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JDK 1.1 Source Code Directory
JDK 1.1 source code directory contains Java source code for JDK 1.1 core classes:
Here is the list of Java classes of the JDK 1.1 source code:
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⏎ java/text/
/* * @(#) 1.10 01/12/10 * * (C) Copyright Taligent, Inc. 1996 - All Rights Reserved * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996 - All Rights Reserved * * Portions copyright (c) 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * The original version of this source code and documentation is copyrighted * and owned by Taligent, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of IBM. These * materials are provided under terms of a License Agreement between Taligent * and Sun. This technology is protected by multiple US and International * patents. This notice and attribution to Taligent may not be removed. * Taligent is a registered trademark of Taligent, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software * and its documentation for NON-COMMERCIAL purposes and without * fee is hereby granted provided that this copyright notice * appears in all copies. Please refer to the file "copyright.html" * for further important copyright and licensing information. * * SUN MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES ABOUT THE SUITABILITY OF * THE SOFTWARE, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED * TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. SUN SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR * DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. * */ package java.text; /** * The CharacterBreakData contains data used by SimpleTextBoundary * to determine character breaks. * @see #BreakIterator */ final class CharacterBreakData extends TextBoundaryData { private static final byte accent_diacritic = 0; private static final byte baseForm = 1; private static final byte baseCR = 2; private static final byte baseLF = 3; private static final byte choseong = 4; // Korean initial consonant private static final byte jungseong = 5; // Korean vowel private static final byte jongseong = 6; // Korean final consonant private static final byte EOS = 7; private static final int COL_COUNT = 8; private static final byte SI = (byte)0x80; private static final byte STOP = (byte) 0; private static final byte SI_STOP = (byte)SI + STOP; private static final byte kCharacterForwardData[] = { // acct base cr lf // cho jung jong EOS STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP, // 1 (byte)(SI+2), (byte)(SI+2), (byte)(SI+3), (byte)(SI+7), (byte)(SI+4), (byte)(SI+5), (byte)(SI+6), SI_STOP, // 2 (byte)(SI+2), SI_STOP, SI_STOP, SI_STOP, SI_STOP, SI_STOP, SI_STOP, SI_STOP, // 3 SI_STOP, SI_STOP, SI_STOP, (byte)(SI+7), SI_STOP, SI_STOP, SI_STOP, SI_STOP, // 4 (byte)(SI+2), SI_STOP, SI_STOP, SI_STOP, (byte)(SI+4), (byte)(SI+5), (byte)(SI+6), SI_STOP, // 5 (byte)(SI+2), SI_STOP, SI_STOP, SI_STOP, SI_STOP, (byte)(SI+5), (byte)(SI+6), SI_STOP, // 6 (byte)(SI+2), SI_STOP, SI_STOP, SI_STOP, SI_STOP, SI_STOP, (byte)(SI+6), SI_STOP, // 7 SI_STOP, SI_STOP, SI_STOP, SI_STOP, SI_STOP, SI_STOP, SI_STOP, SI_STOP }; private static final WordBreakTable kCharacterForwardTable = new WordBreakTable(COL_COUNT, kCharacterForwardData); private static final byte kCharacterBackwardData[] = { // acct base cr lf // cho jung jong EOS STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP, // 1 (byte)(SI+1), SI_STOP, SI_STOP, (byte)(SI+1), SI_STOP, (byte)(SI+1), (byte)(SI+1), SI_STOP }; private static final WordBreakTable kCharacterBackwardTable = new WordBreakTable(COL_COUNT, kCharacterBackwardData); private static final int kRawMapping[] = { baseForm, //UNASSIGNED = 0, baseForm, //UPPERCASE_LETTER = 1, baseForm, //LOWERCASE_LETTER = 2, baseForm, //TITLECASE_LETTER = 3, baseForm, //MODIFIER_LETTER = 4, baseForm, //OTHER_LETTER = 5, accent_diacritic, //NON_SPACING_MARK = 6, accent_diacritic, //ENCLOSING_MARK = 7, baseForm, //COMBINING_SPACING_MARK = 8, baseForm, //DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER = 9, baseForm, //LETTER_NUMBER = 10, baseForm, //OTHER_NUMBER = 11, baseForm, //SPACE_SEPARATOR = 12, baseForm, //LINE_SEPARATOR = 13, baseForm, //PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR = 14, baseForm, //CONTROL = 15, baseForm, //FORMAT = 16, baseForm, //???? = 17, baseForm, //PRIVATE_USE = 18, baseForm, //SURROGATE = 19, baseForm, //DASH_PUNCTUATION = 20, baseForm, //START_PUNCTUATION = 21, baseForm, //END_PUNCTUATION = 22, baseForm, //CONNECTOR_PUNCTUATION = 23, baseForm, //OTHER_PUNCTUATION = 24, baseForm, //MATH_SYMBOL = 25, baseForm, //CURRENCY_SYMBOL = 26, baseForm, //MODIFIER_SYMBOL = 27, baseForm, //OTHER_SYMBOL = 28; }; private static final SpecialMapping kExceptionChar[] = //{}; { new SpecialMapping(ASCII_LINEFEED, baseLF), new SpecialMapping(ASCII_CARRIAGE_RETURN, baseCR), new SpecialMapping(HANGUL_CHOSEONG_LOW, HANGUL_CHOSEONG_HIGH, choseong), new SpecialMapping(HANGUL_JUNGSEONG_LOW, HANGUL_JUNGSEONG_HIGH, jungseong), new SpecialMapping(HANGUL_JONGSEONG_LOW, HANGUL_JONGSEONG_HIGH, jongseong), new SpecialMapping(PUNCTUATION_LINE_SEPARATOR, PUNCTUATION_PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR, baseLF), new SpecialMapping(END_OF_STRING, EOS) }; private static final boolean CharacterExceptionFlags[] = { false, // kNonCharacter = 0, false, // kUppercaseLetter = 1, false, // kLowercaseLetter = 2, false, // kTitlecaseLetter = 3, false, // kModifierLetter = 4, true, // kOtherLetter = 5, false, // kNonSpacingMark = 6, false, // kEnclosingMark = 7, false, // kCombiningSpacingMark = 8, false, // kDecimalNumber = 9, false, // kLetterNumber = 10, false, // kOtherNumber = 11, false, // kSpaceSeparator = 12, true, // kLineSeparator = 13, true, // kParagraphSeparator = 14, true, // kControlCharacter = 15, false, // kFormatCharacter = 16, false, // UNDEFINED = 17, false, // kPrivateUseCharacter = 18, false, // kSurrogate = 19, false, // kDashPunctuation = 20, false, // kOpenPunctuation = 21, false, // kClosePunctuation = 22, false, // kConnectorPunctuation = 23, false, // kOtherPunctuation = 24, false, // kMathSymbol = 25, false, // kCurrencySymbol = 26, false, // kModifierSymbol = 27, false // kOtherSymbol = 28 }; private static final int kCharacterAsciiValues[] = { // null soh stx etx eot enq ask bell baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // bs ht lf vt ff cr so si baseForm, baseForm, baseLF, baseForm, baseForm, baseCR, baseForm, baseForm, // dle dc1 dc2 dc3 dc4 nak syn etb baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // can em sub esc fs gs rs us baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // sp ! " # $ % & ' baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // ( ) * + , - . / baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // 8 9 : ; < = > ? baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // @ A B C D E F G baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // H I J K L M N O baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // P Q R S T U V W baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // ` a b c d e f g baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // h i j k l m n o baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // p q r s t u v w baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // x y z { | } ~ del baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // ctrl ctrl ctrl ctrl ctrl ctrl ctrl ctrl baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // ctrl ctrl ctrl ctrl ctrl ctrl ctrl ctrl baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // ctrl ctrl ctrl ctrl ctrl ctrl ctrl ctrl baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // ctrl ctrl ctrl ctrl ctrl ctrl ctrl ctrl baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // nbsp � � � � � � baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // � � � � � � � � baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // � � � � � � � � baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // � � � � � � � � baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // � � � � � � � � baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // � � � � � � � � baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // � � � � � � � � baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // � � � � � � � � baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // � � � � � � � � baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // � � � � � � � � baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // � � � � � � � � baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, // � � � � � � � � baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm, baseForm }; private static final UnicodeClassMapping kCharacterMap = new UnicodeClassMapping(kRawMapping, kExceptionChar, CharacterExceptionFlags, kCharacterAsciiValues); public WordBreakTable forward() { return kCharacterForwardTable; } public WordBreakTable backward() { return kCharacterBackwardTable; } public UnicodeClassMapping map() { return kCharacterMap; } }
⏎ java/text/
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