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Source Code for Connector/J 8.0.31 - Core Impl
Where to get the Java source code for Connector/J 8.0 Core Impl module?
Java source code files for Connector/J 8.0 Core Impl module are:
⏎ com/mysql/cj/
/* * Copyright (c) 2017, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is also distributed with certain software (including but not * limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a * particular file or component or in included license documentation. The * authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the * program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that * they have included with MySQL. * * Without limiting anything contained in the foregoing, this file, which is * part of MySQL Connector/J, is also subject to the Universal FOSS Exception, * version 1.0, a copy of which can be found at * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package com.mysql.cj; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Clob; import com.mysql.cj.conf.PropertyKey; import com.mysql.cj.conf.RuntimeProperty; import com.mysql.cj.exceptions.CJException; import com.mysql.cj.exceptions.ExceptionFactory; import com.mysql.cj.exceptions.MysqlErrorNumbers; import com.mysql.cj.exceptions.WrongArgumentException; import com.mysql.cj.log.ProfilerEvent; import com.mysql.cj.protocol.ColumnDefinition; import com.mysql.cj.protocol.Message; import com.mysql.cj.protocol.ProtocolEntityFactory; import com.mysql.cj.protocol.Resultset; import com.mysql.cj.protocol.Resultset.Type; import com.mysql.cj.protocol.a.ColumnDefinitionFactory; import com.mysql.cj.protocol.a.NativeConstants.IntegerDataType; import com.mysql.cj.protocol.a.NativeConstants.StringLengthDataType; import com.mysql.cj.protocol.a.NativeConstants.StringSelfDataType; import com.mysql.cj.protocol.a.NativeMessageBuilder; import com.mysql.cj.protocol.a.NativePacketPayload; import com.mysql.cj.result.Field; import com.mysql.cj.util.StringUtils; // TODO should not be protocol-specific public class ServerPreparedQuery extends ClientPreparedQuery { public static final int BLOB_STREAM_READ_BUF_SIZE = 8192; public static final byte OPEN_CURSOR_FLAG = 0x01; public static final byte PARAMETER_COUNT_AVAILABLE = 0x08; /** The ID that the server uses to identify this PreparedStatement */ private long serverStatementId; /** Field-level metadata for parameters */ private Field[] parameterFields; /** Field-level metadata for result sets. From statement prepare. */ private ColumnDefinition resultFields; /** The "profileSQL" connection property value */ protected boolean profileSQL = false; /** The "gatherPerfMetrics" connection property value */ protected boolean gatherPerfMetrics; /** The "logSlowQueries" connection property value */ protected boolean logSlowQueries = false; private boolean useAutoSlowLog; protected RuntimeProperty<Integer> slowQueryThresholdMillis; protected RuntimeProperty<Boolean> explainSlowQueries; protected boolean useCursorFetch = false; protected boolean queryWasSlow = false; protected NativeMessageBuilder commandBuilder = null; public static ServerPreparedQuery getInstance(NativeSession sess) { if (sess.getPropertySet().getBooleanProperty(PropertyKey.autoGenerateTestcaseScript).getValue()) { return new ServerPreparedQueryTestcaseGenerator(sess); } return new ServerPreparedQuery(sess); } protected ServerPreparedQuery(NativeSession sess) { super(sess); this.profileSQL = sess.getPropertySet().getBooleanProperty(PropertyKey.profileSQL).getValue(); this.gatherPerfMetrics = sess.getPropertySet().getBooleanProperty(PropertyKey.gatherPerfMetrics).getValue(); this.logSlowQueries = sess.getPropertySet().getBooleanProperty(PropertyKey.logSlowQueries).getValue(); this.useAutoSlowLog = sess.getPropertySet().getBooleanProperty(PropertyKey.autoSlowLog).getValue(); this.slowQueryThresholdMillis = sess.getPropertySet().getIntegerProperty(PropertyKey.slowQueryThresholdMillis); this.explainSlowQueries = sess.getPropertySet().getBooleanProperty(PropertyKey.explainSlowQueries); this.useCursorFetch = sess.getPropertySet().getBooleanProperty(PropertyKey.useCursorFetch).getValue(); this.commandBuilder = (NativeMessageBuilder) sess.getProtocol().getMessageBuilder(); } /** * * @param sql * query string * @throws IOException * if an i/o error occurs */ public void serverPrepare(String sql) throws IOException { this.session.checkClosed(); synchronized (this.session) { long begin = this.profileSQL ? System.currentTimeMillis() : 0; NativePacketPayload prepareResultPacket = this.session.getProtocol() .sendCommand(this.commandBuilder.buildComStmtPrepare(this.session.getSharedSendPacket(), sql, this.session.getPropertySet().getStringProperty(PropertyKey.characterEncoding).getValue()), false, 0); // 4.1.1 and newer use the first byte as an 'ok' or 'error' flag, so move the buffer pointer past it to start reading the statement id. prepareResultPacket.setPosition(1); this.serverStatementId = prepareResultPacket.readInteger(IntegerDataType.INT4); int fieldCount = (int) prepareResultPacket.readInteger(IntegerDataType.INT2); setParameterCount((int) prepareResultPacket.readInteger(IntegerDataType.INT2)); this.queryBindings = new NativeQueryBindings(this.parameterCount, this.session, NativeQueryBindValue::new); if (this.gatherPerfMetrics) { this.session.getProtocol().getMetricsHolder().incrementNumberOfPrepares(); } if (this.profileSQL) { this.session.getProfilerEventHandler().processEvent(ProfilerEvent.TYPE_PREPARE, this.session, this, null, this.session.getCurrentTimeNanosOrMillis() - begin, new Throwable(), truncateQueryToLog(sql)); } boolean checkEOF = !this.session.getServerSession().isEOFDeprecated(); if (this.parameterCount > 0) { if (checkEOF) { // Skip the following EOF packet. this.session.getProtocol().skipPacket(); } this.parameterFields = this.session.getProtocol().read(ColumnDefinition.class, new ColumnDefinitionFactory(this.parameterCount, null)) .getFields(); } // Read in the result set column information if (fieldCount > 0) { this.resultFields = this.session.getProtocol().read(ColumnDefinition.class, new ColumnDefinitionFactory(fieldCount, null)); } } } @Override public void statementBegins() { super.statementBegins(); this.queryWasSlow = false; } /** * @param <T> * extends {@link Resultset} * @param maxRowsToRetrieve * rows limit * @param createStreamingResultSet * should c/J create a streaming result? * @param metadata * use this metadata instead of the one provided on wire * @param resultSetFactory * {@link ProtocolEntityFactory} * @return T instance */ public <T extends Resultset> T serverExecute(int maxRowsToRetrieve, boolean createStreamingResultSet, ColumnDefinition metadata, ProtocolEntityFactory<T, NativePacketPayload> resultSetFactory) { if (this.session.shouldIntercept()) { T interceptedResults = this.session.invokeQueryInterceptorsPre(() -> { return getOriginalSql(); }, this, true); if (interceptedResults != null) { return interceptedResults; } } String queryAsString = this.profileSQL || this.logSlowQueries || this.gatherPerfMetrics ? asSql() : ""; return readExecuteResult(sendExecutePacket(prepareExecutePacket(), queryAsString), maxRowsToRetrieve, createStreamingResultSet, metadata, resultSetFactory, queryAsString); } public NativePacketPayload prepareExecutePacket() { BindValue[] bindValues = this.queryBindings.getBindValues(); if (this.queryBindings.isLongParameterSwitchDetected()) { // Check when values were bound boolean firstFound = false; long boundTimeToCheck = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.parameterCount - 1; i++) { if (bindValues[i].isStream()) { if (firstFound && boundTimeToCheck != bindValues[i].getBoundBeforeExecutionNum()) { throw ExceptionFactory.createException( Messages.getString("ServerPreparedStatement.11") + Messages.getString("ServerPreparedStatement.12"), MysqlErrorNumbers.SQL_STATE_DRIVER_NOT_CAPABLE, 0, true, null, this.session.getExceptionInterceptor()); } firstFound = true; boundTimeToCheck = bindValues[i].getBoundBeforeExecutionNum(); } } // Okay, we've got all "newly"-bound streams, so reset server-side state to clear out previous bindings serverResetStatement(); } this.queryBindings.checkAllParametersSet(); // // Send all long data // for (int i = 0; i < this.parameterCount; i++) { if (bindValues[i].isStream()) { serverLongData(i, bindValues[i]); } } // // store the parameter values // boolean sendQueryAttributes = false; if (this.session.getServerSession().supportsQueryAttributes()) { // Servers between 8.0.23 8.0.25 are affected by Bug#103102, Bug#103268 and Bug#103377. Query attributes cannot be sent to these servers. sendQueryAttributes = this.session.getServerSession().getServerVersion().meetsMinimum(new ServerVersion(8, 0, 26)); } else if (this.queryAttributesBindings.getCount() > 0) { this.session.getLog().logWarn(Messages.getString("QueryAttributes.SetButNotSupported")); } byte flags = 0; if (this.resultFields != null && this.resultFields.getFields() != null && this.useCursorFetch && this.resultSetType == Type.FORWARD_ONLY && this.fetchSize > 0) { // we only create cursor-backed result sets if // a) The query is a SELECT // b) The server supports it // c) We know it is forward-only (note this doesn't preclude updatable result sets) // d) The user has set a fetch size flags |= OPEN_CURSOR_FLAG; } if (sendQueryAttributes) { flags |= PARAMETER_COUNT_AVAILABLE; } return this.commandBuilder.buildComStmtExecute(this.session.getSharedSendPacket(), this.serverStatementId, flags, sendQueryAttributes, this); } public NativePacketPayload sendExecutePacket(NativePacketPayload packet, String queryAsString) { // TODO queryAsString should be shared instead of passed final long begin = this.session.getCurrentTimeNanosOrMillis(); resetCancelledState(); CancelQueryTask timeoutTask = null; try { // Get this before executing to avoid a shared packet pollution in the case some other query is issued internally, such as when using I_S. timeoutTask = startQueryTimer(this, this.timeoutInMillis); statementBegins(); NativePacketPayload resultPacket = this.session.getProtocol().sendCommand(packet, false, 0); final long queryEndTime = this.session.getCurrentTimeNanosOrMillis(); if (timeoutTask != null) { stopQueryTimer(timeoutTask, true, true); timeoutTask = null; } final long executeTime = queryEndTime - begin; setExecuteTime(executeTime); if (this.logSlowQueries) { this.queryWasSlow = this.useAutoSlowLog ? // this.session.getProtocol().getMetricsHolder().checkAbonormallyLongQuery(executeTime) : executeTime > this.slowQueryThresholdMillis.getValue(); if (this.queryWasSlow) { this.session.getProfilerEventHandler().processEvent(ProfilerEvent.TYPE_SLOW_QUERY, this.session, this, null, executeTime, new Throwable(), Messages.getString("ServerPreparedStatement.15", new String[] { String.valueOf(this.session.getSlowQueryThreshold()), String.valueOf(executeTime), this.originalSql, queryAsString })); } } if (this.gatherPerfMetrics) { this.session.getProtocol().getMetricsHolder().registerQueryExecutionTime(executeTime); this.session.getProtocol().getMetricsHolder().incrementNumberOfPreparedExecutes(); } if (this.profileSQL) { this.session.getProfilerEventHandler().processEvent(ProfilerEvent.TYPE_EXECUTE, this.session, this, null, executeTime, new Throwable(), truncateQueryToLog(queryAsString)); } return resultPacket; } catch (CJException sqlEx) { if (this.session.shouldIntercept()) { this.session.invokeQueryInterceptorsPost(() -> { return getOriginalSql(); }, this, null, true); } throw sqlEx; } finally { this.statementExecuting.set(false); stopQueryTimer(timeoutTask, false, false); } } public <T extends Resultset> T readExecuteResult(NativePacketPayload resultPacket, int maxRowsToRetrieve, boolean createStreamingResultSet, ColumnDefinition metadata, ProtocolEntityFactory<T, NativePacketPayload> resultSetFactory, String queryAsString) { // TODO queryAsString should be shared instead of passed try { long fetchStartTime = this.profileSQL ? this.session.getCurrentTimeNanosOrMillis() : 0; T rs = this.session.getProtocol().readAllResults(maxRowsToRetrieve, createStreamingResultSet, resultPacket, true, metadata != null ? metadata : this.resultFields, resultSetFactory); if (this.session.shouldIntercept()) { T interceptedResults = this.session.invokeQueryInterceptorsPost(() -> { return getOriginalSql(); }, this, rs, true); if (interceptedResults != null) { rs = interceptedResults; } } if (this.profileSQL) { this.session.getProfilerEventHandler().processEvent(ProfilerEvent.TYPE_FETCH, this.session, this, rs, this.session.getCurrentTimeNanosOrMillis() - fetchStartTime, new Throwable(), null); } if (this.queryWasSlow && this.explainSlowQueries.getValue()) { this.session.getProtocol().explainSlowQuery(queryAsString, queryAsString); } this.queryBindings.getSendTypesToServer().set(false); if (this.session.hadWarnings()) { this.session.getProtocol().scanForAndThrowDataTruncation(); } return rs; } catch (IOException ioEx) { throw ExceptionFactory.createCommunicationsException(this.session.getPropertySet(), this.session.getServerSession(), this.session.getProtocol().getPacketSentTimeHolder(), this.session.getProtocol().getPacketReceivedTimeHolder(), ioEx, this.session.getExceptionInterceptor()); } catch (CJException sqlEx) { if (this.session.shouldIntercept()) { this.session.invokeQueryInterceptorsPost(() -> { return getOriginalSql(); }, this, null, true); } throw sqlEx; } } /** * Sends stream-type data parameters to the server. * * <pre> * Long data handling: * * - Server gets the long data in pieces with command type 'COM_LONG_DATA'. * - The packet received will have the format: * [COM_LONG_DATA: 1][STMT_ID:4][parameter_number:2][type:2][data] * - Checks if the type is specified by client, and if yes reads the type, * and stores the data in that format. * - It is up to the client to check for read data ended. The server does not * care; and also server does not notify to the client that it got the * data or not; if there is any error; then during execute; the error * will be returned * </pre> * * @param parameterIndex * parameter index * @param binding * {@link BindValue containing long data} * */ private void serverLongData(int parameterIndex, BindValue binding) { synchronized (this) { NativePacketPayload packet = this.session.getSharedSendPacket(); Object value = binding.getValue(); if (value instanceof byte[]) { this.session.getProtocol() .sendCommand(this.commandBuilder.buildComStmtSendLongData(packet, this.serverStatementId, parameterIndex, (byte[]) value), true, 0); } else if (value instanceof InputStream) { storeStreamOrReader(parameterIndex, packet, (InputStream) value); } else if (value instanceof java.sql.Blob) { try { storeStreamOrReader(parameterIndex, packet, ((java.sql.Blob) value).getBinaryStream()); } catch (Throwable t) { throw ExceptionFactory.createException(t.getMessage(), this.session.getExceptionInterceptor()); } } else if (value instanceof Reader) { if (binding.isNational() && !this.charEncoding.equalsIgnoreCase("UTF-8") && !this.charEncoding.equalsIgnoreCase("utf8")) { throw ExceptionFactory.createException(Messages.getString("ServerPreparedStatement.31"), this.session.getExceptionInterceptor()); } storeStreamOrReader(parameterIndex, packet, (Reader) value); } else if (value instanceof Clob) { if (binding.isNational() && !this.charEncoding.equalsIgnoreCase("UTF-8") && !this.charEncoding.equalsIgnoreCase("utf8")) { throw ExceptionFactory.createException(Messages.getString("ServerPreparedStatement.31"), this.session.getExceptionInterceptor()); } try { storeStreamOrReader(parameterIndex, packet, ((Clob) value).getCharacterStream()); } catch (Throwable t) { throw ExceptionFactory.createException(t.getMessage(), t); } } else { throw ExceptionFactory.createException(WrongArgumentException.class, Messages.getString("ServerPreparedStatement.18") + value.getClass().getName() + "'", this.session.getExceptionInterceptor()); } } } @Override public void closeQuery() { this.queryBindings = null; this.parameterFields = null; this.resultFields = null; super.closeQuery(); } public long getServerStatementId() { return this.serverStatementId; } public void setServerStatementId(long serverStatementId) { this.serverStatementId = serverStatementId; } public Field[] getParameterFields() { return this.parameterFields; } public void setParameterFields(Field[] parameterFields) { this.parameterFields = parameterFields; } public ColumnDefinition getResultFields() { return this.resultFields; } public void setResultFields(ColumnDefinition resultFields) { this.resultFields = resultFields; } private void storeStreamOrReader(int parameterIndex, NativePacketPayload packet, Closeable streamOrReader) { // TODO consider to use more precise type than just Closable this.session.checkClosed(); boolean isStream = InputStream.class.isAssignableFrom(streamOrReader.getClass()); byte[] bBuf = null; char[] cBuf = null; String clobEncoding = null; synchronized (this.session) { if (isStream) { bBuf = new byte[BLOB_STREAM_READ_BUF_SIZE]; } else { clobEncoding = this.session.getPropertySet().getStringProperty(PropertyKey.clobCharacterEncoding).getStringValue(); if (clobEncoding == null) { clobEncoding = this.session.getPropertySet().getStringProperty(PropertyKey.characterEncoding).getValue(); } int maxBytesChar = 2; if (clobEncoding != null) { maxBytesChar = this.session.getServerSession().getCharsetSettings().getMaxBytesPerChar(clobEncoding); if (maxBytesChar == 1) { maxBytesChar = 2; // for safety } } cBuf = new char[ServerPreparedQuery.BLOB_STREAM_READ_BUF_SIZE / maxBytesChar]; } boolean readAny = false; int bytesInPacket = 0; int totalBytesRead = 0; int bytesReadAtLastSend = 0; int packetIsFullAt = this.session.getPropertySet().getMemorySizeProperty(PropertyKey.blobSendChunkSize).getValue(); int numRead = 0; try { packet.setPosition(0); this.commandBuilder.buildComStmtSendLongDataHeader(packet, this.serverStatementId, parameterIndex); while ((numRead = (isStream ? ((InputStream) streamOrReader).read(bBuf) : ((Reader) streamOrReader).read(cBuf))) != -1) { readAny = true; if (isStream) { packet.writeBytes(StringLengthDataType.STRING_FIXED, bBuf, 0, numRead); bytesInPacket += numRead; totalBytesRead += numRead; } else { byte[] valueAsBytes = StringUtils.getBytes(cBuf, 0, numRead, clobEncoding); packet.writeBytes(StringSelfDataType.STRING_EOF, valueAsBytes); bytesInPacket += valueAsBytes.length; totalBytesRead += valueAsBytes.length; } if (bytesInPacket >= packetIsFullAt) { bytesReadAtLastSend = totalBytesRead; this.session.getProtocol().sendCommand(packet, true, 0); bytesInPacket = 0; packet.setPosition(0); this.commandBuilder.buildComStmtSendLongDataHeader(packet, this.serverStatementId, parameterIndex); } } if (!readAny || totalBytesRead != bytesReadAtLastSend) { this.session.getProtocol().sendCommand(packet, true, 0); } } catch (IOException ioEx) { throw ExceptionFactory.createException( (isStream ? Messages.getString("ServerPreparedStatement.24") : Messages.getString("ServerPreparedStatement.25")) + ioEx.toString(), ioEx, this.session.getExceptionInterceptor()); } finally { if (this.autoClosePStmtStreams.getValue()) { if (streamOrReader != null) { try { streamOrReader.close(); } catch (IOException ioEx) { // ignore } } } } } } /** * @param clearServerParameters * flag indicating whether we need an additional clean up */ public void clearParameters(boolean clearServerParameters) { boolean hadLongData = false; if (this.queryBindings != null) { hadLongData = this.queryBindings.clearBindValues(); this.queryBindings.setLongParameterSwitchDetected(clearServerParameters && hadLongData ? false : true); } if (clearServerParameters && hadLongData) { serverResetStatement(); } } public void serverResetStatement() { this.session.checkClosed(); synchronized (this.session) { try { this.session.getProtocol().sendCommand(this.commandBuilder.buildComStmtReset(this.session.getSharedSendPacket(), this.serverStatementId), false, 0); } finally { this.session.clearInputStream(); } } } /** * Computes the maximum parameter set size and the size of the entire batch given * the number of arguments in the batch. */ @Override protected long[] computeMaxParameterSetSizeAndBatchSize(int numBatchedArgs) { long maxSizeOfParameterSet = 0; long sizeOfEntireBatch = 1 /* com_stmt_execute */ + 4 /* statement_id */ + 1 /* flags */ + 4 /* iteration_count */ + 1 /* new_params_bind_flag */; boolean supportsQueryAttributes = this.session.getServerSession().supportsQueryAttributes(); if (supportsQueryAttributes) { sizeOfEntireBatch += 9 /* parameter_count */; sizeOfEntireBatch += (this.queryAttributesBindings.getCount() + 7) / 8 /* null_bitmap */; for (int i = 0; i < this.queryAttributesBindings.getCount(); i++) { BindValue queryAttribute = this.queryAttributesBindings.getAttributeValue(i); sizeOfEntireBatch += 2 /* parameter_type */ + queryAttribute.getName().length() /* parameter_name */ + queryAttribute.getBinaryLength(); } } for (int i = 0; i < numBatchedArgs; i++) { long sizeOfParameterSet = (this.parameterCount + 7) / 8 /* null_bitmap */ + this.parameterCount * 2 /* parameter_type */; if (supportsQueryAttributes) { sizeOfParameterSet += this.parameterCount /* parameter_name (all empty) */; } BindValue[] bindValues = ((QueryBindings) this.batchedArgs.get(i)).getBindValues(); for (int j = 0; j < bindValues.length; j++) { sizeOfParameterSet += bindValues[j].getBinaryLength(); } sizeOfEntireBatch += sizeOfParameterSet; if (sizeOfParameterSet > maxSizeOfParameterSet) { maxSizeOfParameterSet = sizeOfParameterSet; } } return new long[] { maxSizeOfParameterSet, sizeOfEntireBatch }; } private String truncateQueryToLog(String sql) { String queryStr = null; int maxQuerySizeToLog = this.session.getPropertySet().getIntegerProperty(PropertyKey.maxQuerySizeToLog).getValue(); if (sql.length() > maxQuerySizeToLog) { StringBuilder queryBuf = new StringBuilder(maxQuerySizeToLog + 12); queryBuf.append(sql.substring(0, maxQuerySizeToLog)); queryBuf.append(Messages.getString("MysqlIO.25")); queryStr = queryBuf.toString(); } else { queryStr = sql; } return queryStr; } @Override public <M extends Message> M fillSendPacket(QueryBindings bindings) { return null; // we don't use this type of packet } }
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⇒ Source Code for Connector/J 8.0.31 - Protocol Impl
⇐ Source Code for Connector/J 8.0.31 - Core API
2023-05-31, 11822👍, 0💬
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