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Other Resources:
Jackson Data Binding Source Code
Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".
Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.
You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:
⏎ com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/cfg/
package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.LogicalType; /** * Set of possible actions for requested coercion from an * input shape {@link CoercionInputShape} * that does not directly or naturally match target type * ({@link LogicalType}). * This action is suggestion for deserializers to use in cases * where alternate actions could be appropriate: it is up to deserializer * to check configured action and take it into consideration. * * @since 2.12 */ public enum CoercionAction { /** * Action to fail coercion attempt with exceptipn */ Fail, /** * Action to attempt coercion (which may lead to failure) */ TryConvert, /** * Action to convert to {@code null} value */ AsNull, /** * Action to convert to "empty" value for type, whatever that is: for * primitive types and their wrappers this is "default" value (for example, * for {@code int} that would be {@code 0}); for {@link java.util.Collection}s * empty collection; for POJOs instance configured with default constructor * and so on. */ AsEmpty; ; }
⏎ com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/cfg/
Or download all of them as a single archive file:
File name: jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar File size: 1187952 bytes Release date: 2022-11-05 Download
⇒ Jackson Annotations Source Code
⇐ Download and Install Jackson Binary Package
2022-03-29, 109374👍, 0💬
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