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Word2Forrest - Apache POI Word Document Example
What is Word2Forrest example in the Apache POI package? How to run Word2Forrest example?
Word2Forrest example in the Apache POI package is
a Word to XML conversion program that reads a Word document
in *.doc format and generates an XML file with text from the Word document.
Word2Forrest example uses the Horrible Word Processing Format (HWPF) API, which supports Word document in *.doc format only.
Here is the command to run Word2Forrest to convert Word documents in *.doc file format compatible with Microsoft Word 97 version to XML files:
C:\fyicenter>c:\local\jdk-1.8.0\bin\java -cp .;C:\local\poi-3.15\poi-examples-3.15.jar; C:\local\poi-3.15\poi-3.15.jar; C:\local\poi-3.15\poi-scratchpad-3.15.jar org.apache.poi.hwpf.Word2Forrest simple.doc
Note that the simple.doc was created by open simple.docx in Word and save it in Word 97 (*.doc) format.
If you open the output file, text.xml, in Notepad++ editor, you will see an XML file with text from simple.doc:
⇒ Apache POI Examples for PowerPoint Slides
⇐ SimpleTable - Apache POI Word Document Example
2017-02-22, 1962🔥, 0💬
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