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bctsp-jdk16-145.jar - Bouncy Castle TSP Extension
The Bouncy Castle Crypto package is a Java implementation of cryptographic algorithms, it was developed by the Legion of the Bouncy Castle - with a little help! bctsp-jdk16-145.jar - The TSP (Time Stamp Protocol) extension. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: bctsp-jdk16-145.jar File siz...
2011-02-22, 8033🔥, 0💬

velocity-1.7.jar - Apache Velocity Engine
Velocity is a Java-based template engine. It permits web page designers to reference methods defined in Java code. Web designers can work in parallel with Java programmers to develop web sites according to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) model, meaning that web page designers can focus solely on cre...
2011-02-15, 10098🔥, 0💬

commons-cli-1.2.jar - Apache Commons CLI?
What Is commons-cli-1.2.jar - Apache Commons CLI? commons-cli-1.2.jar is the JAR file for Apache Commons CLI 1.2, which provides an API for parsing command line options passed to programs. commons-cli-1.2.jar is distributed as part of the commons-cli-1.2-bin.zip download file. JAR File Size and Down...
2011-02-08, 10621🔥, 0💬

not-yet-commons-ssl-0.3.11.jar - Not Yet commons-ssl
Not-Yet-Commons-SSL was originally developed by Credit Union Central of British Columbia. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: not-yet-commons-ssl.jar, not-yet-commons-ssl-0.3.11.jar File size: 271267 bytes Date modified: 17-Sep-2009 Download: Not Yet commons-ssl Manifest of the JAR: Buil...
2011-02-08, 9087🔥, 0💬

ezmorph-1.0.6.jar - EZMorph Object Transformations
EZMorph is simple java library for transforming an Object to another Object. EZMorph's key strenghts are: Supports transformations for primitives and Objects; Supports transformations for multidimensional arrays; Supports transformations with DynaBeans; JDK 1.3.1 compatible; Small memory footprint (...
2011-01-25, 9586🔥, 0💬

What Is jniwrap.jar in JNIWrapper 3.7.3
What Is jniwrap.jar in JNIWrapper 3.7.3? jniwrap.jar in JNIWrapper 3.7.3 is the JAR file for JNIWrapper Java library. JNIWrapper provides simplified access to native code from Java applications without using Java Native Interface (JNI.) You don't need to create a native library to make system calls ...
2011-01-25, 11637🔥, 0💬

xmlunit-1.3.jar - JUnit testing for XML
XMLUnit for Java provides two JUnit extension classes, XMLAssert and XMLTestCase, and a set of supporting classes (e.g. Diff, DetailedDiff, Transform, SimpleXpathEngine, Validator,NodeTest) that allow assertions to be made about: The differences between two pieces of XML; The outcome of transforming...
2011-01-18, 8398🔥, 0💬

binding-2.0.6.jar - Binding library for Java Swing
The JGoodies Binding builds adapter chains between the domain layer and the presentation layer and updates both sides: views are updated if domain object properties have been changed, and domain properties are updated if the presentation has been changed. JAR File Size and Download Location: File na...
2011-01-18, 6399🔥, 0💬

forms-1.3.0.jar - JGoodies Forms framework
The JGoodies Forms framework helps you lay out and implement elegant Swing panels consistently and quickly. It aims to make simple things easy and the hard stuff possible, the good design easy and the bad difficult. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: forms.jar, forms-1.3.0.jar File size...
2011-01-11, 15051🔥, 0💬

looks-2.3.1.jar - Swing look and feel implementations
The JGoodies Looks distribution provides four Swing look&feel implementations. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: looks.jar, looks-2.3.1.jar File size: 408024 bytes Date modified: 26-Dec-2009 Download: JGoodies - Java User Interface Design Manifest of the JAR: Built-By: Karsten Spec...
2011-01-11, 5913🔥, 0💬

commons-beanutils-1.8.3.jar - Apache JavaBeans Utilities
Most Java developers are used to creating Java classes that conform to the JavaBeans naming patterns for property getters and setters. It is natural to then access these methods directly, using calls to the corresponding getXxx and setXxx methods. However, there are some occasions where dynamic acce...
2011-01-04, 10045🔥, 0💬

commons-validator-1.3.1.jar - Apache data validator
A common issue when receiving data either electronically or from user input is verifying the integrity of the data. This work is repetitive and becomes even more complicated when different sets of validation rules need to be applied to the same set of data based on locale. Error messages may also va...
2011-01-04, 7460🔥, 0💬

bcprov-jdk16-145.jar - Bouncy Castle Crypto Provider
The Bouncy Castle Crypto package is a Java implementation of cryptographic algorithms, it was developed by the Legion of the Bouncy Castle - with a little help! bcprov-jdk16-145.jar - A provider for the Java Cryptography Extension and the Java Cryptography Architecture. JAR File Size and Download Lo...
2010-12-27, 20543🔥, 0💬

openws-1.4.0.jar - Open WS (Web Service)
OpenWS implements SOAP 1.1, WS-Federation 1.1, WS-Addressing 1.0, WS-Policy 1.2, WS-Security 1.1, abd WS-Trust 1.3. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: openws.jar, openws-1.4.0.jar File size: 564166 bytes Date modified: 23-Sep-2010 Download: OpenWS Download Manifest of the JAR: Archiver-...
2010-12-24, 7722🔥, 0💬

openws-1.4.0.jar - Open WS (Web Service) - Part 2
OpenWS implements SOAP 1.1, WS-Federation 1.1, WS-Addressing 1.0, WS-Policy 1.2, WS-Security 1.1, abd WS-Trust 1.3. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: openws.jar, openws-1.4.0.jar File size: 564166 bytes Date modified: 23-Sep-2010 Download: OpenWS Download List of Classes in the JAR: &a...
2010-12-24, 6930🔥, 0💬

opensaml-2.3.1.jar - Open Source SAML - Part 4
OpenSAML is a set of open source C++ & Java libraries meant to support developers working with the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). OpenSAML 2, the current version, supports SAML 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0. Additionally, various development groups have found the framework created to support Ope...
2010-12-23, 7633🔥, 0💬

opensaml-2.3.1.jar - Open Source SAML - Part 3
OpenSAML is a set of open source C++ & Java libraries meant to support developers working with the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). OpenSAML 2, the current version, supports SAML 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0. Additionally, various development groups have found the framework created to support Ope...
2010-12-22, 7436🔥, 0💬

opensaml-2.3.1.jar - Open Source SAML
OpenSAML is a set of open source C++ & Java libraries meant to support developers working with the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). OpenSAML 2, the current version, supports SAML 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0. Additionally, various development groups have found the framework created to support Ope...
2010-12-21, 7194🔥, 0💬

opensaml-2.3.1.jar - Open Source SAML - Part 2
OpenSAML is a set of open source C++ & Java libraries meant to support developers working with the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). OpenSAML 2, the current version, supports SAML 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0. Additionally, various development groups have found the framework created to support Ope...
2010-12-21, 6420🔥, 0💬

Where to save iText-5.0.1.jar to make compiler happy
I want to save "iText-5.0.1.jar" file in a a folder so that it can be imported by import statement in my Java source file import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.DocumentExcep tion;import com.lowagie.text.PageSize; import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfW...
2010-12-17, 12037🔥, 0💬

woodstox-core-5.4.0.jar - Woodstox Core 5.4.0
What Is woodstox-core-5.4.0.jar? woodstox-core-5.4.0.jar is JAR file for the Core component of Woodstox 5.4.0. You can download the JAR fie for Woodstox Core 5.4.0 by clicking the download button below: File name: woodstox-core-5.4.0.jar File size: 522679 bytes Release date: 2022-10-25 Download http...
2010-12-17, 6199🔥, 0💬

stax2-api-3.1.0.jar - Extension of StAX Specifications
StAX2 is an experimental API that is intended to extend basic StAX specifications in a way that allows implementations to experiment with features before they end up in the actual StAX specification (if they do). As such, it is intended to be freely implementable by all StAX implementations same way...
2010-12-17, 13057🔥, 0💬

ant-1.8.0.jar - Apache Ant - Part 2
Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool. In theory, it is kind of like make, without make's wrinkles. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: ant.jar, ant-1.8.0.jar File size: 1506140 bytes Date modified: 02/01/2010 Download: Apache Ant List of Classes in the JAR: &lt;&lt; Previous par...
2010-05-05, 10103🔥, 0💬

jce-jdk12-145.jar - Bouncy Castle Crypto - Part 3
The Bouncy Castle Crypto package is a Java implementation of cryptographic algorithms, it was developed by the Legion of the Bouncy Castle - with a little help! JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: jce-jdk12.jar, jce-jdk12-145.jar File size: 2001145 bytes Date modified: 01/12/2010 Downloa...
2010-05-04, 11347🔥, 0💬

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