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Start Oracle Database 11g XE on Windows
How to start Oracle Database 11g XE on my local Windows computer? I have installed it earlier.
If you have Oracle Database 11g XE (Express Edition) installed on your local Windows computer,
you can follow these steps to start and stop Oracle Database 11g server:
1. Run "Start > All Programs > Oracle Database 11g Express Edition > Start Database" to start Oracle Database XE service.
2. Run "Start > All Programs > Oracle Database 11g Express Edition > Run SQL Command Line" to run a test command:
SQL*Plus: Release Production Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved. SQL> -- Using Windows user group authentication for now SQL> CONNECT / AS SYSDBA Connected. SQL> COL PRODUCT FORMAT A35 SQL> COL VERSION FORMAT A15 SQL> COL STATUS FORMAT A15 SQL> SELECT * FROM PRODUCT_COMPONENT_VERSION; PRODUCT VERSION STATUS ----------------------------------- ----------- ---------- NLSRTL Production Oracle Database 10g Express Edition 64bit Production PL/SQL Production TNS for 64-bit Windows: Production
3. Run "Start > All Programs > Oracle Database 11g Express Edition > Stop Database" to stop Oracle Database XE service.
The following picture shows you how to start and stop Oracle Database 11g XE on Windows 7:
⇒ - Oracle JDBC Connection
⇐ Install Oracle Database 11g XE for ojdbc.jar Test
2018-03-28, 2062🔥, 0💬
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