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JDK 17 jdk.localedata.jmod - Locale Data Module
JDK 17 jdk.localedata.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 17 Localedata module.
JDK 17 Locale Data module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\jmods\jdk.localedata.jmod.
JDK 17 Locale Data module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\modules JImage file.
JDK 17 Locale Data module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\\jdk.localedata.
You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.
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/* * Copyright (c) 2012, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * COPYRIGHT AND PERMISSION NOTICE * * Copyright (c) 1991-2020 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the Terms of Use in * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of the Unicode data files and any associated documentation * (the "Data Files") or Unicode software and any associated documentation * (the "Software") to deal in the Data Files or Software * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of * the Data Files or Software, and to permit persons to whom the Data Files * or Software are furnished to do so, provided that either * (a) this copyright and permission notice appear with all copies * of the Data Files or Software, or * (b) this copyright and permission notice appear in associated * Documentation. * * THE DATA FILES AND SOFTWARE ARE PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF * ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR HOLDERS INCLUDED IN THIS * NOTICE BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THE DATA FILES OR SOFTWARE. * * Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder * shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, * use or other dealings in these Data Files or Software without prior * written authorization of the copyright holder. */ package sun.text.resources.cldr.ext; import java.util.ListResourceBundle; public class FormatData_dsb extends ListResourceBundle { @Override protected final Object[][] getContents() { final String[] metaValue_MonthNames = new String[] { "januara", "februara", "m\u011brca", "apryla", "maja", "junija", "julija", "awgusta", "septembra", "oktobra", "nowembra", "decembra", "", }; final String[] metaValue_MonthAbbreviations = new String[] { "jan.", "feb.", "m\u011br.", "apr.", "maj.", "jun.", "jul.", "awg.", "sep.", "okt.", "now.", "dec.", "", }; final String[] metaValue_MonthNarrows = new String[] { "j", "f", "m", "a", "m", "j", "j", "a", "s", "o", "n", "d", "", }; final String[] metaValue_DayNames = new String[] { "nje\u017aela", "p\u00f3nje\u017aele", "wa\u0142tora", "srjoda", "stw\u00f3rtk", "p\u011btk", "sobota", }; final String[] metaValue_DayAbbreviations = new String[] { "nje", "p\u00f3n", "wa\u0142", "srj", "stw", "p\u011bt", "sob", }; final String[] metaValue_DayNarrows = new String[] { "n", "p", "w", "s", "s", "p", "s", }; final String[] metaValue_QuarterNames = new String[] { "1. kwartal", "2. kwartal", "3. kwartal", "4. kwartal", }; final String[] metaValue_standalone_QuarterAbbreviations = new String[] { "Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4", }; final String[] metaValue_AmPmMarkers = new String[] { "dopo\u0142dnja", "w\u00f3tpo\u0142dnja", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", }; final String[] metaValue_narrow_AmPmMarkers = new String[] { "dop.", "w\u00f3tp.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", }; final String[] metaValue_Eras = new String[] { "p\u015b.Chr.n.", "p\u00f3 Chr.n.", }; final String[] metaValue_TimePatterns = new String[] { "H:mm:ss zzzz", "H:mm:ss z", "H:mm:ss", "H:mm", }; final String[] metaValue_buddhist_QuarterNarrows = new String[] { "1", "2", "3", "4", }; final String[] metaValue_java_time_buddhist_DatePatterns = new String[] { "EEEE, d. MMMM y G", "d. MMMM y G", "d.M.y G", "d.M.yy GGGGG", }; final String[] metaValue_buddhist_DatePatterns = new String[] { "EEEE, d. MMMM y GGGG", "d. MMMM y GGGG", "d.M.y GGGG", "d.M.yy G", }; final String metaValue_calendarname_gregorian = "gregoria\u0144ski kalender"; final Object[][] data = new Object[][] { { "MonthNames", metaValue_MonthNames }, { "field.year", "l\u011bto" }, { "japanese.AmPmMarkers", metaValue_AmPmMarkers }, { "AmPmMarkers", metaValue_AmPmMarkers }, { "java.time.japanese.DatePatterns", metaValue_java_time_buddhist_DatePatterns }, { "standalone.QuarterAbbreviations", metaValue_standalone_QuarterAbbreviations }, { "roc.QuarterNames", metaValue_QuarterNames }, { "roc.MonthNarrows", metaValue_MonthNarrows }, { "islamic.narrow.AmPmMarkers", metaValue_narrow_AmPmMarkers }, { "japanese.TimePatterns", metaValue_TimePatterns }, { "narrow.Eras", metaValue_Eras }, { "abbreviated.AmPmMarkers", metaValue_AmPmMarkers }, { "timezone.regionFormat.standard", "{0} zymski cas" }, { "japanese.abbreviated.AmPmMarkers", metaValue_AmPmMarkers }, { "calendarname.japanese", "japa\u0144ski kalender" }, { "japanese.MonthNames", metaValue_MonthNames }, { "standalone.DayAbbreviations", metaValue_DayAbbreviations }, { "roc.MonthAbbreviations", metaValue_MonthAbbreviations }, { "long.Eras", new String[] { "p\u015bed Kristusowym naro\u017aenim", "p\u00f3 Kristusowem naro\u017aenju", } }, { "roc.QuarterNarrows", metaValue_buddhist_QuarterNarrows }, { "islamic.DayNames", metaValue_DayNames }, { "buddhist.MonthAbbreviations", metaValue_MonthAbbreviations }, { "buddhist.MonthNames", metaValue_MonthNames }, { "DateTimePatterns", new String[] { "{1} {0}", "{1} {0}", "{1} {0}", "{1} {0}", } }, { "narrow.AmPmMarkers", metaValue_narrow_AmPmMarkers }, { "latn.NumberElements", new String[] { ",", ".", ";", "%", "0", "#", "-", "E", "\u2030", "\u221e", "NaN", "", "", } }, { "MonthNarrows", metaValue_MonthNarrows }, { "japanese.DatePatterns", metaValue_buddhist_DatePatterns }, { "buddhist.DayNames", metaValue_DayNames }, { "field.minute", "minuta" }, { "field.era", "epocha" }, { "buddhist.AmPmMarkers", metaValue_AmPmMarkers }, { "field.dayperiod", "po\u0142ojca dnja" }, { "standalone.MonthNarrows", metaValue_MonthNarrows }, { "japanese.QuarterNarrows", metaValue_buddhist_QuarterNarrows }, { "calendarname.roc", "kalender republiki China" }, { "islamic.DatePatterns", metaValue_buddhist_DatePatterns }, { "roc.QuarterAbbreviations", metaValue_standalone_QuarterAbbreviations }, { "field.month", "mjasec" }, { "field.second", "sekunda" }, { "DayAbbreviations", metaValue_DayAbbreviations }, { "DayNarrows", metaValue_DayNarrows }, { "roc.DatePatterns", metaValue_buddhist_DatePatterns }, { "calendarname.islamic", "islamski kalender" }, { "japanese.narrow.AmPmMarkers", metaValue_narrow_AmPmMarkers }, { "buddhist.TimePatterns", metaValue_TimePatterns }, { "standalone.MonthAbbreviations", new String[] { "jan", "feb", "m\u011br", "apr", "maj", "jun", "jul", "awg", "sep", "okt", "now", "dec", "", } }, { "timezone.regionFormat", "Casowe pasmo {0}" }, { "long.CompactNumberPatterns", new String[] { "", "", "", "{one:0' 'tysac two:0' 'tysac few:0' 'tysac other:0' 'tysac}", "{one:00' 'tysac two:00' 'tysac few:00' 'tysac other:00' 'tysac}", "{one:000' 'tysac two:000' 'tysac few:000' 'tysac other:000' 'tysac}", "{one:0' 'milion two:0' 'miliona few:0' 'miliony other:0' 'milionow}", "{one:00' 'milionow two:00' 'milionow few:00' 'milionow other:00' 'milionow}", "{one:000' 'milionow two:000' 'milionow few:000' 'milionow other:000' 'milionow}", "{one:0' 'miliarda two:0' 'miliar\u017ae few:0' 'miliardy other:0' 'miliardow}", "{one:00' 'miliardow two:00' 'miliardow few:00' 'miliardow other:00' 'miliardow}", "{one:000' 'miliardow two:000' 'miliardow few:000' 'miliardow other:000' 'miliardow}", "{one:0' 'bilion two:0' 'biliona few:0' 'biliony other:0' 'bilionow}", "{one:00' 'bilionow two:00' 'bilionow few:00' 'bilionow other:00' 'bilionow}", "{one:000' 'bilionow two:000' 'bilionow few:000' 'bilionow other:000' 'bilionow}", } }, { "roc.narrow.AmPmMarkers", metaValue_narrow_AmPmMarkers }, { "buddhist.QuarterNarrows", metaValue_buddhist_QuarterNarrows }, { "standalone.QuarterNames", metaValue_QuarterNames }, { "japanese.MonthNarrows", metaValue_MonthNarrows }, { "islamic.QuarterAbbreviations", metaValue_standalone_QuarterAbbreviations }, { "roc.DayAbbreviations", metaValue_DayAbbreviations }, { "standalone.DayNarrows", metaValue_DayNarrows }, { "islamic.AmPmMarkers", metaValue_AmPmMarkers }, { "TimePatterns", metaValue_TimePatterns }, { "islamic.DayNarrows", metaValue_DayNarrows }, { "", "casowe pasmo" }, { "japanese.QuarterAbbreviations", metaValue_standalone_QuarterAbbreviations }, { "buddhist.narrow.AmPmMarkers", metaValue_narrow_AmPmMarkers }, { "buddhist.abbreviated.AmPmMarkers", metaValue_AmPmMarkers }, { "Eras", metaValue_Eras }, { "roc.DayNames", metaValue_DayNames }, { "islamic.QuarterNames", metaValue_QuarterNames }, { "islamic.abbreviated.AmPmMarkers", metaValue_AmPmMarkers }, { "java.time.islamic.DatePatterns", metaValue_java_time_buddhist_DatePatterns }, { "field.weekday", "\u017ae\u0144 ty\u017aenja" }, { "japanese.MonthAbbreviations", metaValue_MonthAbbreviations }, { "islamic.DayAbbreviations", metaValue_DayAbbreviations }, { "japanese.QuarterNames", metaValue_QuarterNames }, { "buddhist.QuarterAbbreviations", metaValue_standalone_QuarterAbbreviations }, { "japanese.DayNames", metaValue_DayNames }, { "japanese.DayAbbreviations", metaValue_DayAbbreviations }, { "DayNames", metaValue_DayNames }, { "buddhist.DatePatterns", metaValue_buddhist_DatePatterns }, { "roc.MonthNames", metaValue_MonthNames }, { "field.week", "ty\u017ae\u0144" }, { "buddhist.MonthNarrows", metaValue_MonthNarrows }, { "buddhist.QuarterNames", metaValue_QuarterNames }, { "islamic.QuarterNarrows", metaValue_buddhist_QuarterNarrows }, { "roc.DayNarrows", metaValue_DayNarrows }, { "roc.AmPmMarkers", metaValue_AmPmMarkers }, { "java.time.roc.DatePatterns", metaValue_java_time_buddhist_DatePatterns }, { "java.time.buddhist.DatePatterns", metaValue_java_time_buddhist_DatePatterns }, { "short.CompactNumberPatterns", new String[] { "", "", "", "{one:0\u00a0tys'.' two:0\u00a0tys'.' few:0\u00a0tys'.' other:0\u00a0tys'.'}", "{one:00\u00a0tys'.' two:00\u00a0tys'.' few:00\u00a0tys'.' other:00\u00a0tys'.'}", "{one:000\u00a0tys'.' two:000\u00a0tys'.' few:000\u00a0tys'.' other:000\u00a0tys'.'}", "{one:0\u00a0mio'.' two:0\u00a0mio'.' few:0\u00a0mio'.' other:0\u00a0mio'.'}", "{one:00\u00a0mio'.' two:00\u00a0mio'.' few:00\u00a0mio'.' other:00\u00a0mio'.'}", "{one:000\u00a0mio'.' two:000\u00a0mio'.' few:000\u00a0mio'.' other:000\u00a0mio'.'}", "{one:0\u00a0mrd'.' two:0\u00a0mrd'.' few:0\u00a0mrd'.' other:0\u00a0mrd'.'}", "{one:00\u00a0mrd'.' two:00\u00a0mrd'.' few:00\u00a0mrd'.' other:00\u00a0mrd'.'}", "{one:000\u00a0mrd'.' two:000\u00a0mrd'.' few:000\u00a0mrd'.' other:000\u00a0mrd'.'}", "{one:0\u00a0bil'.' two:0\u00a0bil'.' few:0\u00a0bil'.' other:0\u00a0bil'.'}", "{one:00\u00a0bil'.' two:00\u00a0bil'.' few:00\u00a0bil'.' other:00\u00a0bil'.'}", "{one:000\u00a0bil'.' two:000\u00a0bil'.' few:000\u00a0bil'.' other:000\u00a0bil'.'}", } }, { "calendarname.gregorian", metaValue_calendarname_gregorian }, { "timezone.regionFormat.daylight", "{0} l\u011b\u015bojski cas" }, { "DatePatterns", new String[] { "EEEE, d. MMMM y", "d. MMMM y", "d.M.y", "d.M.yy", } }, { "buddhist.DayAbbreviations", metaValue_DayAbbreviations }, { "islamic.TimePatterns", metaValue_TimePatterns }, { "MonthAbbreviations", metaValue_MonthAbbreviations }, { "standalone.DayNames", metaValue_DayNames }, { "PluralRules", "one:v = 0 and i % 100 = 1 or f % 100 = 1;few:v = 0 and i % 100 = 3..4 or f % 100 = 3..4;two:v = 0 and i % 100 = 2 or f % 100 = 2" }, { "field.hour", "g\u00f3\u017aina" }, { "calendarname.buddhist", "buddhistiski kalender" }, { "standalone.MonthNames", new String[] { "januar", "februar", "m\u011brc", "apryl", "maj", "junij", "julij", "awgust", "september", "oktober", "nowember", "december", "", } }, { "latn.NumberPatterns", new String[] { "#,##0.###", "#,##0.00\u00a0\u00a4", "#,##0\u00a0%", "#,##0.00\u00a0\u00a4", } }, { "buddhist.DayNarrows", metaValue_DayNarrows }, { "japanese.DayNarrows", metaValue_DayNarrows }, { "QuarterNames", metaValue_QuarterNames }, { "roc.TimePatterns", metaValue_TimePatterns }, { "roc.abbreviated.AmPmMarkers", metaValue_AmPmMarkers }, { "calendarname.gregory", metaValue_calendarname_gregorian }, }; return data; } }
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