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JDK 17 java.rmi.jmod - RMI Module
JDK 17 java.rmi.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 17 RMI (Remote Method Invocation) module.
JDK 17 RMI module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\jmods\java.rmi.jmod.
JDK 17 RMI module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\modules JImage file.
JDK 17 RMI module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\\java.rmi.
You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.
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⏎ java/rmi/server/
/* * Copyright (c) 1996, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package java.rmi.server; import; import java.rmi.Remote; import java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import sun.rmi.server.Util; /** * The <code>RemoteObject</code> class implements the * <code>java.lang.Object</code> behavior for remote objects. * <code>RemoteObject</code> provides the remote semantics of Object by * implementing methods for hashCode, equals, and toString. * * @author Ann Wollrath * @author Laird Dornin * @author Peter Jones * @since 1.1 */ public abstract class RemoteObject implements Remote, { /** The object's remote reference. */ transient protected RemoteRef ref; /** indicate compatibility with JDK 1.1.x version of class */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -3215090123894869218L; /** * Creates a remote object. */ protected RemoteObject() { ref = null; } /** * Creates a remote object, initialized with the specified remote * reference. * @param newref remote reference */ protected RemoteObject(RemoteRef newref) { ref = newref; } /** * Returns the remote reference for the remote object. * * <p>Note: The object returned from this method may be an instance of * an implementation-specific class. The <code>RemoteObject</code> * class ensures serialization portability of its instances' remote * references through the behavior of its custom * <code>writeObject</code> and <code>readObject</code> methods. An * instance of <code>RemoteRef</code> should not be serialized outside * of its <code>RemoteObject</code> wrapper instance or the result may * be unportable. * * @return remote reference for the remote object * @since 1.2 */ public RemoteRef getRef() { return ref; } /** * Returns the stub for the remote object <code>obj</code> passed * as a parameter. This operation is only valid <i>after</i> * the object has been exported. * @param obj the remote object whose stub is needed * @return the stub for the remote object, <code>obj</code>. * @throws NoSuchObjectException if the stub for the * remote object could not be found. * @since 1.2 */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static Remote toStub(Remote obj) throws NoSuchObjectException { if (obj instanceof RemoteStub || (obj != null && Proxy.isProxyClass(obj.getClass()) && Proxy.getInvocationHandler(obj) instanceof RemoteObjectInvocationHandler)) { return obj; } else { return sun.rmi.transport.ObjectTable.getStub(obj); } } /** * Returns a hashcode for a remote object. Two remote object stubs * that refer to the same remote object will have the same hash code * (in order to support remote objects as keys in hash tables). * * @see java.util.Hashtable */ public int hashCode() { return (ref == null) ? super.hashCode() : ref.remoteHashCode(); } /** * Compares two remote objects for equality. * Returns a boolean that indicates whether this remote object is * equivalent to the specified Object. This method is used when a * remote object is stored in a hashtable. * If the specified Object is not itself an instance of RemoteObject, * then this method delegates by returning the result of invoking the * <code>equals</code> method of its parameter with this remote object * as the argument. * @param obj the Object to compare with * @return true if these Objects are equal; false otherwise. * @see java.util.Hashtable */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof RemoteObject) { if (ref == null) { return obj == this; } else { return ref.remoteEquals(((RemoteObject)obj).ref); } } else if (obj != null) { /* * Fix for 4099660: if object is not an instance of RemoteObject, * use the result of its equals method, to support symmetry is a * remote object implementation class that does not extend * RemoteObject wishes to support equality with its stub objects. */ return obj.equals(this); } else { return false; } } /** * Returns a String that represents the value of this remote object. */ public String toString() { String classname = Util.getUnqualifiedName(getClass()); return (ref == null) ? classname : classname + "[" + ref.remoteToString() + "]"; } /** * <code>writeObject</code> for custom serialization. * * <p>This method writes this object's serialized form for this class * as follows: * * <p>The {@link RemoteRef#getRefClass( getRefClass} * method is invoked on this object's <code>ref</code> field * to obtain its external ref type name. * If the value returned by <code>getRefClass</code> was * a non-<code>null</code> string of length greater than zero, * the <code>writeUTF</code> method is invoked on <code>out</code> * with the value returned by <code>getRefClass</code>, and then * the <code>writeExternal</code> method is invoked on * this object's <code>ref</code> field passing <code>out</code> * as the argument; otherwise, * the <code>writeUTF</code> method is invoked on <code>out</code> * with a zero-length string (<code>""</code>), and then * the <code>writeObject</code> method is invoked on <code>out</code> * passing this object's <code>ref</code> field as the argument. * * @serialData * * The serialized data for this class comprises a string (written with * <code>ObjectOutput.writeUTF</code>) that is either the external * ref type name of the contained <code>RemoteRef</code> instance * (the <code>ref</code> field) or a zero-length string, followed by * either the external form of the <code>ref</code> field as written by * its <code>writeExternal</code> method if the string was of non-zero * length, or the serialized form of the <code>ref</code> field as * written by passing it to the serialization stream's * <code>writeObject</code> if the string was of zero length. * * <p>If this object is an instance of * {@link RemoteStub} or {@link RemoteObjectInvocationHandler} * that was returned from any of * the <code>UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject</code> methods * and custom socket factories are not used, * the external ref type name is <code>"UnicastRef"</code>. * * If this object is an instance of * <code>RemoteStub</code> or <code>RemoteObjectInvocationHandler</code> * that was returned from any of * the <code>UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject</code> methods * and custom socket factories are used, * the external ref type name is <code>"UnicastRef2"</code>. * * If this object is an instance of * <code>RemoteStub</code> or <code>RemoteObjectInvocationHandler</code> * that was returned from * the <code>RemoteObject.toStub</code> method (and the argument passed * to <code>toStub</code> was not itself a <code>RemoteStub</code>), * the external ref type name is a function of how the remote object * passed to <code>toStub</code> was exported, as described above. * * If this object is an instance of * <code>RemoteStub</code> or <code>RemoteObjectInvocationHandler</code> * that was originally created via deserialization, * the external ref type name is the same as that which was read * when this object was deserialized. * * <p>If this object is an instance of * <code>java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject</code> that does not * use custom socket factories, * the external ref type name is <code>"UnicastServerRef"</code>. * * If this object is an instance of * <code>UnicastRemoteObject</code> that does * use custom socket factories, * the external ref type name is <code>"UnicastServerRef2"</code>. * * <p>Following is the data that must be written by the * <code>writeExternal</code> method and read by the * <code>readExternal</code> method of <code>RemoteRef</code> * implementation classes that correspond to the each of the * defined external ref type names: * * <p>For <code>"UnicastRef"</code>: * * <ul> * * <li>the hostname of the referenced remote object, * written by {@link} * * <li>the port of the referenced remote object, * written by {@link} * * <li>the data written as a result of calling * {link java.rmi.server.ObjID#write(} * on the <code>ObjID</code> instance contained in the reference * * <li>the boolean value <code>false</code>, * written by {@link} * * </ul> * * <p>For <code>"UnicastRef2"</code> with a * <code>null</code> client socket factory: * * <ul> * * <li>the byte value <code>0x00</code> * (indicating <code>null</code> client socket factory), * written by {@link} * * <li>the hostname of the referenced remote object, * written by {@link} * * <li>the port of the referenced remote object, * written by {@link} * * <li>the data written as a result of calling * {link java.rmi.server.ObjID#write(} * on the <code>ObjID</code> instance contained in the reference * * <li>the boolean value <code>false</code>, * written by {@link} * * </ul> * * <p>For <code>"UnicastRef2"</code> with a * non-<code>null</code> client socket factory: * * <ul> * * <li>the byte value <code>0x01</code> * (indicating non-<code>null</code> client socket factory), * written by {@link} * * <li>the hostname of the referenced remote object, * written by {@link} * * <li>the port of the referenced remote object, * written by {@link} * * <li>a client socket factory (object of type * <code>java.rmi.server.RMIClientSocketFactory</code>), * written by passing it to an invocation of * <code>writeObject</code> on the stream instance * * <li>the data written as a result of calling * {link java.rmi.server.ObjID#write(} * on the <code>ObjID</code> instance contained in the reference * * <li>the boolean value <code>false</code>, * written by {@link} * * </ul> * * <p>For <code>"UnicastServerRef"</code> and * <code>"UnicastServerRef2"</code>, no data is written by the * <code>writeExternal</code> method or read by the * <code>readExternal</code> method. * * @param out the {@code ObjectOutputStream} to which data is written * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ private void writeObject( out) throws { if (ref == null) { throw new java.rmi.MarshalException("Invalid remote object"); } else { String refClassName = ref.getRefClass(out); if (refClassName == null || refClassName.length() == 0) { /* * No reference class name specified, so serialize * remote reference. */ out.writeUTF(""); out.writeObject(ref); } else { /* * Built-in reference class specified, so delegate * to reference to write out its external form. */ out.writeUTF(refClassName); ref.writeExternal(out); } } } /** * <code>readObject</code> for custom serialization. * * <p>This method reads this object's serialized form for this class * as follows: * * <p>The <code>readUTF</code> method is invoked on <code>in</code> * to read the external ref type name for the <code>RemoteRef</code> * instance to be filled in to this object's <code>ref</code> field. * If the string returned by <code>readUTF</code> has length zero, * the <code>readObject</code> method is invoked on <code>in</code>, * and than the value returned by <code>readObject</code> is cast to * <code>RemoteRef</code> and this object's <code>ref</code> field is * set to that value. * Otherwise, this object's <code>ref</code> field is set to a * <code>RemoteRef</code> instance that is created of an * implementation-specific class corresponding to the external ref * type name returned by <code>readUTF</code>, and then * the <code>readExternal</code> method is invoked on * this object's <code>ref</code> field. * * <p>If the external ref type name is * <code>"UnicastRef"</code>, <code>"UnicastServerRef"</code>, * <code>"UnicastRef2"</code>, or <code>"UnicastServerRef2"</code>, * a corresponding * implementation-specific class must be found, and its * <code>readExternal</code> method must read the serial data * for that external ref type name as specified to be written * in the <b>serialData</b> documentation for this class. * If the external ref type name is any other string (of non-zero * length), a <code>ClassNotFoundException</code> will be thrown, * unless the implementation provides an implementation-specific * class corresponding to that external ref type name, in which * case this object's <code>ref</code> field will be set to an * instance of that implementation-specific class. * * @param in the {@code ObjectInputStream} from which data is read * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs * @throws ClassNotFoundException if a serialized class cannot be loaded */ private void readObject( in) throws, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException { String refClassName = in.readUTF(); if (refClassName == null || refClassName.length() == 0) { /* * No reference class name specified, so construct * remote reference from its serialized form. */ ref = (RemoteRef) in.readObject(); } else { /* * Built-in reference class specified, so delegate to * internal reference class to initialize its fields from * its external form. */ String internalRefClassName = RemoteRef.packagePrefix + "." + refClassName; Class<?> refClass = Class.forName(internalRefClassName); try { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Object tmp = refClass.newInstance(); ref = (RemoteRef) tmp; /* * If this step fails, assume we found an internal * class that is not meant to be a serializable ref * type. */ } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | ClassCastException e) { throw new ClassNotFoundException(internalRefClassName, e); } ref.readExternal(in); } } }
⏎ java/rmi/server/
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