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Other Resources:
dtdparser-1.2.1.jar - DTD Parser
A DTD Parser for Java available under the LGPL license.
JAR File Size and Download Location:
File name: dtdparser.jar, dtdparser-1.2.1.jar File size: 45506 bytes Date modified: 01-Apr-2003 Download: DTD Parser
Manifest of the JAR:
Main-Class: com.wutka.dtd.Tokenize
List of Classes in the JAR:
com/wutka/dtd/DTD com/wutka/dtd/DTDOutput com/wutka/dtd/DTDElement com/wutka/dtd/DTDItem com/wutka/dtd/DTDAttribute com/wutka/dtd/DTDCardinal com/wutka/dtd/DTDDecl com/wutka/dtd/DTDAny com/wutka/dtd/DTDAttlist com/wutka/dtd/DTDChoice com/wutka/dtd/DTDContainer com/wutka/dtd/DTDComment com/wutka/dtd/DTDEmpty com/wutka/dtd/DTDEntity com/wutka/dtd/DTDExternalID com/wutka/dtd/DTDEnumeration com/wutka/dtd/DTDMixed com/wutka/dtd/DTDName com/wutka/dtd/DTDNotation com/wutka/dtd/DTDNotationList com/wutka/dtd/DTDPCData com/wutka/dtd/DTDParseException com/wutka/dtd/DTDParser com/wutka/dtd/EntityExpansion com/wutka/dtd/Scanner com/wutka/dtd/TokenType com/wutka/dtd/Token com/wutka/dtd/DTDProcessingInstruction com/wutka/dtd/DTDPublic com/wutka/dtd/DTDSequence com/wutka/dtd/DTDSystem com/wutka/dtd/Tokenize
2014-01-13, 3931🔥, 0💬
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