Download JAXB 2.2 Specification and API JAR


How to download JAXB 2.2 Specification and API JAR?

✍: FYIcenter


Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) is a Java API that allows Java developers to map Java classes to XML representations. If you want to learn more details about JAXB, you can follow this tutorial to download JAXB 2.2 Specification and API JAR:

1. Go to JSR 222: Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 2.0 website.

2. Click the "Download page" link in the "Maintenance Release 2 Download page 10 Dec, 2009" line. You see the "JSR-000222 Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 2.2" page.

3. Click the "Download" button under the "Click here to download the spec for evaluation" line. You see the "JSR-000222 Java Architecture for XML Binding 2.2 Maintenance Release 2" page.

3. Click "" to download the file under the "JSR-000222 Java Architecture for XML Binding 2.2 Maintenance Release 2 specification for evaluation - 3.86 MB" line.

4. Save the downloaded file as \fyicenter\

5. Unzip the downloaded file. You see the all files unzipped in the \fyicenter\jaxb-2_2-mrel folder.

6. Verify that the JAXB specification document and JAXB API JAR file are in there:

12/04/2009  11:29 AM           104,164 jaxb-api.jar
01/05/2010  01:30 PM         3,684,124 JAXB2.2.pdf

Download and installation is done.


JAXB API 2.2.12 Source Code

JAXB API Source Code

JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding) API Specification

⇑⇑ FAQ for jaxb-*.jar - Java Architecture for XML Binding

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