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JDK 1.1 Source Code Directory
JDK 1.1 source code directory contains Java source code for JDK 1.1 core classes:
Here is the list of Java classes of the JDK 1.1 source code:
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⏎ java/sql/
/* * @(#) 1.7 01/12/10 * * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package java.sql; /** * A ResultSetMetaData object can be used to find out about the types * and properties of the columns in a ResultSet. */ public interface ResultSetMetaData { /** * What's the number of columns in the ResultSet? * * @return the number * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ int getColumnCount() throws SQLException; /** * Is the column automatically numbered, thus read-only? * * @param column the first column is 1, the second is 2, ... * @return true if so * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ boolean isAutoIncrement(int column) throws SQLException; /** * Does a column's case matter? * * @param column the first column is 1, the second is 2, ... * @return true if so * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ boolean isCaseSensitive(int column) throws SQLException; /** * Can the column be used in a where clause? * * @param column the first column is 1, the second is 2, ... * @return true if so * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ boolean isSearchable(int column) throws SQLException; /** * Is the column a cash value? * * @param column the first column is 1, the second is 2, ... * @return true if so * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ boolean isCurrency(int column) throws SQLException; /** * Can you put a NULL in this column? * * @param column the first column is 1, the second is 2, ... * @return columnNoNulls, columnNullable or columnNullableUnknown * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ int isNullable(int column) throws SQLException; /** * Does not allow NULL values. */ int columnNoNulls = 0; /** * Allows NULL values. */ int columnNullable = 1; /** * Nullability unknown. */ int columnNullableUnknown = 2; /** * Is the column a signed number? * * @param column the first column is 1, the second is 2, ... * @return true if so * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ boolean isSigned(int column) throws SQLException; /** * What's the column's normal max width in chars? * * @param column the first column is 1, the second is 2, ... * @return max width * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ int getColumnDisplaySize(int column) throws SQLException; /** * What's the suggested column title for use in printouts and * displays? * * @param column the first column is 1, the second is 2, ... * @return true if so * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ String getColumnLabel(int column) throws SQLException; /** * What's a column's name? * * @param column the first column is 1, the second is 2, ... * @return column name * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ String getColumnName(int column) throws SQLException; /** * What's a column's table's schema? * * @param column the first column is 1, the second is 2, ... * @return schema name or "" if not applicable * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ String getSchemaName(int column) throws SQLException; /** * What's a column's number of decimal digits? * * @param column the first column is 1, the second is 2, ... * @return precision * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ int getPrecision(int column) throws SQLException; /** * What's a column's number of digits to right of the decimal point? * * @param column the first column is 1, the second is 2, ... * @return scale * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ int getScale(int column) throws SQLException; /** * What's a column's table name? * * @return table name or "" if not applicable * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ String getTableName(int column) throws SQLException; /** * What's a column's table's catalog name? * * @param column the first column is 1, the second is 2, ... * @return column name or "" if not applicable. * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ String getCatalogName(int column) throws SQLException; /** * What's a column's SQL type? * * @param column the first column is 1, the second is 2, ... * @return SQL type * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. * @see Types */ int getColumnType(int column) throws SQLException; /** * What's a column's data source specific type name? * * @param column the first column is 1, the second is 2, ... * @return type name * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ String getColumnTypeName(int column) throws SQLException; /** * Is a column definitely not writable? * * @param column the first column is 1, the second is 2, ... * @return true if so * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ boolean isReadOnly(int column) throws SQLException; /** * Is it possible for a write on the column to succeed? * * @param column the first column is 1, the second is 2, ... * @return true if so * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ boolean isWritable(int column) throws SQLException; /** * Will a write on the column definitely succeed? * * @param column the first column is 1, the second is 2, ... * @return true if so * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs. */ boolean isDefinitelyWritable(int column) throws SQLException; }
⏎ java/sql/
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