Jackson Core Source Code

Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".

Jackson Core Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-core-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.

You can also browse Jackson Core Source Code below:

✍: FYIcenter.com


/* Jackson JSON-processor.
 * Copyright (c) 2007- Tatu Saloranta, tatu.saloranta@iki.fi

package com.fasterxml.jackson.core;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Iterator;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;

 * Abstract class that defines the interface that {@link JsonParser} and
 * {@link JsonGenerator} use to serialize and deserialize regular
 * Java objects (POJOs aka Beans).
 * The standard implementation of this class is
 * <code>com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper</code>,
 * defined in the "jackson-databind".
public abstract class ObjectCodec
    extends TreeCodec // since 2.3
    implements Versioned // since 2.3
    protected ObjectCodec() { }

    // Since 2.3
    public abstract Version version();
    /* API for de-serialization (JSON-to-Object)

     * Method to deserialize JSON content into a non-container
     * type (it can be an array type, however): typically a bean, array
     * or a wrapper type (like {@link java.lang.Boolean}).
     * Note: this method should NOT be used if the result type is a
     * container ({@link java.util.Collection} or {@link java.util.Map}.
     * The reason is that due to type erasure, key and value types
     * can not be introspected when using this method.
     * @param <T> Nominal parameter for target type
     * @param p Parser to use for decoding content to bind
     * @param valueType Java value type to bind content to
     * @return Value deserialized
     * @throws IOException for low-level read issues, or
     *   {@link JsonParseException} for decoding problems
    public abstract <T> T readValue(JsonParser p, Class<T> valueType)
        throws IOException;

     * Method to deserialize JSON content into a Java type, reference
     * to which is passed as argument. Type is passed using so-called
     * "super type token" 
     * and specifically needs to be used if the root type is a 
     * parameterized (generic) container type.
     * @param <T> Nominal parameter for target type
     * @param p Parser to use for decoding content to bind
     * @param valueTypeRef Java value type to bind content to
     * @return Value deserialized
     * @throws IOException for low-level read issues, or
     *   {@link JsonParseException} for decoding problems
    public abstract <T> T readValue(JsonParser p, TypeReference<T> valueTypeRef)
        throws IOException;

     * Method to deserialize JSON content into a POJO, type specified
     * with fully resolved type object (so it can be a generic type,
     * including containers like {@link java.util.Collection} and
     * {@link java.util.Map}).
     * @param <T> Nominal parameter for target type
     * @param p Parser to use for decoding content to bind
     * @param valueType Java value type to bind content to
     * @return Value deserialized
     * @throws IOException for low-level read issues, or
     *   {@link JsonParseException} for decoding problems
    public abstract <T> T readValue(JsonParser p, ResolvedType valueType)
        throws IOException;

     * Method for reading sequence of Objects from parser stream,
     * all with same specified value type.
     * @param <T> Nominal parameter for target type
     * @param p Parser to use for decoding content to bind
     * @param valueType Java value type to bind content to
     * @return Iterator for incrementally deserializing values
     * @throws IOException for low-level read issues, or
     *   {@link JsonParseException} for decoding problems
    public abstract <T> Iterator<T> readValues(JsonParser p, Class<T> valueType)
        throws IOException;

     * Method for reading sequence of Objects from parser stream,
     * all with same specified value type.
     * @param <T> Nominal parameter for target type
     * @param p Parser to use for decoding content to bind
     * @param valueTypeRef Java value type to bind content to
     * @return Iterator for incrementally deserializing values
     * @throws IOException for low-level read issues, or
     *   {@link JsonParseException} for decoding problems
    public abstract <T> Iterator<T> readValues(JsonParser p, TypeReference<T> valueTypeRef)
        throws IOException;
     * Method for reading sequence of Objects from parser stream,
     * all with same specified value type.
     * @param <T> Nominal parameter for target type
     * @param p Parser to use for decoding content to bind
     * @param valueType Java value type to bind content to
     * @return Iterator for incrementally deserializing values
     * @throws IOException for low-level read issues, or
     *   {@link JsonParseException} for decoding problems
    public abstract <T> Iterator<T> readValues(JsonParser p, ResolvedType valueType)
        throws IOException;

    /* API for serialization (Object-to-JSON)

     * Method to serialize given Java Object, using generator
     * provided.
     * @param gen Generator to use for serializing value
     * @param value Value to serialize
     * @throws IOException for low-level write issues, or
     *   {@link JsonGenerationException} for decoding problems
    public abstract void writeValue(JsonGenerator gen, Object value) throws IOException;

    /* TreeCodec pass-through methods

     * Method for deserializing JSON content as tree expressed
     * using set of {@link TreeNode} instances. Returns
     * root of the resulting tree (where root can consist
     * of just a single node if the current event is a
     * value event, not container). Empty or whitespace
     * documents return null.
     * @return next tree from {@code p}, or {@code null} if empty.
     * @throws IOException for low-level read issues, or
     *   {@link JsonParseException} for decoding problems
    public abstract <T extends TreeNode> T readTree(JsonParser p) throws IOException;

     * Method for serializing JSON content from given Tree instance, using
     * specified generator.
     * @param gen Generator to use for serializing value
     * @param tree Tree to serialize
     * @throws IOException for low-level write issues, or
     *   {@link JsonGenerationException} for decoding problems
    public abstract void writeTree(JsonGenerator gen, TreeNode tree) throws IOException;
     * Method for construct root level Object nodes
     * for Tree Model instances.
     * @return Object node created
    public abstract TreeNode createObjectNode();

     * Method for construct root level Array nodes
     * for Tree Model instances.
     * @return Array node created
    public abstract TreeNode createArrayNode();

     * Method for constructing a {@link JsonParser} for reading
     * contents of a JSON tree, as if it was external serialized
     * JSON content.
     * @param n Content to traverse over
     * @return Parser constructed for traversing over contents of specified node
    public abstract JsonParser treeAsTokens(TreeNode n);

    /* Extended tree conversions beyond TreeCodec
     * Convenience method for converting given JSON tree into instance of specified
     * value type. This is equivalent to first constructing a {@link JsonParser} to
     * iterate over contents of the tree, and using that parser for data binding.
     * @param <T> Nominal parameter for target type
     * @param n Tree to convert
     * @param valueType Java target value type to convert content to
     * @return Converted value instance
     * @throws JsonProcessingException if structural conversion fails
    public abstract <T> T treeToValue(TreeNode n, Class<T> valueType)
        throws JsonProcessingException;

    /* Basic accessors

     * @deprecated Use {@link #getFactory} instead.
     * @return Underlying {@link JsonFactory} instance
    public JsonFactory getJsonFactory() { return getFactory(); }

     * Accessor for finding underlying data format factory
     * ({@link JsonFactory}) codec will use for data binding.
     * @return Underlying {@link JsonFactory} instance
    public JsonFactory getFactory() { return getJsonFactory(); }



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jackson-core-2.14.0-sources.jar
File size: 497693 bytes
Release date: 2022-11-05


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