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HttpComponents Client Source Code Files
HttpComponents Client Source Code Files are provided in the source package file,
You can download as described in the previous tutorial and go to the "httpclient5/src" sub-folder to view Source Code files.
You can also browse HttpComponents Client Source Code below:
⏎ org/apache/hc/client5/http/impl/auth/
/* * ==================================================================== * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * ==================================================================== * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see * <>. * */ package org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.auth; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import org.apache.hc.client5.http.AuthenticationStrategy; import org.apache.hc.client5.http.auth.AuthChallenge; import org.apache.hc.client5.http.auth.AuthExchange; import org.apache.hc.client5.http.auth.AuthScheme; import org.apache.hc.client5.http.auth.AuthenticationException; import org.apache.hc.client5.http.auth.ChallengeType; import org.apache.hc.client5.http.auth.CredentialsProvider; import org.apache.hc.client5.http.auth.MalformedChallengeException; import org.apache.hc.client5.http.protocol.HttpClientContext; import org.apache.hc.core5.annotation.Contract; import org.apache.hc.core5.annotation.ThreadingBehavior; import org.apache.hc.core5.http.FormattedHeader; import org.apache.hc.core5.http.Header; import org.apache.hc.core5.http.HttpHeaders; import org.apache.hc.core5.http.HttpHost; import org.apache.hc.core5.http.HttpRequest; import org.apache.hc.core5.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.hc.core5.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.hc.core5.http.ParseException; import org.apache.hc.core5.http.message.BasicHeader; import org.apache.hc.core5.http.message.ParserCursor; import org.apache.hc.core5.http.protocol.HttpContext; import org.apache.hc.core5.util.Asserts; import org.apache.hc.core5.util.CharArrayBuffer; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Utility class that implements commons aspects of the client side HTTP authentication. * <p> * Please note that since version 5.2 this class no longer updated the authentication cache * bound to the execution context. * * @since 4.3 */ @Contract(threading = ThreadingBehavior.STATELESS) public final class HttpAuthenticator { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HttpAuthenticator.class); private final AuthChallengeParser parser; public HttpAuthenticator() { this.parser = new AuthChallengeParser(); } /** * Determines whether the given response represents an authentication challenge. * * @param host the hostname of the opposite endpoint. * @param challengeType the challenge type (target or proxy). * @param response the response message head. * @param authExchange the current authentication exchange state. * @param context the current execution context. * @return {@code true} if the response message represents an authentication challenge, * {@code false} otherwise. */ public boolean isChallenged( final HttpHost host, final ChallengeType challengeType, final HttpResponse response, final AuthExchange authExchange, final HttpContext context) { final int challengeCode; switch (challengeType) { case TARGET: challengeCode = HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED; break; case PROXY: challengeCode = HttpStatus.SC_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED; break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected challenge type: " + challengeType); } final HttpClientContext clientContext = HttpClientContext.adapt(context); final String exchangeId = clientContext.getExchangeId(); if (response.getCode() == challengeCode) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("{} Authentication required", exchangeId); } return true; } switch (authExchange.getState()) { case CHALLENGED: case HANDSHAKE: if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("{} Authentication succeeded", exchangeId); } authExchange.setState(AuthExchange.State.SUCCESS); break; case SUCCESS: break; default: authExchange.setState(AuthExchange.State.UNCHALLENGED); } return false; } /** * Updates the {@link AuthExchange} state based on the challenge presented in the response message * using the given {@link AuthenticationStrategy}. * * @param host the hostname of the opposite endpoint. * @param challengeType the challenge type (target or proxy). * @param response the response message head. * @param authStrategy the authentication strategy. * @param authExchange the current authentication exchange state. * @param context the current execution context. * @return {@code true} if the authentication state has been updated, * {@code false} if unchanged. */ public boolean updateAuthState( final HttpHost host, final ChallengeType challengeType, final HttpResponse response, final AuthenticationStrategy authStrategy, final AuthExchange authExchange, final HttpContext context) { final HttpClientContext clientContext = HttpClientContext.adapt(context); final String exchangeId = clientContext.getExchangeId(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("{} {} requested authentication", exchangeId, host.toHostString()); } final Header[] headers = response.getHeaders( challengeType == ChallengeType.PROXY ? HttpHeaders.PROXY_AUTHENTICATE : HttpHeaders.WWW_AUTHENTICATE); final Map<String, AuthChallenge> challengeMap = new HashMap<>(); for (final Header header: headers) { final CharArrayBuffer buffer; final int pos; if (header instanceof FormattedHeader) { buffer = ((FormattedHeader) header).getBuffer(); pos = ((FormattedHeader) header).getValuePos(); } else { final String s = header.getValue(); if (s == null) { continue; } buffer = new CharArrayBuffer(s.length()); buffer.append(s); pos = 0; } final ParserCursor cursor = new ParserCursor(pos, buffer.length()); final List<AuthChallenge> authChallenges; try { authChallenges = parser.parse(challengeType, buffer, cursor); } catch (final ParseException ex) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn("{} Malformed challenge: {}", exchangeId, header.getValue()); } continue; } for (final AuthChallenge authChallenge: authChallenges) { final String schemeName = authChallenge.getSchemeName().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); if (!challengeMap.containsKey(schemeName)) { challengeMap.put(schemeName, authChallenge); } } } if (challengeMap.isEmpty()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("{} Response contains no valid authentication challenges", exchangeId); } authExchange.reset(); return false; } switch (authExchange.getState()) { case FAILURE: return false; case SUCCESS: authExchange.reset(); break; case CHALLENGED: case HANDSHAKE: Asserts.notNull(authExchange.getAuthScheme(), "AuthScheme"); case UNCHALLENGED: final AuthScheme authScheme = authExchange.getAuthScheme(); if (authScheme != null) { final String schemeName = authScheme.getName(); final AuthChallenge challenge = challengeMap.get(schemeName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)); if (challenge != null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("{} Authorization challenge processed", exchangeId); } try { authScheme.processChallenge(challenge, context); } catch (final MalformedChallengeException ex) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn("{} {}", exchangeId, ex.getMessage()); } authExchange.reset(); authExchange.setState(AuthExchange.State.FAILURE); return false; } if (authScheme.isChallengeComplete()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("{} Authentication failed", exchangeId); } authExchange.reset(); authExchange.setState(AuthExchange.State.FAILURE); return false; } authExchange.setState(AuthExchange.State.HANDSHAKE); return true; } authExchange.reset(); // Retry authentication with a different scheme } } final List<AuthScheme> preferredSchemes =, challengeMap, context); final CredentialsProvider credsProvider = clientContext.getCredentialsProvider(); if (credsProvider == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("{} Credentials provider not set in the context", exchangeId); } return false; } final Queue<AuthScheme> authOptions = new LinkedList<>(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("{} Selecting authentication options", exchangeId); } for (final AuthScheme authScheme: preferredSchemes) { try { final String schemeName = authScheme.getName(); final AuthChallenge challenge = challengeMap.get(schemeName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)); authScheme.processChallenge(challenge, context); if (authScheme.isResponseReady(host, credsProvider, context)) { authOptions.add(authScheme); } } catch (final AuthenticationException | MalformedChallengeException ex) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } } if (!authOptions.isEmpty()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("{} Selected authentication options: {}", exchangeId, authOptions); } authExchange.reset(); authExchange.setState(AuthExchange.State.CHALLENGED); authExchange.setOptions(authOptions); return true; } return false; } /** * Generates a response to the authentication challenge based on the actual {@link AuthExchange} state * and adds it to the given {@link HttpRequest} message . * * @param host the hostname of the opposite endpoint. * @param challengeType the challenge type (target or proxy). * @param request the request message head. * @param authExchange the current authentication exchange state. * @param context the current execution context. */ public void addAuthResponse( final HttpHost host, final ChallengeType challengeType, final HttpRequest request, final AuthExchange authExchange, final HttpContext context) { final HttpClientContext clientContext = HttpClientContext.adapt(context); final String exchangeId = clientContext.getExchangeId(); AuthScheme authScheme = authExchange.getAuthScheme(); switch (authExchange.getState()) { case FAILURE: return; case SUCCESS: Asserts.notNull(authScheme, "AuthScheme"); if (authScheme.isConnectionBased()) { return; } break; case HANDSHAKE: Asserts.notNull(authScheme, "AuthScheme"); break; case CHALLENGED: final Queue<AuthScheme> authOptions = authExchange.getAuthOptions(); if (authOptions != null) { while (!authOptions.isEmpty()) { authScheme = authOptions.remove();; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("{} Generating response to an authentication challenge using {} scheme", exchangeId, authScheme.getName()); } try { final String authResponse = authScheme.generateAuthResponse(host, request, context); final Header header = new BasicHeader( challengeType == ChallengeType.TARGET ? HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION : HttpHeaders.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, authResponse); request.addHeader(header); break; } catch (final AuthenticationException ex) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn("{} {} authentication error: {}", exchangeId, authScheme, ex.getMessage()); } } } return; } Asserts.notNull(authScheme, "AuthScheme"); default: } if (authScheme != null) { try { final String authResponse = authScheme.generateAuthResponse(host, request, context); final Header header = new BasicHeader( challengeType == ChallengeType.TARGET ? HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION : HttpHeaders.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, authResponse); request.addHeader(header); } catch (final AuthenticationException ex) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("{} {} authentication error: {}", exchangeId, authScheme, ex.getMessage()); } } } } }
⏎ org/apache/hc/client5/http/impl/auth/
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