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JDK 11 jdk.jdi.jmod - JDI Tool
JDK 11 jdk.jdi.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 JDI (Java Debug Interface) tool.
JDK 11 JDI tool compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\jdk.jdi.jmod.
JDK 11 JDI tool compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.
JDK 11 JDI tool source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\\jdk.jdi.
You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.
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/* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.sun.jdi.AbsentInformationException; import com.sun.jdi.LocalVariable; import com.sun.jdi.Location; import com.sun.jdi.VirtualMachine; import; import; /** * Represents methods with method bodies. * That is, non-native non-abstract methods. * Private to MethodImpl. */ public class ConcreteMethodImpl extends MethodImpl { /* * A subset of the line number info that is softly cached */ static private class SoftLocationXRefs { final String stratumID; // The stratum of this information final Map<Integer, List<Location>> lineMapper; // Maps line number to location(s) final List<Location> lineLocations; // List of locations ordered by code index /* * Note: these do not necessarily correspond to * the line numbers of the first and last elements * in the lineLocations list. Use these only for bounds * checking and with lineMapper. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") final int lowestLine; @SuppressWarnings("unused") final int highestLine; SoftLocationXRefs(String stratumID, Map<Integer, List<Location>> lineMapper, List<Location> lineLocations, int lowestLine, int highestLine) { this.stratumID = stratumID; this.lineMapper = Collections.unmodifiableMap(lineMapper); this.lineLocations = Collections.unmodifiableList(lineLocations); this.lowestLine = lowestLine; this.highestLine = highestLine; } } private Location location = null; private SoftReference<SoftLocationXRefs> softBaseLocationXRefsRef; private SoftReference<SoftLocationXRefs> softOtherLocationXRefsRef; private SoftReference<List<LocalVariable>> variablesRef = null; private boolean absentVariableInformation = false; private long firstIndex = -1; private long lastIndex = -1; private SoftReference<byte[]> bytecodesRef = null; private int argSlotCount = -1; ConcreteMethodImpl(VirtualMachine vm, ReferenceTypeImpl declaringType, long ref, String name, String signature, String genericSignature, int modifiers) { // The generic signature is set when this is created super(vm, declaringType, ref, name, signature, genericSignature, modifiers); } public Location location() { if (location == null) { getBaseLocations(); } return location; } List<Location> sourceNameFilter(List<Location> list, SDE.Stratum stratum, String sourceName) throws AbsentInformationException { if (sourceName == null) { return list; } else { /* needs sourceName filteration */ List<Location> locs = new ArrayList<>(); for (Location loc : list) { if (((LocationImpl)loc).sourceName(stratum).equals(sourceName)) { locs.add(loc); } } return locs; } } List<Location> allLineLocations(SDE.Stratum stratum, String sourceName) throws AbsentInformationException { List<Location> lineLocations = getLocations(stratum).lineLocations; if (lineLocations.size() == 0) { throw new AbsentInformationException(); } return Collections.unmodifiableList( sourceNameFilter(lineLocations, stratum, sourceName)); } List<Location> locationsOfLine(SDE.Stratum stratum, String sourceName, int lineNumber) throws AbsentInformationException { SoftLocationXRefs info = getLocations(stratum); if (info.lineLocations.size() == 0) { throw new AbsentInformationException(); } /* * Find the locations which match the line number * passed in. */ List<Location> list = info.lineMapper.get(lineNumber); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<>(0); } return Collections.unmodifiableList( sourceNameFilter(list, stratum, sourceName)); } public Location locationOfCodeIndex(long codeIndex) { if (firstIndex == -1) { getBaseLocations(); } /* * Check for invalid code index. */ if (codeIndex < firstIndex || codeIndex > lastIndex) { return null; } return new LocationImpl(virtualMachine(), this, codeIndex); } LineInfo codeIndexToLineInfo(SDE.Stratum stratum, long codeIndex) { if (firstIndex == -1) { getBaseLocations(); } /* * Check for invalid code index. */ if (codeIndex < firstIndex || codeIndex > lastIndex) { throw new InternalError("Location with invalid code index"); } List<Location> lineLocations = getLocations(stratum).lineLocations; /* * Check for absent line numbers. */ if (lineLocations.size() == 0) { return super.codeIndexToLineInfo(stratum, codeIndex); } Iterator<Location> iter = lineLocations.iterator(); /* * Treat code before the beginning of the first line table * entry as part of the first line. javac will generate * code like this for some local classes. This "prolog" * code contains assignments from locals in the enclosing * scope to synthetic fields in the local class. Same for * other language prolog code. */ LocationImpl bestMatch = (LocationImpl); while (iter.hasNext()) { LocationImpl current = (LocationImpl); if (current.codeIndex() > codeIndex) { break; } bestMatch = current; } return bestMatch.getLineInfo(stratum); } public List<LocalVariable> variables() throws AbsentInformationException { return getVariables(); } public List<LocalVariable> variablesByName(String name) throws AbsentInformationException { List<LocalVariable> variables = getVariables(); List<LocalVariable> retList = new ArrayList<>(2); Iterator<LocalVariable> iter = variables.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { LocalVariable variable =; if ( { retList.add(variable); } } return retList; } public List<LocalVariable> arguments() throws AbsentInformationException { List<LocalVariable> variables = getVariables(); List<LocalVariable> retList = new ArrayList<>(variables.size()); Iterator<LocalVariable> iter = variables.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { LocalVariable variable =; if (variable.isArgument()) { retList.add(variable); } } return retList; } public byte[] bytecodes() { byte[] bytecodes = (bytecodesRef == null) ? null : bytecodesRef.get(); if (bytecodes == null) { try { bytecodes = JDWP.Method.Bytecodes. process(vm, declaringType, ref).bytes; } catch (JDWPException exc) { throw exc.toJDIException(); } bytecodesRef = new SoftReference<>(bytecodes); } /* * Arrays are always modifiable, so it is a little unsafe * to return the cached bytecodes directly; instead, we * make a clone at the cost of using more memory. */ return bytecodes.clone(); } int argSlotCount() throws AbsentInformationException { if (argSlotCount == -1) { getVariables(); } return argSlotCount; } private SoftLocationXRefs getLocations(SDE.Stratum stratum) { if (stratum.isJava()) { return getBaseLocations(); } String stratumID =; SoftLocationXRefs info = (softOtherLocationXRefsRef == null) ? null : softOtherLocationXRefsRef.get(); if (info != null && info.stratumID.equals(stratumID)) { return info; } List<Location> lineLocations = new ArrayList<Location>(); Map<Integer, List<Location>> lineMapper = new HashMap<>(); int lowestLine = -1; int highestLine = -1; SDE.LineStratum lastLineStratum = null; SDE.Stratum baseStratum = declaringType.stratum(SDE.BASE_STRATUM_NAME); Iterator<Location> it = getBaseLocations().lineLocations.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { LocationImpl loc = (LocationImpl); int baseLineNumber = loc.lineNumber(baseStratum); SDE.LineStratum lineStratum = stratum.lineStratum(declaringType, baseLineNumber); if (lineStratum == null) { // location not mapped in this stratum continue; } int lineNumber = lineStratum.lineNumber(); // remove unmapped and dup lines if ((lineNumber != -1) && (!lineStratum.equals(lastLineStratum))) { lastLineStratum = lineStratum; // Remember the largest/smallest line number if (lineNumber > highestLine) { highestLine = lineNumber; } if ((lineNumber < lowestLine) || (lowestLine == -1)) { lowestLine = lineNumber; } loc.addStratumLineInfo( new StratumLineInfo(stratumID, lineNumber, lineStratum.sourceName(), lineStratum.sourcePath())); // Add to the location list lineLocations.add(loc); // Add to the line -> locations map Integer key = lineNumber; List<Location> mappedLocs = lineMapper.get(key); if (mappedLocs == null) { mappedLocs = new ArrayList<Location>(1); lineMapper.put(key, mappedLocs); } mappedLocs.add(loc); } } info = new SoftLocationXRefs(stratumID, lineMapper, lineLocations, lowestLine, highestLine); softOtherLocationXRefsRef = new SoftReference<>(info); return info; } private SoftLocationXRefs getBaseLocations() { SoftLocationXRefs info = (softBaseLocationXRefsRef == null) ? null : softBaseLocationXRefsRef.get(); if (info != null) { return info; } JDWP.Method.LineTable lntab = null; try { lntab = JDWP.Method.LineTable.process(vm, declaringType, ref); } catch (JDWPException exc) { /* * Note: the absent info error shouldn't happen here * because the first and last index are always available. */ throw exc.toJDIException(); } int count = lntab.lines.length; List<Location> lineLocations = new ArrayList<>(count); Map<Integer, List<Location>>lineMapper = new HashMap<>(); int lowestLine = -1; int highestLine = -1; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { long bci = lntab.lines[i].lineCodeIndex; int lineNumber = lntab.lines[i].lineNumber; /* * Some compilers will point multiple consecutive * lines at the same location. We need to choose * one of them so that we can consistently map back * and forth between line and location. So we choose * to record only the last line entry at a particular * location. */ if ((i + 1 == count) || (bci != lntab.lines[i+1].lineCodeIndex)) { // Remember the largest/smallest line number if (lineNumber > highestLine) { highestLine = lineNumber; } if ((lineNumber < lowestLine) || (lowestLine == -1)) { lowestLine = lineNumber; } LocationImpl loc = new LocationImpl(virtualMachine(), this, bci); loc.addBaseLineInfo( new BaseLineInfo(lineNumber, declaringType)); // Add to the location list lineLocations.add(loc); // Add to the line -> locations map Integer key = lineNumber; List<Location> mappedLocs = lineMapper.get(key); if (mappedLocs == null) { mappedLocs = new ArrayList<>(1); lineMapper.put(key, mappedLocs); } mappedLocs.add(loc); } } /* * firstIndex, lastIndex, and startLocation need to be * retrieved only once since they are strongly referenced. */ if (location == null) { firstIndex = lntab.start; lastIndex = lntab.end; /* * The startLocation is the first one in the * location list if we have one; * otherwise, we construct a location for a * method start with no line info */ if (count > 0) { location = lineLocations.get(0); } else { location = new LocationImpl(virtualMachine(), this, firstIndex); } } info = new SoftLocationXRefs(SDE.BASE_STRATUM_NAME, lineMapper, lineLocations, lowestLine, highestLine); softBaseLocationXRefsRef = new SoftReference<SoftLocationXRefs>(info); return info; } private List<LocalVariable> getVariables1_4() throws AbsentInformationException { JDWP.Method.VariableTable vartab = null; try { vartab = JDWP.Method.VariableTable. process(vm, declaringType, ref); } catch (JDWPException exc) { if (exc.errorCode() == JDWP.Error.ABSENT_INFORMATION) { absentVariableInformation = true; throw new AbsentInformationException(); } else { throw exc.toJDIException(); } } // Get the number of slots used by argument variables argSlotCount = vartab.argCnt; int count = vartab.slots.length; List<LocalVariable> variables = new ArrayList<>(count); for (int i=0; i<count; i++) { JDWP.Method.VariableTable.SlotInfo si = vartab.slots[i]; /* * Skip "this*" entries because they are never real * variables from the JLS perspective. */ if (!"this$") && !"this")) { Location scopeStart = new LocationImpl(virtualMachine(), this, si.codeIndex); Location scopeEnd = new LocationImpl(virtualMachine(), this, si.codeIndex + si.length - 1); LocalVariable variable = new LocalVariableImpl(virtualMachine(), this, si.slot, scopeStart, scopeEnd,, si.signature, null); // Add to the variable list variables.add(variable); } } return variables; } private List<LocalVariable> getVariables1() throws AbsentInformationException { if (!vm.canGet1_5LanguageFeatures()) { return getVariables1_4(); } JDWP.Method.VariableTableWithGeneric vartab = null; try { vartab = JDWP.Method.VariableTableWithGeneric. process(vm, declaringType, ref); } catch (JDWPException exc) { if (exc.errorCode() == JDWP.Error.ABSENT_INFORMATION) { absentVariableInformation = true; throw new AbsentInformationException(); } else { throw exc.toJDIException(); } } // Get the number of slots used by argument variables argSlotCount = vartab.argCnt; int count = vartab.slots.length; List<LocalVariable> variables = new ArrayList<LocalVariable>(count); for (int i=0; i<count; i++) { JDWP.Method.VariableTableWithGeneric.SlotInfo si = vartab.slots[i]; /* * Skip "this*" entries because they are never real * variables from the JLS perspective. */ if (!"this$") && !"this")) { Location scopeStart = new LocationImpl(virtualMachine(), this, si.codeIndex); Location scopeEnd = new LocationImpl(virtualMachine(), this, si.codeIndex + si.length - 1); LocalVariable variable = new LocalVariableImpl(virtualMachine(), this, si.slot, scopeStart, scopeEnd,, si.signature, si.genericSignature); // Add to the variable list variables.add(variable); } } return variables; } private List<LocalVariable> getVariables() throws AbsentInformationException { if (absentVariableInformation) { throw new AbsentInformationException(); } List<LocalVariable> variables = (variablesRef == null) ? null : variablesRef.get(); if (variables != null) { return variables; } variables = getVariables1(); variables = Collections.unmodifiableList(variables); variablesRef = new SoftReference<>(variables); return variables; } }
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⇒ JDK 11 jdk.jdwp.agent.jmod - JDWP Agent Module
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