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Other Resources: - Parse XML to Java Objects
How to write Java program to parse XML document to Java data type objects using XMLBeans? I have the XML Schema compiled as Java data types.
If you have your XML schema compiled as Java data types,
you can following these suggestions to write a Java program
to parse an XML document into Java data objects:
1. Use the Factory sub class generated from the "scomp" tool or the SchemaCompiler class code to parse the XML document:
PurchaseOrderDocument poDoc = PurchaseOrderDocument.Factory.parse(new File("easypo.xml"));
2. Use get*() methods to retrieve objects representing complex elements from the XML document. Use get*Array() methods for repeating elements.
PurchaseOrderDocument.PurchaseOrder po = poDoc.getPurchaseOrder(); Customer c = po.getCustomer(); LineItem[] l = po.getLineItemArray();
3. Use get*() methods to retrieve primitive value or special objects representing simple elements from the XML document:
Customer c = po.getCustomer(); String n = c.getName(); String a = c.getAddress(); Calendar d = po.getDate();
Below is the entire sample Java program that parses an XML document into objects of data type classes generated by XMLBeans:
// Copyright (c) import; import java.util.Calendar ; import org.apache.xmlbeans.*; import org.openuri.easypo.PurchaseOrderDocument; import org.openuri.easypo.Customer; import org.openuri.easypo.LineItem; import org.openuri.easypo.Shipper; public class EasyPoXmlParser { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Bind the incoming XML to an XMLBeans type. PurchaseOrderDocument poDoc = PurchaseOrderDocument.Factory.parse(new File("easypo.xml")); PurchaseOrderDocument.PurchaseOrder po = poDoc.getPurchaseOrder(); Customer c = po.getCustomer(); String n = c.getName(); String a = c.getAddress(); Calendar d = po.getDate(); LineItem[] l = po.getLineItemArray(); Shipper s = po.getShipper(); System.out.println("\r\nCustomer name: \r\n"+n); System.out.println("\r\nCustomer address: \r\n"+a); System.out.println("\r\nDate: \r\n"+d.toString()); System.out.println("\r\n1st LineItem: \r\n"+l[0].toString()); System.out.println("\r\nShiper: \r\n"+s.toString()); } }
Compile and run it with Java SE 8 JDK:
\fyicenter\xmlbeans-2.6.0>\fyicenter\jdk-1.8.0\bin\javac -cp .\lib\xbean.jar;easypo.jar \fyicenter\xmlbeans-2.6.0>\fyicenter\jdk-1.8.0\bin\java -cp .;.\lib\xbean.jar;easypo.jar EasyPoXmlParser Customer name: Gladys Kravitz Customer address: Anytown, PA Date: 2003-01-07T14:16:00-05:00 1st LineItem: <xml-fragment xmlns:eas=""> <eas:description>Burnham's Celestial Handbook, Vol 1</eas:description> <eas:per-unit-ounces>5</eas:per-unit-ounces> <eas:price>21.79</eas:price> <eas:quantity>2</eas:quantity> </xml-fragment> Shiper: <xml-fragment xmlns:eas=""> <eas:name>ZipShip</eas:name> <eas:per-ounce-rate>0.74</eas:per-ounce-rate> </xml-fragment>
⇒ - Generate XML from Java Objects
⇐ easypo.xml - Purchase Order Test XML Document
2017-07-07, 1747🔥, 0💬
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