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Apache ZooKeeper 3.7.0 Server Source Code
Apache ZooKeeper is an open-source server which enables highly
reliable distributed coordination.
Apache ZooKeeper Server Source Code files are provided in the source packge (apache-zookeeper-3.7.0.tar.gz). You can download it at Apache ZooKeeper Website.
You can also browse Apache ZooKeeper Server Source Code below:
⏎ org/apache/zookeeper/server/quorum/
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; import static org.apache.zookeeper.common.NetUtils.formatInetAddr; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.function.Supplier; import; import; import org.apache.zookeeper.common.NetUtils; import org.apache.zookeeper.common.X509Exception; import org.apache.zookeeper.server.ExitCode; import org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperThread; import org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerConfig.ConfigException; import org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.auth.QuorumAuthLearner; import org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.auth.QuorumAuthServer; import org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.flexible.QuorumVerifier; import org.apache.zookeeper.server.util.ConfigUtils; import org.apache.zookeeper.util.CircularBlockingQueue; import org.apache.zookeeper.util.ServiceUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * This class implements a connection manager for leader election using TCP. It * maintains one connection for every pair of servers. The tricky part is to * guarantee that there is exactly one connection for every pair of servers that * are operating correctly and that can communicate over the network. * * If two servers try to start a connection concurrently, then the connection * manager uses a very simple tie-breaking mechanism to decide which connection * to drop based on the IP addressed of the two parties. * * For every peer, the manager maintains a queue of messages to send. If the * connection to any particular peer drops, then the sender thread puts the * message back on the list. As this implementation currently uses a queue * implementation to maintain messages to send to another peer, we add the * message to the tail of the queue, thus changing the order of messages. * Although this is not a problem for the leader election, it could be a problem * when consolidating peer communication. This is to be verified, though. * */ public class QuorumCnxManager { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QuorumCnxManager.class); /* * Maximum capacity of thread queues */ static final int RECV_CAPACITY = 100; // Initialized to 1 to prevent sending // stale notifications to peers static final int SEND_CAPACITY = 1; static final int PACKETMAXSIZE = 1024 * 512; /* * Negative counter for observer server ids. */ private AtomicLong observerCounter = new AtomicLong(-1); /* * Protocol identifier used among peers (must be a negative number for backward compatibility reasons) */ // the following protocol version was sent in every connection initiation message since ZOOKEEPER-107 released in 3.5.0 public static final long PROTOCOL_VERSION_V1 = -65536L; // ZOOKEEPER-3188 introduced multiple addresses in the connection initiation message, released in 3.6.0 public static final long PROTOCOL_VERSION_V2 = -65535L; /* * Max buffer size to be read from the network. */ public static final int maxBuffer = 2048; /* * Connection time out value in milliseconds */ private int cnxTO = 5000; final QuorumPeer self; /* * Local IP address */ final long mySid; final int socketTimeout; final Map<Long, QuorumPeer.QuorumServer> view; final boolean listenOnAllIPs; private ThreadPoolExecutor connectionExecutor; private final Set<Long> inprogressConnections = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<>()); private QuorumAuthServer authServer; private QuorumAuthLearner authLearner; private boolean quorumSaslAuthEnabled; /* * Counter to count connection processing threads. */ private AtomicInteger connectionThreadCnt = new AtomicInteger(0); /* * Mapping from Peer to Thread number */ final ConcurrentHashMap<Long, SendWorker> senderWorkerMap; final ConcurrentHashMap<Long, BlockingQueue<ByteBuffer>> queueSendMap; final ConcurrentHashMap<Long, ByteBuffer> lastMessageSent; /* * Reception queue */ public final BlockingQueue<Message> recvQueue; /* * Shutdown flag */ volatile boolean shutdown = false; /* * Listener thread */ public final Listener listener; /* * Counter to count worker threads */ private AtomicInteger threadCnt = new AtomicInteger(0); /* * Socket options for TCP keepalive */ private final boolean tcpKeepAlive = Boolean.getBoolean("zookeeper.tcpKeepAlive"); /* * Socket factory, allowing the injection of custom socket implementations for testing */ static final Supplier<Socket> DEFAULT_SOCKET_FACTORY = () -> new Socket(); private static Supplier<Socket> SOCKET_FACTORY = DEFAULT_SOCKET_FACTORY; static void setSocketFactory(Supplier<Socket> factory) { SOCKET_FACTORY = factory; } public static class Message { Message(ByteBuffer buffer, long sid) { this.buffer = buffer; this.sid = sid; } ByteBuffer buffer; long sid; } /* * This class parses the initial identification sent out by peers with their * sid & hostname. */ public static class InitialMessage { public Long sid; public List<InetSocketAddress> electionAddr; InitialMessage(Long sid, List<InetSocketAddress> addresses) { this.sid = sid; this.electionAddr = addresses; } @SuppressWarnings("serial") public static class InitialMessageException extends Exception { InitialMessageException(String message, Object... args) { super(String.format(message, args)); } } public static InitialMessage parse(Long protocolVersion, DataInputStream din) throws InitialMessageException, IOException { Long sid; if (protocolVersion != PROTOCOL_VERSION_V1 && protocolVersion != PROTOCOL_VERSION_V2) { throw new InitialMessageException("Got unrecognized protocol version %s", protocolVersion); } sid = din.readLong(); int remaining = din.readInt(); if (remaining <= 0 || remaining > maxBuffer) { throw new InitialMessageException("Unreasonable buffer length: %s", remaining); } byte[] b = new byte[remaining]; int num_read =; if (num_read != remaining) { throw new InitialMessageException("Read only %s bytes out of %s sent by server %s", num_read, remaining, sid); } // in PROTOCOL_VERSION_V1 we expect to get a single address here represented as a 'host:port' string // in PROTOCOL_VERSION_V2 we expect to get multiple addresses like: 'host1:port1|host2:port2|...' String[] addressStrings = new String(b, UTF_8).split("\\|"); List<InetSocketAddress> addresses = new ArrayList<>(addressStrings.length); for (String addr : addressStrings) { String[] host_port; try { host_port = ConfigUtils.getHostAndPort(addr); } catch (ConfigException e) { throw new InitialMessageException("Badly formed address: %s", addr); } if (host_port.length != 2) { throw new InitialMessageException("Badly formed address: %s", addr); } int port; try { port = Integer.parseInt(host_port[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new InitialMessageException("Bad port number: %s", host_port[1]); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new InitialMessageException("No port number in: %s", addr); } if (!isWildcardAddress(host_port[0])) { addresses.add(new InetSocketAddress(host_port[0], port)); } } return new InitialMessage(sid, addresses); } /** * Returns true if the specified hostname is a wildcard address, * like for IPv4 or :: for IPv6 * * (the function is package-private to be visible for testing) */ static boolean isWildcardAddress(final String hostname) { try { return InetAddress.getByName(hostname).isAnyLocalAddress(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { // if we can not resolve, it can not be a wildcard address return false; } } @Override public String toString() { return "InitialMessage{sid=" + sid + ", electionAddr=" + electionAddr + '}'; } } public QuorumCnxManager(QuorumPeer self, final long mySid, Map<Long, QuorumPeer.QuorumServer> view, QuorumAuthServer authServer, QuorumAuthLearner authLearner, int socketTimeout, boolean listenOnAllIPs, int quorumCnxnThreadsSize, boolean quorumSaslAuthEnabled) { this.recvQueue = new CircularBlockingQueue<>(RECV_CAPACITY); this.queueSendMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.senderWorkerMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.lastMessageSent = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); String cnxToValue = System.getProperty("zookeeper.cnxTimeout"); if (cnxToValue != null) { this.cnxTO = Integer.parseInt(cnxToValue); } this.self = self; this.mySid = mySid; this.socketTimeout = socketTimeout; this.view = view; this.listenOnAllIPs = listenOnAllIPs; this.authServer = authServer; this.authLearner = authLearner; this.quorumSaslAuthEnabled = quorumSaslAuthEnabled; initializeConnectionExecutor(mySid, quorumCnxnThreadsSize); // Starts listener thread that waits for connection requests listener = new Listener(); listener.setName("QuorumPeerListener"); } // we always use the Connection Executor during connection initiation (to handle connection // timeouts), and optionally use it during receiving connections (as the Quorum SASL authentication // can take extra time) private void initializeConnectionExecutor(final long mySid, final int quorumCnxnThreadsSize) { final AtomicInteger threadIndex = new AtomicInteger(1); SecurityManager s = System.getSecurityManager(); final ThreadGroup group = (s != null) ? s.getThreadGroup() : Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(); final ThreadFactory daemonThFactory = runnable -> new Thread(group, runnable, String.format("QuorumConnectionThread-[myid=%d]-%d", mySid, threadIndex.getAndIncrement())); this.connectionExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(3, quorumCnxnThreadsSize, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new SynchronousQueue<>(), daemonThFactory); this.connectionExecutor.allowCoreThreadTimeOut(true); } /** * Invokes initiateConnection for testing purposes * * @param sid */ public void testInitiateConnection(long sid) { LOG.debug("Opening channel to server {}", sid); initiateConnection(self.getVotingView().get(sid).electionAddr, sid); } /** * First we create the socket, perform SSL handshake and authentication if needed. * Then we perform the initiation protocol. * If this server has initiated the connection, then it gives up on the * connection if it loses challenge. Otherwise, it keeps the connection. */ public void initiateConnection(final MultipleAddresses electionAddr, final Long sid) { Socket sock = null; try { LOG.debug("Opening channel to server {}", sid); if (self.isSslQuorum()) { sock = self.getX509Util().createSSLSocket(); } else { sock = SOCKET_FACTORY.get(); } setSockOpts(sock); sock.connect(electionAddr.getReachableOrOne(), cnxTO); if (sock instanceof SSLSocket) { SSLSocket sslSock = (SSLSocket) sock; sslSock.startHandshake();"SSL handshake complete with {} - {} - {}", sslSock.getRemoteSocketAddress(), sslSock.getSession().getProtocol(), sslSock.getSession().getCipherSuite()); } LOG.debug("Connected to server {} using election address: {}:{}", sid, sock.getInetAddress(), sock.getPort()); } catch (X509Exception e) { LOG.warn("Cannot open secure channel to {} at election address {}", sid, electionAddr, e); closeSocket(sock); return; } catch (UnresolvedAddressException | IOException e) { LOG.warn("Cannot open channel to {} at election address {}", sid, electionAddr, e); closeSocket(sock); return; } try { startConnection(sock, sid); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error( "Exception while connecting, id: {}, addr: {}, closing learner connection", sid, sock.getRemoteSocketAddress(), e); closeSocket(sock); } } /** * Server will initiate the connection request to its peer server * asynchronously via separate connection thread. */ public boolean initiateConnectionAsync(final MultipleAddresses electionAddr, final Long sid) { if (!inprogressConnections.add(sid)) { // simply return as there is a connection request to // server 'sid' already in progress. LOG.debug("Connection request to server id: {} is already in progress, so skipping this request", sid); return true; } try { connectionExecutor.execute(new QuorumConnectionReqThread(electionAddr, sid)); connectionThreadCnt.incrementAndGet(); } catch (Throwable e) { // Imp: Safer side catching all type of exceptions and remove 'sid' // from inprogress connections. This is to avoid blocking further // connection requests from this 'sid' in case of errors. inprogressConnections.remove(sid); LOG.error("Exception while submitting quorum connection request", e); return false; } return true; } /** * Thread to send connection request to peer server. */ private class QuorumConnectionReqThread extends ZooKeeperThread { final MultipleAddresses electionAddr; final Long sid; QuorumConnectionReqThread(final MultipleAddresses electionAddr, final Long sid) { super("QuorumConnectionReqThread-" + sid); this.electionAddr = electionAddr; this.sid = sid; } @Override public void run() { try { initiateConnection(electionAddr, sid); } finally { inprogressConnections.remove(sid); } } } private boolean startConnection(Socket sock, Long sid) throws IOException { DataOutputStream dout = null; DataInputStream din = null; LOG.debug("startConnection (myId:{} --> sid:{})", self.getId(), sid); try { // Use BufferedOutputStream to reduce the number of IP packets. This is // important for x-DC scenarios. BufferedOutputStream buf = new BufferedOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream()); dout = new DataOutputStream(buf); // Sending id and challenge // First sending the protocol version (in other words - message type). // For backward compatibility reasons we stick to the old protocol version, unless the MultiAddress // feature is enabled. During rolling upgrade, we must make sure that all the servers can // understand the protocol version we use to avoid multiple partitions. see ZOOKEEPER-3720 long protocolVersion = self.isMultiAddressEnabled() ? PROTOCOL_VERSION_V2 : PROTOCOL_VERSION_V1; dout.writeLong(protocolVersion); dout.writeLong(self.getId()); // now we send our election address. For the new protocol version, we can send multiple addresses. Collection<InetSocketAddress> addressesToSend = protocolVersion == PROTOCOL_VERSION_V2 ? self.getElectionAddress().getAllAddresses() : Arrays.asList(self.getElectionAddress().getOne()); String addr = .map(NetUtils::formatInetAddr).collect(Collectors.joining("|")); byte[] addr_bytes = addr.getBytes(); dout.writeInt(addr_bytes.length); dout.write(addr_bytes); dout.flush(); din = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(sock.getInputStream())); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Ignoring exception reading or writing challenge: ", e); closeSocket(sock); return false; } // authenticate learner QuorumPeer.QuorumServer qps = self.getVotingView().get(sid); if (qps != null) { // TODO - investigate why reconfig makes qps null. authLearner.authenticate(sock, qps.hostname); } // If lost the challenge, then drop the new connection if (sid > self.getId()) {"Have smaller server identifier, so dropping the connection: (myId:{} --> sid:{})", self.getId(), sid); closeSocket(sock); // Otherwise proceed with the connection } else { LOG.debug("Have larger server identifier, so keeping the connection: (myId:{} --> sid:{})", self.getId(), sid); SendWorker sw = new SendWorker(sock, sid); RecvWorker rw = new RecvWorker(sock, din, sid, sw); sw.setRecv(rw); SendWorker vsw = senderWorkerMap.get(sid); if (vsw != null) { vsw.finish(); } senderWorkerMap.put(sid, sw); queueSendMap.putIfAbsent(sid, new CircularBlockingQueue<>(SEND_CAPACITY)); sw.start(); rw.start(); return true; } return false; } /** * If this server receives a connection request, then it gives up on the new * connection if it wins. Notice that it checks whether it has a connection * to this server already or not. If it does, then it sends the smallest * possible long value to lose the challenge. * */ public void receiveConnection(final Socket sock) { DataInputStream din = null; try { din = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(sock.getInputStream())); LOG.debug("Sync handling of connection request received from: {}", sock.getRemoteSocketAddress()); handleConnection(sock, din); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception handling connection, addr: {}, closing server connection", sock.getRemoteSocketAddress()); LOG.debug("Exception details: ", e); closeSocket(sock); } } /** * Server receives a connection request and handles it asynchronously via * separate thread. */ public void receiveConnectionAsync(final Socket sock) { try { LOG.debug("Async handling of connection request received from: {}", sock.getRemoteSocketAddress()); connectionExecutor.execute(new QuorumConnectionReceiverThread(sock)); connectionThreadCnt.incrementAndGet(); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error("Exception handling connection, addr: {}, closing server connection", sock.getRemoteSocketAddress()); LOG.debug("Exception details: ", e); closeSocket(sock); } } /** * Thread to receive connection request from peer server. */ private class QuorumConnectionReceiverThread extends ZooKeeperThread { private final Socket sock; QuorumConnectionReceiverThread(final Socket sock) { super("QuorumConnectionReceiverThread-" + sock.getRemoteSocketAddress()); this.sock = sock; } @Override public void run() { receiveConnection(sock); } } private void handleConnection(Socket sock, DataInputStream din) throws IOException { Long sid = null, protocolVersion = null; MultipleAddresses electionAddr = null; try { protocolVersion = din.readLong(); if (protocolVersion >= 0) { // this is a server id and not a protocol version sid = protocolVersion; } else { try { InitialMessage init = InitialMessage.parse(protocolVersion, din); sid = init.sid; if (!init.electionAddr.isEmpty()) { electionAddr = new MultipleAddresses(init.electionAddr, Duration.ofMillis(self.getMultiAddressReachabilityCheckTimeoutMs())); } LOG.debug("Initial message parsed by {}: {}", self.getId(), init.toString()); } catch (InitialMessage.InitialMessageException ex) { LOG.error("Initial message parsing error!", ex); closeSocket(sock); return; } } if (sid == QuorumPeer.OBSERVER_ID) { /* * Choose identifier at random. We need a value to identify * the connection. */ sid = observerCounter.getAndDecrement();"Setting arbitrary identifier to observer: {}", sid); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Exception reading or writing challenge", e); closeSocket(sock); return; } // do authenticating learner authServer.authenticate(sock, din); //If wins the challenge, then close the new connection. if (sid < self.getId()) { /* * This replica might still believe that the connection to sid is * up, so we have to shut down the workers before trying to open a * new connection. */ SendWorker sw = senderWorkerMap.get(sid); if (sw != null) { sw.finish(); } /* * Now we start a new connection */ LOG.debug("Create new connection to server: {}", sid); closeSocket(sock); if (electionAddr != null) { connectOne(sid, electionAddr); } else { connectOne(sid); } } else if (sid == self.getId()) { // we saw this case in ZOOKEEPER-2164 LOG.warn("We got a connection request from a server with our own ID. " + "This should be either a configuration error, or a bug."); } else { // Otherwise start worker threads to receive data. SendWorker sw = new SendWorker(sock, sid); RecvWorker rw = new RecvWorker(sock, din, sid, sw); sw.setRecv(rw); SendWorker vsw = senderWorkerMap.get(sid); if (vsw != null) { vsw.finish(); } senderWorkerMap.put(sid, sw); queueSendMap.putIfAbsent(sid, new CircularBlockingQueue<>(SEND_CAPACITY)); sw.start(); rw.start(); } } /** * Processes invoke this message to queue a message to send. Currently, * only leader election uses it. */ public void toSend(Long sid, ByteBuffer b) { /* * If sending message to myself, then simply enqueue it (loopback). */ if (this.mySid == sid) { b.position(0); addToRecvQueue(new Message(b.duplicate(), sid)); /* * Otherwise send to the corresponding thread to send. */ } else { /* * Start a new connection if doesn't have one already. */ BlockingQueue<ByteBuffer> bq = queueSendMap.computeIfAbsent(sid, serverId -> new CircularBlockingQueue<>(SEND_CAPACITY)); addToSendQueue(bq, b); connectOne(sid); } } /** * Try to establish a connection to server with id sid using its electionAddr. * The function will return quickly and the connection will be established asynchronously. * * VisibleForTesting. * * @param sid server id * @return boolean success indication */ synchronized boolean connectOne(long sid, MultipleAddresses electionAddr) { if (senderWorkerMap.get(sid) != null) { LOG.debug("There is a connection already for server {}", sid); if (self.isMultiAddressEnabled() && electionAddr.size() > 1 && self.isMultiAddressReachabilityCheckEnabled()) { // since ZOOKEEPER-3188 we can use multiple election addresses to reach a server. It is possible, that the // one we are using is already dead and we need to clean-up, so when we will create a new connection // then we will choose an other one, which is actually reachable senderWorkerMap.get(sid).asyncValidateIfSocketIsStillReachable(); } return true; } // we are doing connection initiation always asynchronously, since it is possible that // the socket connection timeouts or the SSL handshake takes too long and don't want // to keep the rest of the connections to wait return initiateConnectionAsync(electionAddr, sid); } /** * Try to establish a connection to server with id sid. * The function will return quickly and the connection will be established asynchronously. * * @param sid server id */ synchronized void connectOne(long sid) { if (senderWorkerMap.get(sid) != null) { LOG.debug("There is a connection already for server {}", sid); if (self.isMultiAddressEnabled() && self.isMultiAddressReachabilityCheckEnabled()) { // since ZOOKEEPER-3188 we can use multiple election addresses to reach a server. It is possible, that the // one we are using is already dead and we need to clean-up, so when we will create a new connection // then we will choose an other one, which is actually reachable senderWorkerMap.get(sid).asyncValidateIfSocketIsStillReachable(); } return; } synchronized (self.QV_LOCK) { boolean knownId = false; // Resolve hostname for the remote server before attempting to // connect in case the underlying ip address has changed. self.recreateSocketAddresses(sid); Map<Long, QuorumPeer.QuorumServer> lastCommittedView = self.getView(); QuorumVerifier lastSeenQV = self.getLastSeenQuorumVerifier(); Map<Long, QuorumPeer.QuorumServer> lastProposedView = lastSeenQV.getAllMembers(); if (lastCommittedView.containsKey(sid)) { knownId = true; LOG.debug("Server {} knows {} already, it is in the lastCommittedView", self.getId(), sid); if (connectOne(sid, lastCommittedView.get(sid).electionAddr)) { return; } } if (lastSeenQV != null && lastProposedView.containsKey(sid) && (!knownId || !lastProposedView.get(sid).electionAddr.equals(lastCommittedView.get(sid).electionAddr))) { knownId = true; LOG.debug("Server {} knows {} already, it is in the lastProposedView", self.getId(), sid); if (connectOne(sid, lastProposedView.get(sid).electionAddr)) { return; } } if (!knownId) { LOG.warn("Invalid server id: {} ", sid); } } } /** * Try to establish a connection with each server if one * doesn't exist. */ public void connectAll() { long sid; for (Enumeration<Long> en = queueSendMap.keys(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) { sid = en.nextElement(); connectOne(sid); } } /** * Check if all queues are empty, indicating that all messages have been delivered. */ boolean haveDelivered() { for (BlockingQueue<ByteBuffer> queue : queueSendMap.values()) { final int queueSize = queue.size(); LOG.debug("Queue size: {}", queueSize); if (queueSize == 0) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Flag that it is time to wrap up all activities and interrupt the listener. */ public void halt() { shutdown = true; LOG.debug("Halting listener"); listener.halt(); // Wait for the listener to terminate. try { listener.join(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { LOG.warn("Got interrupted before joining the listener", ex); } softHalt(); // clear data structures used for auth if (connectionExecutor != null) { connectionExecutor.shutdown(); } inprogressConnections.clear(); resetConnectionThreadCount(); } /** * A soft halt simply finishes workers. */ public void softHalt() { for (SendWorker sw : senderWorkerMap.values()) { LOG.debug("Server {} is soft-halting sender towards: {}", self.getId(), sw); sw.finish(); } } /** * Helper method to set socket options. * * @param sock * Reference to socket */ private void setSockOpts(Socket sock) throws SocketException { sock.setTcpNoDelay(true); sock.setKeepAlive(tcpKeepAlive); sock.setSoTimeout(this.socketTimeout); } /** * Helper method to close a socket. * * @param sock * Reference to socket */ private void closeSocket(Socket sock) { if (sock == null) { return; } try { sock.close(); } catch (IOException ie) { LOG.error("Exception while closing", ie); } } /** * Return number of worker threads */ public long getThreadCount() { return threadCnt.get(); } /** * Return number of connection processing threads. */ public long getConnectionThreadCount() { return connectionThreadCnt.get(); } /** * Reset the value of connection processing threads count to zero. */ private void resetConnectionThreadCount() { connectionThreadCnt.set(0); } /** * Thread to listen on some ports */ public class Listener extends ZooKeeperThread { private static final String ELECTION_PORT_BIND_RETRY = "zookeeper.electionPortBindRetry"; private static final int DEFAULT_PORT_BIND_MAX_RETRY = 3; private final int portBindMaxRetry; private Runnable socketBindErrorHandler = () -> ServiceUtils.requestSystemExit(ExitCode.UNABLE_TO_BIND_QUORUM_PORT.getValue()); private List<ListenerHandler> listenerHandlers; private final AtomicBoolean socketException; public Listener() { // During startup of thread, thread name will be overridden to // specific election address super("ListenerThread"); socketException = new AtomicBoolean(false); // maximum retry count while trying to bind to election port // see ZOOKEEPER-3320 for more details final Integer maxRetry = Integer.getInteger(ELECTION_PORT_BIND_RETRY, DEFAULT_PORT_BIND_MAX_RETRY); if (maxRetry >= 0) {"Election port bind maximum retries is {}", maxRetry == 0 ? "infinite" : maxRetry); portBindMaxRetry = maxRetry; } else { "'{}' contains invalid value: {}(must be >= 0). Use default value of {} instead.", ELECTION_PORT_BIND_RETRY, maxRetry, DEFAULT_PORT_BIND_MAX_RETRY); portBindMaxRetry = DEFAULT_PORT_BIND_MAX_RETRY; } } /** * Change socket bind error handler. Used for testing. */ void setSocketBindErrorHandler(Runnable errorHandler) { this.socketBindErrorHandler = errorHandler; } @Override public void run() { if (!shutdown) { LOG.debug("Listener thread started, myId: {}", self.getId()); Set<InetSocketAddress> addresses; if (self.getQuorumListenOnAllIPs()) { addresses = self.getElectionAddress().getWildcardAddresses(); } else { addresses = self.getElectionAddress().getAllAddresses(); } CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(addresses.size()); listenerHandlers = -> new ListenerHandler(address, self.shouldUsePortUnification(), self.isSslQuorum(), latch)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(addresses.size()); listenerHandlers.forEach(executor::submit); try { latch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { LOG.error("Interrupted while sleeping. Ignoring exception", ie); } finally { // Clean up for shutdown. for (ListenerHandler handler : listenerHandlers) { try { handler.close(); } catch (IOException ie) { // Don't log an error for shutdown. LOG.debug("Error closing server socket", ie); } } } }"Leaving listener"); if (!shutdown) { LOG.error( "As I'm leaving the listener thread, I won't be able to participate in leader election any longer: {}", self.getElectionAddress().getAllAddresses().stream() .map(NetUtils::formatInetAddr) .collect(Collectors.joining("|"))); if (socketException.get()) { // After leaving listener thread, the host cannot join the quorum anymore, // this is a severe error that we cannot recover from, so we need to exit; } } } /** * Halts this listener thread. */ void halt() { LOG.debug("Halt called: Trying to close listeners"); if (listenerHandlers != null) { LOG.debug("Closing listener: {}", QuorumCnxManager.this.mySid); for (ListenerHandler handler : listenerHandlers) { try { handler.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Exception when shutting down listener: ", e); } } } } class ListenerHandler implements Runnable, Closeable { private ServerSocket serverSocket; private InetSocketAddress address; private boolean portUnification; private boolean sslQuorum; private CountDownLatch latch; ListenerHandler(InetSocketAddress address, boolean portUnification, boolean sslQuorum, CountDownLatch latch) { this.address = address; this.portUnification = portUnification; this.sslQuorum = sslQuorum; this.latch = latch; } /** * Sleeps on acceptConnections(). */ @Override public void run() { try { Thread.currentThread().setName("ListenerHandler-" + address); acceptConnections(); try { close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Exception when shutting down listener: ", e); } } catch (Exception e) { // Output of unexpected exception, should never happen LOG.error("Unexpected error ", e); } finally { latch.countDown(); } } @Override public synchronized void close() throws IOException { if (serverSocket != null && !serverSocket.isClosed()) { LOG.debug("Trying to close listeners: {}", serverSocket); serverSocket.close(); } } /** * Sleeps on accept(). */ private void acceptConnections() { int numRetries = 0; Socket client = null; while ((!shutdown) && (portBindMaxRetry == 0 || numRetries < portBindMaxRetry)) { try { serverSocket = createNewServerSocket();"{} is accepting connections now, my election bind port: {}", QuorumCnxManager.this.mySid, address.toString()); while (!shutdown) { try { client = serverSocket.accept(); setSockOpts(client);"Received connection request from {}", client.getRemoteSocketAddress()); // Receive and handle the connection request // asynchronously if the quorum sasl authentication is // enabled. This is required because sasl server // authentication process may take few seconds to finish, // this may delay next peer connection requests. if (quorumSaslAuthEnabled) { receiveConnectionAsync(client); } else { receiveConnection(client); } numRetries = 0; } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { LOG.warn("The socket is listening for the election accepted " + "and it timed out unexpectedly, but will retry." + "see ZOOKEEPER-2836"); } } } catch (IOException e) { if (shutdown) { break; } LOG.error("Exception while listening", e); if (e instanceof SocketException) { socketException.set(true); } numRetries++; try { close(); Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (IOException ie) { LOG.error("Error closing server socket", ie); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { LOG.error("Interrupted while sleeping. Ignoring exception", ie); } closeSocket(client); } } if (!shutdown) { LOG.error( "Leaving listener thread for address {} after {} errors. Use {} property to increase retry count.", formatInetAddr(address), numRetries, ELECTION_PORT_BIND_RETRY); } } private ServerSocket createNewServerSocket() throws IOException { ServerSocket socket; if (portUnification) {"Creating TLS-enabled quorum server socket"); socket = new UnifiedServerSocket(self.getX509Util(), true); } else if (sslQuorum) {"Creating TLS-only quorum server socket"); socket = new UnifiedServerSocket(self.getX509Util(), false); } else { socket = new ServerSocket(); } socket.setReuseAddress(true); address = new InetSocketAddress(address.getHostString(), address.getPort()); socket.bind(address); return socket; } } } /** * Thread to send messages. Instance waits on a queue, and send a message as * soon as there is one available. If connection breaks, then opens a new * one. */ class SendWorker extends ZooKeeperThread { Long sid; Socket sock; RecvWorker recvWorker; volatile boolean running = true; DataOutputStream dout; AtomicBoolean ongoingAsyncValidation = new AtomicBoolean(false); /** * An instance of this thread receives messages to send * through a queue and sends them to the server sid. * * @param sock * Socket to remote peer * @param sid * Server identifier of remote peer */ SendWorker(Socket sock, Long sid) { super("SendWorker:" + sid); this.sid = sid; this.sock = sock; recvWorker = null; try { dout = new DataOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream()); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Unable to access socket output stream", e); closeSocket(sock); running = false; } LOG.debug("Address of remote peer: {}", this.sid); } synchronized void setRecv(RecvWorker recvWorker) { this.recvWorker = recvWorker; } /** * Returns RecvWorker that pairs up with this SendWorker. * * @return RecvWorker */ synchronized RecvWorker getRecvWorker() { return recvWorker; } synchronized boolean finish() { LOG.debug("Calling SendWorker.finish for {}", sid); if (!running) { /* * Avoids running finish() twice. */ return running; } running = false; closeSocket(sock); this.interrupt(); if (recvWorker != null) { recvWorker.finish(); } LOG.debug("Removing entry from senderWorkerMap sid={}", sid); senderWorkerMap.remove(sid, this); threadCnt.decrementAndGet(); return running; } synchronized void send(ByteBuffer b) throws IOException { byte[] msgBytes = new byte[b.capacity()]; try { b.position(0); b.get(msgBytes); } catch (BufferUnderflowException be) { LOG.error("BufferUnderflowException ", be); return; } dout.writeInt(b.capacity()); dout.write(b.array()); dout.flush(); } @Override public void run() { threadCnt.incrementAndGet(); try { /** * If there is nothing in the queue to send, then we * send the lastMessage to ensure that the last message * was received by the peer. The message could be dropped * in case self or the peer shutdown their connection * (and exit the thread) prior to reading/processing * the last message. Duplicate messages are handled correctly * by the peer. * * If the send queue is non-empty, then we have a recent * message than that stored in lastMessage. To avoid sending * stale message, we should send the message in the send queue. */ BlockingQueue<ByteBuffer> bq = queueSendMap.get(sid); if (bq == null || isSendQueueEmpty(bq)) { ByteBuffer b = lastMessageSent.get(sid); if (b != null) { LOG.debug("Attempting to send lastMessage to sid={}", sid); send(b); } } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Failed to send last message. Shutting down thread.", e); this.finish(); } LOG.debug("SendWorker thread started towards {}. myId: {}", sid, QuorumCnxManager.this.mySid); try { while (running && !shutdown && sock != null) { ByteBuffer b = null; try { BlockingQueue<ByteBuffer> bq = queueSendMap.get(sid); if (bq != null) { b = pollSendQueue(bq, 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } else { LOG.error("No queue of incoming messages for server {}", sid); break; } if (b != null) { lastMessageSent.put(sid, b); send(b); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Interrupted while waiting for message on queue", e); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn( "Exception when using channel: for id {} my id = {}", sid , QuorumCnxManager.this.mySid, e); } this.finish(); LOG.warn("Send worker leaving thread id {} my id = {}", sid, self.getId()); } public void asyncValidateIfSocketIsStillReachable() { if (ongoingAsyncValidation.compareAndSet(false, true)) { new Thread(() -> { LOG.debug("validate if destination address is reachable for sid {}", sid); if (sock != null) { InetAddress address = sock.getInetAddress(); try { if (address.isReachable(500)) { LOG.debug("destination address {} is reachable for sid {}", address.toString(), sid); ongoingAsyncValidation.set(false); return; } } catch (NullPointerException | IOException ignored) { } LOG.warn( "destination address {} not reachable anymore, shutting down the SendWorker for sid {}", address.toString(), sid); this.finish(); } }).start(); } else { LOG.debug("validation of destination address for sid {} is skipped (it is already running)", sid); } } } /** * Thread to receive messages. Instance waits on a socket read. If the * channel breaks, then removes itself from the pool of receivers. */ class RecvWorker extends ZooKeeperThread { Long sid; Socket sock; volatile boolean running = true; final DataInputStream din; final SendWorker sw; RecvWorker(Socket sock, DataInputStream din, Long sid, SendWorker sw) { super("RecvWorker:" + sid); this.sid = sid; this.sock = sock; this.sw = sw; this.din = din; try { // OK to wait until socket disconnects while reading. sock.setSoTimeout(0); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Error while accessing socket for {}", sid, e); closeSocket(sock); running = false; } } /** * Shuts down this worker * * @return boolean Value of variable running */ synchronized boolean finish() { LOG.debug("RecvWorker.finish called. sid: {}. myId: {}", sid, QuorumCnxManager.this.mySid); if (!running) { /* * Avoids running finish() twice. */ return running; } running = false; this.interrupt(); threadCnt.decrementAndGet(); return running; } @Override public void run() { threadCnt.incrementAndGet(); try { LOG.debug("RecvWorker thread towards {} started. myId: {}", sid, QuorumCnxManager.this.mySid); while (running && !shutdown && sock != null) { /** * Reads the first int to determine the length of the * message */ int length = din.readInt(); if (length <= 0 || length > PACKETMAXSIZE) { throw new IOException("Received packet with invalid packet: " + length); } /** * Allocates a new ByteBuffer to receive the message */ final byte[] msgArray = new byte[length]; din.readFully(msgArray, 0, length); addToRecvQueue(new Message(ByteBuffer.wrap(msgArray), sid)); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn( "Connection broken for id {}, my id = {}", sid, QuorumCnxManager.this.mySid, e); } finally { LOG.warn("Interrupting SendWorker thread from RecvWorker. sid: {}. myId: {}", sid, QuorumCnxManager.this.mySid); sw.finish(); closeSocket(sock); } } } /** * Inserts an element in the provided {@link BlockingQueue}. This method * assumes that if the Queue is full, an element from the head of the Queue is * removed and the new item is inserted at the tail of the queue. This is done * to prevent a thread from blocking while inserting an element in the queue. * * @param queue Reference to the Queue * @param buffer Reference to the buffer to be inserted in the queue */ private void addToSendQueue(final BlockingQueue<ByteBuffer> queue, final ByteBuffer buffer) { final boolean success = queue.offer(buffer); if (!success) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not insert into receive queue"); } } /** * Returns true if queue is empty. * @param queue * Reference to the queue * @return * true if the specified queue is empty */ private boolean isSendQueueEmpty(final BlockingQueue<ByteBuffer> queue) { return queue.isEmpty(); } /** * Retrieves and removes buffer at the head of this queue, * waiting up to the specified wait time if necessary for an element to * become available. * * {@link BlockingQueue#poll(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)} */ private ByteBuffer pollSendQueue(final BlockingQueue<ByteBuffer> queue, final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { return queue.poll(timeout, unit); } /** * Inserts an element in the {@link #recvQueue}. If the Queue is full, this * methods removes an element from the head of the Queue and then inserts the * element at the tail of the queue. * * @param msg Reference to the message to be inserted in the queue */ public void addToRecvQueue(final Message msg) { final boolean success = this.recvQueue.offer(msg); if (!success) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not insert into receive queue"); } } /** * Retrieves and removes a message at the head of this queue, * waiting up to the specified wait time if necessary for an element to * become available. * * {@link BlockingQueue#poll(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)} */ public Message pollRecvQueue(final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { return this.recvQueue.poll(timeout, unit); } public boolean connectedToPeer(long peerSid) { return senderWorkerMap.get(peerSid) != null; } public boolean isReconfigEnabled() { return self.isReconfigEnabled(); } }
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