JDK 11 jdk.internal.le.jmod - Internal Line Editing Module

JDK 11 jdk.internal.le.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Internal Line Editing module.

JDK 11 Internal Line Editing module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\jdk.internal.le.jmod.

JDK 11 Internal Line Editing module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.

JDK 11 Internal Line Editing module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\src.zip\jdk.internal.le.

You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.

✍: FYIcenter


 * Copyright (c) 2002-2016, the original author or authors.
 * This software is distributable under the BSD license. See the terms of the
 * BSD license in the documentation provided with this software.
 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
package jdk.internal.jline.console;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * The KeyMap class contains all bindings from keys to operations.
 * @author <a href="mailto:gnodet@gmail.com">Guillaume Nodet</a>
 * @since 2.6
public class KeyMap {

    public static final String VI_MOVE        = "vi-move";
    public static final String VI_INSERT      = "vi-insert";
    public static final String EMACS          = "emacs";
    public static final String EMACS_STANDARD = "emacs-standard";
    public static final String EMACS_CTLX     = "emacs-ctlx";
    public static final String EMACS_META     = "emacs-meta";

    private static final int KEYMAP_LENGTH = 256;

    private static final Object NULL_FUNCTION = new Object();

    private Object[] mapping = new Object[KEYMAP_LENGTH];
    private Object anotherKey = null;
    private String name;

    public KeyMap(String name) {
        this(name, new Object[KEYMAP_LENGTH]);

    public KeyMap(String name, boolean unused) {

    protected KeyMap(String name, Object[] mapping) {
        this.mapping = mapping;
        this.name = name;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public Object getAnotherKey() {
        return anotherKey;

    public void from(KeyMap other) {
        this.mapping = other.mapping;
        this.anotherKey = other.anotherKey;

    public Object getBound( CharSequence keySeq ) {
        if (keySeq != null && keySeq.length() > 0) {
            KeyMap map = this;
            for (int i = 0; i < keySeq.length(); i++) {
                char c = keySeq.charAt(i);
                if (c > 255) {
                    return Operation.SELF_INSERT;
                if (map.mapping[c] instanceof KeyMap) {
                    if (i == keySeq.length() - 1) {
                        return map.mapping[c];
                    } else {
                        map = (KeyMap) map.mapping[c];
                } else {
                    return map.mapping[c];
        return null;

    public void bindIfNotBound( CharSequence keySeq, Object function ) {

        bind (this, keySeq, function, true);

    public void bind( CharSequence keySeq, Object function ) {

        bind (this, keySeq, function, false);

    private static void bind( KeyMap map, CharSequence keySeq, Object function ) {

        bind (map, keySeq, function, false);

    private static void bind( KeyMap map, CharSequence keySeq, Object function,
            boolean onlyIfNotBound ) {

        if (keySeq != null && keySeq.length() > 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < keySeq.length(); i++) {
                char c = keySeq.charAt(i);
                if (c >= map.mapping.length) {
                if (i < keySeq.length() - 1) {
                    if (!(map.mapping[c] instanceof KeyMap)) {
                        KeyMap m = new KeyMap("anonymous");
                        if (map.mapping[c] != Operation.DO_LOWERCASE_VERSION) {
                            m.anotherKey = map.mapping[c];
                        map.mapping[c] = m;
                    map = (KeyMap) map.mapping[c];
                } else {
                    if (function == null) {
                        function = NULL_FUNCTION;
                    if (map.mapping[c] instanceof KeyMap) {
                        map.anotherKey = function;
                    } else {
                        Object op = map.mapping[c];
                        if (onlyIfNotBound == false
                            || op == null
                            || op == Operation.DO_LOWERCASE_VERSION
                            || op == Operation.VI_MOVEMENT_MODE ) {


                        map.mapping[c] = function;

    public void setBlinkMatchingParen(boolean on) {
        if (on) {
            bind( "}", Operation.INSERT_CLOSE_CURLY );
            bind( ")", Operation.INSERT_CLOSE_PAREN );
            bind( "]", Operation.INSERT_CLOSE_SQUARE );

    private static void bindArrowKeys(KeyMap map) {

        // MS-DOS
        bind( map, "\033[0A", Operation.PREVIOUS_HISTORY );
        bind( map, "\033[0B", Operation.BACKWARD_CHAR );
        bind( map, "\033[0C", Operation.FORWARD_CHAR );
        bind( map, "\033[0D", Operation.NEXT_HISTORY );

        // Windows
        bind( map, "\340\000", Operation.KILL_WHOLE_LINE );
        bind( map, "\340\107", Operation.BEGINNING_OF_LINE );
        bind( map, "\340\110", Operation.PREVIOUS_HISTORY );
        bind( map, "\340\111", Operation.BEGINNING_OF_HISTORY );
        bind( map, "\340\113", Operation.BACKWARD_CHAR );
        bind( map, "\340\115", Operation.FORWARD_CHAR );
        bind( map, "\340\117", Operation.END_OF_LINE );
        bind( map, "\340\120", Operation.NEXT_HISTORY );
        bind( map, "\340\121", Operation.END_OF_HISTORY );
        bind( map, "\340\122", Operation.OVERWRITE_MODE );
        bind( map, "\340\123", Operation.DELETE_CHAR );

        bind( map, "\000\107", Operation.BEGINNING_OF_LINE );
        bind( map, "\000\110", Operation.PREVIOUS_HISTORY );
        bind( map, "\000\111", Operation.BEGINNING_OF_HISTORY );
        bind( map, "\000\110", Operation.PREVIOUS_HISTORY );
        bind( map, "\000\113", Operation.BACKWARD_CHAR );
        bind( map, "\000\115", Operation.FORWARD_CHAR );
        bind( map, "\000\117", Operation.END_OF_LINE );
        bind( map, "\000\120", Operation.NEXT_HISTORY );
        bind( map, "\000\121", Operation.END_OF_HISTORY );
        bind( map, "\000\122", Operation.OVERWRITE_MODE );
        bind( map, "\000\123", Operation.DELETE_CHAR );

        bind( map, "\033[A", Operation.PREVIOUS_HISTORY );
        bind( map, "\033[B", Operation.NEXT_HISTORY );
        bind( map, "\033[C", Operation.FORWARD_CHAR );
        bind( map, "\033[D", Operation.BACKWARD_CHAR );
        bind( map, "\033[H", Operation.BEGINNING_OF_LINE );
        bind( map, "\033[F", Operation.END_OF_LINE );

        bind( map, "\033OA", Operation.PREVIOUS_HISTORY );
        bind( map, "\033OB", Operation.NEXT_HISTORY );
        bind( map, "\033OC", Operation.FORWARD_CHAR );
        bind( map, "\033OD", Operation.BACKWARD_CHAR );
        bind( map, "\033OH", Operation.BEGINNING_OF_LINE );
        bind( map, "\033OF", Operation.END_OF_LINE );

        bind( map, "\033[1~", Operation.BEGINNING_OF_LINE);
        bind( map, "\033[4~", Operation.END_OF_LINE);
        bind( map, "\033[3~", Operation.DELETE_CHAR);

        // MINGW32
        bind( map, "\0340H", Operation.PREVIOUS_HISTORY );
        bind( map, "\0340P", Operation.NEXT_HISTORY );
        bind( map, "\0340M", Operation.FORWARD_CHAR );
        bind( map, "\0340K", Operation.BACKWARD_CHAR );

//    public boolean isConvertMetaCharsToAscii() {
//        return convertMetaCharsToAscii;
//    }

//    public void setConvertMetaCharsToAscii(boolean convertMetaCharsToAscii) {
//        this.convertMetaCharsToAscii = convertMetaCharsToAscii;
//    }

    public static boolean isMeta( char c ) {
        return c > 0x7f && c <= 0xff;

    public static char unMeta( char c ) {
        return (char) (c & 0x7F);

    public static char meta( char c ) {
        return (char) (c | 0x80);

    public static Map<String, KeyMap> keyMaps() {
        Map<String, KeyMap> keyMaps = new HashMap<String, KeyMap>();

        KeyMap emacs = emacs();
        keyMaps.put(EMACS, emacs);
        keyMaps.put(EMACS_STANDARD, emacs);
        keyMaps.put(EMACS_CTLX, (KeyMap) emacs.getBound("\u0018"));
        keyMaps.put(EMACS_META, (KeyMap) emacs.getBound("\u001b"));

        KeyMap viMov = viMovement();
        keyMaps.put(VI_MOVE, viMov);
        keyMaps.put("vi-command", viMov);
        keyMaps.put("vi", viMov);

        KeyMap viIns = viInsertion();
        keyMaps.put(VI_INSERT, viIns);

        return keyMaps;

    public static KeyMap emacs() {
        Object[] map = new Object[KEYMAP_LENGTH];
        Object[] ctrl = new Object[] {
                        // Control keys.
                        Operation.SET_MARK,                 /* Control-@ */
                        Operation.BEGINNING_OF_LINE,        /* Control-A */
                        Operation.BACKWARD_CHAR,            /* Control-B */
                        Operation.INTERRUPT,                /* Control-C */
                        Operation.EXIT_OR_DELETE_CHAR,      /* Control-D */
                        Operation.END_OF_LINE,              /* Control-E */
                        Operation.FORWARD_CHAR,             /* Control-F */
                        Operation.ABORT,                    /* Control-G */
                        Operation.BACKWARD_DELETE_CHAR,     /* Control-H */
                        Operation.COMPLETE,                 /* Control-I */
                        Operation.ACCEPT_LINE,              /* Control-J */
                        Operation.KILL_LINE,                /* Control-K */
                        Operation.CLEAR_SCREEN,             /* Control-L */
                        Operation.ACCEPT_LINE,              /* Control-M */
                        Operation.NEXT_HISTORY,             /* Control-N */
                        null,                               /* Control-O */
                        Operation.PREVIOUS_HISTORY,         /* Control-P */
                        Operation.QUOTED_INSERT,            /* Control-Q */
                        Operation.REVERSE_SEARCH_HISTORY,   /* Control-R */
                        Operation.FORWARD_SEARCH_HISTORY,   /* Control-S */
                        Operation.TRANSPOSE_CHARS,          /* Control-T */
                        Operation.UNIX_LINE_DISCARD,        /* Control-U */
                        Operation.QUOTED_INSERT,            /* Control-V */
                        Operation.UNIX_WORD_RUBOUT,         /* Control-W */
                        emacsCtrlX(),                       /* Control-X */
                        Operation.YANK,                     /* Control-Y */
                        null,                               /* Control-Z */
                        emacsMeta(),                        /* Control-[ */
                        null,                               /* Control-\ */
                        Operation.CHARACTER_SEARCH,         /* Control-] */
                        null,                               /* Control-^ */
                        Operation.UNDO,                     /* Control-_ */
        System.arraycopy( ctrl, 0, map, 0, ctrl.length );
        for (int i = 32; i < 256; i++) {
            map[i] = Operation.SELF_INSERT;
        map[DELETE] = Operation.BACKWARD_DELETE_CHAR;
        return new KeyMap(EMACS, map);

    public static final char CTRL_D = (char) 4;
    public static final char CTRL_G = (char) 7;
    public static final char CTRL_H = (char) 8;
    public static final char CTRL_I = (char) 9;
    public static final char CTRL_J = (char) 10;
    public static final char CTRL_M = (char) 13;
    public static final char CTRL_R = (char) 18;
    public static final char CTRL_S = (char) 19;
    public static final char CTRL_U = (char) 21;
    public static final char CTRL_X = (char) 24;
    public static final char CTRL_Y = (char) 25;
    public static final char ESCAPE = (char) 27; /* Ctrl-[ */
    public static final char CTRL_OB = (char) 27; /* Ctrl-[ */
    public static final char CTRL_CB = (char) 29; /* Ctrl-] */

    public static final int DELETE = (char) 127;

    public static KeyMap emacsCtrlX() {
        Object[] map = new Object[KEYMAP_LENGTH];
        map[CTRL_G] = Operation.ABORT;
        map[CTRL_R] = Operation.RE_READ_INIT_FILE;
        map[CTRL_U] = Operation.UNDO;
        map[CTRL_X] = Operation.EXCHANGE_POINT_AND_MARK;
        map['('] = Operation.START_KBD_MACRO;
        map[')'] = Operation.END_KBD_MACRO;
        for (int i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++) {
            map[i] = Operation.DO_LOWERCASE_VERSION;
        map['e'] = Operation.CALL_LAST_KBD_MACRO;
        map[DELETE] = Operation.KILL_LINE;
        return new KeyMap(EMACS_CTLX, map);

    public static KeyMap emacsMeta() {
        Object[] map = new Object[KEYMAP_LENGTH];
        map[CTRL_G] = Operation.ABORT;
        map[CTRL_H] = Operation.BACKWARD_KILL_WORD;
        map[CTRL_I] = Operation.TAB_INSERT;
        map[CTRL_J] = Operation.VI_EDITING_MODE;
        map[CTRL_M] = Operation.VI_EDITING_MODE;
        map[CTRL_R] = Operation.REVERT_LINE;
        map[CTRL_Y] = Operation.YANK_NTH_ARG;
        map[CTRL_OB] = Operation.COMPLETE;
        map[' '] = Operation.SET_MARK;
        map['#'] = Operation.INSERT_COMMENT;
        map['&'] = Operation.TILDE_EXPAND;
        map['*'] = Operation.INSERT_COMPLETIONS;
        map['-'] = Operation.DIGIT_ARGUMENT;
        map['.'] = Operation.YANK_LAST_ARG;
        map['<'] = Operation.BEGINNING_OF_HISTORY;
        map['='] = Operation.POSSIBLE_COMPLETIONS;
        map['>'] = Operation.END_OF_HISTORY;
        map['?'] = Operation.POSSIBLE_COMPLETIONS;
        for (int i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++) {
            map[i] = Operation.DO_LOWERCASE_VERSION;
        map['\\'] = Operation.DELETE_HORIZONTAL_SPACE;
        map['_'] = Operation.YANK_LAST_ARG;
        map['b'] = Operation.BACKWARD_WORD;
        map['c'] = Operation.CAPITALIZE_WORD;
        map['d'] = Operation.KILL_WORD;
        map['f'] = Operation.FORWARD_WORD;
        map['l'] = Operation.DOWNCASE_WORD;
        map['r'] = Operation.REVERT_LINE;
        map['t'] = Operation.TRANSPOSE_WORDS;
        map['u'] = Operation.UPCASE_WORD;
        map['y'] = Operation.YANK_POP;
        map['~'] = Operation.TILDE_EXPAND;
        map[DELETE] = Operation.BACKWARD_KILL_WORD;
        return new KeyMap(EMACS_META, map);

    public static KeyMap viInsertion() {
        Object[] map = new Object[KEYMAP_LENGTH];
        Object[] ctrl = new Object[] {
                        // Control keys.
                        null,                               /* Control-@ */
                        Operation.SELF_INSERT,              /* Control-A */
                        Operation.SELF_INSERT,              /* Control-B */
                        Operation.SELF_INSERT,              /* Control-C */
                        Operation.VI_EOF_MAYBE,             /* Control-D */
                        Operation.SELF_INSERT,              /* Control-E */
                        Operation.SELF_INSERT,              /* Control-F */
                        Operation.SELF_INSERT,              /* Control-G */
                        Operation.BACKWARD_DELETE_CHAR,     /* Control-H */
                        Operation.COMPLETE,                 /* Control-I */
                        Operation.ACCEPT_LINE,              /* Control-J */
                        Operation.SELF_INSERT,              /* Control-K */
                        Operation.SELF_INSERT,              /* Control-L */
                        Operation.ACCEPT_LINE,              /* Control-M */
                        Operation.MENU_COMPLETE,            /* Control-N */
                        Operation.SELF_INSERT,              /* Control-O */
                        Operation.MENU_COMPLETE_BACKWARD,   /* Control-P */
                        Operation.SELF_INSERT,              /* Control-Q */
                        Operation.REVERSE_SEARCH_HISTORY,   /* Control-R */
                        Operation.FORWARD_SEARCH_HISTORY,   /* Control-S */
                        Operation.TRANSPOSE_CHARS,          /* Control-T */
                        Operation.UNIX_LINE_DISCARD,        /* Control-U */
                        Operation.QUOTED_INSERT,            /* Control-V */
                        Operation.UNIX_WORD_RUBOUT,         /* Control-W */
                        Operation.SELF_INSERT,              /* Control-X */
                        Operation.YANK,                     /* Control-Y */
                        Operation.SELF_INSERT,              /* Control-Z */
                        Operation.VI_MOVEMENT_MODE,         /* Control-[ */
                        Operation.SELF_INSERT,              /* Control-\ */
                        Operation.SELF_INSERT,              /* Control-] */
                        Operation.SELF_INSERT,              /* Control-^ */
                        Operation.UNDO,                     /* Control-_ */
        System.arraycopy( ctrl, 0, map, 0, ctrl.length );
        for (int i = 32; i < 256; i++) {
            map[i] = Operation.SELF_INSERT;
        map[DELETE] = Operation.BACKWARD_DELETE_CHAR;
        return new KeyMap(VI_INSERT, map);

    public static KeyMap viMovement() {
        Object[] map = new Object[KEYMAP_LENGTH];
        Object[] low = new Object[] {
                        // Control keys.
                        null,                               /* Control-@ */
                        null,                               /* Control-A */
                        null,                               /* Control-B */
                        Operation.INTERRUPT,                /* Control-C */
                         * ^D is supposed to move down half a screen. In bash
                         * appears to be ignored.
                        Operation.VI_EOF_MAYBE,             /* Control-D */
                        Operation.EMACS_EDITING_MODE,       /* Control-E */
                        null,                               /* Control-F */
                        Operation.ABORT,                    /* Control-G */
                        Operation.BACKWARD_CHAR,            /* Control-H */
                        null,                               /* Control-I */
                        Operation.VI_MOVE_ACCEPT_LINE,      /* Control-J */
                        Operation.KILL_LINE,                /* Control-K */
                        Operation.CLEAR_SCREEN,             /* Control-L */
                        Operation.VI_MOVE_ACCEPT_LINE,      /* Control-M */
                        Operation.VI_NEXT_HISTORY,          /* Control-N */
                        null,                               /* Control-O */
                        Operation.VI_PREVIOUS_HISTORY,      /* Control-P */
                         * My testing with readline is the ^Q is ignored.
                         * Maybe this should be null?
                        Operation.QUOTED_INSERT,            /* Control-Q */

                         * TODO - Very broken.  While in forward/reverse
                         * history search the VI keyset should go out the
                         * window and we need to enter a very simple keymap.
                        Operation.REVERSE_SEARCH_HISTORY,   /* Control-R */
                        /* TODO */
                        Operation.FORWARD_SEARCH_HISTORY,   /* Control-S */
                        Operation.TRANSPOSE_CHARS,          /* Control-T */
                        Operation.UNIX_LINE_DISCARD,        /* Control-U */
                        /* TODO */
                        Operation.QUOTED_INSERT,            /* Control-V */
                        Operation.UNIX_WORD_RUBOUT,         /* Control-W */
                        null,                               /* Control-X */
                        /* TODO */
                        Operation.YANK,                     /* Control-Y */
                        null,                               /* Control-Z */
                        emacsMeta(),                        /* Control-[ */
                        null,                               /* Control-\ */
                        /* TODO */
                        Operation.CHARACTER_SEARCH,         /* Control-] */
                        null,                               /* Control-^ */
                        /* TODO */
                        Operation.UNDO,                     /* Control-_ */
                        Operation.FORWARD_CHAR,             /* SPACE */
                        null,                               /* ! */
                        null,                               /* " */
                        Operation.VI_INSERT_COMMENT,        /* # */
                        Operation.END_OF_LINE,              /* $ */
                        Operation.VI_MATCH,                 /* % */
                        Operation.VI_TILDE_EXPAND,          /* & */
                        null,                               /* ' */
                        null,                               /* ( */
                        null,                               /* ) */
                        /* TODO */
                        Operation.VI_COMPLETE,              /* * */
                        Operation.VI_NEXT_HISTORY,          /* + */
                        Operation.VI_CHAR_SEARCH,           /* , */
                        Operation.VI_PREVIOUS_HISTORY,      /* - */
                        /* TODO */
                        Operation.VI_REDO,                  /* . */
                        Operation.VI_SEARCH,                /* / */
                        Operation.VI_BEGINNING_OF_LINE_OR_ARG_DIGIT, /* 0 */
                        Operation.VI_ARG_DIGIT,             /* 1 */
                        Operation.VI_ARG_DIGIT,             /* 2 */
                        Operation.VI_ARG_DIGIT,             /* 3 */
                        Operation.VI_ARG_DIGIT,             /* 4 */
                        Operation.VI_ARG_DIGIT,             /* 5 */
                        Operation.VI_ARG_DIGIT,             /* 6 */
                        Operation.VI_ARG_DIGIT,             /* 7 */
                        Operation.VI_ARG_DIGIT,             /* 8 */
                        Operation.VI_ARG_DIGIT,             /* 9 */
                        null,                               /* : */
                        Operation.VI_CHAR_SEARCH,           /* ; */
                        null,                               /* < */
                        Operation.VI_COMPLETE,              /* = */
                        null,                               /* > */
                        Operation.VI_SEARCH,                /* ? */
                        null,                               /* @ */
                        Operation.VI_APPEND_EOL,            /* A */
                        Operation.VI_PREV_WORD,             /* B */
                        Operation.VI_CHANGE_TO_EOL,         /* C */
                        Operation.VI_DELETE_TO_EOL,         /* D */
                        Operation.VI_END_WORD,              /* E */
                        Operation.VI_CHAR_SEARCH,           /* F */
                        /* I need to read up on what this does */
                        Operation.VI_FETCH_HISTORY,         /* G */
                        null,                               /* H */
                        Operation.VI_INSERT_BEG,            /* I */
                        null,                               /* J */
                        null,                               /* K */
                        null,                               /* L */
                        null,                               /* M */
                        Operation.VI_SEARCH_AGAIN,          /* N */
                        null,                               /* O */
                        Operation.VI_PUT,                   /* P */
                        null,                               /* Q */
                        /* TODO */
                        Operation.VI_REPLACE,               /* R */
                        Operation.VI_KILL_WHOLE_LINE,       /* S */
                        Operation.VI_CHAR_SEARCH,           /* T */
                        /* TODO */
                        Operation.REVERT_LINE,              /* U */
                        null,                               /* V */
                        Operation.VI_NEXT_WORD,             /* W */
                        Operation.VI_RUBOUT,                /* X */
                        Operation.VI_YANK_TO,               /* Y */
                        null,                               /* Z */
                        null,                               /* [ */
                        Operation.VI_COMPLETE,              /* \ */
                        null,                               /* ] */
                        Operation.VI_FIRST_PRINT,           /* ^ */
                        Operation.VI_YANK_ARG,              /* _ */
                        Operation.VI_GOTO_MARK,             /* ` */
                        Operation.VI_APPEND_MODE,           /* a */
                        Operation.VI_PREV_WORD,             /* b */
                        Operation.VI_CHANGE_TO,             /* c */
                        Operation.VI_DELETE_TO,             /* d */
                        Operation.VI_END_WORD,              /* e */
                        Operation.VI_CHAR_SEARCH,           /* f */
                        null,                               /* g */
                        Operation.BACKWARD_CHAR,            /* h */
                        Operation.VI_INSERTION_MODE,        /* i */
                        Operation.NEXT_HISTORY,             /* j */
                        Operation.PREVIOUS_HISTORY,         /* k */
                        Operation.FORWARD_CHAR,             /* l */
                        Operation.VI_SET_MARK,              /* m */
                        Operation.VI_SEARCH_AGAIN,          /* n */
                        null,                               /* o */
                        Operation.VI_PUT,                   /* p */
                        null,                               /* q */
                        Operation.VI_CHANGE_CHAR,           /* r */
                        Operation.VI_SUBST,                 /* s */
                        Operation.VI_CHAR_SEARCH,           /* t */
                        Operation.UNDO,                     /* u */
                        null,                               /* v */
                        Operation.VI_NEXT_WORD,             /* w */
                        Operation.VI_DELETE,                /* x */
                        Operation.VI_YANK_TO,               /* y */
                        null,                               /* z */
                        null,                               /* { */
                        Operation.VI_COLUMN,                /* | */
                        null,                               /* } */
                        Operation.VI_CHANGE_CASE,           /* ~ */
                        Operation.VI_DELETE                 /* DEL */
        System.arraycopy( low, 0, map, 0, low.length );
        for (int i = 128; i < 256; i++) {
            map[i] = null;
        return new KeyMap(VI_MOVE, map);



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File name: jdk.internal.le-11.0.1-src.zip
File size: 116985 bytes
Release date: 2018-11-04


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