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What Is junit-3.8.1.jar
What Is junit-3.8.1.jar?
✍: FYIcenter
junit-3.8.1.jar is the version 3.8.1 of JUnit JAR library file.
JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests for Java applications.
JAR File Size and Download Location:
JAR name: junit.jar, junit-3.8.1.jar Target JDK version: 1.1 Dependency: None File name: junit-3.8.1.jar File size: 121070 bytes Release date: 04-Sep-2002 Download: JUnit Website
Manifest of the JAR:
Manifest-Version: 1.0 Created-By: Ant 1.4.1
List of Classes in the JAR:
junit/awtui/AboutDialog junit/awtui/Logo junit/awtui/ProgressBar junit/awtui/TestRunner junit/extensions/ActiveTestSuite junit/extensions/ExceptionTestCase junit/extensions/RepeatedTest junit/extensions/TestDecorator junit/extensions/TestSetup junit/framework/Assert junit/framework/AssertionFailedError junit/framework/ComparisonFailure junit/framework/Protectable junit/framework/Test junit/framework/TestCase junit/framework/TestFailure junit/framework/TestListener junit/framework/TestResult junit/framework/TestSuite junit/runner/BaseTestRunner junit/runner/ClassPathTestCollector junit/runner/FailureDetailView junit/runner/LoadingTestCollector junit/runner/ReloadingTestSuiteLoader junit/runner/SimpleTestCollector junit/runner/Sorter junit/runner/StandardTestSuiteLoader junit/runner/TestCaseClassLoader junit/runner/TestCollector junit/runner/TestRunListener junit/runner/TestSuiteLoader junit/runner/Version junit/swingui/AboutDialog junit/swingui/CounterPanel junit/swingui/DefaultFailureDetailView junit/swingui/FailureRunView junit/swingui/ProgressBar junit/swingui/StatusLine junit/swingui/TestHierarchyRunView junit/swingui/TestRunContext junit/swingui/TestRunner junit/swingui/TestRunView junit/swingui/TestSelector junit/swingui/TestSuitePanel junit/swingui/TestTreeModel junit/textui/ResultPrinter junit/textui/TestRunner
⇒ Sample Program for junit-3.8.1.jar
2015-11-14, 23500🔥, 0💬
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