JDK 17 java.base.jmod - Base Module

JDK 17 java.base.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 17 Base module.

JDK 17 Base module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\jmods\java.base.jmod.

JDK 17 Base module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\modules JImage file.

JDK 17 Base module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\src.zip\java.base.

You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.

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 * Copyright (c) 2020, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package java.util;

import jdk.internal.access.JavaLangAccess;
import jdk.internal.access.SharedSecrets;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UncheckedIOException;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;

 * {@code HexFormat} converts between bytes and chars and hex-encoded strings which may include
 * additional formatting markup such as prefixes, suffixes, and delimiters.
 * <p>
 * There are two factories of {@code HexFormat} with preset parameters {@link #of()} and
 * {@link #ofDelimiter(String) ofDelimiter(delimiter)}. For other parameter combinations
 * the {@code withXXX} methods return copies of {@code HexFormat} modified
 * {@link #withPrefix(String)}, {@link #withSuffix(String)}, {@link #withDelimiter(String)}
 * or choice of {@link #withUpperCase()} or {@link #withLowerCase()} parameters.
 * <p>
 * For primitive to hexadecimal string conversions the {@code toHexDigits}
 * methods include {@link #toHexDigits(byte)}, {@link #toHexDigits(int)}, and
 * {@link #toHexDigits(long)}, etc. The default is to use lowercase characters {@code "0-9","a-f"}.
 * For conversions producing uppercase hexadecimal the characters are {@code "0-9","A-F"}.
 * Only the {@link HexFormat#isUpperCase() HexFormat.isUpperCase()} parameter is
 * considered; the delimiter, prefix and suffix are not used.
 * <p>
 * For hexadecimal string to primitive conversions the {@code fromHexDigits}
 * methods include {@link #fromHexDigits(CharSequence) fromHexDigits(string)},
 * {@link #fromHexDigitsToLong(CharSequence) fromHexDigitsToLong(string)}, and
 * {@link #fromHexDigit(int) fromHexDigit(int)} converts a single character or codepoint.
 * For conversions from hexadecimal characters the digits and uppercase and lowercase
 * characters in {@code "0-9", "a-f", and "A-F"} are converted to corresponding values
 * {@code 0-15}. The delimiter, prefix, suffix, and uppercase parameters are not used.
 * <p>
 * For byte array to formatted hexadecimal string conversions
 * the {@code formatHex} methods include {@link #formatHex(byte[]) formatHex(byte[])}
 * and {@link #formatHex(Appendable, byte[]) formatHex(Appendable, byte[])}.
 * The formatted output is a string or is appended to an {@link Appendable} such as
 * {@link StringBuilder} or {@link java.io.PrintStream}.
 * Each byte value is formatted as the prefix, two hexadecimal characters from the
 * uppercase or lowercase digits, and the suffix.
 * A delimiter follows each formatted value, except the last.
 * For conversions producing uppercase hexadecimal strings use {@link #withUpperCase()}.
 * <p>
 * For formatted hexadecimal string to byte array conversions the
 * {@code parseHex} methods include {@link #parseHex(CharSequence) parseHex(CharSequence)} and
 * {@link #parseHex(char[], int, int) parseHex(char[], offset, length)}.
 * Each byte value is parsed from the prefix, two case insensitive hexadecimal characters,
 * and the suffix. A delimiter follows each formatted value, except the last.
 * @apiNote
 * For example, an individual byte is converted to a string of hexadecimal digits using
 * {@link HexFormat#toHexDigits(int) toHexDigits(int)} and converted from a string to a
 * primitive value using {@link HexFormat#fromHexDigits(CharSequence) fromHexDigits(string)}.
 * <pre>{@code
 *     HexFormat hex = HexFormat.of();
 *     byte b = 127;
 *     String byteStr = hex.toHexDigits(b);
 *     byte byteVal = (byte)hex.fromHexDigits(byteStr);
 *     assert(byteStr.equals("7f"));
 *     assert(b == byteVal);
 *     // The hexadecimal digits are: "7f"
 * }</pre>
 * <p>
 * For a comma ({@code ", "}) separated format with a prefix ({@code "#"})
 * using lowercase hex digits the {@code HexFormat} is:
 * <pre>{@code
 *     HexFormat commaFormat = HexFormat.ofDelimiter(", ").withPrefix("#");
 *     byte[] bytes = {0, 1, 2, 3, 124, 125, 126, 127};
 *     String str = commaFormat.formatHex(bytes);
 *     byte[] parsed = commaFormat.parseHex(str);
 *     assert(Arrays.equals(bytes, parsed));
 *     // The formatted string is: "#00, #01, #02, #03, #7c, #7d, #7e, #7f"
 * }</pre>
 * <p>
 * For a fingerprint of byte values that uses the delimiter colon ({@code ":"})
 * and uppercase characters the {@code HexFormat} is:
 * <pre>{@code
 *     HexFormat formatFingerprint = HexFormat.ofDelimiter(":").withUpperCase();
 *     byte[] bytes = {0, 1, 2, 3, 124, 125, 126, 127};
 *     String str = formatFingerprint.formatHex(bytes);
 *     byte[] parsed = formatFingerprint.parseHex(str);
 *     assert(Arrays.equals(bytes, parsed));
 *     // The formatted string is: "00:01:02:03:7C:7D:7E:7F"
 * }</pre>
 * <p>
 * This is a <a href="{@docRoot}/java.base/java/lang/doc-files/ValueBased.html">value-based</a>
 * class; use of identity-sensitive operations (including reference equality
 * ({@code ==}), identity hash code, or synchronization) on instances of
 * {@code HexFormat} may have unpredictable results and should be avoided.
 * The {@code equals} method should be used for comparisons.
 * <p>
 * This class is immutable and thread-safe.
 * <p>
 * Unless otherwise noted, passing a null argument to any method will cause a
 * {@link java.lang.NullPointerException NullPointerException} to be thrown.
 * @since 17

public final class HexFormat {

    // Access to create strings from a byte array.
    private static final JavaLangAccess jla = SharedSecrets.getJavaLangAccess();

    private static final byte[] UPPERCASE_DIGITS = {
            '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
            '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F',
    private static final byte[] LOWERCASE_DIGITS = {
            '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
            '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f',
    // Analysis has shown that generating the whole array allows the JIT to generate
    // better code compared to a slimmed down array, such as one cutting off after 'f'
    private static final byte[] DIGITS = {
            -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
            -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
            -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
             0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
            -1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
            -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
            -1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
            -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
            -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
            -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
            -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
            -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
            -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
            -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
            -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
            -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
     * Format each byte of an array as a pair of hexadecimal digits.
     * The hexadecimal characters are from lowercase alpha digits.
    private static final HexFormat HEX_FORMAT =
            new HexFormat("", "", "", LOWERCASE_DIGITS);

    private static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTES = {};

    private final String delimiter;
    private final String prefix;
    private final String suffix;
    private final byte[] digits;

     * Returns a HexFormat with a delimiter, prefix, suffix, and array of digits.
     * @param delimiter a delimiter, non-null
     * @param prefix a prefix, non-null
     * @param suffix a suffix, non-null
     * @param digits byte array of digits indexed by low nibble, non-null
     * @throws NullPointerException if any argument is null
    private HexFormat(String delimiter, String prefix, String suffix, byte[] digits) {
        this.delimiter = Objects.requireNonNull(delimiter, "delimiter");
        this.prefix = Objects.requireNonNull(prefix, "prefix");
        this.suffix = Objects.requireNonNull(suffix, "suffix");
        this.digits = digits;

     * Returns a hexadecimal formatter with no delimiter and lowercase characters.
     * The delimiter, prefix, and suffix are empty.
     * The methods {@link #withDelimiter(String) withDelimiter},
     * {@link #withUpperCase() withUpperCase}, {@link #withLowerCase() withLowerCase},
     * {@link #withPrefix(String) withPrefix}, and {@link #withSuffix(String) withSuffix}
     * return copies of formatters with new parameters.
     * @return a hexadecimal formatter with no delimiter and lowercase characters
    public static HexFormat of() {
        return HEX_FORMAT;

     * Returns a hexadecimal formatter with the delimiter and lowercase characters.
     * The prefix and suffix are empty.
     * The methods {@link #withDelimiter(String) withDelimiter},
     * {@link #withUpperCase() withUpperCase}, {@link #withLowerCase() withLowerCase},
     * {@link #withPrefix(String) withPrefix}, and {@link #withSuffix(String) withSuffix}
     * return copies of formatters with new parameters.
     * @param delimiter a delimiter, non-null, may be empty
     * @return a {@link HexFormat} with the delimiter and lowercase characters
    public static HexFormat ofDelimiter(String delimiter) {
        return new HexFormat(delimiter, "", "", LOWERCASE_DIGITS);

     * Returns a copy of this {@code HexFormat} with the delimiter.
     * @param delimiter the delimiter, non-null, may be empty
     * @return a copy of this {@code HexFormat} with the delimiter
    public HexFormat withDelimiter(String delimiter) {
        return new HexFormat(delimiter, this.prefix, this.suffix, this.digits);

     * Returns a copy of this {@code HexFormat} with the prefix.
     * @param prefix a prefix, non-null, may be empty
     * @return a copy of this {@code HexFormat} with the prefix
    public HexFormat withPrefix(String prefix) {
        return new HexFormat(this.delimiter, prefix, this.suffix, this.digits);

     * Returns a copy of this {@code HexFormat} with the suffix.
     * @param suffix a suffix, non-null, may be empty
     * @return a copy of this {@code HexFormat} with the suffix
    public HexFormat withSuffix(String suffix) {
        return new HexFormat(this.delimiter, this.prefix, suffix, this.digits);

     * Returns a copy of this {@code HexFormat} to use uppercase hexadecimal characters.
     * The uppercase hexadecimal characters are {@code "0-9", "A-F"}.
     * @return a copy of this {@code HexFormat} with uppercase hexadecimal characters
    public HexFormat withUpperCase() {
        return new HexFormat(this.delimiter, this.prefix, this.suffix, UPPERCASE_DIGITS);

     * Returns a copy of this {@code HexFormat} to use lowercase hexadecimal characters.
     * The lowercase hexadecimal characters are {@code "0-9", "a-f"}.
     * @return a copy of this {@code HexFormat} with lowercase hexadecimal characters
    public HexFormat withLowerCase() {
        return new HexFormat(this.delimiter, this.prefix, this.suffix, LOWERCASE_DIGITS);

     * Returns the delimiter between hexadecimal values in formatted hexadecimal strings.
     * @return the delimiter, non-null, may be empty {@code ""}
    public String delimiter() {
        return delimiter;

     * Returns the prefix used for each hexadecimal value in formatted hexadecimal strings.
     * @return the prefix, non-null, may be empty {@code ""}
    public String prefix() {
        return prefix;

     * Returns the suffix used for each hexadecimal value in formatted hexadecimal strings.
     * @return the suffix, non-null, may be empty {@code ""}
    public String suffix() {
        return suffix;

     * Returns {@code true} if the hexadecimal digits are uppercase,
     * otherwise {@code false}.
     * @return {@code true} if the hexadecimal digits are uppercase,
     *          otherwise {@code false}
    public boolean isUpperCase() {
        return Arrays.equals(digits, UPPERCASE_DIGITS);

     * Returns a hexadecimal string formatted from a byte array.
     * Each byte value is formatted as the prefix, two hexadecimal characters
     * {@linkplain #isUpperCase selected from} uppercase or lowercase digits, and the suffix.
     * A delimiter follows each formatted value, except the last.
     * The behavior is equivalent to
     * {@link #formatHex(byte[], int, int) formatHex(bytes, 0, bytes.length))}.
     * @param bytes a non-null array of bytes
     * @return a string hexadecimal formatting of the byte array
    public String formatHex(byte[] bytes) {
        return formatHex(bytes, 0, bytes.length);

     * Returns a hexadecimal string formatted from a byte array range.
     * Each byte value is formatted as the prefix, two hexadecimal characters
     * {@linkplain #isUpperCase selected from} uppercase or lowercase digits, and the suffix.
     * A delimiter follows each formatted value, except the last.
     * @param bytes a non-null array of bytes
     * @param fromIndex the initial index of the range, inclusive
     * @param toIndex the final index of the range, exclusive
     * @return a string hexadecimal formatting each byte of the array range
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the array range is out of bounds
    public String formatHex(byte[] bytes, int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
        Objects.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, bytes.length);
        if (toIndex - fromIndex == 0) {
            return "";
        // Format efficiently if possible
        String s = formatOptDelimiter(bytes, fromIndex, toIndex);
        if (s == null) {
            long stride = prefix.length() + 2L + suffix.length() + delimiter.length();
            int capacity = checkMaxArraySize((toIndex - fromIndex) * stride - delimiter.length());
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(capacity);
            formatHex(sb, bytes, fromIndex, toIndex);
            s = sb.toString();
        return s;

     * Appends formatted hexadecimal strings from a byte array to the {@link Appendable}.
     * Each byte value is formatted as the prefix, two hexadecimal characters
     * {@linkplain #isUpperCase selected from} uppercase or lowercase digits, and the suffix.
     * A delimiter follows each formatted value, except the last.
     * The formatted hexadecimal strings are appended in zero or more calls to the {@link Appendable} methods.
     * @param <A> The type of {@code Appendable}
     * @param out an {@code Appendable}, non-null
     * @param bytes a byte array
     * @return the {@code Appendable}
     * @throws UncheckedIOException if an I/O exception occurs appending to the output
    public <A extends Appendable> A formatHex(A out, byte[] bytes) {
        return formatHex(out, bytes, 0, bytes.length);

     * Appends formatted hexadecimal strings from a byte array range to the {@link Appendable}.
     * Each byte value is formatted as the prefix, two hexadecimal characters
     * {@linkplain #isUpperCase selected from} uppercase or lowercase digits, and the suffix.
     * A delimiter follows each formatted value, except the last.
     * The formatted hexadecimal strings are appended in zero or more calls to the {@link Appendable} methods.
     * @param <A> The type of {@code Appendable}
     * @param out an {@code Appendable}, non-null
     * @param bytes a byte array, non-null
     * @param fromIndex the initial index of the range, inclusive
     * @param toIndex the final index of the range, exclusive.
     * @return the {@code Appendable}
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the array range is out of bounds
     * @throws UncheckedIOException if an I/O exception occurs appending to the output
    public <A extends Appendable> A formatHex(A out, byte[] bytes, int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(out, "out");
        Objects.requireNonNull(bytes, "bytes");
        Objects.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, bytes.length);

        int length = toIndex - fromIndex;
        if (length > 0) {
            try {
                String between = suffix + delimiter + prefix;
                toHexDigits(out, bytes[fromIndex]);
                if (between.isEmpty()) {
                    for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) {
                        toHexDigits(out, bytes[fromIndex + i]);
                } else {
                    for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) {
                        toHexDigits(out, bytes[fromIndex + i]);
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                throw new UncheckedIOException(ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
        return out;

     * Returns a string formatting of the range of bytes optimized
     * for a single allocation.
     * Prefix and suffix must be empty and the delimiter
     * must be empty or a single byte character, otherwise null is returned.
     * @param bytes the bytes, non-null
     * @param fromIndex the initial index of the range, inclusive
     * @param toIndex the final index of the range, exclusive.
     * @return a String formatted or null for non-single byte delimiter
     *         or non-empty prefix or suffix
    private String formatOptDelimiter(byte[] bytes, int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
        byte[] rep;
        if (!prefix.isEmpty() || !suffix.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        int length = toIndex - fromIndex;
        if (delimiter.isEmpty()) {
            // Allocate the byte array and fill in the hex pairs for each byte
            rep = new byte[checkMaxArraySize(length * 2L)];
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                rep[i * 2] = (byte)toHighHexDigit(bytes[fromIndex + i]);
                rep[i * 2 + 1] = (byte)toLowHexDigit(bytes[fromIndex + i]);
        } else if (delimiter.length() == 1 && delimiter.charAt(0) < 256) {
            // Allocate the byte array and fill in the characters for the first byte
            // Then insert the delimiter and hexadecimal characters for each of the remaining bytes
            char sep = delimiter.charAt(0);
            rep = new byte[checkMaxArraySize(length * 3L - 1L)];
            rep[0] = (byte) toHighHexDigit(bytes[fromIndex]);
            rep[1] = (byte) toLowHexDigit(bytes[fromIndex]);
            for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) {
                rep[i * 3 - 1] = (byte) sep;
                rep[i * 3    ] = (byte) toHighHexDigit(bytes[fromIndex + i]);
                rep[i * 3 + 1] = (byte) toLowHexDigit(bytes[fromIndex + i]);
        } else {
            // Delimiter formatting not to a single byte
            return null;
        try {
            // Return a new string using the bytes without making a copy
            return jla.newStringNoRepl(rep, StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1);
        } catch (CharacterCodingException cce) {
            throw new AssertionError(cce);

     * Checked that the requested size for the result string is
     * less than or equal to the max array size.
     * @param length the requested size of a byte array.
     * @return the length
     * @throws OutOfMemoryError if the size is larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE
    private static int checkMaxArraySize(long length) {
        if (length > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
            throw new OutOfMemoryError("String size " + length +
                    " exceeds maximum " + Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        return (int)length;

     * Returns a byte array containing hexadecimal values parsed from the string.
     * Each byte value is parsed from the prefix, two case insensitive hexadecimal characters,
     * and the suffix. A delimiter follows each formatted value, except the last.
     * The delimiters, prefixes, and suffixes strings must be present; they may be empty strings.
     * A valid string consists only of the above format.
     * @param string a string containing the byte values with prefix, hexadecimal digits, suffix,
     *            and delimiters
     * @return a byte array with the values parsed from the string
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the prefix or suffix is not present for each byte value,
     *          the byte values are not hexadecimal characters, or if the delimiter is not present
     *          after all but the last byte value
    public byte[] parseHex(CharSequence string) {
        return parseHex(string, 0, string.length());

     * Returns a byte array containing hexadecimal values parsed from a range of the string.
     * Each byte value is parsed from the prefix, two case insensitive hexadecimal characters,
     * and the suffix. A delimiter follows each formatted value, except the last.
     * The delimiters, prefixes, and suffixes strings must be present; they may be empty strings.
     * A valid string consists only of the above format.
     * @param string a string range containing hexadecimal digits,
     *           delimiters, prefix, and suffix.
     * @param fromIndex the initial index of the range, inclusive
     * @param toIndex the final index of the range, exclusive.
     * @return a byte array with the values parsed from the string range
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the prefix or suffix is not present for each byte value,
     *          the byte values are not hexadecimal characters, or if the delimiter is not present
     *          after all but the last byte value
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the string range is out of bounds
    public byte[] parseHex(CharSequence string, int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(string, "string");
        Objects.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, string.length());

        if (fromIndex != 0 || toIndex != string.length()) {
            string = string.subSequence(fromIndex, toIndex);

        if (string.isEmpty())
            return EMPTY_BYTES;
        if (delimiter.isEmpty() && prefix.isEmpty() && suffix.isEmpty())
            return parseNoDelimiter(string);

        // avoid overflow for max length prefix or suffix
        long valueChars = prefix.length() + 2L + suffix.length();
        long stride = valueChars + delimiter.length();
        if ((string.length() - valueChars) % stride != 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("extra or missing delimiters " +
                    "or values consisting of prefix, two hexadecimal digits, and suffix");

        checkLiteral(string, 0, prefix);
        checkLiteral(string, string.length() - suffix.length(), suffix);
        String between = suffix + delimiter + prefix;
        final int len = (int)((string.length() - valueChars) / stride + 1L);
        byte[] bytes = new byte[len];
        int i, offset;
        for (i = 0, offset = prefix.length(); i < len - 1; i++, offset += 2 + between.length()) {
            bytes[i] = (byte) fromHexDigits(string, offset);
            checkLiteral(string, offset + 2, between);
        bytes[i] = (byte) fromHexDigits(string, offset);

        return bytes;

     * Returns a byte array containing hexadecimal values parsed from
     * a range of the character array.
     * Each byte value is parsed from the prefix, two case insensitive hexadecimal characters,
     * and the suffix. A delimiter follows each formatted value, except the last.
     * The delimiters, prefixes, and suffixes strings must be present; they may be empty strings.
     * A valid character array range consists only of the above format.
     * @param chars a character array range containing an even number of hexadecimal digits,
     *          delimiters, prefix, and suffix.
     * @param fromIndex the initial index of the range, inclusive
     * @param toIndex the final index of the range, exclusive.
     * @return a byte array with the values parsed from the character array range
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the prefix or suffix is not present for each byte value,
     *          the byte values are not hexadecimal characters, or if the delimiter is not present
     *          after all but the last byte value
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the character array range is out of bounds
    public byte[] parseHex(char[] chars, int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(chars, "chars");
        Objects.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, chars.length);
        CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.wrap(chars, fromIndex, toIndex - fromIndex);
        return parseHex(cb);

     * Compare the literal and throw an exception if it does not match.
     * Pre-condition:  {@code index + literal.length() <= string.length()}.
     * @param string a CharSequence
     * @param index the index of the literal in the CharSequence
     * @param literal the expected literal
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the literal is not present
    private static void checkLiteral(CharSequence string, int index, String literal) {
        assert index <= string.length() - literal.length()  : "pre-checked invariant error";
        if (literal.isEmpty() ||
                (literal.length() == 1 && literal.charAt(0) == string.charAt(index))) {
        for (int i = 0; i < literal.length(); i++) {
            if (string.charAt(index + i) != literal.charAt(i)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(escapeNL("found: \"" +
                        string.subSequence(index, index + literal.length()) +
                        "\", expected: \"" + literal + "\", index: " + index +
                        " ch: " + (int)string.charAt(index + i)));

     * Expands new line characters to escaped newlines for display.
     * @param string a string
     * @return a string with newline characters escaped
    private static String escapeNL(String string) {
        return string.replace("\n", "\\n")
                .replace("\r", "\\r");

     * Returns the hexadecimal character for the low 4 bits of the value considering it to be a byte.
     * If the parameter {@link #isUpperCase()} is {@code true} the
     * character returned for values {@code 10-15} is uppercase {@code "A-F"},
     * otherwise the character returned is lowercase {@code "a-f"}.
     * The values in the range {@code 0-9} are returned as {@code "0-9"}.
     * @param value a value, only the low 4 bits {@code 0-3} of the value are used
     * @return the hexadecimal character for the low 4 bits {@code 0-3} of the value
    public char toLowHexDigit(int value) {
        return (char)digits[value & 0xf];

     * Returns the hexadecimal character for the high 4 bits of the value considering it to be a byte.
     * If the parameter {@link #isUpperCase()} is {@code true} the
     * character returned for values {@code 10-15} is uppercase {@code "A-F"},
     * otherwise the character returned is lowercase {@code "a-f"}.
     * The values in the range {@code 0-9} are returned as {@code "0-9"}.
     * @param value a value, only bits {@code 4-7} of the value are used
     * @return the hexadecimal character for the bits {@code 4-7} of the value
    public char toHighHexDigit(int value) {
        return (char)digits[(value >> 4) & 0xf];

     * Appends two hexadecimal characters for the byte value to the {@link Appendable}.
     * Each nibble (4 bits) from most significant to least significant of the value
     * is formatted as if by {@link #toLowHexDigit(int) toLowHexDigit(nibble)}.
     * The hexadecimal characters are appended in one or more calls to the
     * {@link Appendable} methods. The delimiter, prefix and suffix are not used.
     * @param <A> The type of {@code Appendable}
     * @param out an {@code Appendable}, non-null
     * @param value a byte value
     * @return the {@code Appendable}
     * @throws UncheckedIOException if an I/O exception occurs appending to the output
    public <A extends Appendable> A toHexDigits(A out, byte value) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(out, "out");
        try {
            return out;
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(ioe.getMessage(), ioe);

     * Returns the two hexadecimal characters for the {@code byte} value.
     * Each nibble (4 bits) from most significant to least significant of the value
     * is formatted as if by {@link #toLowHexDigit(int) toLowHexDigit(nibble)}.
     * The delimiter, prefix and suffix are not used.
     * @param value a byte value
     * @return the two hexadecimal characters for the byte value
    public String toHexDigits(byte value) {
        byte[] rep = new byte[2];
        rep[0] = (byte)toHighHexDigit(value);
        rep[1] = (byte)toLowHexDigit(value);
        try {
            return jla.newStringNoRepl(rep, StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1);
        } catch (CharacterCodingException cce) {
            throw new AssertionError(cce);

     * Returns the four hexadecimal characters for the {@code char} value.
     * Each nibble (4 bits) from most significant to least significant of the value
     * is formatted as if by {@link #toLowHexDigit(int) toLowHexDigit(nibble)}.
     * The delimiter, prefix and suffix are not used.
     * @param value a {@code char} value
     * @return the four hexadecimal characters for the {@code char} value
    public String toHexDigits(char value) {
        return toHexDigits((short)value);

     * Returns the four hexadecimal characters for the {@code short} value.
     * Each nibble (4 bits) from most significant to least significant of the value
     * is formatted as if by {@link #toLowHexDigit(int) toLowHexDigit(nibble)}.
     * The delimiter, prefix and suffix are not used.
     * @param value a {@code short} value
     * @return the four hexadecimal characters for the {@code short} value
    public String toHexDigits(short value) {
        byte[] rep = new byte[4];
        rep[0] = (byte)toHighHexDigit((byte)(value >> 8));
        rep[1] = (byte)toLowHexDigit((byte)(value >> 8));
        rep[2] = (byte)toHighHexDigit((byte)value);
        rep[3] = (byte)toLowHexDigit((byte)value);

        try {
            return jla.newStringNoRepl(rep, StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1);
        } catch (CharacterCodingException cce) {
            throw new AssertionError(cce);

     * Returns the eight hexadecimal characters for the {@code int} value.
     * Each nibble (4 bits) from most significant to least significant of the value
     * is formatted as if by {@link #toLowHexDigit(int) toLowHexDigit(nibble)}.
     * The delimiter, prefix and suffix are not used.
     * @param value an {@code int} value
     * @return the eight hexadecimal characters for the {@code int} value
     * @see Integer#toHexString
    public String toHexDigits(int value) {
        byte[] rep = new byte[8];
        rep[0] = (byte)toHighHexDigit((byte)(value >> 24));
        rep[1] = (byte)toLowHexDigit((byte)(value >> 24));
        rep[2] = (byte)toHighHexDigit((byte)(value >> 16));
        rep[3] = (byte)toLowHexDigit((byte)(value >> 16));
        rep[4] = (byte)toHighHexDigit((byte)(value >> 8));
        rep[5] = (byte)toLowHexDigit((byte)(value >> 8));
        rep[6] = (byte)toHighHexDigit((byte)value);
        rep[7] = (byte)toLowHexDigit((byte)value);

        try {
            return jla.newStringNoRepl(rep, StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1);
        } catch (CharacterCodingException cce) {
            throw new AssertionError(cce);

     * Returns the sixteen hexadecimal characters for the {@code long} value.
     * Each nibble (4 bits) from most significant to least significant of the value
     * is formatted as if by {@link #toLowHexDigit(int) toLowHexDigit(nibble)}.
     * The delimiter, prefix and suffix are not used.
     * @param value a {@code long} value
     * @return the sixteen hexadecimal characters for the {@code long} value
     * @see Long#toHexString
    public String toHexDigits(long value) {
        byte[] rep = new byte[16];
        rep[0] = (byte)toHighHexDigit((byte)(value >>> 56));
        rep[1] = (byte)toLowHexDigit((byte)(value >>> 56));
        rep[2] = (byte)toHighHexDigit((byte)(value >>> 48));
        rep[3] = (byte)toLowHexDigit((byte)(value >>> 48));
        rep[4] = (byte)toHighHexDigit((byte)(value >>> 40));
        rep[5] = (byte)toLowHexDigit((byte)(value >>> 40));
        rep[6] = (byte)toHighHexDigit((byte)(value >>> 32));
        rep[7] = (byte)toLowHexDigit((byte)(value >>> 32));
        rep[8] = (byte)toHighHexDigit((byte)(value >>> 24));
        rep[9] = (byte)toLowHexDigit((byte)(value >>> 24));
        rep[10] = (byte)toHighHexDigit((byte)(value >>> 16));
        rep[11] = (byte)toLowHexDigit((byte)(value >>> 16));
        rep[12] = (byte)toHighHexDigit((byte)(value >>> 8));
        rep[13] = (byte)toLowHexDigit((byte)(value >>> 8));
        rep[14] = (byte)toHighHexDigit((byte)value);
        rep[15] = (byte)toLowHexDigit((byte)value);

        try {
            return jla.newStringNoRepl(rep, StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1);
        } catch (CharacterCodingException cce) {
            throw new AssertionError(cce);

     * Returns up to sixteen hexadecimal characters for the {@code long} value.
     * Each nibble (4 bits) from most significant to least significant of the value
     * is formatted as if by {@link #toLowHexDigit(int) toLowHexDigit(nibble)}.
     * The delimiter, prefix and suffix are not used.
     * @param value a {@code long} value
     * @param digits the number of hexadecimal digits to return, 0 to 16
     * @return the hexadecimal characters for the {@code long} value
     * @throws  IllegalArgumentException if {@code digits} is negative or greater than 16
    public String toHexDigits(long value, int digits) {
        if (digits < 0 || digits > 16)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("number of digits: " + digits);
        if (digits == 0)
            return "";
        byte[] rep = new byte[digits];
        for (int i = rep.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            rep[i] = (byte)toLowHexDigit((byte)(value));
            value = value >>> 4;
        try {
            return jla.newStringNoRepl(rep, StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1);
        } catch (CharacterCodingException cce) {
            throw new AssertionError(cce);

     * Returns a byte array containing the parsed hex digits.
     * A valid string consists only of an even number of hex digits.
     * @param string a string containing an even number of only hex digits
     * @return a byte array
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the string length is not valid or
     *          the string contains non-hexadecimal characters
    private static byte[] parseNoDelimiter(CharSequence string) {
        if ((string.length() & 1) != 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("string length not even: " +

        byte[] bytes = new byte[string.length() / 2];
        for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
            bytes[i] = (byte) fromHexDigits(string, i * 2);

        return bytes;

     * Check the number of requested digits against a limit.
     * @param fromIndex the initial index of the range, inclusive
     * @param toIndex the final index of the range, exclusive.
     * @param limit the maximum allowed
     * @return the length of the range
    private static int checkDigitCount(int fromIndex, int toIndex, int limit) {
        int length = toIndex - fromIndex;
        if (length > limit)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("string length greater than " +
                    limit + ": " + length);
        return length;

     * Returns {@code true} if the character is a valid hexadecimal character or codepoint.
     * The valid hexadecimal characters are:
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@code '0' ('\u005Cu0030')} through {@code '9' ('\u005Cu0039')} inclusive,
     * <li>{@code 'A' ('\u005Cu0041')} through {@code 'F' ('\u005Cu0046')} inclusive, and
     * <li>{@code 'a' ('\u005Cu0061')} through {@code 'f' ('\u005Cu0066')} inclusive.
     * </ul>
     * @param ch a codepoint
     * @return {@code true} if the character is valid a hexadecimal character,
     *          otherwise {@code false}
    public static boolean isHexDigit(int ch) {
        return ((ch >>> 8) == 0 && DIGITS[ch] >= 0);

     * Returns the value for the hexadecimal character or codepoint.
     * The value is:
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@code (ch - '0')} for {@code '0'} through {@code '9'} inclusive,
     * <li>{@code (ch - 'A' + 10)} for {@code 'A'} through {@code 'F'} inclusive, and
     * <li>{@code (ch - 'a' + 10)} for {@code 'a'} through {@code 'f'} inclusive.
     * </ul>
     * @param ch a character or codepoint
     * @return the value {@code 0-15}
     * @throws  NumberFormatException if the codepoint is not a hexadecimal character
    public static int fromHexDigit(int ch) {
        int value;
        if ((ch >>> 8) == 0 && (value = DIGITS[ch]) >= 0) {
            return value;
        throw new NumberFormatException("not a hexadecimal digit: \"" + (char) ch + "\" = " + ch);

     * Returns a value parsed from two hexadecimal characters in a string.
     * The characters in the range from {@code index} to {@code index + 1},
     * inclusive, must be valid hex digits according to {@link #fromHexDigit(int)}.
     * @param string a CharSequence containing the characters
     * @param index the index of the first character of the range
     * @return the value parsed from the string range
     * @throws  NumberFormatException if any of the characters in the range
     *          is not a hexadecimal character
     * @throws  IndexOutOfBoundsException if the range is out of bounds
     *          for the {@code CharSequence}
    private static int fromHexDigits(CharSequence string, int index) {
        int high = fromHexDigit(string.charAt(index));
        int low = fromHexDigit(string.charAt(index + 1));
        return (high << 4) | low;

     * Returns the {@code int} value parsed from a string of up to eight hexadecimal characters.
     * The hexadecimal characters are parsed from most significant to least significant
     * using {@link #fromHexDigit(int)} to form an unsigned value.
     * The value is zero extended to 32 bits and is returned as an {@code int}.
     * @apiNote
     * {@link Integer#parseInt(String, int) Integer.parseInt(s, 16)} and
     * {@link Integer#parseUnsignedInt(String, int) Integer.parseUnsignedInt(s, 16)}
     * are similar but allow all Unicode hexadecimal digits defined by
     * {@link Character#digit(char, int) Character.digit(ch, 16)}.
     * {@code HexFormat} uses only hexadecimal characters
     * {@code "0-9"}, {@code "A-F"} and {@code "a-f"}.
     * Signed hexadecimal strings can be parsed with {@link Integer#parseInt(String, int)}.
     * @param string a CharSequence containing up to eight hexadecimal characters
     * @return the value parsed from the string
     * @throws  IllegalArgumentException if the string length is greater than eight (8) or
     *      if any of the characters is not a hexadecimal character
    public static int fromHexDigits(CharSequence string) {
        return fromHexDigits(string, 0, string.length());

     * Returns the {@code int} value parsed from a string range of up to eight hexadecimal
     * characters.
     * The characters in the range {@code fromIndex} to {@code toIndex}, exclusive,
     * are parsed from most significant to least significant
     * using {@link #fromHexDigit(int)} to form an unsigned value.
     * The value is zero extended to 32 bits and is returned as an {@code int}.
     * @apiNote
     * {@link Integer#parseInt(String, int) Integer.parseInt(s, 16)} and
     * {@link Integer#parseUnsignedInt(String, int) Integer.parseUnsignedInt(s, 16)}
     * are similar but allow all Unicode hexadecimal digits defined by
     * {@link Character#digit(char, int) Character.digit(ch, 16)}.
     * {@code HexFormat} uses only hexadecimal characters
     * {@code "0-9"}, {@code "A-F"} and {@code "a-f"}.
     * Signed hexadecimal strings can be parsed with {@link Integer#parseInt(String, int)}.
     * @param string a CharSequence containing the characters
     * @param fromIndex the initial index of the range, inclusive
     * @param toIndex the final index of the range, exclusive.
     * @return the value parsed from the string range
     * @throws  IndexOutOfBoundsException if the range is out of bounds
     *          for the {@code CharSequence}
     * @throws  IllegalArgumentException if length of the range is greater than eight (8) or
     *          if any of the characters is not a hexadecimal character
    public static int fromHexDigits(CharSequence string, int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(string, "string");
        Objects.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, string.length());
        int length = checkDigitCount(fromIndex, toIndex, 8);
        int value = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            value = (value << 4) + fromHexDigit(string.charAt(fromIndex + i));
        return value;

     * Returns the long value parsed from a string of up to sixteen hexadecimal characters.
     * The hexadecimal characters are parsed from most significant to least significant
     * using {@link #fromHexDigit(int)} to form an unsigned value.
     * The value is zero extended to 64 bits and is returned as a {@code long}.
     * @apiNote
     * {@link Long#parseLong(String, int) Long.parseLong(s, 16)} and
     * {@link Long#parseUnsignedLong(String, int) Long.parseUnsignedLong(s, 16)}
     * are similar but allow all Unicode hexadecimal digits defined by
     * {@link Character#digit(char, int) Character.digit(ch, 16)}.
     * {@code HexFormat} uses only hexadecimal characters
     * {@code "0-9"}, {@code "A-F"} and {@code "a-f"}.
     * Signed hexadecimal strings can be parsed with {@link Long#parseLong(String, int)}.
     * @param string a CharSequence containing up to sixteen hexadecimal characters
     * @return the value parsed from the string
     * @throws  IllegalArgumentException if the string length is greater than sixteen (16) or
     *         if any of the characters is not a hexadecimal character
    public static long fromHexDigitsToLong(CharSequence string) {
        return fromHexDigitsToLong(string, 0, string.length());

     * Returns the long value parsed from a string range of up to sixteen hexadecimal
     * characters.
     * The characters in the range {@code fromIndex} to {@code toIndex}, exclusive,
     * are parsed from most significant to least significant
     * using {@link #fromHexDigit(int)} to form an unsigned value.
     * The value is zero extended to 64 bits and is returned as a {@code long}.
     * @apiNote
     * {@link Long#parseLong(String, int) Long.parseLong(s, 16)} and
     * {@link Long#parseUnsignedLong(String, int) Long.parseUnsignedLong(s, 16)}
     * are similar but allow all Unicode hexadecimal digits defined by
     * {@link Character#digit(char, int) Character.digit(ch, 16)}.
     * {@code HexFormat} uses only hexadecimal characters
     * {@code "0-9"}, {@code "A-F"} and {@code "a-f"}.
     * Signed hexadecimal strings can be parsed with {@link Long#parseLong(String, int)}.
     * @param string a CharSequence containing the characters
     * @param fromIndex the initial index of the range, inclusive
     * @param toIndex the final index of the range, exclusive.
     * @return the value parsed from the string range
     * @throws  IndexOutOfBoundsException if the range is out of bounds
     *          for the {@code CharSequence}
     * @throws  IllegalArgumentException if the length of the range is greater than sixteen (16) or
     *          if any of the characters is not a hexadecimal character
    public static long fromHexDigitsToLong(CharSequence string, int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(string, "string");
        Objects.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, string.length());
        int length = checkDigitCount(fromIndex, toIndex, 16);
        long value = 0L;
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            value = (value << 4) + fromHexDigit(string.charAt(fromIndex + i));
        return value;

     * Returns {@code true} if the other object is a {@code HexFormat}
     * with the same parameters.
     * @param o an object, may be null
     * @return {@code true} if the other object is a {@code HexFormat} and the parameters
     *         uppercase, delimiter, prefix, and suffix are equal;
     *         otherwise {@code false}
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o)
            return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
            return false;
        HexFormat otherHex = (HexFormat) o;
        return Arrays.equals(digits, otherHex.digits) &&
                delimiter.equals(otherHex.delimiter) &&
                prefix.equals(otherHex.prefix) &&

     * Returns a hashcode for this {@code HexFormat}.
     * @return a hashcode for this {@code HexFormat}
    public int hashCode() {
        int result = Objects.hash(delimiter, prefix, suffix);
        result = 31 * result + Boolean.hashCode(Arrays.equals(digits, UPPERCASE_DIGITS));
        return result;

     * Returns a description of the formatter parameters for uppercase,
     * delimiter, prefix, and suffix.
     * @return a description of this {@code HexFormat}
    public String toString() {
        return escapeNL("uppercase: " + Arrays.equals(digits, UPPERCASE_DIGITS) +
                ", delimiter: \"" + delimiter +
                "\", prefix: \"" + prefix +
                "\", suffix: \"" + suffix + "\"");



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