Download and Install HttpComponents Core Binary Package


How to download and install HttpComponents Core Binary Package?



The binary package contains pre-compiled Java 8 class files and other supporting files for HttpComponents Core. They are compressed into a single file like

The pre-compiled Java class files are stored in a JAR file called lib/httpcore5-5.2.jar in the binary package. The JAR file is ready to run in JVM 8 or higher.

You can download the binary package file for HttpComponents Core 5.2. by clicking the download button below:

File name:
File size: 9648076 bytes
Release date: 2022-11-06

You can also follow these steps to download and install

1. Go to HttpComponents Core archive site.

2. Click to open the "binary/" folder.

3. Click "" file to start download.

4. Save the downloaded file to \fyicenter\

5. Unzip the downloaded file to \fyicenter folder. You see the following files:

  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
   135212  11-02-2022 14:29   RELEASE_NOTES.txt
      185  11-02-2022 13:29   NOTICE.txt
    10353  06-01-2022 10:11   LICENSE.txt
     3586  11-02-2022 13:29
     2954  11-03-2022 13:22   javadoc/index.html
   148341  11-03-2022 13:20   lib/httpcore5-testing-5.2.jar
   236827  11-03-2022 13:18   lib/httpcore5-h2-5.2.jar
    20463  11-03-2022 13:18   lib/httpcore5-reactive-5.2.jar
   852871  11-03-2022 13:17   lib/httpcore5-5.2.jar
  2356379  09-02-2022 19:11   lib/rxjava-2.2.21.jar
  2654964  09-28-2022 21:56   lib/rxjava-3.1.5.jar
    11640  09-28-2022 21:56   lib/reactive-streams-1.0.4.jar
    58284  09-28-2022 21:56   lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar
    41125  08-23-2022 15:10   lib/slf4j-api-1.7.36.jar
---------                     -------
 34257923                     1519 files

Download and installation is done.


Download and Install HttpComponents Core Source Package

HttpComponents Client Source Code Files

Download and Review Apache HttpComponents-*.jar

⇑⇑ FAQ for Apache HttpComponents JAR Library

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