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Running Program with Apache Log4j Configuration
How to run my program with Apache Log4j configuration files? I have my program using Log4j 2 API compiled. And my log4j2.xml configuration file is ready.
The easiest way to run your program with a Log4j 2 configuration file is:
Here is a run session with the program and log4j2.xml:
fyicenter> dir . 1584 HelloLog4j2.class 662 log4j2.xml fyicenter> java -cp .:log4j-api-2.14.1.jar:log4j-core-2.14.1.jar \ HelloLog4j2 Logger class: org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Logger 15:54:32.458 [main] FATAL fyiLogger - Hello - fatal 15:54:32.461 [main] ERROR fyiLogger - Hello - error 15:54:32.461 [main] WARN fyiLogger - Hello - warn 15:54:32.461 [main] INFO fyiLogger - Hello - info 15:54:32.461 [main] DEBUG fyiLogger - Hello - debug fyicenter> type HelloLog4j2.log 15:54:32.458 [main] FATAL fyiLogger - Hello - fatal 15:54:32.461 [main] ERROR fyiLogger - Hello - error 15:54:32.461 [main] WARN fyiLogger - Hello - warn 15:54:32.461 [main] INFO fyiLogger - Hello - info 15:54:32.461 [main] DEBUG fyiLogger - Hello - debug
The above session shows that:
⇒ Using Log4j 1.2 Bridge with Log4j 2 API
⇐ Configuration File for Apache Log4j
2015-11-11, 2324🔥, 0💬
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