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⏎ java/lang/constant/
/* * Copyright (c) 2018, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package java.lang.constant; import java.lang.Enum.EnumDesc; import java.lang.invoke.CallSite; import java.lang.invoke.ConstantBootstraps; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup; import java.lang.invoke.MethodType; import java.lang.invoke.VarHandle; import java.lang.invoke.VarHandle.VarHandleDesc; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static java.lang.constant.DirectMethodHandleDesc.*; import static java.lang.constant.DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind.STATIC; /** * Predefined values of <a href="package-summary.html#nominal">nominal descriptor</a> * for common constants, including descriptors for primitive class types and * other common platform types, and descriptors for method handles for standard * bootstrap methods. * * @see ConstantDesc * * @since 12 */ public final class ConstantDescs { // No instances private ConstantDescs() { } /** Invocation name to use when no name is needed, such as the name of a * constructor, or the invocation name of a dynamic constant or dynamic * callsite when the bootstrap is known to ignore the invocation name. */ public static final String DEFAULT_NAME = "_"; // Don't change the order of these declarations! /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link Object} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_Object = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.Object"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link String} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_String = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.String"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link Class} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_Class = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.Class"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link Number} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_Number = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.Number"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link Integer} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_Integer = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.Integer"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link Long} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_Long = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.Long"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link Float} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_Float = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.Float"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link Double} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_Double = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.Double"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link Short} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_Short = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.Short"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link Byte} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_Byte = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.Byte"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link Character} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_Character = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.Character"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link Boolean} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_Boolean = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.Boolean"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link Void} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_Void = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.Void"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link Throwable} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_Throwable = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.Throwable"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link Exception} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_Exception = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.Exception"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link Enum} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_Enum = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.Enum"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link VarHandle} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_VarHandle = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.invoke.VarHandle"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link MethodHandles} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_MethodHandles = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link MethodHandles.Lookup} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_MethodHandles_Lookup = CD_MethodHandles.nested("Lookup"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link MethodHandle} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_MethodHandle = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link MethodType} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_MethodType = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.invoke.MethodType"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link CallSite} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_CallSite = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.invoke.CallSite"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link Collection} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_Collection = ClassDesc.of("java.util.Collection"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link List} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_List = ClassDesc.of("java.util.List"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link Set} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_Set = ClassDesc.of("java.util.Set"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link Map} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_Map = ClassDesc.of("java.util.Map"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link ConstantDesc} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_ConstantDesc = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.constant.ConstantDesc"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link ClassDesc} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_ClassDesc = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.constant.ClassDesc"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link EnumDesc} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_EnumDesc = CD_Enum.nested("EnumDesc"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link MethodTypeDesc} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_MethodTypeDesc = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.constant.MethodTypeDesc"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link MethodHandleDesc} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_MethodHandleDesc = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.constant.MethodHandleDesc"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link DirectMethodHandleDesc} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_DirectMethodHandleDesc = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.constant.DirectMethodHandleDesc"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link VarHandleDesc} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_VarHandleDesc = CD_VarHandle.nested("VarHandleDesc"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_MethodHandleDesc_Kind = CD_DirectMethodHandleDesc.nested("Kind"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link DynamicConstantDesc} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_DynamicConstantDesc = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.constant.DynamicConstantDesc"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link DynamicCallSiteDesc} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_DynamicCallSiteDesc = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.constant.DynamicCallSiteDesc"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing {@link ConstantBootstraps} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_ConstantBootstraps = ClassDesc.of("java.lang.invoke.ConstantBootstraps"); private static final ClassDesc[] INDY_BOOTSTRAP_ARGS = { ConstantDescs.CD_MethodHandles_Lookup, ConstantDescs.CD_String, ConstantDescs.CD_MethodType}; private static final ClassDesc[] CONDY_BOOTSTRAP_ARGS = { ConstantDescs.CD_MethodHandles_Lookup, ConstantDescs.CD_String, ConstantDescs.CD_Class}; /** {@link MethodHandleDesc} representing {@link ConstantBootstraps#primitiveClass(Lookup, String, Class) ConstantBootstraps.primitiveClass} */ public static final DirectMethodHandleDesc BSM_PRIMITIVE_CLASS = ofConstantBootstrap(CD_ConstantBootstraps, "primitiveClass", CD_Class); /** {@link MethodHandleDesc} representing {@link ConstantBootstraps#enumConstant(Lookup, String, Class) ConstantBootstraps.enumConstant} */ public static final DirectMethodHandleDesc BSM_ENUM_CONSTANT = ofConstantBootstrap(CD_ConstantBootstraps, "enumConstant", CD_Enum); /** * {@link MethodHandleDesc} representing {@link ConstantBootstraps#getStaticFinal(Lookup, String, Class, Class) ConstantBootstraps.getStaticFinal} * @since 15 */ public static final DirectMethodHandleDesc BSM_GET_STATIC_FINAL = ofConstantBootstrap(CD_ConstantBootstraps, "getStaticFinal", CD_Object, CD_Class); /** {@link MethodHandleDesc} representing {@link ConstantBootstraps#nullConstant(Lookup, String, Class) ConstantBootstraps.nullConstant} */ public static final DirectMethodHandleDesc BSM_NULL_CONSTANT = ofConstantBootstrap(CD_ConstantBootstraps, "nullConstant", CD_Object); /** {@link MethodHandleDesc} representing {@link ConstantBootstraps#fieldVarHandle(Lookup, String, Class, Class, Class) ConstantBootstraps.fieldVarHandle} */ public static final DirectMethodHandleDesc BSM_VARHANDLE_FIELD = ofConstantBootstrap(CD_ConstantBootstraps, "fieldVarHandle", CD_VarHandle, CD_Class, CD_Class); /** {@link MethodHandleDesc} representing {@link ConstantBootstraps#staticFieldVarHandle(Lookup, String, Class, Class, Class) ConstantBootstraps.staticVarHandle} */ public static final DirectMethodHandleDesc BSM_VARHANDLE_STATIC_FIELD = ofConstantBootstrap(CD_ConstantBootstraps, "staticFieldVarHandle", CD_VarHandle, CD_Class, CD_Class); /** {@link MethodHandleDesc} representing {@link ConstantBootstraps#arrayVarHandle(Lookup, String, Class, Class) ConstantBootstraps.arrayVarHandle} */ public static final DirectMethodHandleDesc BSM_VARHANDLE_ARRAY = ofConstantBootstrap(CD_ConstantBootstraps, "arrayVarHandle", CD_VarHandle, CD_Class); /** {@link MethodHandleDesc} representing {@link ConstantBootstraps#invoke(Lookup, String, Class, MethodHandle, Object...) ConstantBootstraps.invoke} */ public static final DirectMethodHandleDesc BSM_INVOKE = ofConstantBootstrap(CD_ConstantBootstraps, "invoke", CD_Object, CD_MethodHandle, CD_Object.arrayType()); /** * {@link MethodHandleDesc} representing {@link ConstantBootstraps#explicitCast(Lookup, String, Class, Object)} ConstantBootstraps.explicitCast} * @since 15 */ public static final DirectMethodHandleDesc BSM_EXPLICIT_CAST = ofConstantBootstrap(CD_ConstantBootstraps, "explicitCast", CD_Object, CD_Object); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing the primitive type {@code int} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_int = ClassDesc.ofDescriptor("I"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing the primitive type {@code long} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_long = ClassDesc.ofDescriptor("J"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing the primitive type {@code float} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_float = ClassDesc.ofDescriptor("F"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing the primitive type {@code double} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_double = ClassDesc.ofDescriptor("D"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing the primitive type {@code short} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_short = ClassDesc.ofDescriptor("S"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing the primitive type {@code byte} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_byte = ClassDesc.ofDescriptor("B"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing the primitive type {@code char} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_char = ClassDesc.ofDescriptor("C"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing the primitive type {@code boolean} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_boolean = ClassDesc.ofDescriptor("Z"); /** {@link ClassDesc} representing the primitive type {@code void} */ public static final ClassDesc CD_void = ClassDesc.ofDescriptor("V"); /** Nominal descriptor representing the constant {@code null} */ public static final ConstantDesc NULL = DynamicConstantDesc.ofNamed(ConstantDescs.BSM_NULL_CONSTANT, DEFAULT_NAME, ConstantDescs.CD_Object); /** * Nominal descriptor representing the constant {@linkplain Boolean#TRUE} * @since 15 */ public static final DynamicConstantDesc<Boolean> TRUE = DynamicConstantDesc.ofNamed(BSM_GET_STATIC_FINAL, "TRUE", CD_Boolean, CD_Boolean); /** * Nominal descriptor representing the constant {@linkplain Boolean#FALSE} * @since 15 */ public static final DynamicConstantDesc<Boolean> FALSE = DynamicConstantDesc.ofNamed(BSM_GET_STATIC_FINAL, "FALSE", CD_Boolean, CD_Boolean); static final DirectMethodHandleDesc MHD_METHODHANDLE_ASTYPE = MethodHandleDesc.ofMethod(Kind.VIRTUAL, CD_MethodHandle, "asType", MethodTypeDesc.of(CD_MethodHandle, CD_MethodType)); /** * Returns a {@link MethodHandleDesc} corresponding to a bootstrap method for * an {@code invokedynamic} callsite, which is a static method whose leading * parameter types are {@code Lookup}, {@code String}, and {@code MethodType}. * * @param owner the class declaring the method * @param name the unqualified name of the method * @param returnType the return type of the method * @param paramTypes the types of the static bootstrap arguments, if any * @return the {@link MethodHandleDesc} * @throws NullPointerException if any of the arguments are null * @jvms 4.2.2 Unqualified Names */ public static DirectMethodHandleDesc ofCallsiteBootstrap(ClassDesc owner, String name, ClassDesc returnType, ClassDesc... paramTypes) { return MethodHandleDesc.ofMethod(STATIC, owner, name, MethodTypeDesc.of(returnType, paramTypes) .insertParameterTypes(0, INDY_BOOTSTRAP_ARGS)); } /** * Returns a {@link MethodHandleDesc} corresponding to a bootstrap method for a * dynamic constant, which is a static method whose leading arguments are * {@code Lookup}, {@code String}, and {@code Class}. * * @param owner the class declaring the method * @param name the unqualified name of the method * @param returnType the return type of the method * @param paramTypes the types of the static bootstrap arguments, if any * @return the {@link MethodHandleDesc} * @throws NullPointerException if any of the arguments are null * @jvms 4.2.2 Unqualified Names */ public static DirectMethodHandleDesc ofConstantBootstrap(ClassDesc owner, String name, ClassDesc returnType, ClassDesc... paramTypes) { return MethodHandleDesc.ofMethod(STATIC, owner, name, MethodTypeDesc.of(returnType, paramTypes) .insertParameterTypes(0, CONDY_BOOTSTRAP_ARGS)); } }
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