What Is poi-5.2.3.jar?

What Is poi-5.2.3.jar?

✍: FYIcenter.com

poi-5.2.3.jar is one of the JAR files for Apache POI 5.2.3, which provides an API for Microsoft document files of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Visio.

poi-5.2.3.jar supports Apache POI components that read and write Microsoft's OLE 2 Compound document format, which is used in early versions of Microsoft Office tools like Word 97, Excel 97, PowerPoint 97, etc.

poi-5.2.3.jar is distributed as part of the poi-bin-5.2.3-20220909.zip download file.

JAR File Size and Download Location:

JAR name: poi-5.2.3.jar
Target JDK version: 9

File name: poi.jar, poi-5.2.3.jar
File size: 2964641 bytes
Release date: 09-09-2022
Download: Apache POI Website

Here are Java Source Code files for poi-5.2.3.jar:


/* ====================================================================
   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.
==================================================================== */

package org.apache.poi.hssf.record;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.poi.ddf.DefaultEscherRecordFactory;
import org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherContainerRecord;
import org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherRecord;
import org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherRecordFactory;
import org.apache.poi.ddf.NullEscherSerializationListener;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.LazilyConcatenatedByteArray;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
import org.apache.poi.util.Removal;

 * The escher container record is used to hold escher records.  It is abstract and
 * must be subclassed for maximum benefit.
 * <p>
 * Child records are deserialized on-demand unless the {@code poi.deserialize.escher} System Property is defined.
public abstract class AbstractEscherHolderRecord extends Record {
    private static boolean DESERIALIZE;
    static {
        try {
            DESERIALIZE = (System.getProperty("poi.deserialize.escher") != null);
        } catch (SecurityException e) {
            DESERIALIZE = false;

    private final List<EscherRecord> escherRecords = new ArrayList<>();
    private final LazilyConcatenatedByteArray rawDataContainer = new LazilyConcatenatedByteArray();

    public AbstractEscherHolderRecord() {}

    public AbstractEscherHolderRecord(AbstractEscherHolderRecord other) {

    public AbstractEscherHolderRecord(RecordInputStream in) {
        if (!DESERIALIZE) {
        } else {
            byte[] data = in.readAllContinuedRemainder();
            convertToEscherRecords( 0, data.length, data );

     * @deprecated Call {@link #decode()} instead.
    @Removal(version = "5.3")
    protected void convertRawBytesToEscherRecords() {
        // decode() does a check to see if raw bytes have already been interpreted. In the case that we did not eagerly
        //  interpret the bytes due to DESERIALIZE being false, decode() will interpret the bytes. If we did already
        //  interpret the bytes due to DESERIALIZE being true, decode skips doing the work again.
        if (!DESERIALIZE) {
    private void convertToEscherRecords( int offset, int size, byte[] data )
        EscherRecordFactory recordFactory = new DefaultEscherRecordFactory();
        int pos = offset;
        while ( pos < offset + size )
            EscherRecord r = recordFactory.createRecord(data, pos);
            int bytesRead = r.fillFields(data, pos, recordFactory );
            pos += bytesRead;

    protected abstract String getRecordName();

    public int serialize(int offset, byte[] data) {
        byte[] rawData = getRawData();

        LittleEndian.putShort(data, offset, getSid());
        offset += 2;
        LittleEndian.putShort(data, offset, (short) (getRecordSize() - 4));
        offset += 2;

        if (escherRecords.isEmpty() && rawData != null) {
            System.arraycopy(rawData, 0, data, offset, rawData.length);
            return rawData.length + 4;

        NullEscherSerializationListener listener = new NullEscherSerializationListener();
        for (EscherRecord r : escherRecords) {
            offset += r.serialize(offset, data, listener);
        return getRecordSize();

    public int getRecordSize() {
        byte[] rawData = getRawData();
        if (escherRecords.isEmpty() && rawData != null) {
            // XXX: It should be possible to derive this without concatenating the array, too.
            return rawData.length;
        int size = 0;
        for (EscherRecord r : escherRecords) {
            size += r.getRecordSize();
        return size;

    public abstract short getSid();

    public abstract AbstractEscherHolderRecord copy();

    public void addEscherRecord(int index, EscherRecord element)
        escherRecords.add( index, element );

    public boolean addEscherRecord(EscherRecord element)
        return escherRecords.add( element );

    public List<EscherRecord> getEscherRecords()
        return escherRecords;

    public void clearEscherRecords()

     * If we have a EscherContainerRecord as one of our
     *  children (and most top level escher holders do),
     *  then return that.
     * @return the EscherContainerRecord or {@code null} if no child is a container record
    public EscherContainerRecord getEscherContainer() {
        for (EscherRecord er : escherRecords) {
            if(er instanceof EscherContainerRecord) {
                return (EscherContainerRecord)er;
        return null;

     * Descends into all our children, returning the
     *  first EscherRecord with the given id, or null
     *  if none found
     * @param id the record to look for
     * @return the record or {@code null} if it can't be found
    public EscherRecord findFirstWithId(short id) {
        return findFirstWithId(id, getEscherRecords());

    private EscherRecord findFirstWithId(short id, List<EscherRecord> records) {
        // Check at our level
        for (EscherRecord r : records) {
            if(r.getRecordId() == id) {
                return r;

        // Then check our children in turn
        for (EscherRecord r : records) {
            if(r.isContainerRecord()) {
                EscherRecord found = findFirstWithId(id, r.getChildRecords());
                if(found != null) {
                    return found;

        // Not found in this lot
        return null;

    public EscherRecord getEscherRecord(int index)
        return escherRecords.get(index);

     * Big drawing group records are split but it's easier to deal with them
     * as a whole group so we need to join them together.
     * @param record the record data to concatenate to the end
    public void join( AbstractEscherHolderRecord record )

    public void processContinueRecord( byte[] record )

    public byte[] getRawData()
        return rawDataContainer.toArray();

    public void setRawData( byte[] rawData )

     * Convert raw data to escher records.
    public void decode()
        if (escherRecords.isEmpty()) {
            byte[] rawData = getRawData();
            convertToEscherRecords(0, rawData.length, rawData);

    public List<EscherRecord> getGenericChildren() {
        return escherRecords;


Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: poi-5.2.3-src.zip
File size: 2479830 bytes
Release date: 2022-09-09


What Is poi-ooxml-5.2.3.jar?

What Is poi-bin-5.2.3-20220909.zip?

Downloading and Installing Apache POI Java Library

⇑⇑ FAQ for Apache POI (Poor Obfuscation Implementation)

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