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Download FTP File with
How to download a FTP file with program? I know the file path on the anonymous server.
If you know the file path on an anonymous FTP server,
you can use the following command to download the file from the FTP server:
java -a -A -b examples.ftp.FTPClientExample host path file Where: -a - Use active mode for data connections to avoid firewall settings -A - Use anonymous login -b - Use binary mode to download the file host - Host name or IP address of the FTP server path - Path name of the download file on the FTP server file - File name to save the downloaded file
Here is an example of running program to download the / file from the FTP server:
C:\fyicenter> java -cp .;C:\local\commons-net-3.5\commons-net-3.5.jar ;C:\local\commons-net-3.5\commons-net-examples-3.5.jar examples.ftp.FTPClientExample -a -A -b / 220 Welcome to the UofU School of Computing FTP Mirror Connected to on 21 USER ******* 331 Please specify the password. PASS ******* 230 Login successful. SYST 215 UNIX Type: L8 Remote system is UNIX Type: L8 TYPE I 200 Switching to Binary mode. PORT 192,168,1,7,239,1 200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV. RETR / 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for / (710625 bytes). 226 Transfer complete. NOOP 200 NOOP ok. QUIT 221 Goodbye.
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2017-05-05, 2460🔥, 0💬
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