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antisamy-1.5.3.jar - OWASP AntiSamy
The OWASP AntiSamy project is a collection of APIs for safely allowing users to supply their own HTML and CSS without exposing the site to XSS vulnerabilities.
JAR File Size and Download Location:
File name: antisamy.jar, antisamy-1.5.3.jar File size: 90662 bytes Date modified: 07-May-2013 Download: OWASP AntiSamy Download
Manifest of the JAR:
Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver Built-By: kristian Build-Jdk: 1.7.0_15 Package: org.owasp.validator.html Implementation-Title: OWASP AntiSamy Implementation-Version: 1.5.3 Implementation-Vendor-Id: org.owasp.antisamy Implementation-Vendor: The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Main-Class: org.owasp.validator.html.AntiSamy
List of Classes in the JAR:
org/owasp/validator/css/CssHandler org/owasp/validator/css/CssScanner org/owasp/validator/css/CssValidator org/owasp/validator/css/ExternalCssScanner org/owasp/validator/css/UnknownSelectorException org/owasp/validator/html/AntiSamy org/owasp/validator/html/CleanResults org/owasp/validator/html/InternalPolicy org/owasp/validator/html/model/AntiSamyPattern org/owasp/validator/html/model/Attribute org/owasp/validator/html/model/Property org/owasp/validator/html/model/Tag org/owasp/validator/html/Policy org/owasp/validator/html/PolicyException org/owasp/validator/html/scan/AbstractAntiSamyScanner org/owasp/validator/html/scan/AntiSamyDOMScanner org/owasp/validator/html/scan/AntiSamySAXScanner org/owasp/validator/html/scan/ASHTMLSerializer org/owasp/validator/html/scan/ASXHTMLSerializer org/owasp/validator/html/scan/Constants org/owasp/validator/html/scan/MagicSAXFilter org/owasp/validator/html/ScanException org/owasp/validator/html/TagMatcher org/owasp/validator/html/util/ErrorMessageUtil org/owasp/validator/html/util/HTMLEntityEncoder org/owasp/validator/html/util/URIUtils org/owasp/validator/html/util/XMLUtil
2013-10-01, 5052🔥, 0💬
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