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Source Code for Apache Log4j API
Apache Log4j API
provides the interface that applications should code to and provides the adapter
components required for implementers to create a logging implementation.
Apache Log4j API is a required module to use Apache Log4j.
Bytecode (Java 8) for Apache Log4j API is provided in a separate JAR file like log4j-api-2.14.1.jar.
Source Code files for Apache Log4j API are provided in both binary packge like and source package like You can download them at Apache Log4j Website.
You can also browse Source Code files for Apache Log4j API 2.14.1 below.
⏎ org/apache/logging/log4j/simple/
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache license, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the license for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the license. */ package org.apache.logging.log4j.simple; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Marker; import org.apache.logging.log4j.ThreadContext; import org.apache.logging.log4j.message.Message; import org.apache.logging.log4j.message.MessageFactory; import org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.AbstractLogger; import org.apache.logging.log4j.util.PropertiesUtil; import org.apache.logging.log4j.util.Strings; /** * This is the default logger that is used when no suitable logging implementation is available. */ public class SimpleLogger extends AbstractLogger { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final char SPACE = ' '; /** * Used to format times. * <p> * Note that DateFormat is not Thread-safe. * </p> */ private final DateFormat dateFormatter; private Level level; private final boolean showDateTime; private final boolean showContextMap; private PrintStream stream; private final String logName; public SimpleLogger(final String name, final Level defaultLevel, final boolean showLogName, final boolean showShortLogName, final boolean showDateTime, final boolean showContextMap, final String dateTimeFormat, final MessageFactory messageFactory, final PropertiesUtil props, final PrintStream stream) { super(name, messageFactory); final String lvl = props.getStringProperty(SimpleLoggerContext.SYSTEM_PREFIX + name + ".level"); this.level = Level.toLevel(lvl, defaultLevel); if (showShortLogName) { final int index = name.lastIndexOf("."); if (index > 0 && index < name.length()) { this.logName = name.substring(index + 1); } else { this.logName = name; } } else if (showLogName) { this.logName = name; } else { this.logName = null; } this.showDateTime = showDateTime; this.showContextMap = showContextMap; = stream; if (showDateTime) { DateFormat format; try { format = new SimpleDateFormat(dateTimeFormat); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { // If the format pattern is invalid - use the default format format = new SimpleDateFormat(SimpleLoggerContext.DEFAULT_DATE_TIME_FORMAT); } this.dateFormatter = format; } else { this.dateFormatter = null; } } @Override public Level getLevel() { return level; } @Override public boolean isEnabled(final Level testLevel, final Marker marker, final Message msg, final Throwable t) { return this.level.intLevel() >= testLevel.intLevel(); } @Override public boolean isEnabled(final Level testLevel, final Marker marker, final CharSequence msg, final Throwable t) { return this.level.intLevel() >= testLevel.intLevel(); } @Override public boolean isEnabled(final Level testLevel, final Marker marker, final Object msg, final Throwable t) { return this.level.intLevel() >= testLevel.intLevel(); } @Override public boolean isEnabled(final Level testLevel, final Marker marker, final String msg) { return this.level.intLevel() >= testLevel.intLevel(); } @Override public boolean isEnabled(final Level testLevel, final Marker marker, final String msg, final Object... p1) { return this.level.intLevel() >= testLevel.intLevel(); } @Override public boolean isEnabled(final Level testLevel, final Marker marker, final String message, final Object p0) { return this.level.intLevel() >= testLevel.intLevel(); } @Override public boolean isEnabled(final Level testLevel, final Marker marker, final String message, final Object p0, final Object p1) { return this.level.intLevel() >= testLevel.intLevel(); } @Override public boolean isEnabled(final Level testLevel, final Marker marker, final String message, final Object p0, final Object p1, final Object p2) { return this.level.intLevel() >= testLevel.intLevel(); } @Override public boolean isEnabled(final Level testLevel, final Marker marker, final String message, final Object p0, final Object p1, final Object p2, final Object p3) { return this.level.intLevel() >= testLevel.intLevel(); } @Override public boolean isEnabled(final Level testLevel, final Marker marker, final String message, final Object p0, final Object p1, final Object p2, final Object p3, final Object p4) { return this.level.intLevel() >= testLevel.intLevel(); } @Override public boolean isEnabled(final Level testLevel, final Marker marker, final String message, final Object p0, final Object p1, final Object p2, final Object p3, final Object p4, final Object p5) { return this.level.intLevel() >= testLevel.intLevel(); } @Override public boolean isEnabled(final Level testLevel, final Marker marker, final String message, final Object p0, final Object p1, final Object p2, final Object p3, final Object p4, final Object p5, final Object p6) { return this.level.intLevel() >= testLevel.intLevel(); } @Override public boolean isEnabled(final Level testLevel, final Marker marker, final String message, final Object p0, final Object p1, final Object p2, final Object p3, final Object p4, final Object p5, final Object p6, final Object p7) { return this.level.intLevel() >= testLevel.intLevel(); } @Override public boolean isEnabled(final Level testLevel, final Marker marker, final String message, final Object p0, final Object p1, final Object p2, final Object p3, final Object p4, final Object p5, final Object p6, final Object p7, final Object p8) { return this.level.intLevel() >= testLevel.intLevel(); } @Override public boolean isEnabled(final Level testLevel, final Marker marker, final String message, final Object p0, final Object p1, final Object p2, final Object p3, final Object p4, final Object p5, final Object p6, final Object p7, final Object p8, final Object p9) { return this.level.intLevel() >= testLevel.intLevel(); } @Override public boolean isEnabled(final Level testLevel, final Marker marker, final String msg, final Throwable t) { return this.level.intLevel() >= testLevel.intLevel(); } @Override public void logMessage(final String fqcn, final Level mgsLevel, final Marker marker, final Message msg, final Throwable throwable) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // Append date-time if so configured if (showDateTime) { final Date now = new Date(); String dateText; synchronized (dateFormatter) { dateText = dateFormatter.format(now); } sb.append(dateText); sb.append(SPACE); } sb.append(mgsLevel.toString()); sb.append(SPACE); if (Strings.isNotEmpty(logName)) { sb.append(logName); sb.append(SPACE); } sb.append(msg.getFormattedMessage()); if (showContextMap) { final Map<String, String> mdc = ThreadContext.getImmutableContext(); if (mdc.size() > 0) { sb.append(SPACE); sb.append(mdc.toString()); sb.append(SPACE); } } final Object[] params = msg.getParameters(); Throwable t; if (throwable == null && params != null && params.length > 0 && params[params.length - 1] instanceof Throwable) { t = (Throwable) params[params.length - 1]; } else { t = throwable; } stream.println(sb.toString()); if (t != null) { stream.print(SPACE); t.printStackTrace(stream); } } public void setLevel(final Level level) { if (level != null) { this.level = level; } } public void setStream(final PrintStream stream) { = stream; } }
⏎ org/apache/logging/log4j/simple/
Or download all of them as a single archive file:
File name: log4j-api-2.14.1-sources.jar File size: 264773 bytes Release date: 2021-03-06 Download
⇒ Source Code for Apache Log4j Core Implementation
⇐ Downloading Apache Log4j Binary Package
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