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JDK 17 java.base.jmod - Base Module
JDK 17 java.base.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 17 Base module.
JDK 17 Base module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\jmods\java.base.jmod.
JDK 17 Base module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\modules JImage file.
JDK 17 Base module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\\java.base.
You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.
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/* * Copyright (c) 2014, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package java.lang.invoke; import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.DontInline; import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.ForceInline; import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.Stable; import java.lang.invoke.VarHandle.AccessMode; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives.Constants.REF_invokeStatic; /** * A var handle form containing a set of member name, one for each operation. * Each member characterizes a static method. */ final class VarForm { final Class<?> implClass; final @Stable MethodType[] methodType_table; final @Stable MemberName[] memberName_table; VarForm(Class<?> implClass, Class<?> receiver, Class<?> value, Class<?>... intermediate) { this.methodType_table = new MethodType[VarHandle.AccessType.COUNT]; this.memberName_table = new MemberName[VarHandle.AccessMode.COUNT]; this.implClass = implClass; if (receiver == null) { initMethodTypes(value, intermediate); } else { Class<?>[] coordinates = new Class<?>[intermediate.length + 1]; coordinates[0] = receiver; System.arraycopy(intermediate, 0, coordinates, 1, intermediate.length); initMethodTypes(value, coordinates); } } // Used by IndirectVarHandle VarForm(Class<?> value, Class<?>[] coordinates) { this.methodType_table = new MethodType[VarHandle.AccessType.COUNT]; this.memberName_table = null; this.implClass = null; initMethodTypes(value, coordinates); } void initMethodTypes(Class<?> value, Class<?>... coordinates) { Class<?> erasedValue = MethodTypeForm.canonicalize(value, MethodTypeForm.ERASE); Class<?>[] erasedCoordinates = MethodTypeForm.canonicalizeAll(coordinates, MethodTypeForm.ERASE); if (erasedValue != null) { value = erasedValue; } if (erasedCoordinates != null) { coordinates = erasedCoordinates; } MethodType type = MethodType.methodType(value, coordinates); // (Receiver, <Intermediates>)Value methodType_table[VarHandle.AccessType.GET.ordinal()] = type; // (Receiver, <Intermediates>, Value)Value type = methodType_table[VarHandle.AccessType.GET_AND_UPDATE.ordinal()] = type.appendParameterTypes(value); // (Receiver, <Intermediates>, Value)void methodType_table[VarHandle.AccessType.SET.ordinal()] = type.changeReturnType(void.class); // (Receiver, <Intermediates>, Value, Value)Value type = methodType_table[VarHandle.AccessType.COMPARE_AND_EXCHANGE.ordinal()] = type.appendParameterTypes(value); // (Receiver, <Intermediates>, Value, Value)boolean methodType_table[VarHandle.AccessType.COMPARE_AND_SET.ordinal()] = type.changeReturnType(boolean.class); } @ForceInline final MethodType getMethodType(int type) { return methodType_table[type]; } @ForceInline final MemberName getMemberName(int mode) { MemberName mn = getMemberNameOrNull(mode); if (mn == null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } return mn; } @ForceInline final MemberName getMemberNameOrNull(int mode) { MemberName mn = memberName_table[mode]; if (mn == null) { mn = resolveMemberName(mode); } return mn; } @DontInline MemberName resolveMemberName(int mode) { AccessMode value = AccessMode.values()[mode]; String methodName = value.methodName(); MethodType type = methodType_table[].insertParameterTypes(0, VarHandle.class); return memberName_table[mode] = MethodHandles.Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP .resolveOrNull(REF_invokeStatic, implClass, methodName, type); } @Stable MethodType[] methodType_V_table; @ForceInline final MethodType[] getMethodType_V_init() { MethodType[] table = new MethodType[VarHandle.AccessType.values().length]; for (int i = 0; i < methodType_table.length; i++) { MethodType mt = methodType_table[i]; // TODO only adjust for sig-poly methods returning Object table[i] = mt.changeReturnType(void.class); } methodType_V_table = table; return table; } @ForceInline final MethodType getMethodType_V(int type) { MethodType[] table = methodType_V_table; if (table == null) { table = getMethodType_V_init(); } return table[type]; } }
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