Run Apache Ant on Windows, Mac and Linux


How to run Apache Ant?



If you have installed on your computer, you can run it in the command line using different command scripts for different systems.

1. Make sure you have Java environment on your system:

java -version 

java version "15" 2020-09-15
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 15+36-1562)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 15+36-1562, mixed mode, sharing)

2. Run Apache Ant on Windows system by calling the "ant.bat" script:

> apache-ant-1.10.10\bin\ant.bat -help 

3. Run Apache Ant on Mac system by calling the "ant" script:

$ apache-ant-1.10.10/bin/ant -help 

4. Run Apache Ant on Linux system by calling the "ant" script:

$ apache-ant-1.10.10/bin/ant -help 

Here are "ant" command options:

$ apache-ant-1.10.10/bin/ant -help 

ant [script options] [options] [target [target2 [target3] ..]]
Script Options:
  --help, --h            print this message and ant help
  --noconfig             suppress sourcing of /etc/ant.conf,
                         $HOME/.ant/ant.conf, and $HOME/.antrc
                         configuration files
  --usejikes             enable use of jikes by default, unless
                         set explicitly in configuration files
  --execdebug            print ant exec line generated by this
                         launch script

ant [options] [target [target2 [target3] ...]]
  -help, -h              print this message and exit
  -projecthelp, -p       print project help information and exit
  -version               print the version information and exit
  -diagnostics           print information that might be helpful to
                         diagnose or report problems and exit
  -quiet, -q             be extra quiet
  -silent, -S            print nothing but task outputs and build failures
  -verbose, -v           be extra verbose
  -debug, -d             print debugging information
  -emacs, -e             produce logging information without adornments
  -lib <path>            specifies a path to search for jars and classes
  -logfile <file>        use given file for log
    -l     <file>                ''
  -logger <classname>    the class which is to perform logging
  -listener <classname>  add an instance of class as a project listener
  -noinput               do not allow interactive input
  -buildfile <file>      use given buildfile
    -file    <file>              ''
    -f       <file>              ''
  -D<property>=<value>   use value for given property
  -keep-going, -k        execute all targets that do not depend
                         on failed target(s)
  -propertyfile <name>   load all properties from file with -D
                         properties taking precedence
  -inputhandler <class>  the class which will handle input requests
  -find <file>           (s)earch for buildfile towards the root of
    -s  <file>           the filesystem and use it
  -nice  number          A niceness value for the main thread:
                         1 (lowest) to 10 (highest); 5 is the default
  -nouserlib             Run ant without using the jar files from
  -noclasspath           Run ant without using CLASSPATH
  -autoproxy             Java1.5+: use the OS proxy settings
  -main <class>          override Ant's normal entry point


build.xml Required by Apache Ant

What Is in Apache Ant Binary Package

Apache Ant - Java Build Tool

⇑⇑ Java/JAR Tools

2021-07-10, 618🔥, 0💬