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maven-embedder-3.8.6.jar - Maven Embedder Module
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⏎ org/apache/maven/cli/
package org.apache.maven.cli; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.cli.UnrecognizedOptionException; import org.apache.maven.BuildAbort; import org.apache.maven.InternalErrorException; import org.apache.maven.Maven; import org.apache.maven.building.FileSource; import org.apache.maven.building.Problem; import org.apache.maven.building.Source; import org.apache.maven.cli.configuration.ConfigurationProcessor; import org.apache.maven.cli.configuration.SettingsXmlConfigurationProcessor; import org.apache.maven.cli.event.DefaultEventSpyContext; import org.apache.maven.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger; import org.apache.maven.cli.internal.BootstrapCoreExtensionManager; import org.apache.maven.cli.internal.extension.model.CoreExtension; import; import org.apache.maven.cli.logging.Slf4jConfiguration; import org.apache.maven.cli.logging.Slf4jConfigurationFactory; import org.apache.maven.cli.logging.Slf4jLoggerManager; import org.apache.maven.cli.logging.Slf4jStdoutLogger; import org.apache.maven.cli.transfer.ConsoleMavenTransferListener; import org.apache.maven.cli.transfer.QuietMavenTransferListener; import org.apache.maven.cli.transfer.Slf4jMavenTransferListener; import org.apache.maven.eventspy.internal.EventSpyDispatcher; import org.apache.maven.exception.DefaultExceptionHandler; import org.apache.maven.exception.ExceptionHandler; import org.apache.maven.exception.ExceptionSummary; import org.apache.maven.execution.DefaultMavenExecutionRequest; import org.apache.maven.execution.ExecutionListener; import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenExecutionRequest; import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenExecutionRequestPopulationException; import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenExecutionRequestPopulator; import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenExecutionResult; import org.apache.maven.execution.scope.internal.MojoExecutionScopeModule; import org.apache.maven.extension.internal.CoreExports; import org.apache.maven.extension.internal.CoreExtensionEntry; import org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelProcessor; import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject; import; import; import org.apache.maven.session.scope.internal.SessionScopeModule; import org.apache.maven.shared.utils.logging.MessageBuilder; import org.apache.maven.shared.utils.logging.MessageUtils; import org.apache.maven.toolchain.building.DefaultToolchainsBuildingRequest; import org.apache.maven.toolchain.building.ToolchainsBuilder; import org.apache.maven.toolchain.building.ToolchainsBuildingResult; import org.codehaus.plexus.ContainerConfiguration; import org.codehaus.plexus.DefaultContainerConfiguration; import org.codehaus.plexus.DefaultPlexusContainer; import org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusConstants; import org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusContainer; import org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.ClassWorld; import org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm; import org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.NoSuchRealmException; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentLookupException; import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.LoggerManager; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParserException; import org.eclipse.aether.transfer.TransferListener; import org.slf4j.ILoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.sonatype.plexus.components.cipher.DefaultPlexusCipher; import org.sonatype.plexus.components.sec.dispatcher.DefaultSecDispatcher; import org.sonatype.plexus.components.sec.dispatcher.SecDispatcher; import org.sonatype.plexus.components.sec.dispatcher.SecUtil; import org.sonatype.plexus.components.sec.dispatcher.model.SettingsSecurity; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static org.apache.maven.cli.CLIManager.COLOR; import static org.apache.maven.cli.ResolveFile.resolveFile; import static org.apache.maven.shared.utils.logging.MessageUtils.buffer; // TODO push all common bits back to plexus cli and prepare for transition to Guice. We don't need 50 ways to make CLIs /** * @author Jason van Zyl */ public class MavenCli { public static final String LOCAL_REPO_PROPERTY = "maven.repo.local"; public static final String MULTIMODULE_PROJECT_DIRECTORY = "maven.multiModuleProjectDirectory"; public static final String USER_HOME = System.getProperty( "user.home" ); public static final File USER_MAVEN_CONFIGURATION_HOME = new File( USER_HOME, ".m2" ); public static final File DEFAULT_USER_TOOLCHAINS_FILE = new File( USER_MAVEN_CONFIGURATION_HOME, "toolchains.xml" ); public static final File DEFAULT_GLOBAL_TOOLCHAINS_FILE = new File( System.getProperty( "maven.conf" ), "toolchains.xml" ); private static final String EXT_CLASS_PATH = "maven.ext.class.path"; private static final String EXTENSIONS_FILENAME = ".mvn/extensions.xml"; private static final String MVN_MAVEN_CONFIG = ".mvn/maven.config"; public static final String STYLE_COLOR_PROPERTY = "style.color"; private ClassWorld classWorld; private LoggerManager plexusLoggerManager; private ILoggerFactory slf4jLoggerFactory; private Logger slf4jLogger; private EventSpyDispatcher eventSpyDispatcher; private ModelProcessor modelProcessor; private Maven maven; private MavenExecutionRequestPopulator executionRequestPopulator; private ToolchainsBuilder toolchainsBuilder; private DefaultSecDispatcher dispatcher; private Map<String, ConfigurationProcessor> configurationProcessors; private CLIManager cliManager; public MavenCli() { this( null ); } // This supports painless invocation by the Verifier during embedded execution of the core ITs public MavenCli( ClassWorld classWorld ) { this.classWorld = classWorld; } public static void main( String[] args ) { int result = main( args, null ); System.exit( result ); } public static int main( String[] args, ClassWorld classWorld ) { MavenCli cli = new MavenCli(); MessageUtils.systemInstall(); MessageUtils.registerShutdownHook(); int result = cli.doMain( new CliRequest( args, classWorld ) ); MessageUtils.systemUninstall(); return result; } // TODO need to externalize CliRequest public static int doMain( String[] args, ClassWorld classWorld ) { MavenCli cli = new MavenCli(); return cli.doMain( new CliRequest( args, classWorld ) ); } /** * This supports painless invocation by the Verifier during embedded execution of the core ITs. * See <a href=""> * <code>Embedded3xLauncher</code> in <code>maven-verifier</code></a> */ public int doMain( String[] args, String workingDirectory, PrintStream stdout, PrintStream stderr ) { PrintStream oldout = System.out; PrintStream olderr = System.err; final Set<String> realms; if ( classWorld != null ) { realms = new HashSet<>(); for ( ClassRealm realm : classWorld.getRealms() ) { realms.add( realm.getId() ); } } else { realms = Collections.emptySet(); } try { if ( stdout != null ) { System.setOut( stdout ); } if ( stderr != null ) { System.setErr( stderr ); } CliRequest cliRequest = new CliRequest( args, classWorld ); cliRequest.workingDirectory = workingDirectory; return doMain( cliRequest ); } finally { if ( classWorld != null ) { for ( ClassRealm realm : new ArrayList<>( classWorld.getRealms() ) ) { String realmId = realm.getId(); if ( !realms.contains( realmId ) ) { try { classWorld.disposeRealm( realmId ); } catch ( NoSuchRealmException ignored ) { // can't happen } } } } System.setOut( oldout ); System.setErr( olderr ); } } // TODO need to externalize CliRequest public int doMain( CliRequest cliRequest ) { PlexusContainer localContainer = null; try { initialize( cliRequest ); cli( cliRequest ); properties( cliRequest ); logging( cliRequest ); informativeCommands( cliRequest ); version( cliRequest ); localContainer = container( cliRequest ); commands( cliRequest ); configure( cliRequest ); toolchains( cliRequest ); populateRequest( cliRequest ); encryption( cliRequest ); repository( cliRequest ); return execute( cliRequest ); } catch ( ExitException e ) { return e.exitCode; } catch ( UnrecognizedOptionException e ) { // pure user error, suppress stack trace return 1; } catch ( BuildAbort e ) { CLIReportingUtils.showError( slf4jLogger, "ABORTED", e, cliRequest.showErrors ); return 2; } catch ( Exception e ) { CLIReportingUtils.showError( slf4jLogger, "Error executing Maven.", e, cliRequest.showErrors ); return 1; } finally { if ( localContainer != null ) { localContainer.dispose(); } } } void initialize( CliRequest cliRequest ) throws ExitException { if ( cliRequest.workingDirectory == null ) { cliRequest.workingDirectory = System.getProperty( "user.dir" ); } if ( cliRequest.multiModuleProjectDirectory == null ) { String basedirProperty = System.getProperty( MULTIMODULE_PROJECT_DIRECTORY ); if ( basedirProperty == null ) { System.err.format( "-D%s system property is not set.", MULTIMODULE_PROJECT_DIRECTORY ); throw new ExitException( 1 ); } File basedir = basedirProperty != null ? new File( basedirProperty ) : new File( "" ); try { cliRequest.multiModuleProjectDirectory = basedir.getCanonicalFile(); } catch ( IOException e ) { cliRequest.multiModuleProjectDirectory = basedir.getAbsoluteFile(); } } // // Make sure the Maven home directory is an absolute path to save us from confusion with say drive-relative // Windows paths. // String mavenHome = System.getProperty( "maven.home" ); if ( mavenHome != null ) { System.setProperty( "maven.home", new File( mavenHome ).getAbsolutePath() ); } } void cli( CliRequest cliRequest ) throws Exception { // // Parsing errors can happen during the processing of the arguments and we prefer not having to check if // the logger is null and construct this so we can use an SLF4J logger everywhere. // slf4jLogger = new Slf4jStdoutLogger(); cliManager = new CLIManager(); List<String> args = new ArrayList<>(); CommandLine mavenConfig = null; try { File configFile = new File( cliRequest.multiModuleProjectDirectory, MVN_MAVEN_CONFIG ); if ( configFile.isFile() ) { for ( String arg : new String( Files.readAllBytes( configFile.toPath() ) ).split( "\\s+" ) ) { if ( !arg.isEmpty() ) { args.add( arg ); } } mavenConfig = cliManager.parse( args.toArray( new String[0] ) ); List<?> unrecongized = mavenConfig.getArgList(); if ( !unrecongized.isEmpty() ) { throw new ParseException( "Unrecognized maven.config entries: " + unrecongized ); } } } catch ( ParseException e ) { System.err.println( "Unable to parse maven.config: " + e.getMessage() ); cliManager.displayHelp( System.out ); throw e; } try { if ( mavenConfig == null ) { cliRequest.commandLine = cliManager.parse( cliRequest.args ); } else { cliRequest.commandLine = cliMerge( cliManager.parse( cliRequest.args ), mavenConfig ); } } catch ( ParseException e ) { System.err.println( "Unable to parse command line options: " + e.getMessage() ); cliManager.displayHelp( System.out ); throw e; } } private void informativeCommands( CliRequest cliRequest ) throws ExitException { if ( cliRequest.commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.HELP ) ) { cliManager.displayHelp( System.out ); throw new ExitException( 0 ); } if ( cliRequest.commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.VERSION ) ) { if ( cliRequest.commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.QUIET ) ) { System.out.println( CLIReportingUtils.showVersionMinimal() ); } else { System.out.println( CLIReportingUtils.showVersion() ); } throw new ExitException( 0 ); } } private CommandLine cliMerge( CommandLine mavenArgs, CommandLine mavenConfig ) { CommandLine.Builder commandLineBuilder = new CommandLine.Builder(); // the args are easy, cli first then config file for ( String arg : mavenArgs.getArgs() ) { commandLineBuilder.addArg( arg ); } for ( String arg : mavenConfig.getArgs() ) { commandLineBuilder.addArg( arg ); } // now add all options, except for -D with cli first then config file List<Option> setPropertyOptions = new ArrayList<>(); for ( Option opt : mavenArgs.getOptions() ) { if ( String.valueOf( CLIManager.SET_SYSTEM_PROPERTY ).equals( opt.getOpt() ) ) { setPropertyOptions.add( opt ); } else { commandLineBuilder.addOption( opt ); } } for ( Option opt : mavenConfig.getOptions() ) { commandLineBuilder.addOption( opt ); } // finally add the CLI system properties for ( Option opt : setPropertyOptions ) { commandLineBuilder.addOption( opt ); } return; } /** * configure logging */ void logging( CliRequest cliRequest ) { // LOG LEVEL cliRequest.debug = cliRequest.commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.DEBUG ); cliRequest.quiet = !cliRequest.debug && cliRequest.commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.QUIET ); cliRequest.showErrors = cliRequest.debug || cliRequest.commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.ERRORS ); slf4jLoggerFactory = LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory(); Slf4jConfiguration slf4jConfiguration = Slf4jConfigurationFactory.getConfiguration( slf4jLoggerFactory ); if ( cliRequest.debug ) { cliRequest.request.setLoggingLevel( MavenExecutionRequest.LOGGING_LEVEL_DEBUG ); slf4jConfiguration.setRootLoggerLevel( Slf4jConfiguration.Level.DEBUG ); } else if ( cliRequest.quiet ) { cliRequest.request.setLoggingLevel( MavenExecutionRequest.LOGGING_LEVEL_ERROR ); slf4jConfiguration.setRootLoggerLevel( Slf4jConfiguration.Level.ERROR ); } // else fall back to default log level specified in conf // see // LOG COLOR String styleColor = cliRequest.getUserProperties().getProperty( STYLE_COLOR_PROPERTY, "auto" ); styleColor = cliRequest.commandLine.getOptionValue( COLOR, styleColor ); if ( "always".equals( styleColor ) || "yes".equals( styleColor ) || "force".equals( styleColor ) ) { MessageUtils.setColorEnabled( true ); } else if ( "never".equals( styleColor ) || "no".equals( styleColor ) || "none".equals( styleColor ) ) { MessageUtils.setColorEnabled( false ); } else if ( !"auto".equals( styleColor ) && !"tty".equals( styleColor ) && !"if-tty".equals( styleColor ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid color configuration value '" + styleColor + "'. Supported are 'auto', 'always', 'never'." ); } else if ( cliRequest.commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.BATCH_MODE ) || cliRequest.commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.LOG_FILE ) ) { MessageUtils.setColorEnabled( false ); } // LOG STREAMS if ( cliRequest.commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.LOG_FILE ) ) { File logFile = new File( cliRequest.commandLine.getOptionValue( CLIManager.LOG_FILE ) ); logFile = resolveFile( logFile, cliRequest.workingDirectory ); // redirect stdout and stderr to file try { PrintStream ps = new PrintStream( new FileOutputStream( logFile ) ); System.setOut( ps ); System.setErr( ps ); } catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) { // // Ignore // } } slf4jConfiguration.activate(); plexusLoggerManager = new Slf4jLoggerManager(); slf4jLogger = slf4jLoggerFactory.getLogger( this.getClass().getName() ); } private void version( CliRequest cliRequest ) { if ( cliRequest.debug || cliRequest.commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.SHOW_VERSION ) ) { System.out.println( CLIReportingUtils.showVersion() ); } } private void commands( CliRequest cliRequest ) { if ( cliRequest.showErrors ) { "Error stacktraces are turned on." ); } if ( MavenExecutionRequest.CHECKSUM_POLICY_WARN.equals( cliRequest.request.getGlobalChecksumPolicy() ) ) { "Disabling strict checksum verification on all artifact downloads." ); } else if ( MavenExecutionRequest.CHECKSUM_POLICY_FAIL.equals( cliRequest.request.getGlobalChecksumPolicy() ) ) { "Enabling strict checksum verification on all artifact downloads." ); } if ( slf4jLogger.isDebugEnabled() ) { slf4jLogger.debug( "Message scheme: {}", ( MessageUtils.isColorEnabled() ? "color" : "plain" ) ); if ( MessageUtils.isColorEnabled() ) { MessageBuilder buff = MessageUtils.buffer(); buff.a( "Message styles: " ); buff.a( MessageUtils.level().debug( "debug" ) ).a( ' ' ); buff.a( MessageUtils.level().info( "info" ) ).a( ' ' ); buff.a( MessageUtils.level().warning( "warning" ) ).a( ' ' ); buff.a( MessageUtils.level().error( "error" ) ).a( ' ' ); buff.success( "success" ).a( ' ' ); buff.failure( "failure" ).a( ' ' ); buff.strong( "strong" ).a( ' ' ); buff.mojo( "mojo" ).a( ' ' ); buff.project( "project" ); slf4jLogger.debug( buff.toString() ); } } } //Needed to make this method package visible to make writing a unit test possible //Maybe it's better to move some of those methods to separate class (SoC). void properties( CliRequest cliRequest ) { populateProperties( cliRequest.commandLine, cliRequest.systemProperties, cliRequest.userProperties ); } PlexusContainer container( CliRequest cliRequest ) throws Exception { if ( cliRequest.classWorld == null ) { cliRequest.classWorld = new ClassWorld( "plexus.core", Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() ); } ClassRealm coreRealm = cliRequest.classWorld.getClassRealm( "plexus.core" ); if ( coreRealm == null ) { coreRealm = cliRequest.classWorld.getRealms().iterator().next(); } List<File> extClassPath = parseExtClasspath( cliRequest ); CoreExtensionEntry coreEntry = CoreExtensionEntry.discoverFrom( coreRealm ); List<CoreExtensionEntry> extensions = loadCoreExtensions( cliRequest, coreRealm, coreEntry.getExportedArtifacts() ); ClassRealm containerRealm = setupContainerRealm( cliRequest.classWorld, coreRealm, extClassPath, extensions ); ContainerConfiguration cc = new DefaultContainerConfiguration().setClassWorld( cliRequest.classWorld ) .setRealm( containerRealm ).setClassPathScanning( PlexusConstants.SCANNING_INDEX ).setAutoWiring( true ) .setJSR250Lifecycle( true ).setName( "maven" ); Set<String> exportedArtifacts = new HashSet<>( coreEntry.getExportedArtifacts() ); Set<String> exportedPackages = new HashSet<>( coreEntry.getExportedPackages() ); for ( CoreExtensionEntry extension : extensions ) { exportedArtifacts.addAll( extension.getExportedArtifacts() ); exportedPackages.addAll( extension.getExportedPackages() ); } final CoreExports exports = new CoreExports( containerRealm, exportedArtifacts, exportedPackages ); DefaultPlexusContainer container = new DefaultPlexusContainer( cc, new AbstractModule() { @Override protected void configure() { bind( ILoggerFactory.class ).toInstance( slf4jLoggerFactory ); bind( CoreExports.class ).toInstance( exports ); } } ); // NOTE: To avoid inconsistencies, we'll use the TCCL exclusively for lookups container.setLookupRealm( null ); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( container.getContainerRealm() ); container.setLoggerManager( plexusLoggerManager ); for ( CoreExtensionEntry extension : extensions ) { container.discoverComponents( extension.getClassRealm(), new SessionScopeModule( container ), new MojoExecutionScopeModule( container ) ); } customizeContainer( container ); container.getLoggerManager().setThresholds( cliRequest.request.getLoggingLevel() ); eventSpyDispatcher = container.lookup( EventSpyDispatcher.class ); DefaultEventSpyContext eventSpyContext = new DefaultEventSpyContext(); Map<String, Object> data = eventSpyContext.getData(); data.put( "plexus", container ); data.put( "workingDirectory", cliRequest.workingDirectory ); data.put( "systemProperties", cliRequest.systemProperties ); data.put( "userProperties", cliRequest.userProperties ); data.put( "versionProperties", CLIReportingUtils.getBuildProperties() ); eventSpyDispatcher.init( eventSpyContext ); // refresh logger in case container got customized by spy slf4jLogger = slf4jLoggerFactory.getLogger( this.getClass().getName() ); maven = container.lookup( Maven.class ); executionRequestPopulator = container.lookup( MavenExecutionRequestPopulator.class ); modelProcessor = createModelProcessor( container ); configurationProcessors = container.lookupMap( ConfigurationProcessor.class ); toolchainsBuilder = container.lookup( ToolchainsBuilder.class ); dispatcher = (DefaultSecDispatcher) container.lookup( SecDispatcher.class, "maven" ); return container; } private List<CoreExtensionEntry> loadCoreExtensions( CliRequest cliRequest, ClassRealm containerRealm, Set<String> providedArtifacts ) throws Exception { if ( cliRequest.multiModuleProjectDirectory == null ) { return Collections.emptyList(); } File extensionsFile = new File( cliRequest.multiModuleProjectDirectory, EXTENSIONS_FILENAME ); if ( !extensionsFile.isFile() ) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<CoreExtension> extensions = readCoreExtensionsDescriptor( extensionsFile ); if ( extensions.isEmpty() ) { return Collections.emptyList(); } ContainerConfiguration cc = new DefaultContainerConfiguration() // .setClassWorld( cliRequest.classWorld ) // .setRealm( containerRealm ) // .setClassPathScanning( PlexusConstants.SCANNING_INDEX ) // .setAutoWiring( true ) // .setJSR250Lifecycle( true ) // .setName( "maven" ); DefaultPlexusContainer container = new DefaultPlexusContainer( cc, new AbstractModule() { @Override protected void configure() { bind( ILoggerFactory.class ).toInstance( slf4jLoggerFactory ); } } ); try { container.setLookupRealm( null ); container.setLoggerManager( plexusLoggerManager ); container.getLoggerManager().setThresholds( cliRequest.request.getLoggingLevel() ); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( container.getContainerRealm() ); executionRequestPopulator = container.lookup( MavenExecutionRequestPopulator.class ); configurationProcessors = container.lookupMap( ConfigurationProcessor.class ); configure( cliRequest ); MavenExecutionRequest request = DefaultMavenExecutionRequest.copy( cliRequest.request ); request = populateRequest( cliRequest, request ); request = executionRequestPopulator.populateDefaults( request ); BootstrapCoreExtensionManager resolver = container.lookup( BootstrapCoreExtensionManager.class ); return Collections.unmodifiableList( resolver.loadCoreExtensions( request, providedArtifacts, extensions ) ); } finally { executionRequestPopulator = null; container.dispose(); } } private List<CoreExtension> readCoreExtensionsDescriptor( File extensionsFile ) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { CoreExtensionsXpp3Reader parser = new CoreExtensionsXpp3Reader(); try ( InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( extensionsFile ) ) ) { return is ).getExtensions(); } } private ClassRealm setupContainerRealm( ClassWorld classWorld, ClassRealm coreRealm, List<File> extClassPath, List<CoreExtensionEntry> extensions ) throws Exception { if ( !extClassPath.isEmpty() || !extensions.isEmpty() ) { ClassRealm extRealm = classWorld.newRealm( "maven.ext", null ); extRealm.setParentRealm( coreRealm ); slf4jLogger.debug( "Populating class realm {}", extRealm.getId() ); for ( File file : extClassPath ) { slf4jLogger.debug( " Included {}", file ); extRealm.addURL( file.toURI().toURL() ); } for ( CoreExtensionEntry entry : reverse( extensions ) ) { Set<String> exportedPackages = entry.getExportedPackages(); ClassRealm realm = entry.getClassRealm(); for ( String exportedPackage : exportedPackages ) { extRealm.importFrom( realm, exportedPackage ); } if ( exportedPackages.isEmpty() ) { // sisu uses realm imports to establish component visibility extRealm.importFrom( realm, realm.getId() ); } } return extRealm; } return coreRealm; } private static <T> List<T> reverse( List<T> list ) { List<T> copy = new ArrayList<>( list ); Collections.reverse( copy ); return copy; } private List<File> parseExtClasspath( CliRequest cliRequest ) { String extClassPath = cliRequest.userProperties.getProperty( EXT_CLASS_PATH ); if ( extClassPath == null ) { extClassPath = cliRequest.systemProperties.getProperty( EXT_CLASS_PATH ); } List<File> jars = new ArrayList<>(); if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( extClassPath ) ) { for ( String jar : StringUtils.split( extClassPath, File.pathSeparator ) ) { File file = resolveFile( new File( jar ), cliRequest.workingDirectory ); slf4jLogger.debug( " Included {}", file ); jars.add( file ); } } return jars; } // // This should probably be a separate tool and not be baked into Maven. // private void encryption( CliRequest cliRequest ) throws Exception { if ( cliRequest.commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.ENCRYPT_MASTER_PASSWORD ) ) { String passwd = cliRequest.commandLine.getOptionValue( CLIManager.ENCRYPT_MASTER_PASSWORD ); if ( passwd == null ) { Console cons = System.console(); char[] password = ( cons == null ) ? null : cons.readPassword( "Master password: " ); if ( password != null ) { // Cipher uses Strings passwd = String.copyValueOf( password ); // Sun/Oracle advises to empty the char array java.util.Arrays.fill( password, ' ' ); } } DefaultPlexusCipher cipher = new DefaultPlexusCipher(); System.out.println( cipher.encryptAndDecorate( passwd, DefaultSecDispatcher.SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SEC_LOCATION ) ); throw new ExitException( 0 ); } else if ( cliRequest.commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.ENCRYPT_PASSWORD ) ) { String passwd = cliRequest.commandLine.getOptionValue( CLIManager.ENCRYPT_PASSWORD ); if ( passwd == null ) { Console cons = System.console(); char[] password = ( cons == null ) ? null : cons.readPassword( "Password: " ); if ( password != null ) { // Cipher uses Strings passwd = String.copyValueOf( password ); // Sun/Oracle advises to empty the char array java.util.Arrays.fill( password, ' ' ); } } String configurationFile = dispatcher.getConfigurationFile(); if ( configurationFile.startsWith( "~" ) ) { configurationFile = System.getProperty( "user.home" ) + configurationFile.substring( 1 ); } String file = System.getProperty( DefaultSecDispatcher.SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SEC_LOCATION, configurationFile ); String master = null; SettingsSecurity sec = file, true ); if ( sec != null ) { master = sec.getMaster(); } if ( master == null ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Master password is not set in the setting security file: " + file ); } DefaultPlexusCipher cipher = new DefaultPlexusCipher(); String masterPasswd = cipher.decryptDecorated( master, DefaultSecDispatcher.SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SEC_LOCATION ); System.out.println( cipher.encryptAndDecorate( passwd, masterPasswd ) ); throw new ExitException( 0 ); } } private void repository( CliRequest cliRequest ) throws Exception { if ( cliRequest.commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.LEGACY_LOCAL_REPOSITORY ) || Boolean.getBoolean( "maven.legacyLocalRepo" ) ) { cliRequest.request.setUseLegacyLocalRepository( true ); } } private int execute( CliRequest cliRequest ) throws MavenExecutionRequestPopulationException { MavenExecutionRequest request = executionRequestPopulator.populateDefaults( cliRequest.request ); eventSpyDispatcher.onEvent( request ); MavenExecutionResult result = maven.execute( request ); eventSpyDispatcher.onEvent( result ); eventSpyDispatcher.close(); if ( result.hasExceptions() ) { ExceptionHandler handler = new DefaultExceptionHandler(); Map<String, String> references = new LinkedHashMap<>(); MavenProject project = null; for ( Throwable exception : result.getExceptions() ) { ExceptionSummary summary = handler.handleException( exception ); logSummary( summary, references, "", cliRequest.showErrors ); if ( project == null && exception instanceof LifecycleExecutionException ) { project = ( (LifecycleExecutionException) exception ).getProject(); } } slf4jLogger.error( "" ); if ( !cliRequest.showErrors ) { slf4jLogger.error( "To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the {} switch.", buffer().strong( "-e" ) ); } if ( !slf4jLogger.isDebugEnabled() ) { slf4jLogger.error( "Re-run Maven using the {} switch to enable full debug logging.", buffer().strong( "-X" ) ); } if ( !references.isEmpty() ) { slf4jLogger.error( "" ); slf4jLogger.error( "For more information about the errors and possible solutions" + ", please read the following articles:" ); for ( Map.Entry<String, String> entry : references.entrySet() ) { slf4jLogger.error( "{} {}", buffer().strong( entry.getValue() ), entry.getKey() ); } } if ( project != null && !project.equals( result.getTopologicallySortedProjects().get( 0 ) ) ) { slf4jLogger.error( "" ); slf4jLogger.error( "After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command" ); slf4jLogger.error( buffer().a( " " ).strong( "mvn <args> -rf " + getResumeFrom( result.getTopologicallySortedProjects(), project ) ).toString() ); } if ( MavenExecutionRequest.REACTOR_FAIL_NEVER.equals( cliRequest.request.getReactorFailureBehavior() ) ) { "Build failures were ignored." ); return 0; } else { return 1; } } else { return 0; } } /** * A helper method to determine the value to resume the build with {@code -rf} taking into account the * edge case where multiple modules in the reactor have the same artifactId. * <p> * {@code -rf :artifactId} will pick up the first module which matches, but when multiple modules in the * reactor have the same artifactId, effective failed module might be later in build reactor. * This means that developer will either have to type groupId or wait for build execution of all modules * which were fine, but they are still before one which reported errors. * <p>Then the returned value is {@code groupId:artifactId} when there is a name clash and * {@code :artifactId} if there is no conflict. * * @param mavenProjects Maven projects which are part of build execution. * @param failedProject Project which has failed. * @return Value for -rf flag to resume build exactly from place where it failed ({@code :artifactId} in * general and {@code groupId:artifactId} when there is a name clash). */ private String getResumeFrom( List<MavenProject> mavenProjects, MavenProject failedProject ) { for ( MavenProject buildProject : mavenProjects ) { if ( failedProject.getArtifactId().equals( buildProject.getArtifactId() ) && !failedProject.equals( buildProject ) ) { return failedProject.getGroupId() + ":" + failedProject.getArtifactId(); } } return ":" + failedProject.getArtifactId(); } private void logSummary( ExceptionSummary summary, Map<String, String> references, String indent, boolean showErrors ) { String referenceKey = ""; if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( summary.getReference() ) ) { referenceKey = references.get( summary.getReference() ); if ( referenceKey == null ) { referenceKey = "[Help " + ( references.size() + 1 ) + "]"; references.put( summary.getReference(), referenceKey ); } } String msg = summary.getMessage(); if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( referenceKey ) ) { if ( msg.indexOf( '\n' ) < 0 ) { msg += " -> " + buffer().strong( referenceKey ); } else { msg += "\n-> " + buffer().strong( referenceKey ); } } String[] lines = msg.split( "(\r\n)|(\r)|(\n)" ); String currentColor = ""; for ( int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++ ) { // add eventual current color inherited from previous line String line = currentColor + lines[i]; // look for last ANSI escape sequence to check if nextColor Matcher matcher = LAST_ANSI_SEQUENCE.matcher( line ); String nextColor = ""; if ( matcher.find() ) { nextColor = 1 ); if ( ANSI_RESET.equals( nextColor ) ) { // last ANSI escape code is reset: no next color nextColor = ""; } } // effective line, with indent and reset if end is colored line = indent + line + ( "".equals( nextColor ) ? "" : ANSI_RESET ); if ( ( i == lines.length - 1 ) && ( showErrors || ( summary.getException() instanceof InternalErrorException ) ) ) { slf4jLogger.error( line, summary.getException() ); } else { slf4jLogger.error( line ); } currentColor = nextColor; } indent += " "; for ( ExceptionSummary child : summary.getChildren() ) { logSummary( child, references, indent, showErrors ); } } private static final Pattern LAST_ANSI_SEQUENCE = Pattern.compile( "(\u001B\\[[;\\d]*[ -/]*[@-~])[^\u001B]*$" ); private static final String ANSI_RESET = "\u001B\u005Bm"; private void configure( CliRequest cliRequest ) throws Exception { // // This is not ideal but there are events specifically for configuration from the CLI which I don't // believe are really valid but there are ITs which assert the right events are published so this // needs to be supported so the EventSpyDispatcher needs to be put in the CliRequest so that // it can be accessed by configuration processors. // cliRequest.request.setEventSpyDispatcher( eventSpyDispatcher ); // // We expect at most 2 implementations to be available. The SettingsXmlConfigurationProcessor implementation // is always available in the core and likely always will be, but we may have another ConfigurationProcessor // present supplied by the user. The rule is that we only allow the execution of one ConfigurationProcessor. // If there is more than one then we execute the one supplied by the user, otherwise we execute the // the default SettingsXmlConfigurationProcessor. // int userSuppliedConfigurationProcessorCount = configurationProcessors.size() - 1; if ( userSuppliedConfigurationProcessorCount == 0 ) { // // Our settings.xml source is historically how we have configured Maven from the CLI so we are going to // have to honour its existence forever. So let's run it. // configurationProcessors.get( SettingsXmlConfigurationProcessor.HINT ).process( cliRequest ); } else if ( userSuppliedConfigurationProcessorCount == 1 ) { // // Run the user supplied ConfigurationProcessor // for ( Entry<String, ConfigurationProcessor> entry : configurationProcessors.entrySet() ) { String hint = entry.getKey(); if ( !hint.equals( SettingsXmlConfigurationProcessor.HINT ) ) { ConfigurationProcessor configurationProcessor = entry.getValue(); configurationProcessor.process( cliRequest ); } } } else if ( userSuppliedConfigurationProcessorCount > 1 ) { // // There are too many ConfigurationProcessors so we don't know which one to run so report the error. // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( String.format( "\nThere can only be one user supplied ConfigurationProcessor, there are %s:\n\n", userSuppliedConfigurationProcessorCount ) ); for ( Entry<String, ConfigurationProcessor> entry : configurationProcessors.entrySet() ) { String hint = entry.getKey(); if ( !hint.equals( SettingsXmlConfigurationProcessor.HINT ) ) { ConfigurationProcessor configurationProcessor = entry.getValue(); sb.append( String.format( "%s\n", configurationProcessor.getClass().getName() ) ); } } sb.append( "\n" ); throw new Exception( sb.toString() ); } } void toolchains( CliRequest cliRequest ) throws Exception { File userToolchainsFile; if ( cliRequest.commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.ALTERNATE_USER_TOOLCHAINS ) ) { userToolchainsFile = new File( cliRequest.commandLine.getOptionValue( CLIManager.ALTERNATE_USER_TOOLCHAINS ) ); userToolchainsFile = resolveFile( userToolchainsFile, cliRequest.workingDirectory ); if ( !userToolchainsFile.isFile() ) { throw new FileNotFoundException( "The specified user toolchains file does not exist: " + userToolchainsFile ); } } else { userToolchainsFile = DEFAULT_USER_TOOLCHAINS_FILE; } File globalToolchainsFile; if ( cliRequest.commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.ALTERNATE_GLOBAL_TOOLCHAINS ) ) { globalToolchainsFile = new File( cliRequest.commandLine.getOptionValue( CLIManager.ALTERNATE_GLOBAL_TOOLCHAINS ) ); globalToolchainsFile = resolveFile( globalToolchainsFile, cliRequest.workingDirectory ); if ( !globalToolchainsFile.isFile() ) { throw new FileNotFoundException( "The specified global toolchains file does not exist: " + globalToolchainsFile ); } } else { globalToolchainsFile = DEFAULT_GLOBAL_TOOLCHAINS_FILE; } cliRequest.request.setGlobalToolchainsFile( globalToolchainsFile ); cliRequest.request.setUserToolchainsFile( userToolchainsFile ); DefaultToolchainsBuildingRequest toolchainsRequest = new DefaultToolchainsBuildingRequest(); if ( globalToolchainsFile.isFile() ) { toolchainsRequest.setGlobalToolchainsSource( new FileSource( globalToolchainsFile ) ); } if ( userToolchainsFile.isFile() ) { toolchainsRequest.setUserToolchainsSource( new FileSource( userToolchainsFile ) ); } eventSpyDispatcher.onEvent( toolchainsRequest ); slf4jLogger.debug( "Reading global toolchains from {}", getLocation( toolchainsRequest.getGlobalToolchainsSource(), globalToolchainsFile ) ); slf4jLogger.debug( "Reading user toolchains from {}", getLocation( toolchainsRequest.getUserToolchainsSource(), userToolchainsFile ) ); ToolchainsBuildingResult toolchainsResult = toolchainsRequest ); eventSpyDispatcher.onEvent( toolchainsResult ); executionRequestPopulator.populateFromToolchains( cliRequest.request, toolchainsResult.getEffectiveToolchains() ); if ( !toolchainsResult.getProblems().isEmpty() && slf4jLogger.isWarnEnabled() ) { slf4jLogger.warn( "" ); slf4jLogger.warn( "Some problems were encountered while building the effective toolchains" ); for ( Problem problem : toolchainsResult.getProblems() ) { slf4jLogger.warn( "{} @ {}", problem.getMessage(), problem.getLocation() ); } slf4jLogger.warn( "" ); } } private Object getLocation( Source source, File defaultLocation ) { if ( source != null ) { return source.getLocation(); } return defaultLocation; } private MavenExecutionRequest populateRequest( CliRequest cliRequest ) { return populateRequest( cliRequest, cliRequest.request ); } @SuppressWarnings( "checkstyle:methodlength" ) private MavenExecutionRequest populateRequest( CliRequest cliRequest, MavenExecutionRequest request ) { CommandLine commandLine = cliRequest.commandLine; String workingDirectory = cliRequest.workingDirectory; boolean quiet = cliRequest.quiet; boolean showErrors = cliRequest.showErrors; String[] deprecatedOptions = { "up", "npu", "cpu", "npr" }; for ( String deprecatedOption : deprecatedOptions ) { if ( commandLine.hasOption( deprecatedOption ) ) { slf4jLogger.warn( "Command line option -{} is deprecated and will be removed in future Maven versions.", deprecatedOption ); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Now that we have everything that we need we will fire up plexus and // bring the maven component to life for use. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.BATCH_MODE ) ) { request.setInteractiveMode( false ); } boolean noSnapshotUpdates = false; if ( commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.SUPRESS_SNAPSHOT_UPDATES ) ) { noSnapshotUpdates = true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- List<String> goals = commandLine.getArgList(); boolean recursive = true; // this is the default behavior. String reactorFailureBehaviour = MavenExecutionRequest.REACTOR_FAIL_FAST; if ( commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.NON_RECURSIVE ) ) { recursive = false; } if ( commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.FAIL_FAST ) ) { reactorFailureBehaviour = MavenExecutionRequest.REACTOR_FAIL_FAST; } else if ( commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.FAIL_AT_END ) ) { reactorFailureBehaviour = MavenExecutionRequest.REACTOR_FAIL_AT_END; } else if ( commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.FAIL_NEVER ) ) { reactorFailureBehaviour = MavenExecutionRequest.REACTOR_FAIL_NEVER; } if ( commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.OFFLINE ) ) { request.setOffline( true ); } boolean updateSnapshots = false; if ( commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS ) ) { updateSnapshots = true; } String globalChecksumPolicy = null; if ( commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.CHECKSUM_FAILURE_POLICY ) ) { globalChecksumPolicy = MavenExecutionRequest.CHECKSUM_POLICY_FAIL; } else if ( commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.CHECKSUM_WARNING_POLICY ) ) { globalChecksumPolicy = MavenExecutionRequest.CHECKSUM_POLICY_WARN; } File baseDirectory = new File( workingDirectory, "" ).getAbsoluteFile(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Profile Activation // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- List<String> activeProfiles = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> inactiveProfiles = new ArrayList<>(); if ( commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.ACTIVATE_PROFILES ) ) { String[] profileOptionValues = commandLine.getOptionValues( CLIManager.ACTIVATE_PROFILES ); if ( profileOptionValues != null ) { for ( String profileOptionValue : profileOptionValues ) { StringTokenizer profileTokens = new StringTokenizer( profileOptionValue, "," ); while ( profileTokens.hasMoreTokens() ) { String profileAction = profileTokens.nextToken().trim(); if ( profileAction.startsWith( "-" ) || profileAction.startsWith( "!" ) ) { inactiveProfiles.add( profileAction.substring( 1 ) ); } else if ( profileAction.startsWith( "+" ) ) { activeProfiles.add( profileAction.substring( 1 ) ); } else { activeProfiles.add( profileAction ); } } } } } TransferListener transferListener; if ( quiet || cliRequest.commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.NO_TRANSFER_PROGRESS ) ) { transferListener = new QuietMavenTransferListener(); } else if ( request.isInteractiveMode() && !cliRequest.commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.LOG_FILE ) ) { // // If we're logging to a file then we don't want the console transfer listener as it will spew // download progress all over the place // transferListener = getConsoleTransferListener( cliRequest.commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.DEBUG ) ); } else { transferListener = getBatchTransferListener(); } ExecutionListener executionListener = new ExecutionEventLogger(); if ( eventSpyDispatcher != null ) { executionListener = eventSpyDispatcher.chainListener( executionListener ); } String alternatePomFile = null; if ( commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.ALTERNATE_POM_FILE ) ) { alternatePomFile = commandLine.getOptionValue( CLIManager.ALTERNATE_POM_FILE ); } request.setBaseDirectory( baseDirectory ).setGoals( goals ).setSystemProperties( cliRequest.systemProperties ).setUserProperties( cliRequest.userProperties ).setReactorFailureBehavior( reactorFailureBehaviour ) // default: fail fast .setRecursive( recursive ) // default: true .setShowErrors( showErrors ) // default: false .addActiveProfiles( activeProfiles ) // optional .addInactiveProfiles( inactiveProfiles ) // optional .setExecutionListener( executionListener ).setTransferListener( transferListener ) // default: batch mode which goes along with interactive .setUpdateSnapshots( updateSnapshots ) // default: false .setNoSnapshotUpdates( noSnapshotUpdates ) // default: false .setGlobalChecksumPolicy( globalChecksumPolicy ) // default: warn .setMultiModuleProjectDirectory( cliRequest.multiModuleProjectDirectory ); if ( alternatePomFile != null ) { File pom = resolveFile( new File( alternatePomFile ), workingDirectory ); if ( pom.isDirectory() ) { pom = new File( pom, "pom.xml" ); } request.setPom( pom ); } else if ( modelProcessor != null ) { File pom = modelProcessor.locatePom( baseDirectory ); if ( pom.isFile() ) { request.setPom( pom ); } } if ( ( request.getPom() != null ) && ( request.getPom().getParentFile() != null ) ) { request.setBaseDirectory( request.getPom().getParentFile() ); } if ( commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.RESUME_FROM ) ) { request.setResumeFrom( commandLine.getOptionValue( CLIManager.RESUME_FROM ) ); } if ( commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.PROJECT_LIST ) ) { String[] projectOptionValues = commandLine.getOptionValues( CLIManager.PROJECT_LIST ); List<String> inclProjects = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> exclProjects = new ArrayList<>(); if ( projectOptionValues != null ) { for ( String projectOptionValue : projectOptionValues ) { StringTokenizer projectTokens = new StringTokenizer( projectOptionValue, "," ); while ( projectTokens.hasMoreTokens() ) { String projectAction = projectTokens.nextToken().trim(); if ( projectAction.startsWith( "-" ) || projectAction.startsWith( "!" ) ) { exclProjects.add( projectAction.substring( 1 ) ); } else if ( projectAction.startsWith( "+" ) ) { inclProjects.add( projectAction.substring( 1 ) ); } else { inclProjects.add( projectAction ); } } } } request.setSelectedProjects( inclProjects ); request.setExcludedProjects( exclProjects ); } if ( commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.ALSO_MAKE ) && !commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.ALSO_MAKE_DEPENDENTS ) ) { request.setMakeBehavior( MavenExecutionRequest.REACTOR_MAKE_UPSTREAM ); } else if ( !commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.ALSO_MAKE ) && commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.ALSO_MAKE_DEPENDENTS ) ) { request.setMakeBehavior( MavenExecutionRequest.REACTOR_MAKE_DOWNSTREAM ); } else if ( commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.ALSO_MAKE ) && commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.ALSO_MAKE_DEPENDENTS ) ) { request.setMakeBehavior( MavenExecutionRequest.REACTOR_MAKE_BOTH ); } String localRepoProperty = request.getUserProperties().getProperty( MavenCli.LOCAL_REPO_PROPERTY ); if ( localRepoProperty == null ) { localRepoProperty = request.getSystemProperties().getProperty( MavenCli.LOCAL_REPO_PROPERTY ); } if ( localRepoProperty != null ) { request.setLocalRepositoryPath( localRepoProperty ); } request.setCacheNotFound( true ); request.setCacheTransferError( false ); // // Builder, concurrency and parallelism // // We preserve the existing methods for builder selection which is to look for various inputs in the threading // configuration. We don't have an easy way to allow a pluggable builder to provide its own configuration // parameters but this is sufficient for now. Ultimately we want components like Builders to provide a way to // extend the command line to accept its own configuration parameters. // final String threadConfiguration = commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.THREADS ) ? commandLine.getOptionValue( CLIManager.THREADS ) : null; if ( threadConfiguration != null ) { // // Default to the standard multithreaded builder // request.setBuilderId( "multithreaded" ); if ( threadConfiguration.contains( "C" ) ) { request.setDegreeOfConcurrency( calculateDegreeOfConcurrencyWithCoreMultiplier( threadConfiguration ) ); } else { request.setDegreeOfConcurrency( Integer.parseInt( threadConfiguration ) ); } } // // Allow the builder to be overridden by the user if requested. The builders are now pluggable. // if ( commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.BUILDER ) ) { request.setBuilderId( commandLine.getOptionValue( CLIManager.BUILDER ) ); } return request; } int calculateDegreeOfConcurrencyWithCoreMultiplier( String threadConfiguration ) { int procs = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); return (int) ( Float.parseFloat( threadConfiguration.replace( "C", "" ) ) * procs ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // System properties handling // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- static void populateProperties( CommandLine commandLine, Properties systemProperties, Properties userProperties ) { EnvironmentUtils.addEnvVars( systemProperties ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Options that are set on the command line become system properties // and therefore are set in the session properties. System properties // are most dominant. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( commandLine.hasOption( CLIManager.SET_SYSTEM_PROPERTY ) ) { String[] defStrs = commandLine.getOptionValues( CLIManager.SET_SYSTEM_PROPERTY ); if ( defStrs != null ) { for ( String defStr : defStrs ) { setCliProperty( defStr, userProperties ); } } } SystemProperties.addSystemProperties( systemProperties ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Properties containing info about the currently running version of Maven // These override any corresponding properties set on the command line // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Properties buildProperties = CLIReportingUtils.getBuildProperties(); String mavenVersion = buildProperties.getProperty( CLIReportingUtils.BUILD_VERSION_PROPERTY ); systemProperties.setProperty( "maven.version", mavenVersion ); String mavenBuildVersion = CLIReportingUtils.createMavenVersionString( buildProperties ); systemProperties.setProperty( "", mavenBuildVersion ); } private static void setCliProperty( String property, Properties properties ) { String name; String value; int i = property.indexOf( '=' ); if ( i <= 0 ) { name = property.trim(); value = "true"; } else { name = property.substring( 0, i ).trim(); value = property.substring( i + 1 ); } properties.setProperty( name, value ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // I'm leaving the setting of system properties here as not to break // the SystemPropertyProfileActivator. This won't harm embedding. jvz. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- System.setProperty( name, value ); } static class ExitException extends Exception { int exitCode; ExitException( int exitCode ) { this.exitCode = exitCode; } } // // Customizations available via the CLI // protected TransferListener getConsoleTransferListener( boolean printResourceNames ) { return new ConsoleMavenTransferListener( System.out, printResourceNames ); } protected TransferListener getBatchTransferListener() { return new Slf4jMavenTransferListener(); } protected void customizeContainer( PlexusContainer container ) { } protected ModelProcessor createModelProcessor( PlexusContainer container ) throws ComponentLookupException { return container.lookup( ModelProcessor.class ); } }
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