JDK 17 jdk.javadoc.jmod - Java Document Tool

JDK 17 jdk.javadoc.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 17 Java Document tool, which can be invoked by the "javadoc" command.

JDK 17 Java Document tool compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\jmods\jdk.javadoc.jmod.

JDK 17 Java Document tool compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\modules JImage file.

JDK 17 Java Document tool source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\src.zip\jdk.javadoc.

You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.

✍: FYIcenter


 * Copyright (c) 1998, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util;

import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.PackageElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;

 * Standard DocPath objects.
 *  <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API.
 *  If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk.
 *  This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or
 *  deletion without notice.</b>
public class DocPaths {
    private final String moduleSeparator;
    private final Utils utils;

    public DocPaths(Utils utils) {
        this.utils = utils;
        moduleSeparator = "/module-";

    public static final DocPath DOT_DOT = DocPath.create("..");

    /** The name of the file for all classes index. */
    public static final DocPath ALLCLASSES_INDEX = DocPath.create("allclasses-index.html");

    /** The name of the file for all packages index. */
    public static final DocPath ALLPACKAGES_INDEX = DocPath.create("allpackages-index.html");

    /** The name of the sub-directory for storing class usage info. */
    public static final DocPath CLASS_USE = DocPath.create("class-use");

    /** The name of the file for constant values. */
    public static final DocPath CONSTANT_VALUES = DocPath.create("constant-values.html");

    /** The name of the file for deprecated elements. */
    public static final DocPath DEPRECATED_LIST = DocPath.create("deprecated-list.html");

    /** The name of the subdirectory for user-provided additional documentation files. */
    public static final DocPath DOC_FILES = DocPath.create("doc-files");

    /** The name of the file for the element list. */
    public static final DocPath ELEMENT_LIST = DocPath.create("element-list");

    /** The name of the image file showing a magnifying glass on the search box. */
    public static final DocPath GLASS_IMG = DocPath.create("glass.png");

    /** The name of the file for help info. */
    public static final DocPath HELP_DOC = DocPath.create("help-doc.html");

    /** The name of the main index file. */
    public static final DocPath INDEX = DocPath.create("index.html");

    /** The name of the single index file for all classes. */
    public static final DocPath INDEX_ALL = DocPath.create("index-all.html");

    /** The name of the directory for the split index files. */
    public static final DocPath INDEX_FILES = DocPath.create("index-files");

     * Generate the name of one of the files in the split index.
     * @param n the position in the index
     * @return the path
    public static DocPath indexN(int n) {
        return DocPath.create("index-" + n + ".html");

    /** The name of the default javascript file. */
    public static final DocPath JAVASCRIPT = DocPath.create("script.js");

    /** The name of the stylesheet file overriding jQuery UI stylesheet. */
    public static final DocPath JQUERY_OVERRIDES_CSS = DocPath.create("jquery-ui.overrides.css");

    /** The name of the directory for the jQuery files. */
    public static final DocPath JQUERY_FILES = DocPath.create("script-dir");

    /** The name of the default jQuery javascript file. */
    public static final DocPath JQUERY_JS = DocPath.create("jquery-3.6.0.min.js");

    /** The name of the default jQuery UI stylesheet file. */
    public static final DocPath JQUERY_UI_CSS = DocPath.create("jquery-ui.min.css");

    /** The name of the default jQuery UI javascript file. */
    public static final DocPath JQUERY_UI_JS = DocPath.create("jquery-ui.min.js");

    /** The name of the directory for legal files. */
    public static final DocPath LEGAL = DocPath.create("legal");

    /** The name of the member search index js file. */
    public static final DocPath MEMBER_SEARCH_INDEX_JS = DocPath.create("member-search-index.js");

    /** The name of the module search index js file. */
    public static final DocPath MODULE_SEARCH_INDEX_JS = DocPath.create("module-search-index.js");

    /** The name of the file for the overview summary. */
    public static final DocPath OVERVIEW_SUMMARY = DocPath.create("overview-summary.html");

    /** The name of the file for the overview tree. */
    public static final DocPath OVERVIEW_TREE = DocPath.create("overview-tree.html");

    /** The name of the file for the package list. This is to support the legacy mode. */
    public static final DocPath PACKAGE_LIST = DocPath.create("package-list");

    /** The name of the package search index js file. */
    public static final DocPath PACKAGE_SEARCH_INDEX_JS = DocPath.create("package-search-index.js");

    /** The name of the file for the package summary. */
    public static final DocPath PACKAGE_SUMMARY = DocPath.create("package-summary.html");

    /** The name of the file for the package tree. */
    public static final DocPath PACKAGE_TREE = DocPath.create("package-tree.html");

    /** The name of the file for the package usage info. */
    public static final DocPath PACKAGE_USE = DocPath.create("package-use.html");

    /** The name of the file for preview elements. */
    public static final DocPath PREVIEW_LIST = DocPath.create("preview-list.html");

    /** The name of the file for new elements. */
    public static final DocPath NEW_LIST = DocPath.create("new-list.html");

    /** The name of the file for all system properties. */
    public static final DocPath SYSTEM_PROPERTIES = DocPath.create("system-properties.html");

     * Returns the path for a type element.
     * For example, if the type element is {@code java.lang.Object},
     * the path is {@code java/lang/Object.html}.
     * @param typeElement the type element
     * @return the path
    public DocPath forClass(TypeElement typeElement) {
        return (typeElement == null)
                ? DocPath.empty
                : forPackage(utils.containingPackage(typeElement)).resolve(forName(typeElement));

     * Returns the path for the simple name of a type element.
     * For example, if the type element is {@code java.lang.Object},
     * the path is {@code Object.html}.
     * @param typeElement the type element
     * @return the path
    public DocPath forName(TypeElement typeElement) {
        return (typeElement == null)
                ? DocPath.empty
                : new DocPath(utils.getSimpleName(typeElement) + ".html");

    public static DocPath forModule(ModuleElement mdle) {
        return mdle == null || mdle.isUnnamed()
                ? DocPath.empty
                : DocPath.create(mdle.getQualifiedName().toString());

     * Returns the path for the package of a type element.
     * For example, if the type element is {@code java.lang.Object},
     * the path is {@code java/lang}.
     * @param typeElement the type element
     * @return the path
    public DocPath forPackage(TypeElement typeElement) {
        return (typeElement == null)
                ? DocPath.empty
                : forPackage(utils.containingPackage(typeElement));

     * Returns the path for a package.
     * For example, if the package is {@code java.lang},
     * the path is {@code java/lang}.
     * @param pkgElement the package element
     * @return the path
    public DocPath forPackage(PackageElement pkgElement) {
        if (pkgElement == null || pkgElement.isUnnamed()) {
            return DocPath.empty;

        DocPath pkgPath = DocPath.create(pkgElement.getQualifiedName().toString().replace('.', '/'));
        ModuleElement mdle = (ModuleElement) pkgElement.getEnclosingElement();
        return forModule(mdle).resolve(pkgPath);

     * Returns the inverse path for a package.
     * For example, if the package is {@code java.lang},
     * the inverse path is {@code ../..}.
     * @param pkgElement the package element
     * @return the path
    public static DocPath forRoot(PackageElement pkgElement) {
        String name = (pkgElement == null || pkgElement.isUnnamed())
                ? ""
                : pkgElement.getQualifiedName().toString();
        return new DocPath(name.replace('.', '/').replaceAll("[^/]+", ".."));

     * Returns a relative path from one package to another.
     * @param from the origin of the relative path
     * @param to the destination of the relative path
     * @return the path
    public DocPath relativePath(PackageElement from, PackageElement to) {
        return forRoot(from).resolve(forPackage(to));

     * The path for the output directory for module documentation files.
     * @param mdle the module
     * @return the path
    public DocPath moduleDocFiles(ModuleElement mdle) {
        return createModulePath(mdle, "doc-files");

     * The path for the file for a module's summary page.
     * @param mdle the module
     * @return the path
    public DocPath moduleSummary(ModuleElement mdle) {
        return createModulePath(mdle, "summary.html");

     * The path for the file for a module's summary page.
     * @param mdleName the module
     * @return the path
    public DocPath moduleSummary(String mdleName) {
        return createModulePath(mdleName, "summary.html");

    private DocPath createModulePath(ModuleElement mdle, String path) {
        return DocPath.create(mdle.getQualifiedName() + moduleSeparator + path);

    private DocPath createModulePath(String moduleName, String path) {
        return DocPath.create(moduleName + moduleSeparator + path);

    /** The name of the sub-package from which resources are read. */
    public static final DocPath RESOURCES = DocPath.create("resources");

    /** The name of the search javascript file. */
    public static final DocPath SEARCH_JS = DocPath.create("search.js");

    /** The name of the template for the search javascript file. */
    public static final DocPath SEARCH_JS_TEMPLATE = DocPath.create("search.js.template");

    /** The name of the file for the serialized form info. */
    public static final DocPath SERIALIZED_FORM = DocPath.create("serialized-form.html");

    /** The name of the directory in which HTML versions of the source code
     *  are generated.
    public static final DocPath SOURCE_OUTPUT = DocPath.create("src-html");

    /** The name of the default stylesheet. */
    public static final DocPath STYLESHEET = DocPath.create("stylesheet.css");

    /** The name of the tag search index js file. */
    public static final DocPath TAG_SEARCH_INDEX_JS = DocPath.create("tag-search-index.js");

    /** The name of the type search index js file. */
    public static final DocPath TYPE_SEARCH_INDEX_JS = DocPath.create("type-search-index.js");

    /** The name of the image file for undo button on the search box. */
    public static final DocPath X_IMG = DocPath.create("x.png");




Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jdk.javadoc-17.0.5-src.zip
File size: 587730 bytes
Release date: 2022-09-13


JDK 17 jdk.jcmd.jmod - JCmd Tool

JDK 17 jdk.jartool.jmod - JAR Tool

JDK 17 JMod/Module Files

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