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jansi-1.11.jar - Jansi
Jansi is a small ASl 2.0 licensed Java library that allows you to use ANSI escape sequences to format your console output which works even on windows.
JAR File Size and Download Location:
File name: jansi.jar, jansi-1.11.jar File size: 114415 bytes Date modified: 13-May-2013 Download: Jansi
Manifest of the JAR:
Export-Package: org.fusesource.jansi;version="1.11" Ignore-Package: org.fusesource.jansi,org.fusesource.jansi.internal Implementation-Title: jansi Built-By: chirino Tool: Bnd-0.0.357 Implementation-Vendor: FuseSource, Corp. Implementation-Vendor-Id: org.fusesource.jansi Specification-Title: jansi Bundle-License: Bundle-SymbolicName: org.fusesource.jansi Implementation-Version: 1.11 Specification-Vendor: FuseSource, Corp. Bundle-Name: jansi Bundle-Vendor: FuseSource, Corp. Build-Jdk: 1.7.0_07 Bundle-Version: 1.11 Bnd-LastModified: 1368451278971 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-Description: Jansi is a java library for generating and interpreting ANSI escape sequences. Bundle-DocURL: Specification-Version: 1.11 Import-Package: sun.reflect;resolution:=optional Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
List of Classes in the JAR:
org/fusesource/hawtjni/runtime/ArgFlag org/fusesource/hawtjni/runtime/Callback org/fusesource/hawtjni/runtime/ClassFlag org/fusesource/hawtjni/runtime/FieldFlag org/fusesource/hawtjni/runtime/JNIEnv org/fusesource/hawtjni/runtime/JniArg org/fusesource/hawtjni/runtime/JniClass org/fusesource/hawtjni/runtime/JniField org/fusesource/hawtjni/runtime/JniMethod org/fusesource/hawtjni/runtime/Library org/fusesource/hawtjni/runtime/MethodFlag org/fusesource/hawtjni/runtime/NativeStats org/fusesource/hawtjni/runtime/PointerMath org/fusesource/hawtjni/runtime/T32 org/fusesource/jansi/Ansi org/fusesource/jansi/AnsiConsole org/fusesource/jansi/AnsiOutputStream org/fusesource/jansi/AnsiRenderWriter org/fusesource/jansi/AnsiRenderer org/fusesource/jansi/AnsiString org/fusesource/jansi/HtmlAnsiOutputStream org/fusesource/jansi/WindowsAnsiOutputStream org/fusesource/jansi/internal/CLibrary org/fusesource/jansi/internal/Kernel32 org/fusesource/jansi/internal/WindowsSupport
2014-01-14, 4656🔥, 0💬
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