Rhino JavaScript Java Library Source Code

Rhino JavaScript Java Library is an open-source implementation of JavaScript written entirely in Java.

Rhino JavaScript Java Library Source Code files are provided in binary package (rhino-1.7.14.zip).

You can also browse the source code below:

✍: FYIcenter.com


/* -*- Mode: java; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

package org.mozilla.javascript.ast;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Node;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Token;

 * Base type for {@link AstRoot} and {@link FunctionNode} nodes, which need to collect much of the
 * same information.
public class ScriptNode extends Scope {

    private int encodedSourceStart = -1;
    private int encodedSourceEnd = -1;
    private String sourceName;
    private String encodedSource;
    private int endLineno = -1;

    private List<FunctionNode> functions;
    private List<RegExpLiteral> regexps;
    private List<TemplateLiteral> templateLiterals;
    private List<FunctionNode> EMPTY_LIST = Collections.emptyList();

    private List<Symbol> symbols = new ArrayList<Symbol>(4);
    private int paramCount = 0;
    private String[] variableNames;
    private boolean[] isConsts;

    private Object compilerData;
    private int tempNumber = 0;
    private boolean inStrictMode;

        // during parsing, a ScriptNode or FunctionNode's top scope is itself
        this.top = this;
        this.type = Token.SCRIPT;

    public ScriptNode() {}

    public ScriptNode(int pos) {

     * Returns the URI, path or descriptive text indicating the origin of this script's source code.
    public String getSourceName() {
        return sourceName;

     * Sets the URI, path or descriptive text indicating the origin of this script's source code.
    public void setSourceName(String sourceName) {
        this.sourceName = sourceName;

     * Returns the start offset of the encoded source. Only valid if {@link #getEncodedSource}
     * returns non-{@code null}.
    public int getEncodedSourceStart() {
        return encodedSourceStart;

     * Used by code generator.
     * @see #getEncodedSource
    public void setEncodedSourceStart(int start) {
        this.encodedSourceStart = start;

     * Returns the end offset of the encoded source. Only valid if {@link #getEncodedSource} returns
     * non-{@code null}.
    public int getEncodedSourceEnd() {
        return encodedSourceEnd;

     * Used by code generator.
     * @see #getEncodedSource
    public void setEncodedSourceEnd(int end) {
        this.encodedSourceEnd = end;

     * Used by code generator.
     * @see #getEncodedSource
    public void setEncodedSourceBounds(int start, int end) {
        this.encodedSourceStart = start;
        this.encodedSourceEnd = end;

     * Used by the code generator.
     * @see #getEncodedSource
    public void setEncodedSource(String encodedSource) {
        this.encodedSource = encodedSource;

     * Returns a canonical version of the source for this script or function, for use in
     * implementing the {@code Object.toSource} method of JavaScript objects. This source encoding
     * is only recorded during code generation. It must be passed back to {@link
     * org.mozilla.javascript.Decompiler#decompile} to construct the human-readable source string.
     * <p>Given a parsed AST, you can always convert it to source code using the {@link
     * AstNode#toSource} method, although it's not guaranteed to produce exactly the same results as
     * {@code Object.toSource} with respect to formatting, parenthesization and other details.
     * @return the encoded source, or {@code null} if it was not recorded.
    public String getEncodedSource() {
        return encodedSource;

    public int getBaseLineno() {
        return lineno;

     * Sets base (starting) line number for this script or function. This is a one-time operation,
     * and throws an exception if the line number has already been set.
    public void setBaseLineno(int lineno) {
        if (lineno < 0 || this.lineno >= 0) codeBug();
        this.lineno = lineno;

    public int getEndLineno() {
        return endLineno;

    public void setEndLineno(int lineno) {
        // One time action
        if (lineno < 0 || endLineno >= 0) codeBug();
        endLineno = lineno;

    public int getFunctionCount() {
        return functions == null ? 0 : functions.size();

    public FunctionNode getFunctionNode(int i) {
        return functions.get(i);

    public List<FunctionNode> getFunctions() {
        return functions == null ? EMPTY_LIST : functions;

     * Adds a {@link FunctionNode} to the functions table for codegen. Does not set the parent of
     * the node.
     * @return the index of the function within its parent
    public int addFunction(FunctionNode fnNode) {
        if (fnNode == null) codeBug();
        if (functions == null) functions = new ArrayList<FunctionNode>();
        return functions.size() - 1;

    public int getRegexpCount() {
        return regexps == null ? 0 : regexps.size();

    public String getRegexpString(int index) {
        return regexps.get(index).getValue();

    public String getRegexpFlags(int index) {
        return regexps.get(index).getFlags();

    /** Called by IRFactory to add a RegExp to the regexp table. */
    public void addRegExp(RegExpLiteral re) {
        if (re == null) codeBug();
        if (regexps == null) regexps = new ArrayList<RegExpLiteral>();
        re.putIntProp(REGEXP_PROP, regexps.size() - 1);

    public int getTemplateLiteralCount() {
        return templateLiterals == null ? 0 : templateLiterals.size();

    public List<TemplateCharacters> getTemplateLiteralStrings(int index) {
        return templateLiterals.get(index).getTemplateStrings();

    /** Called by IRFactory to add a Template Literal to the templateLiterals table. */
    public void addTemplateLiteral(TemplateLiteral templateLiteral) {
        if (templateLiteral == null) codeBug();
        if (templateLiterals == null) templateLiterals = new ArrayList<TemplateLiteral>();
        templateLiteral.putIntProp(TEMPLATE_LITERAL_PROP, templateLiterals.size() - 1);

    public int getIndexForNameNode(Node nameNode) {
        if (variableNames == null) codeBug();
        Scope node = nameNode.getScope();
        Symbol symbol = null;
        if (node != null && nameNode instanceof Name) {
            symbol = node.getSymbol(((Name) nameNode).getIdentifier());
        return (symbol == null) ? -1 : symbol.getIndex();

    public String getParamOrVarName(int index) {
        if (variableNames == null) codeBug();
        return variableNames[index];

    public int getParamCount() {
        return paramCount;

    public int getParamAndVarCount() {
        if (variableNames == null) codeBug();
        return symbols.size();

    public String[] getParamAndVarNames() {
        if (variableNames == null) codeBug();
        return variableNames;

    public boolean[] getParamAndVarConst() {
        if (variableNames == null) codeBug();
        return isConsts;

    void addSymbol(Symbol symbol) {
        if (variableNames != null) codeBug();
        if (symbol.getDeclType() == Token.LP) {

    public List<Symbol> getSymbols() {
        return symbols;

    public void setSymbols(List<Symbol> symbols) {
        this.symbols = symbols;

     * Assign every symbol a unique integer index. Generate arrays of variable names and constness
     * that can be indexed by those indices.
     * @param flattenAllTables if true, flatten all symbol tables, included nested block scope
     *     symbol tables. If false, just flatten the script's or function's symbol table.
    public void flattenSymbolTable(boolean flattenAllTables) {
        if (!flattenAllTables) {
            List<Symbol> newSymbols = new ArrayList<Symbol>();
            if (this.symbolTable != null) {
                // Just replace "symbols" with the symbols in this object's
                // symbol table. Can't just work from symbolTable map since
                // we need to retain duplicate parameters.
                for (int i = 0; i < symbols.size(); i++) {
                    Symbol symbol = symbols.get(i);
                    if (symbol.getContainingTable() == this) {
            symbols = newSymbols;
        variableNames = new String[symbols.size()];
        isConsts = new boolean[symbols.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < symbols.size(); i++) {
            Symbol symbol = symbols.get(i);
            variableNames[i] = symbol.getName();
            isConsts[i] = symbol.getDeclType() == Token.CONST;

    public Object getCompilerData() {
        return compilerData;

    public void setCompilerData(Object data) {
        // Can only call once
        if (compilerData != null) throw new IllegalStateException();
        compilerData = data;

    public String getNextTempName() {
        return "$" + tempNumber++;

    public void setInStrictMode(boolean inStrictMode) {
        this.inStrictMode = inStrictMode;

    public boolean isInStrictMode() {
        return inStrictMode;

    public void visit(NodeVisitor v) {
        if (v.visit(this)) {
            for (Node kid : this) {
                ((AstNode) kid).visit(v);



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: rhino-1.7.14-sources.jar
File size: 1029165 bytes
Release date: 2022-01-06


Example code to Test rhino-runtime-1.7.14.jar

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2022-05-03, 35588👍, 1💬