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JDK 11 jdk.jdeps.jmod - JDeps Tool
JDK 11 jdk.jdeps.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 JDeps tool, which can be invoked by the "jdeps" command.
JDK 11 JDeps tool compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\jdk.jdeps.jmod.
JDK 11 JDeps tool compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.
JDK 11 JDeps tool source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\\jdk.jdeps.
You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.
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/* * Copyright (c) 2007, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static*; import static; import static; /* * The main javap class to write the contents of a class file as text. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> */ public class ClassWriter extends BasicWriter { static ClassWriter instance(Context context) { ClassWriter instance = context.get(ClassWriter.class); if (instance == null) instance = new ClassWriter(context); return instance; } protected ClassWriter(Context context) { super(context); context.put(ClassWriter.class, this); options = Options.instance(context); attrWriter = AttributeWriter.instance(context); codeWriter = CodeWriter.instance(context); constantWriter = ConstantWriter.instance(context); } void setDigest(String name, byte[] digest) { this.digestName = name; this.digest = digest; } void setFile(URI uri) { this.uri = uri; } void setFileSize(int size) { this.size = size; } void setLastModified(long lastModified) { this.lastModified = lastModified; } protected ClassFile getClassFile() { return classFile; } protected void setClassFile(ClassFile cf) { classFile = cf; constant_pool = classFile.constant_pool; } protected Method getMethod() { return method; } protected void setMethod(Method m) { method = m; } public void write(ClassFile cf) { setClassFile(cf); if (options.sysInfo || options.verbose) { if (uri != null) { if (uri.getScheme().equals("file")) println("Classfile " + uri.getPath()); else println("Classfile " + uri); } indent(+1); if (lastModified != -1) { Date lm = new Date(lastModified); DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(); if (size > 0) { println("Last modified " + df.format(lm) + "; size " + size + " bytes"); } else { println("Last modified " + df.format(lm)); } } else if (size > 0) { println("Size " + size + " bytes"); } if (digestName != null && digest != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (byte b: digest) sb.append(String.format("%02x", b)); println(digestName + " checksum " + sb); } } Attribute sfa = cf.getAttribute(Attribute.SourceFile); if (sfa instanceof SourceFile_attribute) { println("Compiled from \"" + getSourceFile((SourceFile_attribute) sfa) + "\""); } if (options.sysInfo || options.verbose) { indent(-1); } AccessFlags flags = cf.access_flags; writeModifiers(flags.getClassModifiers()); if ( { Attribute attr = classFile.attributes.get(Attribute.Module); if (attr instanceof Module_attribute) { Module_attribute modAttr = (Module_attribute) attr; String name; try { // FIXME: compatibility code if (constant_pool.get(modAttr.module_name).getTag() == CONSTANT_Module) { name = getJavaName(constant_pool.getModuleInfo(modAttr.module_name).getName()); } else { name = getJavaName(constant_pool.getUTF8Value(modAttr.module_name)); } } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { name = report(e); } if ((modAttr.module_flags & Module_attribute.ACC_OPEN) != 0) { print("open "); } print("module "); print(name); if (modAttr.module_version_index != 0) { print("@"); print(getUTF8Value(modAttr.module_version_index)); } } else { // fallback for malformed class files print("class "); print(getJavaName(classFile)); } } else { if (classFile.isClass()) print("class "); else if (classFile.isInterface()) print("interface "); print(getJavaName(classFile)); } Signature_attribute sigAttr = getSignature(cf.attributes); if (sigAttr == null) { // use info from class file header if (classFile.isClass() && classFile.super_class != 0 ) { String sn = getJavaSuperclassName(cf); if (!sn.equals("java.lang.Object")) { print(" extends "); print(sn); } } for (int i = 0; i < classFile.interfaces.length; i++) { print(i == 0 ? (classFile.isClass() ? " implements " : " extends ") : ","); print(getJavaInterfaceName(classFile, i)); } } else { try { Type t = sigAttr.getParsedSignature().getType(constant_pool); JavaTypePrinter p = new JavaTypePrinter(classFile.isInterface()); // The signature parser cannot disambiguate between a // FieldType and a ClassSignatureType that only contains a superclass type. if (t instanceof Type.ClassSigType) { print(p.print(t)); } else if (options.verbose || !t.isObject()) { print(" extends "); print(p.print(t)); } } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { print(report(e)); } } if (options.verbose) { println(); indent(+1); println("minor version: " + cf.minor_version); println("major version: " + cf.major_version); writeList(String.format("flags: (0x%04x) ", flags.flags), flags.getClassFlags(), "\n"); print("this_class: #" + cf.this_class); if (cf.this_class != 0) { tab(); print("// " + constantWriter.stringValue(cf.this_class)); } println(); print("super_class: #" + cf.super_class); if (cf.super_class != 0) { tab(); print("// " + constantWriter.stringValue(cf.super_class)); } println(); print("interfaces: " + cf.interfaces.length); print(", fields: " + cf.fields.length); print(", methods: " + cf.methods.length); println(", attributes: " + cf.attributes.attrs.length); indent(-1); constantWriter.writeConstantPool(); } else { print(" "); } println("{"); indent(+1); if ( && !options.verbose) { writeDirectives(); } writeFields(); writeMethods(); indent(-1); println("}"); if (options.verbose) { attrWriter.write(cf, cf.attributes, constant_pool); } } // where class JavaTypePrinter implements Type.Visitor<StringBuilder,StringBuilder> { boolean isInterface; JavaTypePrinter(boolean isInterface) { this.isInterface = isInterface; } String print(Type t) { return t.accept(this, new StringBuilder()).toString(); } String printTypeArgs(List<? extends TypeParamType> typeParamTypes) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); appendIfNotEmpty(builder, "<", typeParamTypes, "> "); return builder.toString(); } @Override public StringBuilder visitSimpleType(SimpleType type, StringBuilder sb) { sb.append(getJavaName(; return sb; } @Override public StringBuilder visitArrayType(ArrayType type, StringBuilder sb) { append(sb, type.elemType); sb.append("[]"); return sb; } @Override public StringBuilder visitMethodType(MethodType type, StringBuilder sb) { appendIfNotEmpty(sb, "<", type.typeParamTypes, "> "); append(sb, type.returnType); append(sb, " (", type.paramTypes, ")"); appendIfNotEmpty(sb, " throws ", type.throwsTypes, ""); return sb; } @Override public StringBuilder visitClassSigType(ClassSigType type, StringBuilder sb) { appendIfNotEmpty(sb, "<", type.typeParamTypes, ">"); if (isInterface) { appendIfNotEmpty(sb, " extends ", type.superinterfaceTypes, ""); } else { if (type.superclassType != null && (options.verbose || !type.superclassType.isObject())) { sb.append(" extends "); append(sb, type.superclassType); } appendIfNotEmpty(sb, " implements ", type.superinterfaceTypes, ""); } return sb; } @Override public StringBuilder visitClassType(ClassType type, StringBuilder sb) { if (type.outerType != null) { append(sb, type.outerType); sb.append("."); } sb.append(getJavaName(; appendIfNotEmpty(sb, "<", type.typeArgs, ">"); return sb; } @Override public StringBuilder visitTypeParamType(TypeParamType type, StringBuilder sb) { sb.append(; String sep = " extends "; if (type.classBound != null && (options.verbose || !type.classBound.isObject())) { sb.append(sep); append(sb, type.classBound); sep = " & "; } if (type.interfaceBounds != null) { for (Type bound: type.interfaceBounds) { sb.append(sep); append(sb, bound); sep = " & "; } } return sb; } @Override public StringBuilder visitWildcardType(WildcardType type, StringBuilder sb) { switch (type.kind) { case UNBOUNDED: sb.append("?"); break; case EXTENDS: sb.append("? extends "); append(sb, type.boundType); break; case SUPER: sb.append("? super "); append(sb, type.boundType); break; default: throw new AssertionError(); } return sb; } private void append(StringBuilder sb, Type t) { t.accept(this, sb); } private void append(StringBuilder sb, String prefix, List<? extends Type> list, String suffix) { sb.append(prefix); String sep = ""; for (Type t: list) { sb.append(sep); append(sb, t); sep = ", "; } sb.append(suffix); } private void appendIfNotEmpty(StringBuilder sb, String prefix, List<? extends Type> list, String suffix) { if (!isEmpty(list)) append(sb, prefix, list, suffix); } private boolean isEmpty(List<? extends Type> list) { return (list == null || list.isEmpty()); } } protected void writeFields() { for (Field f: classFile.fields) { writeField(f); } } protected void writeField(Field f) { if (!options.checkAccess(f.access_flags)) return; AccessFlags flags = f.access_flags; writeModifiers(flags.getFieldModifiers()); Signature_attribute sigAttr = getSignature(f.attributes); if (sigAttr == null) print(getJavaFieldType(f.descriptor)); else { try { Type t = sigAttr.getParsedSignature().getType(constant_pool); print(getJavaName(t.toString())); } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { // report error? // fall back on non-generic descriptor print(getJavaFieldType(f.descriptor)); } } print(" "); print(getFieldName(f)); if (options.showConstants) { Attribute a = f.attributes.get(Attribute.ConstantValue); if (a instanceof ConstantValue_attribute) { print(" = "); ConstantValue_attribute cv = (ConstantValue_attribute) a; print(getConstantValue(f.descriptor, cv.constantvalue_index)); } } print(";"); println(); indent(+1); boolean showBlank = false; if (options.showDescriptors) println("descriptor: " + getValue(f.descriptor)); if (options.verbose) writeList(String.format("flags: (0x%04x) ", flags.flags), flags.getFieldFlags(), "\n"); if (options.showAllAttrs) { for (Attribute attr: f.attributes) attrWriter.write(f, attr, constant_pool); showBlank = true; } indent(-1); if (showBlank || options.showDisassembled || options.showLineAndLocalVariableTables) println(); } protected void writeMethods() { for (Method m: classFile.methods) writeMethod(m); setPendingNewline(false); } protected void writeMethod(Method m) { if (!options.checkAccess(m.access_flags)) return; method = m; AccessFlags flags = m.access_flags; Descriptor d; Type.MethodType methodType; List<? extends Type> methodExceptions; Signature_attribute sigAttr = getSignature(m.attributes); if (sigAttr == null) { d = m.descriptor; methodType = null; methodExceptions = null; } else { Signature methodSig = sigAttr.getParsedSignature(); d = methodSig; try { methodType = (Type.MethodType) methodSig.getType(constant_pool); methodExceptions = methodType.throwsTypes; if (methodExceptions != null && methodExceptions.isEmpty()) methodExceptions = null; } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { // report error? // fall back on standard descriptor methodType = null; methodExceptions = null; } } writeModifiers(flags.getMethodModifiers()); if (methodType != null) { print(new JavaTypePrinter(false).printTypeArgs(methodType.typeParamTypes)); } switch (getName(m)) { case "<init>": print(getJavaName(classFile)); print(getJavaParameterTypes(d, flags)); break; case "<clinit>": print("{}"); break; default: print(getJavaReturnType(d)); print(" "); print(getName(m)); print(getJavaParameterTypes(d, flags)); break; } Attribute e_attr = m.attributes.get(Attribute.Exceptions); if (e_attr != null) { // if there are generic exceptions, there must be erased exceptions if (e_attr instanceof Exceptions_attribute) { Exceptions_attribute exceptions = (Exceptions_attribute) e_attr; print(" throws "); if (methodExceptions != null) { // use generic list if available writeList("", methodExceptions, ""); } else { for (int i = 0; i < exceptions.number_of_exceptions; i++) { if (i > 0) print(", "); print(getJavaException(exceptions, i)); } } } else { report("Unexpected or invalid value for Exceptions attribute"); } } println(";"); indent(+1); if (options.showDescriptors) { println("descriptor: " + getValue(m.descriptor)); } if (options.verbose) { writeList(String.format("flags: (0x%04x) ", flags.flags), flags.getMethodFlags(), "\n"); } Code_attribute code = null; Attribute c_attr = m.attributes.get(Attribute.Code); if (c_attr != null) { if (c_attr instanceof Code_attribute) code = (Code_attribute) c_attr; else report("Unexpected or invalid value for Code attribute"); } if (options.showAllAttrs) { Attribute[] attrs = m.attributes.attrs; for (Attribute attr: attrs) attrWriter.write(m, attr, constant_pool); } else if (code != null) { if (options.showDisassembled) { println("Code:"); codeWriter.writeInstrs(code); codeWriter.writeExceptionTable(code); } if (options.showLineAndLocalVariableTables) { attrWriter.write(code, code.attributes.get(Attribute.LineNumberTable), constant_pool); attrWriter.write(code, code.attributes.get(Attribute.LocalVariableTable), constant_pool); } } indent(-1); // set pendingNewline to write a newline before the next method (if any) // if a separator is desired setPendingNewline( options.showDisassembled || options.showAllAttrs || options.showDescriptors || options.showLineAndLocalVariableTables || options.verbose); } void writeModifiers(Collection<String> items) { for (Object item: items) { print(item); print(" "); } } void writeDirectives() { Attribute attr = classFile.attributes.get(Attribute.Module); if (!(attr instanceof Module_attribute)) return; Module_attribute m = (Module_attribute) attr; for (Module_attribute.RequiresEntry entry: m.requires) { print("requires"); if ((entry.requires_flags & Module_attribute.ACC_STATIC_PHASE) != 0) print(" static"); if ((entry.requires_flags & Module_attribute.ACC_TRANSITIVE) != 0) print(" transitive"); print(" "); String mname; try { mname = getModuleName(entry.requires_index); } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { mname = report(e); } print(mname); println(";"); } for (Module_attribute.ExportsEntry entry: m.exports) { print("exports"); print(" "); String pname; try { pname = getPackageName(entry.exports_index).replace('/', '.'); } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { pname = report(e); } print(pname); boolean first = true; for (int i: entry.exports_to_index) { String mname; try { mname = getModuleName(i); } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { mname = report(e); } if (first) { println(" to"); indent(+1); first = false; } else { println(","); } print(mname); } println(";"); if (!first) indent(-1); } for (Module_attribute.OpensEntry entry: m.opens) { print("opens"); print(" "); String pname; try { pname = getPackageName(entry.opens_index).replace('/', '.'); } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { pname = report(e); } print(pname); boolean first = true; for (int i: entry.opens_to_index) { String mname; try { mname = getModuleName(i); } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { mname = report(e); } if (first) { println(" to"); indent(+1); first = false; } else { println(","); } print(mname); } println(";"); if (!first) indent(-1); } for (int entry: m.uses_index) { print("uses "); print(getClassName(entry).replace('/', '.')); println(";"); } for (Module_attribute.ProvidesEntry entry: m.provides) { print("provides "); print(getClassName(entry.provides_index).replace('/', '.')); boolean first = true; for (int i: entry.with_index) { if (first) { println(" with"); indent(+1); first = false; } else { println(","); } print(getClassName(i).replace('/', '.')); } println(";"); if (!first) indent(-1); } } String getModuleName(int index) throws ConstantPoolException { if (constant_pool.get(index).getTag() == CONSTANT_Module) { return constant_pool.getModuleInfo(index).getName(); } else { return constant_pool.getUTF8Value(index); } } String getPackageName(int index) throws ConstantPoolException { if (constant_pool.get(index).getTag() == CONSTANT_Package) { return constant_pool.getPackageInfo(index).getName(); } else { return constant_pool.getUTF8Value(index); } } String getUTF8Value(int index) { try { return classFile.constant_pool.getUTF8Value(index); } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { return report(e); } } String getClassName(int index) { try { return classFile.constant_pool.getClassInfo(index).getName(); } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { return report(e); } } void writeList(String prefix, Collection<?> items, String suffix) { print(prefix); String sep = ""; for (Object item: items) { print(sep); print(item); sep = ", "; } print(suffix); } void writeListIfNotEmpty(String prefix, List<?> items, String suffix) { if (items != null && items.size() > 0) writeList(prefix, items, suffix); } Signature_attribute getSignature(Attributes attributes) { return (Signature_attribute) attributes.get(Attribute.Signature); } String adjustVarargs(AccessFlags flags, String params) { if ( { int i = params.lastIndexOf("[]"); if (i > 0) return params.substring(0, i) + "..." + params.substring(i+2); } return params; } String getJavaName(ClassFile cf) { try { return getJavaName(cf.getName()); } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { return report(e); } } String getJavaSuperclassName(ClassFile cf) { try { return getJavaName(cf.getSuperclassName()); } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { return report(e); } } String getJavaInterfaceName(ClassFile cf, int index) { try { return getJavaName(cf.getInterfaceName(index)); } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { return report(e); } } String getJavaFieldType(Descriptor d) { try { return getJavaName(d.getFieldType(constant_pool)); } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { return report(e); } catch (InvalidDescriptor e) { return report(e); } } String getJavaReturnType(Descriptor d) { try { return getJavaName(d.getReturnType(constant_pool)); } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { return report(e); } catch (InvalidDescriptor e) { return report(e); } } String getJavaParameterTypes(Descriptor d, AccessFlags flags) { try { return getJavaName(adjustVarargs(flags, d.getParameterTypes(constant_pool))); } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { return report(e); } catch (InvalidDescriptor e) { return report(e); } } String getJavaException(Exceptions_attribute attr, int index) { try { return getJavaName(attr.getException(index, constant_pool)); } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { return report(e); } } String getValue(Descriptor d) { try { return d.getValue(constant_pool); } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { return report(e); } } String getFieldName(Field f) { try { return f.getName(constant_pool); } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { return report(e); } } String getName(Method m) { try { return m.getName(constant_pool); } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { return report(e); } } static String getJavaName(String name) { return name.replace('/', '.'); } String getSourceFile(SourceFile_attribute attr) { try { return attr.getSourceFile(constant_pool); } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { return report(e); } } /** * Get the value of an entry in the constant pool as a Java constant. * Characters and booleans are represented by CONSTANT_Intgere entries. * Character and string values are processed to escape characters outside * the basic printable ASCII set. * @param d the descriptor, giving the expected type of the constant * @param index the index of the value in the constant pool * @return a printable string containing the value of the constant. */ String getConstantValue(Descriptor d, int index) { try { ConstantPool.CPInfo cpInfo = constant_pool.get(index); switch (cpInfo.getTag()) { case ConstantPool.CONSTANT_Integer: { ConstantPool.CONSTANT_Integer_info info = (ConstantPool.CONSTANT_Integer_info) cpInfo; String t = d.getValue(constant_pool); switch (t) { case "C": // character return getConstantCharValue((char) info.value); case "Z": // boolean return String.valueOf(info.value == 1); default: // other: assume integer return String.valueOf(info.value); } } case ConstantPool.CONSTANT_String: { ConstantPool.CONSTANT_String_info info = (ConstantPool.CONSTANT_String_info) cpInfo; return getConstantStringValue(info.getString()); } default: return constantWriter.stringValue(cpInfo); } } catch (ConstantPoolException e) { return "#" + index; } } private String getConstantCharValue(char c) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append('\''); sb.append(esc(c, '\'')); sb.append('\''); return sb.toString(); } private String getConstantStringValue(String s) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\""); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { sb.append(esc(s.charAt(i), '"')); } sb.append("\""); return sb.toString(); } private String esc(char c, char quote) { if (32 <= c && c <= 126 && c != quote && c != '\\') return String.valueOf(c); else switch (c) { case '\b': return "\\b"; case '\n': return "\\n"; case '\t': return "\\t"; case '\f': return "\\f"; case '\r': return "\\r"; case '\\': return "\\\\"; case '\'': return "\\'"; case '\"': return "\\\""; default: return String.format("\\u%04x", (int) c); } } private final Options options; private final AttributeWriter attrWriter; private final CodeWriter codeWriter; private final ConstantWriter constantWriter; private ClassFile classFile; private URI uri; private long lastModified; private String digestName; private byte[] digest; private int size; private ConstantPool constant_pool; private Method method; }
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Or download all of them as a single archive file:
File name: File size: 244145 bytes Release date: 2018-11-04 Download
⇒ JDK 11 jdk.jdi.jmod - JDI Tool
2020-07-07, 37582👍, 0💬
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