JDK 17 jdk.incubator.foreign.jmod - JDK Incubator Foreign

JDK 17 jdk.incubator.foreign.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 17 HTTP Server module.

JDK 17 Incubator Foreign module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\jmods\jdk.incubator.foreign.jmod.

JDK 17 Incubator Foreign module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\modules JImage file.

JDK 17 Incubator Foreign module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\src.zip\jdk.incubator.foreign.

You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.

✍: FYIcenter


 *  Copyright (c) 2020, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 *  ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
package jdk.internal.foreign;

import jdk.incubator.foreign.CLinker;
import jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryLayout;
import jdk.incubator.foreign.ValueLayout;

import java.nio.ByteOrder;

import static java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN;

public class PlatformLayouts {
    public static <Z extends MemoryLayout> Z pick(Z sysv, Z win64, Z aarch64) {
        return switch (CABI.current()) {
            case SysV -> sysv;
            case Win64 -> win64;
            case LinuxAArch64, MacOsAArch64 -> aarch64;

    public static MemoryLayout asVarArg(MemoryLayout ml) {
        return switch (CABI.current()) {
            case Win64 -> Win64.asVarArg(ml);
            case MacOsAArch64 -> AArch64.asVarArg(ml);
            default -> ml;

    private static ValueLayout ofChar(ByteOrder order, long bitSize) {
        return MemoryLayout.valueLayout(bitSize, order)
                .withAttribute(CLinker.TypeKind.ATTR_NAME, CLinker.TypeKind.CHAR);

    private static ValueLayout ofShort(ByteOrder order, long bitSize) {
        return MemoryLayout.valueLayout(bitSize, order)
                .withAttribute(CLinker.TypeKind.ATTR_NAME, CLinker.TypeKind.SHORT);

    private static ValueLayout ofInt(ByteOrder order, long bitSize) {
        return MemoryLayout.valueLayout(bitSize, order)
                .withAttribute(CLinker.TypeKind.ATTR_NAME, CLinker.TypeKind.INT);

    private static ValueLayout ofLong(ByteOrder order, long bitSize) {
        return MemoryLayout.valueLayout(bitSize, order)
                .withAttribute(CLinker.TypeKind.ATTR_NAME, CLinker.TypeKind.LONG);

    private static ValueLayout ofLongLong(ByteOrder order, long bitSize) {
        return MemoryLayout.valueLayout(bitSize, order)
                .withAttribute(CLinker.TypeKind.ATTR_NAME, CLinker.TypeKind.LONG_LONG);

    private static ValueLayout ofFloat(ByteOrder order, long bitSize) {
        return MemoryLayout.valueLayout(bitSize, order)
                .withAttribute(CLinker.TypeKind.ATTR_NAME, CLinker.TypeKind.FLOAT);

    private static ValueLayout ofDouble(ByteOrder order, long bitSize) {
        return MemoryLayout.valueLayout(bitSize, order)
                .withAttribute(CLinker.TypeKind.ATTR_NAME, CLinker.TypeKind.DOUBLE);

    private static ValueLayout ofPointer(ByteOrder order, long bitSize) {
        return MemoryLayout.valueLayout(bitSize, order)
                .withAttribute(CLinker.TypeKind.ATTR_NAME, CLinker.TypeKind.POINTER);

    public static CLinker.TypeKind getKind(MemoryLayout layout) {
        return (CLinker.TypeKind)layout.attribute(CLinker.TypeKind.ATTR_NAME).orElseThrow(
            () -> new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value layout: could not determine ABI class"));

     * This class defines layout constants modelling standard primitive types supported by the x64 SystemV ABI.
    public static final class SysV {
        private SysV() {
            //just the one

         * The {@code char} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_CHAR = ofChar(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 8);

         * The {@code short} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_SHORT = ofShort(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 16);

         * The {@code int} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_INT = ofInt(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 32);

         * The {@code long} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_LONG = ofLong(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 64);

         * The {@code long long} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_LONG_LONG = ofLongLong(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 64);

         * The {@code float} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_FLOAT = ofFloat(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 32);

         * The {@code double} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_DOUBLE = ofDouble(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 64);

         * The {@code T*} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_POINTER = ofPointer(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 64);

         * The {@code va_list} native type, as it is passed to a function.
        public static final MemoryLayout C_VA_LIST = SysV.C_POINTER;

     * This class defines layout constants modelling standard primitive types supported by the x64 Windows ABI.
    public static final class Win64 {

        private Win64() {
            //just the one

         * The name of the layout attribute (see {@link MemoryLayout#attributes()}) used to mark variadic parameters. The
         * attribute value must be a boolean.
        public static final String VARARGS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "abi/windows/varargs";

         * The {@code char} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_CHAR = ofChar(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 8);

         * The {@code short} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_SHORT = ofShort(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 16);

         * The {@code int} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_INT = ofInt(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 32);
         * The {@code long} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_LONG = ofLong(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 32);

         * The {@code long long} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_LONG_LONG = ofLongLong(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 64);

         * The {@code float} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_FLOAT = ofFloat(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 32);

         * The {@code double} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_DOUBLE = ofDouble(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 64);

         * The {@code T*} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_POINTER = ofPointer(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 64);

         * The {@code va_list} native type, as it is passed to a function.
        public static final MemoryLayout C_VA_LIST = Win64.C_POINTER;

         * Return a new memory layout which describes a variadic parameter to be passed to a function.
         * @param layout the original parameter layout.
         * @return a layout which is the same as {@code layout}, except for the extra attribute {@link #VARARGS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME},
         * which is set to {@code true}.
        public static MemoryLayout asVarArg(MemoryLayout layout) {
            return layout.withAttribute(VARARGS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, true);

     * This class defines layout constants modelling standard primitive types supported by the AArch64 ABI.
    public static final class AArch64 {

        private AArch64() {
            //just the one

         * The {@code char} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_CHAR = ofChar(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 8);

         * The {@code short} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_SHORT = ofShort(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 16);

         * The {@code int} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_INT = ofInt(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 32);

         * The {@code long} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_LONG = ofLong(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 64);

         * The {@code long long} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_LONG_LONG = ofLongLong(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 64);

         * The {@code float} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_FLOAT = ofFloat(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 32);

         * The {@code double} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_DOUBLE = ofDouble(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 64);

         * The {@code T*} native type.
        public static final ValueLayout C_POINTER = ofPointer(LITTLE_ENDIAN, 64);

         * The {@code va_list} native type, as it is passed to a function.
        public static final MemoryLayout C_VA_LIST = AArch64.C_POINTER;

         * The name of the layout attribute (see {@link MemoryLayout#attributes()})
         * used to mark variadic parameters on systems such as macOS which pass these
         * entirely on the stack. The attribute value must be a boolean.
        public final static String STACK_VARARGS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "abi/aarch64/stack_varargs";

         * Return a new memory layout which describes a variadic parameter to be
         * passed to a function. This is only required on platforms such as macOS
         * which pass variadic parameters entirely on the stack.
         * @param layout the original parameter layout.
         * @return a layout which is the same as {@code layout}, except for
         * the extra attribute {@link #STACK_VARARGS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME}, which is set
         * to {@code true}.
        public static MemoryLayout asVarArg(MemoryLayout layout) {
            return layout.withAttribute(STACK_VARARGS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, true);



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jdk.incubator.foreign-17.0.5-src.zip
File size: 168767 bytes
Release date: 2022-09-13


JDK 17 jdk.incubator.vector.jmod - JDK Incubator Vector

JDK 17 jdk.httpserver.jmod - HTTP Server Module

JDK 17 JMod/Module Files

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