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Other Resources:
itcl-1.4.1.jar - Janino
Janino is a compiler that reads a Java expression, block, class body, source file or a set of source files, and generates Java bytecode that is loaded and executed directly. Janino is not intended to be a development tool, but an embedded compiler for run-time compilation purposes, e.g. expression evaluators or “server pages” engines like JSP.
JAR File Size and Download Location:
File name: itcl.jar, itcl-1.4.1.jar File size: 270831 bytes Date modified: 04/04/2008 Download: Janino
✍: FYIcenter
No manifest in the JAR.
List of Classes in the JAR:
itcl/lang/AssocHashtable itcl/lang/BiCmds itcl/lang/BiMethod itcl/lang/Class itcl/lang/Cmds itcl/lang/CompiledLocal itcl/lang/Ensemble itcl/lang/EnsembleParser itcl/lang/EnsemblePart itcl/lang/Itcl itcl/lang/ItclClass itcl/lang/ItclContext itcl/lang/ItclEnsInvoc itcl/lang/ItclEventuallyFreed itcl/lang/ItclExtension itcl/lang/ItclHierIter itcl/lang/ItclInt itcl/lang/ItclJavafunc itcl/lang/ItclMember itcl/lang/ItclMemberCode itcl/lang/ItclMemberFunc itcl/lang/ItclObject itcl/lang/ItclObjectInfo itcl/lang/ItclPreservedData itcl/lang/ItclVarDefn itcl/lang/ItclVarLookup itcl/lang/Itcl_InterpState itcl/lang/Itcl_List itcl/lang/Itcl_ListElem itcl/lang/Itcl_Stack itcl/lang/Linkage itcl/lang/Methods itcl/lang/Migrate itcl/lang/Objects itcl/lang/Parse itcl/lang/ProtectionCmdInfo itcl/lang/Util tcl/lang/ItclAccess
2009-11-11, 6209🔥, 0💬
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