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Apache ZooKeeper 3.7.0 Server Source Code
Apache ZooKeeper is an open-source server which enables highly
reliable distributed coordination.
Apache ZooKeeper Server Source Code files are provided in the source packge (apache-zookeeper-3.7.0.tar.gz). You can download it at Apache ZooKeeper Website.
You can also browse Apache ZooKeeper Server Source Code below:
⏎ org/apache/zookeeper/server/quorum/
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooDefs.OpCode; import org.apache.zookeeper.common.Time; import org.apache.zookeeper.server.ExitCode; import org.apache.zookeeper.server.Request; import org.apache.zookeeper.server.RequestProcessor; import org.apache.zookeeper.server.ServerMetrics; import org.apache.zookeeper.server.WorkerService; import org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperCriticalThread; import org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServerListener; import org.apache.zookeeper.util.ServiceUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * This RequestProcessor matches the incoming committed requests with the * locally submitted requests. The trick is that locally submitted requests that * change the state of the system will come back as incoming committed requests, * so we need to match them up. Instead of just waiting for the committed requests, * we process the uncommitted requests that belong to other sessions. * * The CommitProcessor is multi-threaded. Communication between threads is * handled via queues, atomics, and wait/notifyAll synchronized on the * processor. The CommitProcessor acts as a gateway for allowing requests to * continue with the remainder of the processing pipeline. It will allow many * read requests but only a single write request to be in flight simultaneously, * thus ensuring that write requests are processed in transaction id order. * * - 1 commit processor main thread, which watches the request queues and * assigns requests to worker threads based on their sessionId so that * read and write requests for a particular session are always assigned * to the same thread (and hence are guaranteed to run in order). * - 0-N worker threads, which run the rest of the request processor pipeline * on the requests. If configured with 0 worker threads, the primary * commit processor thread runs the pipeline directly. * * Typical (default) thread counts are: on a 32 core machine, 1 commit * processor thread and 32 worker threads. * * Multi-threading constraints: * - Each session's requests must be processed in order. * - Write requests must be processed in zxid order * - Must ensure no race condition between writes in one session that would * trigger a watch being set by a read request in another session * * The current implementation solves the third constraint by simply allowing no * read requests to be processed in parallel with write requests. */ public class CommitProcessor extends ZooKeeperCriticalThread implements RequestProcessor { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommitProcessor.class); /** Default: numCores */ public static final String ZOOKEEPER_COMMIT_PROC_NUM_WORKER_THREADS = "zookeeper.commitProcessor.numWorkerThreads"; /** Default worker pool shutdown timeout in ms: 5000 (5s) */ public static final String ZOOKEEPER_COMMIT_PROC_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT = "zookeeper.commitProcessor.shutdownTimeout"; /** Default max read batch size: -1 to disable the feature */ public static final String ZOOKEEPER_COMMIT_PROC_MAX_READ_BATCH_SIZE = "zookeeper.commitProcessor.maxReadBatchSize"; /** Default max commit batch size: 1 */ public static final String ZOOKEEPER_COMMIT_PROC_MAX_COMMIT_BATCH_SIZE = "zookeeper.commitProcessor.maxCommitBatchSize"; /** * Incoming requests. */ protected LinkedBlockingQueue<Request> queuedRequests = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Request>(); /** * Incoming requests that are waiting on a commit, * contained in order of arrival */ protected final LinkedBlockingQueue<Request> queuedWriteRequests = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); /** * The number of read requests currently held in all session queues */ private AtomicInteger numReadQueuedRequests = new AtomicInteger(0); /** * The number of quorum requests currently held in all session queued */ private AtomicInteger numWriteQueuedRequests = new AtomicInteger(0); /** * Requests that have been committed. */ protected final LinkedBlockingQueue<Request> committedRequests = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Request>(); /** * Requests that we are holding until commit comes in. Keys represent * session ids, each value is a linked list of the session's requests. */ protected final Map<Long, Deque<Request>> pendingRequests = new HashMap<>(10000); /** The number of requests currently being processed */ protected final AtomicInteger numRequestsProcessing = new AtomicInteger(0); RequestProcessor nextProcessor; /** For testing purposes, we use a separated stopping condition for the * outer loop.*/ protected volatile boolean stoppedMainLoop = true; protected volatile boolean stopped = true; private long workerShutdownTimeoutMS; protected WorkerService workerPool; private Object emptyPoolSync = new Object(); /** * Max number of reads to process from queuedRequests before switching to * processing commits. If the value is negative, we switch whenever we have * a local write, and pending commits. * A high read batch size will delay commit processing causing us to * serve stale data. */ private static volatile int maxReadBatchSize; /** * Max number of commits to process before processing reads. We will try to * process as many remote/local commits as we can till we reach this * count. * A high commit batch size will delay reads while processing more commits. * A low commit batch size will favor reads. */ private static volatile int maxCommitBatchSize; /** * This flag indicates whether we need to wait for a response to come back from the * leader or we just let the sync operation flow through like a read. The flag will * be false if the CommitProcessor is in a Leader pipeline. */ boolean matchSyncs; public CommitProcessor(RequestProcessor nextProcessor, String id, boolean matchSyncs, ZooKeeperServerListener listener) { super("CommitProcessor:" + id, listener); this.nextProcessor = nextProcessor; this.matchSyncs = matchSyncs; } private boolean isProcessingRequest() { return numRequestsProcessing.get() != 0; } protected boolean needCommit(Request request) { if (request.isThrottled()) { return false; } switch (request.type) { case OpCode.create: case OpCode.create2: case OpCode.createTTL: case OpCode.createContainer: case OpCode.delete: case OpCode.deleteContainer: case OpCode.setData: case OpCode.reconfig: case OpCode.multi: case OpCode.setACL: case OpCode.check: return true; case OpCode.sync: return matchSyncs; case OpCode.createSession: case OpCode.closeSession: return !request.isLocalSession(); default: return false; } } @Override public void run() { try { /* * In each iteration of the following loop we process at most * requestsToProcess requests of queuedRequests. We have to limit * the number of request we poll from queuedRequests, since it is * possible to endlessly poll read requests from queuedRequests, and * that will lead to a starvation of non-local committed requests. */ int requestsToProcess = 0; boolean commitIsWaiting = false; do { /* * Since requests are placed in the queue before being sent to * the leader, if commitIsWaiting = true, the commit belongs to * the first update operation in the queuedRequests or to a * request from a client on another server (i.e., the order of * the following two lines is important!). */ commitIsWaiting = !committedRequests.isEmpty(); requestsToProcess = queuedRequests.size(); // Avoid sync if we have something to do if (requestsToProcess == 0 && !commitIsWaiting) { // Waiting for requests to process synchronized (this) { while (!stopped && requestsToProcess == 0 && !commitIsWaiting) { wait(); commitIsWaiting = !committedRequests.isEmpty(); requestsToProcess = queuedRequests.size(); } } } ServerMetrics.getMetrics().READS_QUEUED_IN_COMMIT_PROCESSOR.add(numReadQueuedRequests.get()); ServerMetrics.getMetrics().WRITES_QUEUED_IN_COMMIT_PROCESSOR.add(numWriteQueuedRequests.get()); ServerMetrics.getMetrics().COMMITS_QUEUED_IN_COMMIT_PROCESSOR.add(committedRequests.size()); long time = Time.currentElapsedTime(); /* * Processing up to requestsToProcess requests from the incoming * queue (queuedRequests). If maxReadBatchSize is set then no * commits will be processed until maxReadBatchSize number of * reads are processed (or no more reads remain in the queue). * After the loop a single committed request is processed if * one is waiting (or a batch of commits if maxCommitBatchSize * is set). */ Request request; int readsProcessed = 0; while (!stopped && requestsToProcess > 0 && (maxReadBatchSize < 0 || readsProcessed <= maxReadBatchSize) && (request = queuedRequests.poll()) != null) { requestsToProcess--; if (needCommit(request) || pendingRequests.containsKey(request.sessionId)) { // Add request to pending Deque<Request> requests = pendingRequests.computeIfAbsent(request.sessionId, sid -> new ArrayDeque<>()); requests.addLast(request); ServerMetrics.getMetrics().REQUESTS_IN_SESSION_QUEUE.add(requests.size()); } else { readsProcessed++; numReadQueuedRequests.decrementAndGet(); sendToNextProcessor(request); } /* * Stop feeding the pool if there is a local pending update * and a committed request that is ready. Once we have a * pending request with a waiting committed request, we know * we can process the committed one. This is because commits * for local requests arrive in the order they appeared in * the queue, so if we have a pending request and a * committed request, the committed request must be for that * pending write or for a write originating at a different * server. We skip this if maxReadBatchSize is set. */ if (maxReadBatchSize < 0 && !pendingRequests.isEmpty() && !committedRequests.isEmpty()) { /* * We set commitIsWaiting so that we won't check * committedRequests again. */ commitIsWaiting = true; break; } } ServerMetrics.getMetrics().READS_ISSUED_IN_COMMIT_PROC.add(readsProcessed); if (!commitIsWaiting) { commitIsWaiting = !committedRequests.isEmpty(); } /* * Handle commits, if any. */ if (commitIsWaiting && !stopped) { /* * Drain outstanding reads */ waitForEmptyPool(); if (stopped) { return; } int commitsToProcess = maxCommitBatchSize; /* * Loop through all the commits, and try to drain them. */ Set<Long> queuesToDrain = new HashSet<>(); long startWriteTime = Time.currentElapsedTime(); int commitsProcessed = 0; while (commitIsWaiting && !stopped && commitsToProcess > 0) { // Process committed head request = committedRequests.peek(); if (request.isThrottled()) { LOG.error("Throttled request in committed pool: {}. Exiting.", request); ServiceUtils.requestSystemExit(ExitCode.UNEXPECTED_ERROR.getValue()); } /* * Check if this is a local write request is pending, * if so, update it with the committed info. If the commit matches * the first write queued in the blockedRequestQueue, we know this is * a commit for a local write, as commits are received in order. Else * it must be a commit for a remote write. */ if (!queuedWriteRequests.isEmpty() && queuedWriteRequests.peek().sessionId == request.sessionId && queuedWriteRequests.peek().cxid == request.cxid) { /* * Commit matches the earliest write in our write queue. */ Deque<Request> sessionQueue = pendingRequests.get(request.sessionId); ServerMetrics.getMetrics().PENDING_SESSION_QUEUE_SIZE.add(pendingRequests.size()); if (sessionQueue == null || sessionQueue.isEmpty() || !needCommit(sessionQueue.peek())) { /* * Can't process this write yet. * Either there are reads pending in this session, or we * haven't gotten to this write yet. */ break; } else { ServerMetrics.getMetrics().REQUESTS_IN_SESSION_QUEUE.add(sessionQueue.size()); // If session queue != null, then it is also not empty. Request topPending = sessionQueue.poll(); /* * Generally, we want to send to the next processor our version of the request, * since it contains the session information that is needed for post update processing. * In more details, when a request is in the local queue, there is (or could be) a client * attached to this server waiting for a response, and there is other bookkeeping of * requests that are outstanding and have originated from this server * (e.g., for setting the max outstanding requests) - we need to update this info when an * outstanding request completes. Note that in the other case, the operation * originated from a different server and there is no local bookkeeping or a local client * session that needs to be notified. */ topPending.setHdr(request.getHdr()); topPending.setTxn(request.getTxn()); topPending.setTxnDigest(request.getTxnDigest()); topPending.zxid = request.zxid; topPending.commitRecvTime = request.commitRecvTime; request = topPending; if (request.isThrottled()) { LOG.error("Throttled request in committed & pending pool: {}. Exiting.", request); ServiceUtils.requestSystemExit(ExitCode.UNEXPECTED_ERROR.getValue()); } // Only decrement if we take a request off the queue. numWriteQueuedRequests.decrementAndGet(); queuedWriteRequests.poll(); queuesToDrain.add(request.sessionId); } } /* * Pull the request off the commit queue, now that we are going * to process it. */ committedRequests.remove(); commitsToProcess--; commitsProcessed++; // Process the write inline. processWrite(request); commitIsWaiting = !committedRequests.isEmpty(); } ServerMetrics.getMetrics().WRITE_BATCH_TIME_IN_COMMIT_PROCESSOR .add(Time.currentElapsedTime() - startWriteTime); ServerMetrics.getMetrics().WRITES_ISSUED_IN_COMMIT_PROC.add(commitsProcessed); /* * Process following reads if any, remove session queue(s) if * empty. */ readsProcessed = 0; for (Long sessionId : queuesToDrain) { Deque<Request> sessionQueue = pendingRequests.get(sessionId); int readsAfterWrite = 0; while (!stopped && !sessionQueue.isEmpty() && !needCommit(sessionQueue.peek())) { numReadQueuedRequests.decrementAndGet(); sendToNextProcessor(sessionQueue.poll()); readsAfterWrite++; } ServerMetrics.getMetrics().READS_AFTER_WRITE_IN_SESSION_QUEUE.add(readsAfterWrite); readsProcessed += readsAfterWrite; // Remove empty queues if (sessionQueue.isEmpty()) { pendingRequests.remove(sessionId); } } ServerMetrics.getMetrics().SESSION_QUEUES_DRAINED.add(queuesToDrain.size()); ServerMetrics.getMetrics().READ_ISSUED_FROM_SESSION_QUEUE.add(readsProcessed); } ServerMetrics.getMetrics().COMMIT_PROCESS_TIME.add(Time.currentElapsedTime() - time); endOfIteration(); } while (!stoppedMainLoop); } catch (Throwable e) { handleException(this.getName(), e); }"CommitProcessor exited loop!"); } //for test only protected void endOfIteration() { } protected void waitForEmptyPool() throws InterruptedException { int numRequestsInProcess = numRequestsProcessing.get(); if (numRequestsInProcess != 0) { ServerMetrics.getMetrics().CONCURRENT_REQUEST_PROCESSING_IN_COMMIT_PROCESSOR.add(numRequestsInProcess); } long startWaitTime = Time.currentElapsedTime(); synchronized (emptyPoolSync) { while ((!stopped) && isProcessingRequest()) { emptyPoolSync.wait(); } } ServerMetrics.getMetrics().TIME_WAITING_EMPTY_POOL_IN_COMMIT_PROCESSOR_READ .add(Time.currentElapsedTime() - startWaitTime); } @Override public void start() { int numCores = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); int numWorkerThreads = Integer.getInteger(ZOOKEEPER_COMMIT_PROC_NUM_WORKER_THREADS, numCores); workerShutdownTimeoutMS = Long.getLong(ZOOKEEPER_COMMIT_PROC_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT, 5000); initBatchSizes(); "Configuring CommitProcessor with {} worker threads.", numWorkerThreads > 0 ? numWorkerThreads : "no"); if (workerPool == null) { workerPool = new WorkerService("CommitProcWork", numWorkerThreads, true); } stopped = false; stoppedMainLoop = false; super.start(); } /** * Schedule final request processing; if a worker thread pool is not being * used, processing is done directly by this thread. */ private void sendToNextProcessor(Request request) { numRequestsProcessing.incrementAndGet(); CommitWorkRequest workRequest = new CommitWorkRequest(request); workerPool.schedule(workRequest, request.sessionId); } private void processWrite(Request request) throws RequestProcessorException { processCommitMetrics(request, true); long timeBeforeFinalProc = Time.currentElapsedTime(); nextProcessor.processRequest(request); ServerMetrics.getMetrics().WRITE_FINAL_PROC_TIME.add(Time.currentElapsedTime() - timeBeforeFinalProc); } private static void initBatchSizes() { maxReadBatchSize = Integer.getInteger(ZOOKEEPER_COMMIT_PROC_MAX_READ_BATCH_SIZE, -1); maxCommitBatchSize = Integer.getInteger(ZOOKEEPER_COMMIT_PROC_MAX_COMMIT_BATCH_SIZE, 1); if (maxCommitBatchSize <= 0) { String errorMsg = "maxCommitBatchSize must be positive, was " + maxCommitBatchSize; throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMsg); } ("Configuring CommitProcessor with readBatchSize {} commitBatchSize {}", maxReadBatchSize, maxCommitBatchSize); } private static void processCommitMetrics(Request request, boolean isWrite) { if (isWrite) { if (request.commitProcQueueStartTime != -1 && request.commitRecvTime != -1) { // Locally issued writes. long currentTime = Time.currentElapsedTime(); ServerMetrics.getMetrics().WRITE_COMMITPROC_TIME.add(currentTime - request.commitProcQueueStartTime); ServerMetrics.getMetrics().LOCAL_WRITE_COMMITTED_TIME.add(currentTime - request.commitRecvTime); } else if (request.commitRecvTime != -1) { // Writes issued by other servers. ServerMetrics.getMetrics().SERVER_WRITE_COMMITTED_TIME .add(Time.currentElapsedTime() - request.commitRecvTime); } } else { if (request.commitProcQueueStartTime != -1) { ServerMetrics.getMetrics().READ_COMMITPROC_TIME .add(Time.currentElapsedTime() - request.commitProcQueueStartTime); } } } public static int getMaxReadBatchSize() { return maxReadBatchSize; } public static int getMaxCommitBatchSize() { return maxCommitBatchSize; } public static void setMaxReadBatchSize(int size) { maxReadBatchSize = size;"Configuring CommitProcessor with readBatchSize {}", maxReadBatchSize); } public static void setMaxCommitBatchSize(int size) { if (size > 0) { maxCommitBatchSize = size;"Configuring CommitProcessor with commitBatchSize {}", maxCommitBatchSize); } } /** * CommitWorkRequest is a small wrapper class to allow * downstream processing to be run using the WorkerService */ private class CommitWorkRequest extends WorkerService.WorkRequest { private final Request request; CommitWorkRequest(Request request) { this.request = request; } @Override public void cleanup() { if (!stopped) { LOG.error("Exception thrown by downstream processor, unable to continue."); CommitProcessor.this.halt(); } } public void doWork() throws RequestProcessorException { try { processCommitMetrics(request, needCommit(request)); long timeBeforeFinalProc = Time.currentElapsedTime(); nextProcessor.processRequest(request); if (needCommit(request)) { ServerMetrics.getMetrics().WRITE_FINAL_PROC_TIME .add(Time.currentElapsedTime() - timeBeforeFinalProc); } else { ServerMetrics.getMetrics().READ_FINAL_PROC_TIME .add(Time.currentElapsedTime() - timeBeforeFinalProc); } } finally { if (numRequestsProcessing.decrementAndGet() == 0) { wakeupOnEmpty(); } } } } @SuppressFBWarnings("NN_NAKED_NOTIFY") private synchronized void wakeup() { notifyAll(); } private void wakeupOnEmpty() { synchronized (emptyPoolSync) { emptyPoolSync.notifyAll(); } } public void commit(Request request) { if (stopped || request == null) { return; } LOG.debug("Committing request:: {}", request); request.commitRecvTime = Time.currentElapsedTime(); ServerMetrics.getMetrics().COMMITS_QUEUED.add(1); committedRequests.add(request); wakeup(); } @Override public void processRequest(Request request) { if (stopped) { return; } LOG.debug("Processing request:: {}", request); request.commitProcQueueStartTime = Time.currentElapsedTime(); queuedRequests.add(request); // If the request will block, add it to the queue of blocking requests if (needCommit(request)) { queuedWriteRequests.add(request); numWriteQueuedRequests.incrementAndGet(); } else { numReadQueuedRequests.incrementAndGet(); } wakeup(); } private void halt() { stoppedMainLoop = true; stopped = true; wakeupOnEmpty(); wakeup(); queuedRequests.clear(); if (workerPool != null) { workerPool.stop(); } } public void shutdown() {"Shutting down"); halt(); if (workerPool != null) { workerPool.join(workerShutdownTimeoutMS); } if (nextProcessor != null) { nextProcessor.shutdown(); } } }
⏎ org/apache/zookeeper/server/quorum/
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