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spice-jndikit-1.2.jar - Spice JNDIKit
JNDI Kit is a toolkit designed to help with the construction of JNDI providers. The toolkit also provides users with ready made memory-based and RMI-based contexts.
JAR File Size and Download Location:
File name: spice-jndikit.jar, spice-jndikit-1.2.jar File size: 32885 bytes Date modified: 01/16/2006 Download: CodehausSpice JNDIKit
Manifest of the JAR:
Built-By: tima Package: org.codehaus.spice.jndikit Build-Jdk: 1.3.1_02 Extension-Name: spice-jndikit Specification-Title: A toolkit for building JNDI providers Specification-Vendor: Codehaus Implementation-Title: org.codehaus.spice.jndikit Implementation-Vendor: Codehaus Implementation-Version: 1.2
List of Classes in the JAR:
org/codehaus/spice/jndikit/AbstractContext org/codehaus/spice/jndikit/AbstractLocalContext org/codehaus/spice/jndikit/AbstractNamespace org/codehaus/spice/jndikit/AbstractNamingEnumeration org/codehaus/spice/jndikit/AbstractURLContext org/codehaus/spice/jndikit/ArrayNamingEnumeration org/codehaus/spice/jndikit/DefaultNameParser org/codehaus/spice/jndikit/DefaultNamespace org/codehaus/spice/jndikit/memory/MemoryContext org/codehaus/spice/jndikit/memory/MemoryInitialContextFactory org/codehaus/spice/jndikit/memory/MemoryNamingEnumeration org/codehaus/spice/jndikit/memory/StaticMemoryInitialContextFactory org/codehaus/spice/jndikit/Namespace org/codehaus/spice/jndikit/NamingProvider org/codehaus/spice/jndikit/RemoteContext org/codehaus/spice/jndikit/rmi/RMIInitialContextFactory org/codehaus/spice/jndikit/rmi/RMINamingProvider org/codehaus/spice/jndikit/rmi/server/Main org/codehaus/spice/jndikit/rmi/server/RMINamingProviderImpl org/codehaus/spice/jndikit/rmi/server/RMINamingProviderImpl_Stub org/codehaus/spice/jndikit/StandardNamespace
2010-04-08, 6323🔥, 0💬
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