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commons-launcher.jar - Apache Commons Launcher 1.1
The Launcher Component is designed to be a cross platform Java application launcher. Commons-launcher eliminates the need for a batch or shell script to launch a Java class.
JAR File Size and Download Location:
File name: commons-launcher.jar, commons-launcher-1.1.jar File size: 44512 bytes Date modified: 22-Aug-2004 Download: Apache Commons Launcher
Manifest of the JAR:
Extension-Name: org.apache.commons.launcher Specification-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation Specification-Version: 1.0 Implementation-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation Implementation-Version: 1.1
List of Classes in the JAR:
LauncherBootstrap org/apache/commons/launcher/ChildMain org/apache/commons/launcher/ExitOnErrorThreadGroup org/apache/commons/launcher/LaunchCommand org/apache/commons/launcher/LaunchFilter org/apache/commons/launcher/LaunchTask org/apache/commons/launcher/Launcher org/apache/commons/launcher/ParentListener org/apache/commons/launcher/StreamConnector org/apache/commons/launcher/types/ArgumentSet org/apache/commons/launcher/types/ConditionalArgument org/apache/commons/launcher/types/ConditionalArgumentSet org/apache/commons/launcher/types/ConditionalVariable org/apache/commons/launcher/types/ConditionalVariableSet org/apache/commons/launcher/types/JVMArgumentSet org/apache/commons/launcher/types/SysPropertySet
2012-04-03, 5305🔥, 0💬
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