Jackson Core Source Code

Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".

Jackson Core Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-core-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.

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 * References:
 * <dl>
 *     <dt>This class has been derived from "FastDoubleParser".</dt>
 *     <dd>Copyright (c) Werner Randelshofer. Apache 2.0 License.
 *         <a href="https://github.com/wrandelshofer/FastDoubleParser">github.com</a>.</dd>
 * </dl>

package com.fasterxml.jackson.core.io.doubleparser;

 * This class provides methods for parsing multiple characters at once using
 * the "SIMD with a register" (SWAR) technique.
 * <p>
 * References:
 * <dl>
 *     <dt>Leslie Lamport, Multiple Byte Processing with Full-Word Instructions</dt>
 *     <dd><a href="https://lamport.azurewebsites.net/pubs/multiple-byte.pdf">azurewebsites.net</a></dd>
 *     <dt>Daniel Lemire, fast_double_parser, 4x faster than strtod.
 *     Apache License 2.0 or Boost Software License.</dt>
 *     <dd><a href="https://github.com/lemire/fast_double_parser">github.com</a></dd>
 *     <dt>Daniel Lemire, fast_float number parsing library: 4x faster than strtod.
 *     Apache License 2.0.</dt>
 *     <dd><a href="https://github.com/fastfloat/fast_float">github.com</a></dd>
 *     <dt>Daniel Lemire, Number Parsing at a Gigabyte per Second,
 *     Software: Practice and Experience 51 (8), 2021.
 *     arXiv.2101.11408v3 [cs.DS] 24 Feb 2021</dt>
 *     <dd><a href="https://arxiv.org/pdf/2101.11408.pdf">arxiv.org</a></dd>
 * </dl>
 * </p>
class FastDoubleSwar {
     * Tries to parse eight decimal digits from a char array using the
     * 'SIMD within a register technique' (SWAR).
     * @param a      contains 8 utf-16 characters starting at offset
     * @param offset the offset into the array
     * @return the parsed number,
     * returns a negative value if {@code value} does not contain 8 hex digits

    public static int tryToParseEightDigitsUtf16(char[] a, int offset) {
        long first = a[offset]
                | (long) a[offset + 1] << 16
                | (long) a[offset + 2] << 32
                | (long) a[offset + 3] << 48;
        long second = a[offset + 4]
                | (long) a[offset + 5] << 16
                | (long) a[offset + 6] << 32
                | (long) a[offset + 7] << 48;

        return FastDoubleSwar.tryToParseEightDigitsUtf16(first, second);

     * Tries to parse eight decimal digits at once using the
     * 'SIMD within a register technique' (SWAR).
     * <pre>{@literal
     * char[] chars = ...;
     * long first  = chars[0]|(chars[1]<<16)|(chars[2]<<32)|(chars[3]<<48);
     * long second = chars[4]|(chars[5]<<16)|(chars[6]<<32)|(chars[7]<<48);
     * }</pre>
     * @param first  the first four characters in big endian order
     * @param second the second four characters in big endian order
     * @return the parsed digits or -1
    public static int tryToParseEightDigitsUtf16(long first, long second) {//since Java 18
        long fval = first - 0x0030_0030_0030_0030L;
        long sval = second - 0x0030_0030_0030_0030L;

        // Create a predicate for all bytes which are smaller than '0' (0x0030)
        // or greater than '9' (0x0039).
        // We have 0x007f - 0x0039 = 0x0046.
        // The predicate is true if the hsb of a byte is set: (predicate & 0xff80) != 0.
        long fpre = first + 0x0046_0046_0046_0046L | fval;
        long spre = second + 0x0046_0046_0046_0046L | sval;
        if (((fpre | spre) & 0xff80_ff80_ff80_ff80L) != 0L) {
            return -1;

        return (int) (sval * 0x03e8_0064_000a_0001L >>> 48)
                + (int) (fval * 0x03e8_0064_000a_0001L >>> 48) * 10000;

     * Tries to parse eight decimal digits from a byte array using the
     * 'SIMD within a register technique' (SWAR).
     * @param a      contains 8 ascii characters
     * @param offset the offset of the first character in {@code a}
     * @return the parsed number,
     * returns a negative value if {@code value} does not contain 8 digits
    public static int tryToParseEightDigitsUtf8(byte[] a, int offset) {
        return tryToParseEightDigitsUtf8(readLongFromByteArrayLittleEndian(a, offset));

     * Tries to parse eight digits from a long using the
     * 'SIMD within a register technique' (SWAR).
     * <pre>{@literal
     * byte[] bytes = ...;
     * long value  = ((bytes[7]&0xffL)<<56)
     *             | ((bytes[6]&0xffL)<<48)
     *             | ((bytes[5]&0xffL)<<40)
     *             | ((bytes[4]&0xffL)<<32)
     *             | ((bytes[3]&0xffL)<<24)
     *             | ((bytes[2]&0xffL)<<16)
     *             | ((bytes[1]&0xffL)<< 8)
     *             |  (bytes[0]&0xffL);
     * }</pre>
     * @param chunk contains 8 ascii characters in little endian order
     * @return the parsed number,
     * returns a negative value if {@code value} does not contain 8 digits
    public static int tryToParseEightDigitsUtf8(long chunk) {
        // Create a predicate for all bytes which are greater than '0' (0x30).
        // The predicate is true if the hsb of a byte is set: (predicate & 0x80) != 0.
        long val = chunk - 0x3030303030303030L;
        long predicate = ((chunk + 0x4646464646464646L) | val) & 0x8080808080808080L;
        if (predicate != 0L) {
            return -1;

        // The last 2 multiplications are independent of each other.
        val = val * (1 + (10 << 8)) >>> 8;
        val = (val & 0xff_000000ffL) * (100 + (100_0000L << 32))
                + (val >>> 16 & 0xff_000000ffL) * (1 + (1_0000L << 32)) >>> 32;
        return (int) val;

     * Tries to parse eight hex digits from a char array using the
     * 'SIMD within a register technique' (SWAR).
     * @param a      contains 8 utf-16 characters starting at offset
     * @param offset the offset into the array
     * @return the parsed number,
     * returns a negative value if {@code value} does not contain 8 hex digits
    public static long tryToParseEightHexDigitsUtf16(char[] a, int offset) {
        // Performance: We extract the chars in two steps so that we
        //              can benefit from out of order execution in the CPU.
        long first = (long) a[offset] << 48
                | (long) a[offset + 1] << 32
                | (long) a[offset + 2] << 16
                | (long) a[offset + 3];

        long second = (long) a[offset + 4] << 48
                | (long) a[offset + 5] << 32
                | (long) a[offset + 6] << 16
                | (long) a[offset + 7];

        return FastDoubleSwar.tryToParseEightHexDigitsUtf16(first, second);

     * Tries to parse eight hex digits from two longs using the
     * 'SIMD within a register technique' (SWAR).
     * <pre>{@code
     * char[] chars = ...;
     * long first  = (long) chars[0] << 48
     *             | (long) chars[1] << 32
     *             | (long) chars[2] << 16
     *             | (long) chars[3];
     * long second = (long) chars[4] << 48
     *             | (long) chars[5] << 32
     *             | (long) chars[6] << 16
     *             | (long) chars[7];
     * }</pre>
     * @param first  contains 4 utf-16 characters in big endian order
     * @param second contains 4 utf-16 characters in big endian order
     * @return the parsed number,
     * returns a negative value if the two longs do not contain 8 hex digits
    public static long tryToParseEightHexDigitsUtf16(long first, long second) {
        long lfirst = tryToParseFourHexDigitsUtf16(first);
        long lsecond = tryToParseFourHexDigitsUtf16(second);
        return (lfirst << 16) | lsecond;

     * Tries to parse eight hex digits from a byte array using the
     * 'SIMD within a register technique' (SWAR).
     * @param a      contains 8 ascii characters
     * @param offset the offset of the first character in {@code a}
     *               returns a negative value if {@code value} does not contain 8 digits
    public static long tryToParseEightHexDigitsUtf8(byte[] a, int offset) {
        return tryToParseEightHexDigitsUtf8(readLongFromByteArrayBigEndian(a, offset));

     * Tries to parse eight digits from a long using the
     * 'SIMD within a register technique' (SWAR).
     * @param chunk contains 8 ascii characters in big endian order
     * @return the parsed number,
     * returns a negative value if {@code value} does not contain 8 digits
    public static long tryToParseEightHexDigitsUtf8(long chunk) {
        // The following code is based on the technique presented in the paper
        // by Leslie Lamport.

        // Subtract character '0' (0x30) from each of the eight characters
        long vec = chunk - 0x30_30_30_30_30_30_30_30L;

        // Create a predicate for all bytes which are greater than '9'-'0' (0x09).
        // The predicate is true if the hsb of a byte is set: (predicate & 0x80) != 0.
        long gt_09 = vec + (0x09_09_09_09_09_09_09_09L ^ 0x7f_7f_7f_7f_7f_7f_7f_7fL);
        gt_09 &= 0x80_80_80_80_80_80_80_80L;
        // Create a predicate for all bytes which are greater or equal 'a'-'0' (0x30).
        // The predicate is true if the hsb of a byte is set.
        long ge_30 = vec + (0x30303030_30303030L ^ 0x7f_7f_7f_7f_7f_7f_7f_7fL);
        ge_30 &= 0x80_80_80_80_80_80_80_80L;

        // Create a predicate for all bytes which are smaller equal than 'f'-'0' (0x37).
        long le_37 = 0x37_37_37_37_37_37_37_37L + (vec ^ 0x7f_7f_7f_7f_7f_7f_7f_7fL);
        // we don't need to 'and' with 0x80…L here, because we 'and' this with ge_30 anyway.
        //le_37 &= 0x80_80_80_80_80_80_80_80L;

        // If a character is greater than '9' then it must be greater equal 'a'
        // and smaller  'f'.
        if (gt_09 != (ge_30 & le_37)) {
            return -1;

        // Expand the predicate to a byte mask
        long gt_09mask = (gt_09 >>> 7) * 0xffL;

        // Subtract 'a'-'0'+10 (0x27) from all bytes that are greater than 0x09.
        long v = vec & ~gt_09mask | vec - (0x27272727_27272727L & gt_09mask);

        // Compact all nibbles
        long v2 = v | v >>> 4;
        long v3 = v2 & 0x00ff00ff_00ff00ffL;
        long v4 = v3 | v3 >>> 8;
        long v5 = ((v4 >>> 16) & 0xffff_0000L) | v4 & 0xffffL;

        return v5;

     * Tries to parse four hex digits from a long using the
     * 'SIMD within a register technique' (SWAR).
     * @param chunk contains 4 utf-16 characters in big endian order
     * @return the parsed number,
     * returns a negative value if {@code value} does not contain 8 digits
    public static long tryToParseFourHexDigitsUtf16(long chunk) {
        // The following code is based on the technique presented in the paper
        // by Leslie Lamport.

        // Subtract character '0' (0x0030) from each of the four characters
        long vec = chunk - 0x0030_0030_0030_0030L;

        // Create a predicate for all bytes which are greater than '9'-'0' (0x0009).
        // The predicate is true if the hsb of a byte is set: (predicate & 0xa000) != 0.
        long gt_09 = vec + (0x0009_0009_0009_0009L ^ 0x7fff_7fff_7fff_7fffL);
        gt_09 = gt_09 & 0x8000_8000_8000_8000L;
        // Create a predicate for all bytes which are greater or equal 'a'-'0' (0x0030).
        // The predicate is true if the hsb of a byte is set.
        long ge_30 = vec + (0x0030_0030_0030_0030L ^ 0x7fff_7fff_7fff_7fffL);
        ge_30 = ge_30 & 0x8000_8000_8000_8000L;

        // Create a predicate for all bytes which are smaller equal than 'f'-'0' (0x0037).
        long le_37 = 0x0037_0037_0037_0037L + (vec ^ 0x7fff_7fff_7fff_7fffL);
        // Not needed, because we are going to and this value with ge_30 anyway.
        //le_37 = le_37 & 0x8000_8000_8000_8000L;

        // If a character is greater than '9' then it must be greater equal 'a'
        // and smaller equal 'f'.
        if (gt_09 != (ge_30 & le_37)) {
            return -1;

        // Expand the predicate to a char mask
        long gt_09mask = (gt_09 >>> 15) * 0xffffL;

        // Subtract 'a'-'0'+10 (0x0027) from all bytes that are greater than 0x09.
        long v = vec & ~gt_09mask | vec - (0x0027_0027_0027_0027L & gt_09mask);

        // Compact all nibbles
        long v2 = v | v >>> 12;
        long v5 = (v2 | v2 >>> 24) & 0xffffL;

        return v5;

    public static long readLongFromByteArrayLittleEndian(byte[] a, int offset) {
        return ((a[offset + 7] & 0xffL) << 56)
                | ((a[offset + 6] & 0xffL) << 48)
                | ((a[offset + 5] & 0xffL) << 40)
                | ((a[offset + 4] & 0xffL) << 32)
                | ((a[offset + 3] & 0xffL) << 24)
                | ((a[offset + 2] & 0xffL) << 16)
                | ((a[offset + 1] & 0xffL) << 8)
                | (a[offset] & 0xffL);

    public static long readLongFromByteArrayBigEndian(byte[] a, int offset) {
        return ((a[offset] & 0xffL) << 56)
                | ((a[offset + 1] & 0xffL) << 48)
                | ((a[offset + 2] & 0xffL) << 40)
                | ((a[offset + 3] & 0xffL) << 32)
                | ((a[offset + 4] & 0xffL) << 24)
                | ((a[offset + 5] & 0xffL) << 16)
                | ((a[offset + 6] & 0xffL) << 8)
                | (a[offset + 7] & 0xffL);



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File name: jackson-core-2.14.0-sources.jar
File size: 497693 bytes
Release date: 2022-11-05


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