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JDK 17 jdk.incubator.foreign.jmod - JDK Incubator Foreign
JDK 17 jdk.incubator.foreign.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 17 HTTP Server module.
JDK 17 Incubator Foreign module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\jmods\jdk.incubator.foreign.jmod.
JDK 17 Incubator Foreign module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\modules JImage file.
JDK 17 Incubator Foreign module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\\jdk.incubator.foreign.
You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.
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/* * Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package jdk.incubator.foreign; import jdk.internal.foreign.MemoryAddressImpl; import jdk.internal.ref.CleanerFactory; import jdk.internal.reflect.CallerSensitive; import java.lang.ref.Cleaner; /** * A memory address models a reference into a memory location. Memory addresses are typically obtained using the * {@link MemorySegment#address()} method, and can refer to either off-heap or on-heap memory. Off-heap memory * addresses are referred to as <em>native</em> memory addresses (see {@link #isNative()}). Native memory addresses * allow clients to obtain a raw memory address (expressed as a long value) which can then be used e.g. when interacting * with native code. * <p> * Given an address, it is possible to compute its offset relative to a given segment, which can be useful * when performing memory dereference operations using a memory access var handle (see {@link MemoryHandles}). * <p> * A memory address is associated with a {@linkplain ResourceScope resource scope}; the resource scope determines the * lifecycle of the memory address, and whether the address can be used from multiple threads. Memory addresses * obtained from {@linkplain #ofLong(long) numeric values}, or from native code, are associated with the * {@linkplain ResourceScope#globalScope() global resource scope}. Memory addresses obtained from segments * are associated with the same scope as the segment from which they have been obtained. * <p> * All implementations of this interface must be <a href="{@docRoot}/java.base/java/lang/doc-files/ValueBased.html">value-based</a>; * programmers should treat instances that are {@linkplain #equals(Object) equal} as interchangeable and should not * use instances for synchronization, or unpredictable behavior may occur. For example, in a future release, * synchronization may fail. The {@code equals} method should be used for comparisons. * <p> * Non-platform classes should not implement {@linkplain MemoryAddress} directly. * * <p> Unless otherwise specified, passing a {@code null} argument, or an array argument containing one or more {@code null} * elements to a method in this class causes a {@link NullPointerException NullPointerException} to be thrown. </p> * * @implSpec * Implementations of this interface are immutable, thread-safe and <a href="{@docRoot}/java.base/java/lang/doc-files/ValueBased.html">value-based</a>. */ public sealed interface MemoryAddress extends Addressable permits MemoryAddressImpl { @Override default MemoryAddress address() { return this; } /** * Creates a new memory address with given offset (in bytes), which might be negative, from current one. * @param offset specified offset (in bytes), relative to this address, which should be used to create the new address. * @return a new memory address with given offset from current one. */ MemoryAddress addOffset(long offset); /** * Returns the resource scope associated with this memory address. * @return the resource scope associated with this memory address. */ ResourceScope scope(); /** * Returns the offset of this memory address into the given segment. More specifically, if both the segment's * base address and this address are native addresses, the result is computed as * {@code this.toRawLongValue() - segment.address().toRawLongValue()}. Otherwise, if both addresses in the form * {@code (B, O1)}, {@code (B, O2)}, where {@code B} is the same base heap object and {@code O1}, {@code O2} * are byte offsets (relative to the base object) associated with this address and the segment's base address, * the result is computed as {@code O1 - O2}. * <p> * If the segment's base address and this address are both heap addresses, but with different base objects, the result is undefined * and an exception is thrown. Similarly, if the segment's base address is an heap address (resp. off-heap) and * this address is an off-heap (resp. heap) address, the result is undefined and an exception is thrown. * Otherwise, the result is a byte offset {@code SO}. If this address falls within the * spatial bounds of the given segment, then {@code 0 <= SO < segment.byteSize()}; otherwise, {@code SO < 0 || SO > segment.byteSize()}. * @return the offset of this memory address into the given segment. * @param segment the segment relative to which this address offset should be computed * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code segment} is not compatible with this address; this can happen, for instance, * when {@code segment} models an heap memory region, while this address is a {@linkplain #isNative() native} address. */ long segmentOffset(MemorySegment segment); /** Returns a new native memory segment with given size and resource scope (replacing the scope already associated * with this address), and whose base address is this address. This method can be useful when interacting with custom * native memory sources (e.g. custom allocators), where an address to some * underlying memory region is typically obtained from native code (often as a plain {@code long} value). * The returned segment is not read-only (see {@link MemorySegment#isReadOnly()}), and is associated with the * provided resource scope. * <p> * Clients should ensure that the address and bounds refers to a valid region of memory that is accessible for reading and, * if appropriate, writing; an attempt to access an invalid memory location from Java code will either return an arbitrary value, * have no visible effect, or cause an unspecified exception to be thrown. * <p> * This method is equivalent to the following code: * <pre>{@code asSegment(byteSize, null, scope); * }</pre> * <p> * This method is <a href="package-summary.html#restricted"><em>restricted</em></a>. * Restricted methods are unsafe, and, if used incorrectly, their use might crash * the JVM or, worse, silently result in memory corruption. Thus, clients should refrain from depending on * restricted methods, and use safe and supported functionalities, where possible. * * @param bytesSize the desired size. * @param scope the native segment scope. * @return a new native memory segment with given base address, size and scope. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code bytesSize <= 0}. * @throws IllegalStateException if either the scope associated with this address or the provided scope * have been already closed, or if access occurs from a thread other than the thread owning either * scopes. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this address is not a {@linkplain #isNative() native} address. * @throws IllegalCallerException if access to this method occurs from a module {@code M} and the command line option * {@code --enable-native-access} is either absent, or does not mention the module name {@code M}, or * {@code ALL-UNNAMED} in case {@code M} is an unnamed module. */ @CallerSensitive MemorySegment asSegment(long bytesSize, ResourceScope scope); /** * Returns a new native memory segment with given size and resource scope (replacing the scope already associated * with this address), and whose base address is this address. This method can be useful when interacting with custom * native memory sources (e.g. custom allocators), where an address to some * underlying memory region is typically obtained from native code (often as a plain {@code long} value). * The returned segment is associated with the provided resource scope. * <p> * Clients should ensure that the address and bounds refers to a valid region of memory that is accessible for reading and, * if appropriate, writing; an attempt to access an invalid memory location from Java code will either return an arbitrary value, * have no visible effect, or cause an unspecified exception to be thrown. * <p> * Calling {@link ResourceScope#close()} on the scope associated with the returned segment will result in calling * the provided cleanup action (if any). * <p> * This method is <a href="package-summary.html#restricted"><em>restricted</em></a>. * Restricted methods are unsafe, and, if used incorrectly, their use might crash * the JVM or, worse, silently result in memory corruption. Thus, clients should refrain from depending on * restricted methods, and use safe and supported functionalities, where possible. * * @param bytesSize the desired size. * @param cleanupAction the cleanup action; can be {@code null}. * @param scope the native segment scope. * @return a new native memory segment with given base address, size and scope. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code bytesSize <= 0}. * @throws IllegalStateException if either the scope associated with this address or the provided scope * have been already closed, or if access occurs from a thread other than the thread owning either * scopes. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this address is not a {@linkplain #isNative() native} address. * @throws IllegalCallerException if access to this method occurs from a module {@code M} and the command line option * {@code --enable-native-access} is either absent, or does not mention the module name {@code M}, or * {@code ALL-UNNAMED} in case {@code M} is an unnamed module. */ @CallerSensitive MemorySegment asSegment(long bytesSize, Runnable cleanupAction, ResourceScope scope); /** * Is this an off-heap memory address? * @return true, if this is an off-heap memory address. */ boolean isNative(); /** * Returns the raw long value associated with this native memory address. * @return The raw long value associated with this native memory address. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this memory address is not a {@linkplain #isNative() native} address. * @throws IllegalStateException if the scope associated with this segment has been already closed, * or if access occurs from a thread other than the thread owning either segment. */ long toRawLongValue(); /** * Compares the specified object with this address for equality. Returns {@code true} if and only if the specified * object is also an address, and it refers to the same memory location as this address. * * @apiNote two addresses might be considered equal despite their associated resource scopes differ. This * can happen, for instance, if the same memory address is used to create memory segments with different * scopes (using {@link #asSegment(long, ResourceScope)}), and the base address of the resulting segments is * then compared. * * @param that the object to be compared for equality with this address. * @return {@code true} if the specified object is equal to this address. */ @Override boolean equals(Object that); /** * Returns the hash code value for this address. * @return the hash code value for this address. */ @Override int hashCode(); /** * The native memory address instance modelling the {@code NULL} address, associated * with the {@linkplain ResourceScope#globalScope() global} resource scope. */ MemoryAddress NULL = new MemoryAddressImpl(null, 0L); /** * Obtain a native memory address instance from given long address. The returned address is associated * with the {@linkplain ResourceScope#globalScope() global} resource scope. * @param value the long address. * @return the new memory address instance. */ static MemoryAddress ofLong(long value) { return value == 0 ? NULL : new MemoryAddressImpl(null, value); } }
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⇒ JDK 17 jdk.incubator.vector.jmod - JDK Incubator Vector
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