 0; i < drivers.size(); i++) { DriverInfo di = (DriverInfo)drivers.elementAt(i); // if the driver isn't part of the base system and doesn't come // from the same security context as the current caller, skip it. if (di.securityContext != null && di.securityContext != currentSecurityContext) { println(" skipping: " + di); continue; } result.addElement(di.driver); } return (result.elements()); } /** * Set the maximum time in seconds that all drivers can wait * when attempting to log in to a database. * * @param seconds the driver login time limit */ public static void setLoginTimeout(int seconds) { loginTimeout = seconds; } /** * Get the maximum time in seconds that all drivers can wait * when attempting to log in to a database. * * @return the driver login time limit */ public static int getLoginTimeout() { return (loginTimeout); } /** * Set the logging/tracing PrintStream that is used by the DriverManager * and all drivers. * * @param out the new logging/tracing PrintStream; to disable, set to null */ public static void setLogStream( out) { logStream = out; } /** * Get the logging/tracing PrintStream that is used by the DriverManager * and all drivers. * * @return the logging/tracing PrintStream; if disabled, is null */ public static getLogStream() { return (logStream); } /** * Print a message to the current JDBC log stream * * @param message a log or tracing message */ public static void println(String message) { if (logStream != null) { logStream.println(message); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static Object getSecurityContext() { // Get the securityContext for our caller. For applets this // will be the applet classloader base URL. SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager(); if (security == null) { return (null); } return (security.getSecurityContext()); } private static void loadInitialDrivers() { String drivers; try { drivers = System.getProperty("jdbc.drivers"); } catch (Exception ex) { drivers = null; } println("DriverManager.initialize: jdbc.drivers = " + drivers); if (drivers == null) { return; } while (drivers.length() != 0) { int x = drivers.indexOf(':'); String driver; if (x < 0) { driver = drivers; drivers = ""; } else { driver = drivers.substring(0, x); drivers = drivers.substring(x+1); } if (driver.length() == 0) { continue; } try { println("DriverManager.Initialize: loading " + driver); Class.forName(driver); } catch (Exception ex) { println("DriverManager.Initialize: load failed: " + ex); } } } // Class initialization. static void initialize() { if (initialized) { return; } initialized = true; loadInitialDrivers(); println("JDBC DriverManager initialized"); } // Prevent the DriverManager class from being instantiated. private DriverManager(){} private static java.util.Vector drivers = new java.util.Vector(); private static int loginTimeout = 0; private static logStream = null; private static boolean initialized = false; } // DriverInfo is a package-private support class. class DriverInfo { Driver driver; Object securityContext; String className; public String toString() { return ("driver[className=" + className + ",context=" + securityContext + "," + driver + "]"); } }
⏎ java/sql/
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