Jackson Data Binding Source Code

Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".

  • Jackson Data Binding module allows you to converts JSON to and from POJO (Plain Old Java Object) using property accessor or using annotations.
  • Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.

    You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:

    ✍: FYIcenter.com


    package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.BeanDescription;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.MapperConfig;
     * API for handlers used to "mangle" names of "getter" and "setter" methods to
     * find implicit property names.
     * @since 2.12
    public abstract class AccessorNamingStrategy
         * Method called to find whether given method would be considered an "is-getter"
         * getter method in context of
         * type introspected, and if so, what is the logical property it is associated with
         * (which in turn suggest external name for property)
         * Note that signature acceptability has already been checked (no arguments,
         * has return value) but NOT the specific limitation that return type should
         * be of boolean type -- implementation should apply latter check, if so desired
         * (some languages may use different criteria). It is also possible that some
         * implementations allow different return types than boolean types.
         * Note that visibility checks are applied separately; strategy does not need
         * to be concerned with that aspect.
         * @param method Method to check
         * @param name Name to check (usually same as {@link AnnotatedMethod#getName()}
         * @return Implied property name for is-getter method, if match; {@code null} to indicate
         *    that the name does not conform to expected naming convention
        public abstract String findNameForIsGetter(AnnotatedMethod method, String name);
         * Method called to find whether given method would be considered a "regular"
         * getter method in context of
         * type introspected, and if so, what is the logical property it is associated with
         * (which in turn suggest external name for property)
         * Note that signature acceptability has already been checked (no arguments,
         * does have a return value) by caller.
         * Note that this method MAY be called for potential "is-getter" methods too
         * (before {@link #findNameForIsGetter})
         * Note that visibility checks are applied separately; strategy does not need
         * to be concerned with that aspect.
         * @param method Method to check
         * @param name Name to check (usually same as {@link AnnotatedMethod#getName()}
         * @return Implied property name for getter method, if match; {@code null} to indicate
         *    that the name does not conform to expected naming convention
        public abstract String findNameForRegularGetter(AnnotatedMethod method, String name);
         * Method called to find whether given method would be considered a "mutator"
         * (usually setter, but for builders "with-method" or similar) in context of
         * type introspected, and if so, what is the logical property it is associated with
         * (which in turn suggest external name for property)
         * Note that signature acceptability has already been checked (exactly one parameter)
         * by caller.
         * Note that visibility checks are applied separately; strategy does not need
         * to be concerned with that aspect.
         * @param method Method to check
         * @param name Name to check (usually same as {@link AnnotatedMethod#getName()}
         * @return Implied property name for mutator method, if match; {@code null}
         *   to indicate that the name does not conform to expected naming convention
        public abstract String findNameForMutator(AnnotatedMethod method, String name);
         * Method called to find the name of logical property that given field should
         * be associated with, if any.
         * Note that visibility checks are applied separately; strategy does not need
         * to be concerned with that aspect.
         * @param field Field to check
         * @param name Name to check (usually same as {@link AnnotatedField#getName()}
         * @return Implied property name matching given field (often field name as-is) or {@code null}
         *   to indicate that the name does not conform to expected naming convention
         *   (and will not be considered for property access)
        public abstract String modifyFieldName(AnnotatedField field, String name);
         * Helper class that implements all abstract methods with dummy implementations.
         * Behavior is as follows:
         * <li>No getter or is-getter methods are recognized: relevant methods return {@code null}
         *  <li>
         * <li>No setter methods are recognized: relevant methods return {@code null}
         *  <li>
         * <li>Names of fields are returned as-is, without modifications (meaning they may be
         * discovered if they are otherwise visible
         *  <li>
         * </ul>
        public static class Base
            extends AccessorNamingStrategy
            implements java.io.Serializable // since one configured with Mapper/MapperBuilder
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
            public String findNameForIsGetter(AnnotatedMethod method, String name) {
                return null;
            public String findNameForRegularGetter(AnnotatedMethod method, String name) {
                return null;
            public String findNameForMutator(AnnotatedMethod method, String name) {
                return null;
            public String modifyFieldName(AnnotatedField field, String name) {
                return name;
         * Interface for provider (factory) for constructing {@link AccessorNamingStrategy}
         * for given type of deserialization target
        public abstract static class Provider
            implements java.io.Serializable // since one configured with Mapper/MapperBuilder
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
             * Factory method for creating strategy instance for a "regular" POJO,
             * called if none of the other factory methods is applicable.
             * @param config Current mapper configuration
             * @param valueClass Information about value type
             * @return Naming strategy instance to use
            public abstract AccessorNamingStrategy forPOJO(MapperConfig<?> config,
                    AnnotatedClass valueClass);
             * Factory method for creating strategy instance for POJOs
             * that are deserialized using Builder type: in this case eventual
             * target (value) type is different from type of "builder" object that is
             * used by databinding to accumulate state.
             * @param config Current mapper configuration
             * @param builderClass Information about builder type
             * @param valueTypeDesc Information about the eventual target (value) type
             * @return Naming strategy instance to use
            public abstract AccessorNamingStrategy forBuilder(MapperConfig<?> config,
                    AnnotatedClass builderClass, BeanDescription valueTypeDesc);
             * Factory method for creating strategy instance for special {@code java.lang.Record}
             * type (new in JDK 14).
             * @param config Current mapper configuration
             * @param recordClass Information about value type (of type {@code java.lang.Record})
             * @return Naming strategy instance to use
            public abstract AccessorNamingStrategy forRecord(MapperConfig<?> config,
                    AnnotatedClass recordClass);



    Or download all of them as a single archive file:

    File name: jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar
    File size: 1187952 bytes
    Release date: 2022-11-05


    Jackson Annotations Source Code

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